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AL A2. BI. B2 cl. 2. Di. D2. D3. D4 Grade 11 ~ Textbook (CAPS Eaton) CONTENTS Number systems and exponents Algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities Numeric patterns Functions Financial Mathematics Analytical Geometry Trigonometry Surface areas and volumes Euclidian Geometry Data handling Probability ‘This book was compiled and processed by E.J. Du Toit in 2008, Caps edition in 2012. Contact number: 086 618 3709 (Fax!) Copyright 2008. All copyrights reserved, No part ofthis publicat reproduced in any form; unless written consent was obtained. ISBN 978-1-919957-81-4 Page: 9 a 2 62 2 94 98 120 133 may be Chapter Al lumber systems and exponents L.A Number systems: Esersise (Complete: ‘Natural umbers: * Whole mmbers: N= "Integers * Rational numbers: = + Real numbers (2) Write three examples of Iratonal numbers (@) Consider: afr - Oye? = SHO? + x -3) = 0. Solve for and write the value(s of x for which the solution ofthe equation wll have (@) itrtional roots, (6) integral roots (©) natural rors (4) Complete the following digram which presents the eystem of real numbers: Real numbers ‘Rational numbers ae inmge —) ‘Al.2 Non-Real numbers: Examples of non-real numbers: Butoot =8 .beeaue 292x254 CF = 2 Exec 2: (4) Determine whether the fllowing numbers are real or non-eal, If real, indicate whether the ‘number i ational or iatonl: @ 7 o oon o © 03 o & wo iB m1 o fr @ 0 (2) State whether the fllowing statements ae true or false: (@) The product of two integers is always an integer again (©) The product of tw irrational numbers i always an ieational number. (6) If miga natural number, v4 m wil also bea satual number. (@) Thediflerence beween two rational numbers i always a rtional mmber, {€) The quotient of @ rational number and an irrational number will always be rational 8) For which values of x willthe following statements be: (undefined (i) non-real ©) et (4 Given: P = By ~ 1, To which ofthe following numbers system(s) wil P belong if (Number systems: Ni: Ns Z: Q: Q's R or Ri} yet my yes 1.3 Representation of real numbers: ‘As already seen in the previous grades, the real numbers canbe represented by using on ofthe {allowing ways (2) Interval notation. (6) Ona number line (6) As an inequality in set builder notation. Remember the following symbals: \U—> the union of 0 oe more intervals or ets 1 => the intersection of to oF mone intervals o ses. Exetise 3: Redraw and complete the following table Selbullder notation: Tniewval notation: [ Namber Tne () | ites s2ixeR) e re [2:5] eo ye besa) z 0 Pane ep 43 ou © | pl yesveny o me 0:4) 0 R stot S43 240 @ | (mms 6:me B} © | kite x <2ix€ 2 0 xe Glin) © (1) Givea synonym for “now-real aumbers {@) Do some investigation regarding complex numbers and the numbers it cont Al.4 Exponents and surds: All Exponents: Basic exponential laws and properties: wy xtxxte xt @ xe xt eat @ GY =a ) Go) = ary oe (2) 2 oy © Go = ayn we (APS 6 et o x4 x aI emne 2 and n> 9 wit net Eg! Sinplifyand write your aneser asa postive exponent: we! sw _ Is co AY xa ORF OTT mre