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Republic of the Philippines

President Ramon Magsaysay State University

(Former Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Iba, Zambales
Tel/Fax No. (047) 811-1683


Midterm Exam
MAED-EA Student
Explain the ff.
1.How do teachers use relevant activities and materials suited to the learning styles, goals, and
culture of learning?
As a teacher we must use Differentiation of instruction because it is the tailoring of
lessons and instruction to the different learning styles and capacities within your classroom.
Learning materials such as worksheets, group activity instructions, games, or homework
assignments all allow you to modify assignments to best activate each individual student's
learning style.
2.How important is it to you as teachers providing them activities and using them
materials appropriate to the learners in this pandemic?
Simply put, when a teacher provides relevance for a student, the teacher conveys his or
her intentions to the student by tapping into that student’s cognitive need to make sense of the
3.Explain the goals of education for all by citing instances briefly.
Educati on is the basic building block of every society. It is the single best
investment countries can make to build prosperous, healthy and equitable
societi es. Arti cle 26 of the 1948 Universal Declarati on of Human Rights states that
“Everyone has the right to educati on.” Today however, 57 million children remain
out of school. Educati on is not only a right, but a passport to human development
that opens doors and expands opportuniti es and freedoms. The main goal of the
government is to educate people young to old one specially those who don’t have enough
fund to go to public school nor stop at early year of schooling and go to work at early age and
forget to finish schooling. It also a chance to all who want to finish school young or old. All
gender is welcome to attend school not before that all women are just at home and only boys
are allowed to go to school.
4.Describe the characteristics of Non-Formal Education. How does it differ to formal education?

 voluntary
 accessible to everyone (ideally)
 an organized process with educational objectives
 participatory
 learner-centered
 about learning life skills and preparing for active citizenship
 based on involving both individual and group learning with a collective approach
 holistic and process-oriented
 based on experience and action
 organized based on the needs of the participants.

Formal education

 Formal education refers to the structured education system that runs from primary (and
in some countries from nursery) school to university, and includes specialized programs
for vocational, technical, and professional training. Formal education often comprises an
assessment of the learners' acquired learning or competences and is based on a
program or curriculum which can be close to adaptation to individual needs and
preferences. Formal education usually leads to recognition and certification.

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