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A girl by name Sarah went to school in the neighbouring village where she was not known

well by others.

For three weeks straight, she came to school late and did not manage to finish her homework

on time. Every single time, her teacher punished her without hesitation. She did not even try

to understand why Sarah was not able to commit to school.

On the fourth week, unfortunately, Sarah did not attend school at all and many thought she

had given up on school due to the everyday punishment gave by the teacher.

Surprisingly, Sarah returned on fifth week and this time, she came earlier than everybody.

Many were surprised as they thought as of Sarah as someone lazy and lousy. Sarah could

hear people whispering about her in the class as she minded her own business in the


However, when the teacher came to class, Sarah was punished for not attending school the

previous week but the teacher was also kind enough to commend her for coming early that

day, stating that the punishments had finally yielded some results.

Just then, Sarah asked if she could say something and the teacher gave her permission.

“I have been raised up by a single mother without a brother or a sister. Five weeks ago, my

mother fell ill and was hospitalized. The three weeks I came late, I had to prepare something

for her every morning and pass by the hospital to deliver it. Unfortunately, my mother passed

away last week and that’s the reason I did not come to school. We buried her last Friday.

Today I came early since I did not have to prepare anything or even pass by the hospital. And

now that she is gone, I will always be here early’’

As she sat down, no one in the whole class was able to hold their tears, the teacher was not

spared either. Nothing was said, only sobs echoed in the classroom. Now the rest knew the

truth and how they should not judge a book by its’ cover.

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