Exerie 4 ‘Simplify, without using a calculator: (Write answers as positive exponents!) (ase @ (t=) Cn owt ant © c2snty 6 (ob alot aft) sett fnttat ys o @ BSS) (oy 9) ° wm ay an 0 a cis) aR + (1288 «6 an aw PS 3x2 tat P50! wo OO ae 38363 Sgt 4 ay Sw 3 ay SLES eo a a SS ALA2 Surds: Remember: x7 = J imme Z and » 2 2) Eg2 Simplify: (a) 33 + N12 = 10)? ) SB x Mi = fe? ~V16 ~4 iaif Wie Wis nae iii ot = 44+ N39 1 (WB + S-Ni = Ded + (BR? - NT © DAA + BF ~ Nan NP + 503 20287 ~ 42 51 ie Eg} Rationalize the denominator: a 2+ an = dell + ix Vi xv? _ MESS Ni+4 ae wie. Mt. ae erin (1) Simplify, without using a alelator: @ 8-28 +2) @ B+ -ve ow aes iar © Wa -F (0 meltiat — ita @ Bi (Vit ~ fF + 208) (hy £5 8 a ei — i ea b+ vals ~ V5) qeie_+ ier o Peeks o Soe 2) Simplify, without using cleuatr,IFnecessry, rationalize the denominator. @ Aes oo i © 5 18 5 e ALS REVISION EXERCISE: (0) Consider P= (1: VB 4 101: ¥ aa IS 3 0.13826....2 2: 567.0; 28, 700 7 5 , \Write down the numbers in et P which belong 10 each of he fellowing: (4) Natural numbers 2 (6) Iratonal umbers we @irc describe the value of C as eal/ non-real and rational rational its 8) Are he following tue or false? @ (3) © Fe a1 @ vee ® Pxt=s © 2-4) (4) Provetat fT ie between 3 and 4, wihou using caleulatr (5) Simplify the following, without using caleustor. (twin x = 20a! @ sdxdautee aT x Ve @ ayy 1s) ge eee} © 34 > “ a3 o Uz aes) 2.5" ~ 100.5"? (0,25) x 32"* oe Spe o Sex a8y"* + 27 y* 3.3" + m.27 o Tsar o ey mand B= n, provethat JE + Vib + Wx - VB = m+ 2m ° Chapter A2 Algebraic expressions and equations A2.L Simplifying algebraic fractions: Bgl Simplis: Po ty 16 rs ayy ty aH wy @r2t-yn2 yal Uy + 2y = Hy +2) oa) (v + 2h + 2-0) pal (eer “et ete ‘Simplify: (No denominators are equal 0 zero!) Sra o a tO} = xzyes Spe) yo ay @ ‘A2.2 Equations with fractions: ‘The ifrence between an expression and an equation: Algebraic expression: oH Tas a LOM = x(e + 20-2) ee OG Dando 2 * Gael al steoale=2) Povewes Me) = ae +2) s+ er = 2) Pesthee Saeed pan were 5 Pew aeo oo GMD =o fate Eg. 2 Sobvex: Cee2ved) ~ (reaend) ~ Greaia-2) LCM = tc 42)6e+4Ne—1) x #2 KH and XAT (ox) heeled (ome) leaky) _ (ose 8) re 7 ay 7 G 0-3 Gee #2) = ae 4 Oh + BD 83 Oe 4 De ae Ww See He st ae ses 3 br o540) 7 O= Oe + ye +) t=O or xT =O xed weer Exercise? Solve the lowing equations: 0 6 6 1 o ® ° 0) ‘A23. Solving equations by using squaring and extraction of roots: Eg3 Sohex: fa) x +3)? -8=0 fb) eal 4x-2 @ wri ns ) FAT =2- wtyr=s rai} -2-0° weyins OFT - 4-4 ee staeat Met Dasiteee regea? aeerer cass or wean Dmx? - ae xe 8) suns = 2477 40-2 RAS = 0 = 4-2-0 1S = aus suis = 248s 7 + 8-2 + 26)-6 +0 is = Ras Exsreise 3: Solver: (if necessary, leave your answerin simplest sud form) wy fires =4 ® o-r-s @ \FFR-r=0 WFFTe=r-1 () oxti= fers © x-vR=2 (9) S=3e = fee @ a4 3? 216 =9 ) x-\i-%r=0 1) I> +1=x A2.4 K-method / Substitution: gd Sohefors: (x3 39? 