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Applied Mathematics 1/7 10 February 2022

Math Examination
Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl, HS-Furtwangen, Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik, IBS, 10/02/2022
Family name Given name Matriculation Desk number

Notes on processing:
Write the solution in the space on the sheets, if necessary use the back. Solutions that
are not entirely correct can also be considered if the solution is clearly presented.

1. Proof of the following equivalence by a truth table. (9 points)


2. In math, we use different number sets, how is the following set named?
(2 Points)
a) {a/b | a, b ∈ Z, b ≠ 0}

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 2/7 10 February 2022

3. If M is a set, then the set of all subsets of M is called the power set of M.
It is named 𝓟(M) 𝓟(M) :={U | U ⊆ M}
Write the power set of the set A = {c,d,e} (4 points)

4. Calculate the value of the following expression: (9 points)

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 3/7 10 February 2022

5. A father puts $3000 at the birth of his daughter in a bank account. What
interest rate does he need, that the daughter can start at the university
at 19 years old and $9000 in the account? (8 points)

6. What is the continuous interest rate r, when the normal interest rate in
banking is 3% per year? (6 points)

7. Find the linear equation and calculate the intersection point of the two
lines. (9 points)

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 4/7 10 February 2022

8. Prove by induction (9 points)

𝑖 𝑛 +
∑ 2 = 2 − 1for all 𝑛ϵ𝑁

9. Write down the first six elements of the sequence (6 points)

𝑎𝑛 = (𝑛−1)

10. When is a sequence called divergent? (3 points)

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 5/7 10 February 2022

11. Show, that the first deviation of 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑥 is 2x (8 points)

2 2
𝑑(𝑡·𝑠𝑖𝑛(π ·𝑡 ))
12. Calculate (8 points)

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 6/7 10 February 2022

13. Calculate the length of the vector (8 points)

𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑎 = 1, 𝑏 = 2, 𝑐 = 3, λ = 2

14. You have a birthday party with 6 people, including you. You have a
table with 9 seats, how many ways can the persons take the seats?
(6 points)

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

Applied Mathematics 7/7 10 February 2022

15. A normal distribution (bell curve) includes 68.3% within -σ and +σ

and it includes 99.7% within -3σ and +3σ. The question is, how many
events are between -3σ and +σ, draw a sketch of your solution?
(5 points)

Good luck!

Prof. Dr. Eduard Heindl

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