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 Pesticides are Chemical agents intended for

killing any pest. The term pest includes
unwanted species of animals, plants or

 Organochlorines, organophosphates and

carbamates were developed primarily as
insecticides, while other classes of pesticides,
rodenticides, herbicides, and fungicides, were
created to deal with other types of organisms.
A. Insecticides
 These are chemical agents used to kill insects, or
to make them unable to function as a pest. The
most important insecticides may be subdivided
into the following groups:
 1. Organophosphate insecticides
 2. Carbamate insecticides
 3. Organochlorine insecticides
 4. Pyrethroid insecticides
 5. Botanical insecticides:
1. Organophosphate insecticides:
Poisoning from exposure to organophosphates is common in
rural areas and in developing countries. They are efficiently
absorbed by inhalation, ingestion, and skin penetration.
Examples of these groups are parathion, methyl parathion,
malathion and diazinon.

Mode of poisoning
 Accidentally: among workers during spraying or dusting of trees,
or during manufacture or mixing of the compounds.

 Commonly suicidal: (easy to obtain and rapidity of their actions)

by drinking of Police El-Nagda

 Homicidal cases: have been reported by mixing one of the

compounds with foodstuffs.
Mechanism of toxicity:
 Organophosphates insecticides produce their toxic effects via
inhibition of nervous tissue acetylcholinesterase (AChE)
 This enzyme is responsible for the destruction and
termination of the biological activity of the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine (Ach).
 Loss of enzyme function leads to accumulation of Ach
peripherally at the nerve ending cholinergic neuro-effector
junctions (muscarinic effects), skeletal nerve-muscle
junctions, and autonomic ganglia (nicotinic effects), as well
as centrally.
 The inactivation of AChE occurs in several stages and
becomes irreversible after 24-36 hours.
Laboratory diagnosis:
 Gas chromatographic techniques can detect organophosphate
metabolities of malathion, parathion and diazinon in both blood
and urine.
 Blood samples should be drawn to measure plasms
pseudocholinesterase and red blood cell AChE levels. Both types
are inhibited by organophosphates but inhibition of erythrocyte
AChE is more reliable index of organophosphate poisoning.
Management of toxicity:
1- General measures:
a- Airway protection: Intubate the patient and aspirate the
pulmonary secretions with a large-bore suction device. It may be
necessary to support pulmonary ventilation with artificial
respiration for several days.
Tissue oxygenation is essential prior to atropine
administration, so as to minimize the risk of ventricular
fibrillation associated with hypoxia.
b- Skin decontamination: Because organophosphate may be
absorbed through intact skin, contaminated clothing, including
shoes, should be removed and treated as toxic waste. Skin
should be cleaned with large amounts of water and mild soap.
c- Gastrointestinal decontamination:
Gastric lavage with a large-bore orogastric tube may be
performed with care taken to prevent aspiration.
Ipecac-induced emesis should be considered if spontaneous
vomiting has not already occurred.
A cathartic (e.g sorbitol or magnesium citrate) can be
administered once unless diarrhea has occurred.
Activated charcoal can also be given for GIT decontamination.
d- Convulsions can be controlled with intravenous diazepam,
Phenobarbital or phenytoin.
2- Antidotes
 a- Atropine:
It is a competitive antagonist of Ach at muscarinic
receptors, both in the peripheral nervous system and CNS.
Atropine has no effect on nicotinic receptors. It is effective
against muscarinic manifestations, but it is ineffective
against nicotinic actions, specifically muscle weakness and
twitching, and respiratory depression. Administer atropine
sulfate (2 mg intravenously or intramuscularly) and repeat
every 3-8 minutes until signs of atropinization appear
(f lushed face, dry mouth, dilated pupils and fast pulse).

2. Carbamate insecticides:
 Carbamate insecticides are widely used in homes,
gardens, and agriculture. They can be absorbed orally, by
inhalation and somewhat by skin penetration, although the
latter tends to be the less toxic route. Examples include
methomyl, carbaryl, carbofuran and aldicarb.
Mechanism of toxicity:
 The carbamate insecticides cause reversible
carbamylation of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, producing
accumulation of acetylcholine and the picture of muscarinic
and nicotinic poisoning.
 Carbamates differ toxicologically from organophosphates by
the relative affinity of their binding to cholinesterase and
their duration of effect; carbamates spontaneously hydrolyse
from the cholinesterase enzymatic site within 24 hours,
whereas organophosphates do not.
Clinical manifestations:
 Carbamate insecticides produce a form of toxicity,
similar to that produced by organophosphate compounds.
 Unlike organophosphates, carbamates poorly penetrate the
blood brain barrier, resulting in limited CNS effects.
 Convulsions and bradycardia are less common than in
organophosphate poisonings.
Management of toxicity:
 Patients poisoned with carbamate insecticides should be
managed identically to those intoxicated with
 Atropine is the antidote of choice in carbamate poisoning.
Differences between organophosphorus compounds
 carbamates:-
Inhibition of acetylcholine by carbamates is reversible with
time (within 8 hours), thus hazards are not increased
daily exposure.
 Unlike organophosphorus, carbamates poorly penetrate the
blood brain barrier and thus they result in limited CNS
 Signs and symptoms of poisoning are typically as muscarinic
and nicotinic manifestations of organophosphates but
without convulsions.
3- Organochlorine (chlorinated hydrocarbon)
 They are widely used in agricultural and malarial control. They are less
acutely toxic but of greater potential for chronic toxicity and
accumulation. Now most organochlorine insecticides have been
replaced by organophosphates. This group of cyclic organic chlorinated
compounds includes DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane),
toxaphene, aldrin and benzene hexachloride (Lindane). Lindane is the
most common organochlorine currently available as a garden spray and a