8x? xy 4D =O Ow fist reaction i usualy remove the brace ate del ta Re FAR + TD Bua then we ar ft with an equation othe fourth degree t solve You can‘ do ths yet! ‘Therefore we take anther roe namely substation or alo kyowm asthe kmetho Substinte euch (x? = 3) witha ke Let (&° ~ 3) = K sede tx a tax + 12 = 0 Elms eo ork) 0 k-6=0 ok? Konx- 660 or xo -x-2= 0 foubstioge kwith (x? = uy) &- 3a +7 =O wet yao bead o gaa ssl oo 1 Exorine 4 Solve the following equations: (7-39? 267 = 8 @) (8 - sn? = 36 ° ere 6) alt = © eo ) 8 —se43- (GF = BY = By? ay ® Sere? ‘The following are examples of complete squares: sr sO: &-D ret (27-8 16) isalso a compete square because (84 +16) =O Ae 4) = 8)? “Any expression nthe format x? + br can be writen a compete sua by aoding the cost constant vale @: c= Eg st Gr ox Get ESP > x 6 +9 = oe 3)? completesquare! or x4 op x + Or + (FF > x? - Ge +228 = Oe + $) > complete square! Eg Solve x by completing the square: fa xO yo? + ae 4d fee? () det 4 ae en ce Bast Poedened Pebed aya + get Goal og + Gea? ix 2F = 4Ji6 + det Gal = 4+ Ged x-2etd wot des = sah = jay ee ner (1) Solve the unknown in each ofthe following by completing the square [IF necessary. eave the answer in simplest surd form.) @ PF +m-9= pi - pt 3=0 © Femws7eo @ © m= dm +2) = 6 y+ yrre0 ats 4 €) sate miso nef lowing competing ep: [UF necessary, round of correct o one deci (a) Bale - 10) = 4 ©) pi-mp+3=% (om? 3m + 1 = Ot mn @ @rt Ie -D=2 (6) Solve x by completing the square @ Se 15se +30 (0) at 42-30 (© ple + p) = 2p ® wt theron A2.6 Quadratic form Consider ex Sno.3d: If rissolvedin ax? + by + © = 0 interms ofa bande, the following willbe the answer: bs t-te “The above formulae i the formulae used to solve any quadratic equation as writen in the format ax? + br + © ~ 0, eS Sobers Ife te > = 3 [ifnecessary. leave the Ye syte+ nd 2? 2x Y=3 Bet 6-350 de liege Peon _ bi toe ~ 2a 94 (EP OH ae fiom 7 _ ie 7 4,NB get else Exercise 6 (1) Solve [Ufnecessir, round off, correct to 2 decimals} @ ae + ae-5=0 @) 1420 © @ 30+ 0 @ aries .7 @ 2 +5r-7=0 @ 2-61 @) G+)? A+ Ne N=7 (0) pet = 3pr4 2-0 (2) Solves: (Ktmecesary, leave the answer in simplest sud form) ® =i » 3-34. €) (@) Solve for Ab) Hence, or in any other way, solve x + 2th = i=? [IF necessary. round offto I desma} (4 () Sovefor p: Sam p= p (©) Hence, ora any ater way. salve $a s2e-1 » wea [tf necessary, round off othe nearest integer] A2.7 Quadratic inequalities: Method | Eg? Sees: (e~ Yee +2) $0 eee ete) ofotlo ‘eg tc ite aconesin hifotale nb teangs t+ peal fore Todi he Ghoti iefors nara I> y= (4 « 9e4e 2) = (3962) = 414 eee p13 e ys Go ae Chon ey sehforsinareo3: 3) =o) = Oe) = 28 3 Choose x= 3 @-Ha+2 = My =o Choose any value for in area 3. 7-37 +2) = GO) = 436 Uf && ~ 3)x + 2) < 0, we obtain the oO 0 eas aetna oe ®yoyo 2exs3 Fact ‘Method 2 E gf Sobex: x! > 4 ao0 {The one side must be equal to 0) me 2>0 (Factorise} ww eth qr non parole sche nga 1 enema rere: VS mp aca LN 2 Mate a rough sketh of y = 32 = 4 Show te form and the intercepts. at Solution: <2 of w>? Ego Sobex: =x! - 350 Divide throughout with Factrise: Inerpret te solution graphical: Solution: Eg 10 Solve m Im” + 2> 4m 2m + mb 2 > 0 {Get ll terms on the one side} mi tnt 130 [Divide throughout with 2) m+ him =) > 0 [Factorise} m+ yt >0 But any complete square, ()°, is abvays positive! me Ribu 2 Hin +1)? 