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Air Gap: A critical measurement in

hydroelectric generator performance
December 15, 2022
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Kaman’s Static Air Gap Tool (AGT) is a portable measurement device that helps
reduce downtime by providing a fast, repeatable and reliable means of measuring
one of the most critical aspects of hydro-generator operation – the installed static
air gap between the generator rotor and stator. Operating the AGT is designed to
be simple: insert the device into the air gap to display and record measurement
data, ensuring alignment of the generator rotor and stator.

The Kaman AGT significantly reduces the number of overhaul technician hours
required to inspect and analyze this critical operating parameter. Recent field tests
have proven that a reduction in hours of 90% is achievable.

Generator air gap 101

An air gap is the distance between the rotor and stator of a large-scale
hydroelectric generator. This gap is a very small distance in relation to the size of
the rotor. Its measurement to tight tolerances is critical to prevent damage to and
maintain efficiency of the generator. Static measurement of the air gap is required
during initial installation, periodic maintenance checks and again at reassembly of
the generator following major maintenance operations.

Figure 1. Air gaps are a small

part of the overall system and must be set to a tight tolerance. Source:
Kaman Measuring
Figure 1 is a cut-away view of a representative generator model. The arrow points
to the air gap between the rectangular stator winding on the left, and the rotor on
the right. This gap is typically measured at individual poles from above and again
from the underside.
Figure 2.
Generator air gaps leave virtually no room for error or lack of precision.
Source: Kaman Measuring
Figure 2 shows the upper side of a typical 100 KVA generator with the cover plate
removed. Air gap measurements are taken between the black rotor poles on the
left and red stator windings on the right.

Taking a closer look at Kaman’s AGT

There are many sensors available for dynamic monitoring of the air gap when the
generator is rotating. However, typical tools for static measurement of the air gap
prior to generator rotation called “parallels” take the measurement mechanically,
which is a time-consuming process.

Kaman’s new AGT has been developed to make this static measurement
electronically simply by sliding the spring end of the robust measurement paddle
into the gap between the rotor and stator. Compression of the springs to match the
gap is measured in real time by an eddy current sensor coil located between the
springs. The compression springs are wide enough to account for variability in
different rotor and stator windings. This permits the tool to be used with different
winding sizes and patterns without adjustment.

Signal conditioning electronics at the handle end of the paddle accurately translate
the inductance change in the sensor coil to distance — available in imperial or
metric units - and wirelessly transmit to the operator’s handheld device. The AGT is
user friendly and accurate. Like the parallels, the AGT can be used in any
orientation, horizontally or vertically depending on the design of the generator. The
AGT is powered by a long-life rechargeable battery permitting up to eight hours of
operation between charges.

Figure 3. Kaman’s AGT is designed to

be just as user friendly as it is technically sound. Source: Kaman Measuring
The compression springs are located at the bottom and signal conditioning
electronics at the top of the device, shown in figure 3. It is equipped with adjustable
wedges in the middle to provide a consistent insertion depth if the rotor and stator
design permit. They are easily user removed or adjusted depending on the depth
A complete, connected solution
Measured distances are displayed and stored in a user-friendly app available for
both iOS and Android devices. Instructions for download are included with
purchase of the tool (mobile device not included).

During typical use, operator A positions the tool between the rotor and stator poles.
Operator B then records data via the mobile app; this can be done either by voice
command or touching the “Write Point” button on the mobile device shown in
Figure 4. The app then sequentially numbers the data points and stores them,
leaving no need for an operator to record manually. Data can be viewed in the app
and downloaded to a PC for storage and analysis. This download feature is a
major time saver for operators and eliminates possible manual data entry errors.
More information on using the app is detailed below.
Figure 4. The mobile app
intuitively stores measurements and notifies if out of range. Source: Kaman
Using the mobile app
When the app is launched, it will automatically search for an AGT within Bluetooth
range, which is typically 10 ft to 15 ft. An AGT within range will display on the
screen and connect upon operator command. The intuitive user interface is easily
set up prior to taking measurements. Main features include:

 Entry of the installation or generator number

 Entry of high and low display limits of acceptable gap measurements, shown
in figure 4.

While the AGT is designed to wirelessly communicate with the app on the mobile
device, some environments may have too much background interference for
reliable communications. If a communication interruption occurs, recording of
measurements resumes from the last data point when communication is restored.

For environments with higher interference or installations where wireless is not

desired or permitted, the AGT and handheld device can be connected via a USB
cable. In acoustically noisy environments a headset connected to the handheld
device is recommended when using voice commands. The handheld device should
be maintained within 6 ft of the AGT for the most reliable operation.

The AGT is supplied with factory calibration to NIST traceable standards for
measurement ranges from 0.4 inch to 1.3 inches. With factory calibration,
measurement accuracy is 0.001 inch over the entire measurement range. If an
operator has a calibration lab to set the compression springs to specific distances,
then a calibration check or recalibration can be done within the app.

Simplifying real-world complexities

Recent testing at a large-scale U.S. hydro-generating facility reported reduced
measurement time over previously used parallels. Measurements with the parallels
required two hours to check every third pole, whereas measurements with the AGT
required only 30 minutes to take measurements of every pole. Since data was
required for both above and below the rotor, the AGT was able to realize a time
savings of three hours.

At this same facility, the operator quickly downloaded data from the app into an
Excel spreadsheet and generated the radar plot shown in figure 5. The data is
displayed with the actual pole number. Two sets of data were taken by two
different operators to verify repeatability of the measurements. As can be readily
seen, results are consistent. A quick review of the data can reveal inconsistencies
or potential problem locations that should be verified.
Figure 5.
Measurement data easily and quickly reported for operator analysis. Source:
Kaman Measuring
Kaman Measuring
While other tools can measure hydroelectric rotor and stator alignment to an
acceptable level, none can compete with the speed and precision of the Kaman
static AGT.

With locations in Middletown, Connecticut, and Colorado Springs, Colorado,

Kaman Measuring has been in the precision measurement business for many
years as a trusted solutions provider. For more information or a quote on the AGT,
contact Kaman Measuring.

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