Career Plan - Template

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Essentially SMART stands for:

S=Specific: It is more likely that a specific clearly-stated goal will be accomplished than a general goal. To help create a specific goal, ask yourself the following
questions. Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish? When is my deadline? Which requirements or constraints should I consider? Why do I want to
accomplish this goal? Keep it simple, but ensure it also stretches you.
M = Measurable: Goals need to be measurable so that there are benchmarks of attainment. When your goals are measurable you are more likely to stay on
track and reach certain milestones which give you that boost of confidence to press on. This keeps your goals manageable and motivates you along your journey.
c: Keep your goals within your control. If you set goals that are too ambitious, you will set yourself up for failure. Having attainable goals is also about identifying
goals that are truly important to you and should be aspirational as well as achievable.
R = Realistic: Make sure that you set goals that you are both willing and able to achieve. It is important that you are able to make substantial progress toward
your goal. Goals should be relevant to where you are in your life and you need to ensure you have access to the right resources to achieve them.
T = Timely: Goals need a time frame attached to them. There needs to be a sense of urgency. A goal that you can “taste, touch, smell, see or hear” is tangible
and is more defined. This will make that goal more attainable.
To ensure your goals are SMARTER, aim to evaluate your goals to ensure they are ethical and enjoyable and keep Re-visiting and Re-evaluating them to ensure
they are leading you towards your long term goal.

Career Plan for Empowerment Mentee:

● To make the most of your time and opportunity, including excelling academically and giving back to the community.
Timeframe Priority* Support for Development
Core [when will you plan [How important is this [What programs, reading, tools,
competency/expecte How are you planning to develop the to achieve this goal[ goal?] people, organizations, clubs etc. will
d skill or milestone competency or to achieve the goal? you access to help develop your goal?]

After I get my On the scale on 1 to 10 Support I will need:

learn more from the internet and undergraduate this goal priority is 8
take courses Time management and maybe some
upgrading soft skills extra money for join the courses
that are useful for I have achieved this goal because:
my career path
I think in this era If you just depend
on bachelor’s degree is not
determine you will get the perfect
Support I will need:
participate in the selection to enter In 2 Years On the scale on 1 to 10 workshop and Info, link that shares
I Would Looking for into government agencies or other this goal priority is 9 open recruitment.
work experineces In startup companies.
I have achieved this goal because:
the things that im
Interest. It will add some experinces in my
life and also for my Curicullum

Make some relations and use my On the scale on 1 to 10 Support I will need:
carier experinces for many things. this goal priority is 10
Start the business If i have to ready Some Networking,Money, And
that I interested and in the things of Intetion for the things of business.
understand in this capital for
matter. I have achieved this goal because:
in my heart's desire to have a
business that can open jobs for
many people

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