0, because tis only >) Exercise: (1) Solve the flowing inequalities: @ t+ 12> 0 peas (© an? => 0 @ 4-kex (me s2m+8 @- net D> 3s (@ 2-lor+x? 20 () (m+ 3m) <0 @ ox te <3r-16 @ 3p +3) > 20 = De 2 +5) 0 WM w43 set (m) 2 Beta <3) © +1) - aps Dro (0) 2412-1 < Get 2G) Psa +x>0 (2) Consider: y (a) For which values of x will be undefined? () For which values ofx wil ybe nora? () Condes yea? + aes 5 (e Solvexity = 0 (&) Write y © 3° + 4x + 5 inthe farm y= (x + p)? + g by completing the square. (©) Hence, orany other way, solves: x? + 4x +5 > 0 @ @ Soke @ +)? -30r42)41=0 [IF necessary, leave the answer in simplest sud form.) (©) Hones, solvex: (e+ 1)? < 30K +2) = ‘A28 Simultaneous equations: m1 and 2! = 3+y Egil Solwexands: 2s Ua ee 2x = 3. Qr- I)? Bet = 3g et Bt add tte 6 te 280 Be 10 (e+ Nie - eEd=0 or From: Exercise & (1) Solve the following equations simultaneously @ vere and aye #1 y ® a and om? = 2m + 3m? = 2 © debe end ® podedy and © y and © 2w= 3b snd © sand OO) and o amen a3 and o Raye end @)(@) Solvetor p and g pt yn (b) Hence or anyother way, solve for x and y A2.9 Exponential equations: Bgi2 Solves: (a o ad a Eg Sovex 2 yaa PM 2a 20-92-22 2-Y a2 Ded Solve for: (2) = 68 @ 3-27-00) 4 05 2x3 8 © (6 aM vie ® @ r= (an) 3 ay 4h xe =1 2) 2s = 004 (3) 54 hast = 30 ay 2 a ae as) -Peset eo 6 Gea aox gts an at ws. (18) ONT! 27K9" 38H IV = 0 A2.10 REVISION EXERCISE: (1) Consider: A = 1 2.= Be te aT (2) Simplify A. () Foc which value(s) ofx will A be undefined (©) Solve far if A = 2. @) @) Solvefor ps p+ B (6) Hence, orin any other way, solvex: 2x? — 3x — 3+ (8) Consider B= 80 55-3 +x (4) For which values of wil Bbe non-eal? (8) Caloulate if B= 1 () Solve xby using two different methods: 2x° - 8 Tf necessary, leave your answer in simplest sud form. 18) Determine two values fr m for which the following expression will be complete squares: @ Pmt 0 y+ may yee (6) Determine in terms of m and m by completing the square 2me! = dine + 6n = 0 () Consider: (2x - 1p + 4) = 0. For which values of wil: @ x4 Ord 2» (8) Solves. I necessary, approximate to de decimals: (me 3) 84 ra @ y 437200 ond «ot (0) Solve the following equations simultaneously @ reyes wd eT @ wey and Styey a9 (10) (@) Solve , core to one decimal (0) Heeee, or in any oer way, solve ss sor 3) 3a + = x + 6r-4>0 (1) Re) =? + Ge and gle) = 8 - 2°, calulae [te mecessary eave your answer in simplest sur form.) () if gay = 0 (6) 16) (6) x if Ro) = ale: (12) Consider: P For which value(s) ofx wil (@) P benon-real (©) P boundafined (13) Consider: bx) = a(2e + INer® 3M ~ 6. Solves hs) =O, with (2) a whole umber (©) an rational number, {6} non-ea, (2) animepe. $i art = ay = ay? = 0 (14) Determine (15) (@) Provethat 3¢¢ + 1) + 4 > 0 forall eal values of (b) Hence or in any other way. solve x» 4 <9 ee See ea (16) Ione ofthe wots of mx asthe other 100. = Ay #11 0, ieequal tI, caeulte the value of mas well OD pay = + ae and gi) = po) +5 (2) Prove, by completing the square that gis) = (x + 2)? + 1 () Hence, orin any other way, solvexif qx) 2 0

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