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Fapp: Zanthrone



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This Book is Gross!
This book contains explicit and super weird adult content that is not suitable for most folks. This book
provides rules for nearly every form of bizarre and impossible fetish, so even the truly adventurous will
likely find something that they don’t like. Keep in mind that when playing Fapp it’s easy to ban certain
content in order to tailor the game to be something you and other players are into. Trying to play with
everything on at once, though it makes for a pretty sweet clusterfuck, may not be everyone’s cup of tea.
Steel yourself, unzip, and read on.

Chapter I – Land of Change
First founded by the explorer Nano, now the King of this
young nation, Zanthrone was forged by the discovery of
A time-honored tradition in the land of Zanthrone,
Zanthronium, a special metal found in great deposits beneath
Marriage is a process in which two (or more, occasionally)
the kingdom that serves as a vital catalyst in transformative
individuals commit and enshrine their love for one another
potions. The discovery of this compound alone has allowed
by pronouncing their courtship officially. While many other
potioncraft to explode in both progress and popularity,
lands have similar rituals, in Zanthrone it is common for a
forming the founding cornerstone of Zanthrone’s economy
Marriage ceremony to involve a physical merger between the
and culture alike.

Location The exact nature of this merger varies between the various
Nestled in the shadow of Mt. Megalo Montis in a temperate faiths of the country. Some will seek the blessing of a priest
region of the world of Thera, Zanthrone enjoys the full gamut to join them, while others will commit a ceremony in private
of seasonal weather in its current climate. It shares a border with the aid of an Intertwined Lives potion. In both cases,
with the militaristic nation of Exercitus to the south, and the they newlyweds with typically spend their honeymoon
more technologically-advanced democracy of Circum to the exploring and breaking in their shared body.
East. Thankfully, Zanthrone’s plentiful potion exports leave
it on friendly terms with both of its neighbors at the present The most common marriage arrangement joins the betrothed
time. together horizontally, sharing a body left and right on either
terms. Particularly dominant/submissive pairings may
Population instead pursue alternate arrangements that leave one party
After the initial population influx during the kingdom’s a mere vestige riding along on the partner, instead. In some
founding, the growth of Zanthrone has steadied off in recent cases, the betrothed are joined in such tight union that they
years. It now stands roughly 4,000 strong, counting both appear as a single individual, though they may still harbor
the capital city of Zanthrone itself, and the nearby villages of two identities, or have their love for one another warped into
Septentrio and Quattuor Uia which pledge fealty to it. narcissistic self-adoration in the case they truly meld into a
single consciousness.

As with many forms of partnership, not all Marriages last

eternal. The priests, alchemists, and dreaded lawyers of
Zanthrone are well equipped with the tools needed to
separate a couple that no longer wishes to be wed.

Chapter II – Pantheon
Consisting of distant, enlightened beings that occupy the high peak of Mt. Megalo Montis north of the
kingdom of Zanthrone, the pantheon of gods worshiped by the people of this nation are similarly gifted
with multifarious facets, drawing natural parallels to the mortals who worship them in the lands below.
These deities are often worshiped in communal temples throughout Zanthrone, which pay respect to
each of the gods and goddesses in turn. While some particularly devout priests will devote themselves
to a particular deity, for the most part worship is split evenly across them, according to whichever
immortal holds domain over the particular facet one’s prayer wishes to reach.

AP Kanedra
5 5 5 5 5 5
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

19 Macro Adult Holy

SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Hands, Feet, Maw, Muff, Tail, Tits
Boon Domain of the Multi-Faceted Matron
Mutations Multihead
Actions Analyze, Bustification, Chorus, Cleanse Body,
Cleanse Mind, Consecrate, Contemplation, Consolidate,
Dickening, Footfall, Gripgrow, Iron Mind, Meditation,
Muffbloom, Multiply, Occulus, Purification, Repurpose,
Sack Up, Shapeshift, Tail Raiser, Temperance,
Tendrilize, Tranquility, Transcend
Equipment Monastic Garb

Kanedra is the matron deity of those who

use multiplicity to explore facets of their own
persona. Originally a single being, she split her
consciousness into three distinct personalities
to better understand and appreciate herself.
Followers of Kanedra will often follow in her
footsteps, splitting themselves into multi-faceted
beings, or even entirely separate bodies to further
explore every potentiality that exists within
themselves. Her doctrine preaches introspection,
exploration, and self-improvement.