Organochlorine insecticides are characterized by being: Insoluble in

water, but dissolve in kerosene, benzene and other petroleum
derivatives, so their toxicity is mixed with the solvent toxicity.
 Route of intoxication: By inhalation, ingestion and during prolonged
contamination with the skin.

 All chlorinated insecticides resist putrefaction, so it can be

detected sometimes after death.
Mode of action: It is mainly neurotoxic
. l
1- Central action: initial stimulation followed by depression.
. It acts mainly
l n on the cerebellum and motor cortex.

2-Prephiral Action:
*It sensitizes the myocardium to adrenaline.
*Gastro-intestinal irritation when taken by ingestion.
*Respiratory tract irritation after inhalation.
*Irritation of the eye and skin after prolonged contamination.
*Liver damage.

Clinical toxicity:
 The mechanism of toxicity is most likely from blockage of gamma
aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediation of neuronal chloride ion uptake
associated with barbiturate and benzodiazepinereceptors.
Management of toxicity:
 Skin should be cleaned with soap and water and removal of
contaminated clothes.
 Activated charcoal is given followed by gastric lavage with water.
 Arrhythmias from the myocardial irritant effect of chlorinated
hydrocarbon insecticides can be treated with intravenous
lidocaine or beta-blockers.
 Convulsions should be controlled with diazepam or
4- Pyrethroid insecticides
 The insecticide pyrethrum is derived from the ground, dried flowers of
Chrysanthemum cineriifolium.
 Pyrethrum is made up of six active chemicals called pyrethrins.
 Pyrethroids are synthetic derivatives of these compounds developed
because of the relatively high cost, high biodegradability and light
instability of natural pyrethrum.
 They are less toxic to mammals than other insecticides. Pyrethrum is
one of the oldest insecticides known to man.
 Pyrethrum extract used in many household insecticides, because of its
rapid knock down action. Examples are “Raid and Ezalo” tablets.

Mechanism of toxicity:
 Pyrethroid insecticides affect the activation (opening) and inactivation
(closing) of the sodium channel, resulting in a hyperexcitable state.
 They also inhibit calcium channels and Ca2+, Mg2+ -ATPase.
Signs and symptoms of poisoning:
 Hypersensitivity reactions, contact dermatitis, cough, rhinitis and
asthma are the most commonly reported symptoms.
 Ingestion caused epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness,
anorexia, fatigue, blurred vision, parethesia, palpitations and muscular
 Parethesia resulting from these agents are thought to be secondary to
chemical activity on cutaneous sensory nerve endings.
 In severe poisonings, convulsive attacks and loss of consciousness have
Treatment: Symptoms and supportive measures may be required for
a - bronchospasm and anaphylaxis.
b- Decontamination of the eyes and the skin is suggested.
c- Oral or topical antihistamine and corticosteroids administration can be
used for dermatitis.
d- Vitamin E oil is applied topically to relieve cutaneous parethesia
following skin contact.
e- Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are effective in controlling
pyrethroid-induced tremors and seizures.
5- Botanical insecticides:
A number of naturally occurring agents of plant origin have been used to
control insects.
 Exposure to nicotine occurs during processing or extraction of tobacco,
during application of insecticides containing nicotine or during smoking.
 Nicotine is readily absorbed through the skin and mimics or blocks, depending
on the dose, the action of acetylcholine at all ganglionic synapses and at
neuromuscular junction.
 As an insecticide, nicotine blocks synapses associated with motor nerves.
 Rotenoid esters can be isolated from the plants Derris eliptica. Rotenone,
one of the alkaloids, can be used topically for treatment of head lice and
 Rotenone blocks electron transport in mitochondria by inhibiting oxidation
linked to NADH+H+, resulting in nerve conduction blockade.
 Rotenone dust is highly irritating to the eyes (causing conjunctivitis), skin
(causing contact dermatitis), upper respiratory tract (causing rhinitis) and
throat (linked with pharyngitis).
 Acute poisoning is characterized by initial respiratory stimulation followed by
respiratory depression, ataxia, convulsions and death from respiratory arrest.

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