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Name: Félix Antonio Mercedes Mercedes ID: 21-eisn-2-047

• Write ten sentences in simple present.

1. I wake up early every morning.
2. She likes to read books in her free time.
3. They play basketball every Saturday.
4. He works as a teacher at a local school.
5. We eat dinner together as a family.
6. The cat sleeps on the couch all day.
7. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
8. I enjoy listening to music while I clean the house.
9. They always go for a walk after dinner.
10. My mom cooks delicious meals for us.

• In pair write a conversation in simple present.

Felix: Hey Karen, how are you doing?

Karen: Hi Felix! I'm doing well, and you?
Felix: I'm good too, thanks. What have you been up to lately?
Karen: Well, I've been working a lot and I've also been
learning to play the guitar.
Felix: That's awesome! You've always had a talent for music.
How's it going with the guitar?
Karen: Thanks, Felix. I've been practicing every day and I'm
slowly getting better.
Felix: That's great. I'd love to hear you play someday. By the
way, have you seen the latest movie that came out?

Karen: Yes, I saw it last weekend. It was a really exciting

action movie.
Felix: Oh, wow! I love action movies. Would you recommend
watching it?
Karen: Definitely, it's a movie worth watching. It has a lot of
action and an interesting plot.
Felix: Perfect, I'll definitely add it to my list of movies to watch.
Hey, would you like to grab a coffee this afternoon?
Karen: Sure, I'd love to. Let's meet at our usual café at 4 pm.
Felix: Great! See you there then. Goodbye, Karen!
Karen: Goodbye, Felix. See you soon

• Investigate thirty parts of the human body.

1. Head 11. Chest 21. Knees

2. Eyes 12. Back 22. Lower legs
3. Ears 13. Arms 23. Ankles
4. Nose 14. Elbows 24. Feet
5. Mouth 15. Forearms 25. Toes
6. Teeth 16. Wrist 26. Skin
7. Tongue 17. Hands 27. Hair
8. Throat 18. Fingers 28. Nails
9. Neck 19. Hips 29. Muscles
10. Shoulders 20. Thighs 30.Bones
• Write ten sentences in simple past with was/were.
1. I was at the park yesterday.
2. He was happy when he received the news.
3. They were best friends in high school.
4. She was a talented singer in her youth.
5. We were late for the meeting yesterday.
6. The weather was sunny and warm last weekend.
7. The restaurant we went to last night was crowded.
8. The movie we watched last night was amazing.
9. My parents were proud of my achievements.
10. The concert last week was a memorable experience

• Investigate twenty irregular verbs and ten regular verbs in

present, past and translate it to Spanish.

Irregular Verbs:
1. Be (present) - Was/were (past) - Ser/estar (Spanish)
2. Begin (present) - Began (past) - Empezar (Spanish)
3. Break (present) - Broke (past) - Romper (Spanish)
4. Bring (present) - Brought (past) - Traer (Spanish)
5. Build (present) - Built (past) - Construir (Spanish)
6. Buy (present) - Bought (past) - Comprar (Spanish)
7. Choose (present) - Chose (past) - Elegir (Spanish)
8. Drive (present) - Drove (past) - Conducir/manejar (Spanish)
9. Eat (present) - Ate (past) - Comer (Spanish)
10. Fall (present) - Fell (past) - Caerse/ caer (Spanish)
Regular Verbs:
1. Play (present) - Played (past) - Jugar (Spanish)
2. Watch (present) - Watched (past) - Mirar (Spanish)
3. Talk (present) - Talked (past) - Hablar (Spanish)
4. Listen (present) - Listened (past) - Escuchar (Spanish)
5. Work (present) - Worked (past) - Trabajar (Spanish)
6. Clean (present) - Cleaned (past) - Limpiar (Spanish)
7. Help (present) - Helped (past) - Ayudar (Spanish)
8. Laugh (present) - Laughed (past) - Reírse (Spanish)
9. Cook (present) - Cooked (past) - Cocinar (Spanish)
10. Live(present)- Lived(past)- Vivir (Spanish)

• Write ten sentences in simple past using the auxiliary Did.

1. Did you finish your 6. We did not go to the

homework last night? party on Saturday.
2. He did not attend the 7. Did you see the
meeting yesterday. movie I recommended?
3. Did they enjoy the 8. They did a great job
concert last week? on their presentation.
4. I did my laundry this 9. Did he pass the
morning. exam?
5. Did she call you 10. I did not expect that
back? to happen.

• In pair write a conversation in simple past.

Felix: Hey Karen, did you have a chance to visit the new art
Karen: Yes, I did! It was absolutely fantastic.
Felix: Really? What kind of artwork was on display?
Karen: There were various paintings, sculptures, and even some
interactive installations.
Felix: That sounds intriguing. Did you have any favorite pieces?
Karen: Yes, there was a breathtaking landscape painting that
caught my attention.
Felix: Oh, I love landscapes! Who was the artist behind it?
Karen: It was a local artist named Maria Rodriguez. She captured
the beauty of nature so vividly.
Felix: I'll definitely check out her work. Did you buy anything from
the exhibition?
Karen: Yes, I couldn't resist buying a small sculpture as a
Felix: That's awesome! I'm glad you had such a great
experience. Maybe we can go together next time.
Karen: Absolutely! It would be wonderful to explore more art
exhibitions with you.

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