Boon – Domain of the Multi-Faceted Matron

You are a true god of the realm, wielding power
far above the reach of mortals. You may choose
to ignore any effects caused by mortals, and
your damage dice are always maximized against
Furthermore, when you suffer Advantage, you
make three rolls instead of two and take the
highest of the three. If you suffer Disadvantage
and Advantage at the same time, you still make
two rolls and take the better of the two.

AP Quintessa
5 5 5 5 5 5
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

19 Macro Adult Holy

SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Hands, Feet, Maw, Muff, Sack,
Tail, Tits
Boon Domain of the Great Uniter
Kinks Dominant, Greed, Pride
Mutations Multihead
Actions Absorption, Assimilate, Blow Mind,
Consolidate, Command, Cryokinesis, Cultivation,
Dangerous Mind, Encore, Enthrall, Fleshmeld,
Force of Personality, Galvokinesis, Gaze, Humble,
Hydrokinesis, Indoctrination, Levitation, Liberate,
Merging, Obsession, Pyrokinesis
Equipment Monastic Garb

A composite of the five great dragons – Hayden,

Kaden, Sage, Blaine, and Logan – the dragon
gods are collectively known as Quintessa.
They represent the power of cooperation, of
banding together with like-minded individuals
to work towards a common goal. Each of the
dragons takes turns commanding the body
they now share, working in unison towards
their collective agenda. Each also commands
a separate elemental force, granting their
followers not only boons of cooperation,
but elemental superiority as well.

Boon – Domain of the great Uniter

You are a true god of the realm,
wielding power far above the reach
of mortals. You may choose to ignore
any effects caused by mortals, and your
damage dice are always maximized against
Furthermore, you use a ranged Action on a
target other than yourself within 5 squares,
you can duplicate that action on up to four
other targets in a 5-square Cone between you
and the initial target.

AP The Triad
5 5 5 5 5 5
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

19 Macro Adult Holy

SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Hands, Feet, Maw, Sack, Tail
Boon Domain of the Tranquil Triad
Kinks Caretaker
Mutations Multihead, Oral (Tail), Prehensile (Tail)
Actions Awaken Senses, Banish, Cleanse Body,
Cleanse Mind, Consecrate, Contemplation, Harmony,
Harvest, Iron Mind, Lullaby, Meditation, Nature’s
Grasp, Nurture, Punishment, Purification, Sanctify
Body, Sanctify Mind, Synchronize,
Temperance, Trance, Tranquility, Transcend
Space, Transcend Time
Equipment Monastic Garb

Representing the gains that flourish from the

setting aside of differences to work closely with
those different from yourself, The Triad consists
of three individuals, Tyberious the tiger, Seth the
sheep, and Cobalt the python, who once feuded as bitter
enemies, and became entangled (both metaphorically
and literally) in a battle for supremacy eons ago, left
permanently conjoined as a result of the magics they
wielded against one another. Agreeing to put aside their
differences while searching for a way to escape their
union, the three soon began to realize how capable they
became when working together, overcoming their
petty squabbles and learning how to work together
to make up for each others’ faults. Eventually, they
no longer wished to be separated at all, and instead
began to profess the power of peace, and the
benefits of embracing diversity.
Boon – Domain of the Tranquil Triad
You are a true god of the realm,
wielding power far above the
reach of mortals. You may
choose to ignore any effects
caused by mortals, and your
damage dice are always maximized
against them.
Furthermore, if you spend one of your
Actions doing nothing, you can force all
other targets within 5 squares to do the
same. You can do this as many times per turn
as you have Actions.

Chapter III – Royal Court
The young nation of Zanthrone is still ruled by its initial founders, the groundbreaking alchemist
Nano and his vivacious compatriot and muse, Puck. Their royal court consists of a number of advisers,
protectors, and entertainers, who all benefit from the vast and various mutations the pair have made
possible within Zanthrone, serving both their more traditional roles in the court, but also as canvases
for whatever new inspirations may strike their lieges.

AP Circus Court jester to the King and Queen of Zanthrone,
Circus is a masterful performer, skilled in both
3 4 5 2 2 2 fantastic feats of acrobatics, as well as the use
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

12 Medium of pantomime for both dramatic and comedic

SP Size Age Nature performances. He is often employed as an
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail envoy to lift the spirits of travelers who have
Boon Domain of the Multi-Faceted Matron come to Zanthrone and languish in the grips of
homesickness, using his talents to spread cheer to
Mutations Feral, Knotted, Multihead all who bare witness to his buffoonery. Though his
Actions Affectations, Attention Whore, Cheer Up,
heads are seemingly locked into opposed masques
Dressup, Flexibility, Jailbreak, Nimble Git, Present,
Quick Change, Sandman, Scramble, Stimulation, of joy and sadness, in truth they both experience
Tantalize, Tease, Thrill Seeker, TLC the full gamut of emotions, even if they are not
Equipment Fancy Attire truly able to express them.

AP Crunchy
5 5 4 2 2 2
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

16 Large Adult Metal

SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail
Kinks Inquisitive
Mutations Multihead
Actions Balls of Steel, Break
Free, Brute Force, Chokehold,
Chomp, Drag, Endure,
Fearsome Display, Heroic
Leap, Iron Body, Lasso,
Manhandle, Roughhousing,
Slobber, Work Up, Wrecker
Equipment Collar

Loyal pet and bodyguard

to the royal couple of
Zanthrone, Crunchy is an
eager and energetic construct
given life by Nano’s
alchemical experiments,
managing to awaken
a fragment of
sapience within a
steel statue. Because
his anatomy is
largely made of
metal, he can
be reforged and
reshaped with the
aid of Zanthrone’s
blacksmiths without the
need to rely on potions
to alter his form. Though
he currently serves in the
capacity of a royal bodyguard, his
playful nature makes him always
happy to meet new people, so he
may be better suited as a greeter
than as a guardian.

AP Nano Founder of Zanthrone and still enjoying his seat as
3 3 3 2 3 4 ruler of the young nation, the alchemist Nano has
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
long sought the means to transform himself and
13 Medium Adult others through his gifted mastery of potioncraft.
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail While most recipes he studied and mastered early
Mutations Hyper (Cock, Sack), Multi (Ass, Cock, Hands, on only allowed for temporary or inconsequential

Tail), Multihead, Oral (Tail) forms of bodily modification, it was his discovery of
Actions Brew Potion, Multiply, Sculpt Flesh Zanthronium and its alchemical applications that
allowed him to advance the science of potioncraft to
neverbefore- seen heights. While he can come across
as quite and reclusive when he
often loses himself in pursuing his
research, he has found new courage
and inspiration in his muse and
partner, Puck, to further fuel his
alchemical endeavors.

AP Puck Long-time companion of King Nano, Puck was a
3 3 3 4 3 2 natural candidate to become the alchemist’s King
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
in this burgeoning young nation. While Nano’s
13 Medium Adult Digital strengths lied in understanding the mechanics
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Belly, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Muff, of transformation and how best to formulate
Sack, Tail each ingredient for maximum effect, Puck served
Boon as a frequent inspiration for ideas – new and
Kinks exotic ways to mutate both themselves and their
Mutations Multihead subjects to pursue ever more exotic and perverse
Actions Hyper (Cock, Sack), Multi (Tits), Multihead, configurations. While the two are normally
Oral (Cock, Tail), Prehensile (Cock, Tail), Spurty (Cock) adjoined at the hip (literally), they occasionally
take breaks to explore both themselves and their
partner from a fresh perspective, making their
eventual reunion all the sweeter when they come
together once more to share their findings and
scheme about what new concoctions they can
brew up.

AP Sur Indre Serving as both royal gardener and head of security
4 4 3 2 4 3 for the royal court of Zanthrone, Sur Indre’s green
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight thumb has developed over the years into a talent
19 Medium Adult for sculpting and breathing life into a vast array
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Belly, Feet, Hands, Maw, Muff, Tail,
of topiary guardians – sentient plants that watch
Tits, Wings over Zanthrone, keeping watchful vigil around its
Boon borders and serving as beloved guardians within
Kinks Submissive, Treehugger the royal gardens as well. Indre does tend to get
Mutations Multi (Tail), Micro (Wings) carried away with her creations, though, and often
Actions Harvest, Nature’s Grasp ends up crafting unruly guardians
Equipment more interested in rutting their
progenitor than their intended

Chapter IV - People of Zanthrone
With the practice of alchemy upheld as the most beloved trade in the current zeitgeist within Zanthrone,
it’s no surprise that so many of its residents make their living in either developing or selling all varieties
of potioncraft, from the restorative to the mutagenic. Even workers in more traditional industries make
ample use of the nation’s overflowing alchemical resources, utilizing potions to give them an extra hand
or leg up while on the job, and to rejuvenate them to increase productivity even further.

While the King and Queen’s foray into Jizzral and their establishment of a stable portal to and from the
distant land has allowed the Fappening to seep into Zanthrone – they’ve managed to erect protective
safeguards that have kept the spread of the phenomenon limited to the capital, at least for now, though
the growing energies of the Fappening, if left unchecked, may one day overwhelm these precautions
and allow a climactic burst of corruption to spread forth and consume Thera in its entirety.

AP Damian & Damina
3 3 3 4 3 4
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

13 Macro Adult
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Hands, Feet, Maw, Sack, Tail,
Kinks Inquisitive
Mutations Knotted, Multihead
Actions Chaos Bolt, Chaos Strike, Chaotic Warp,
Debauchery, Jynx, Temptation, Wish

Unlike many lonely kids who grew up

as the only-child in their family, Damian
grew up with a presence surrounding
him, somewhat liked to an imaginary
friend named Damina. What he did not
fully understand was that Damina was his
soul-sister, her spirit intertwined with his own,
and eventually learning how to take control
of his body and transform it into her own
shape while the winged wolf slept. But here in
Zanthrone, these metaphysical ties often
take on a physical form, as seen when
Damian decided to experiment with
a splitting potion – manifesting
his soul sister Damina right beside

AP Fore Understudy to Zanthrone’s current minister of
2 3 4 2 2 4 Paws, Fore was dissatisfied with his superior’s
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
frequent insistence that, as a taur, she was
13 Medium Adult far more qualified than others to handle the
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail nation’s research and development of paw-based
Boon Domain of the Multi-Faceted Matron potioncraft, herself owning four of the largest
Kinks Pawslut, Submissive and most renown footpaws in the nation. Delving
Mutations Multi (Hands, Feet), Pawtastic (Hands) himself into dangerous experimentation with
Actions Brew Potion, Huff Musk, Idolatry untested new techniques and formulas, Fore now
Equipment finds himself blessed with even more footpaws
than his mentor, though that may make
continuing his work from this point forward
somewhat... difficult...

AP Frugal
3 4 3 4 4 3
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

15 Large Adult
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Belly, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw,
Sack, Tail, Wings
Kinks Greed, Pride
Mutations Hyper (Cock), Multihead
Actions Foul Bargain, Size Theft

Infamous collector of both taxes and

debts throughout the land of Zanthrone,
Frugal embodies the green of dragon-
kind without remorse, though there
are rumors that the truly desperate
can satisfy his desires with an
offering of flesh to receive an
extension on what they owe.
Beyond mere service, the
dragon’s toll is exacted
by siphoning the debtor’s
phallic girth to enhance his
own. The pernicious penny-
pincher delights in these
exchanges, seeking to grow
his gargantuan debt-donger to
be the largest in the land.

AP Garcyyo
3 4 3 3 3 3
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

14 Medium Adult
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Belly, Cock, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail
Kinks Caretaker, Prey, Voracious
Mutations Multi (Sack), Naga, Stacked (Sack)
Actions Feeding Frenzy, Gulp, Nurture

Caught in the perplexing crossroads between

predator and prey, Garcyyo has managed to
find a balance between these two extremes
through the use of potioncraft. The mutagenic
elixir’s he’s consumed have granted him the
virility and submissiveness of a male rabbit,
alongside the voracity and bulk of a large, female
serpent. Now, enriched by both sides of
the coin of craving, he seeks to feed and be fed in
turn, his many mammaries providing
ample milk to fatten up his beloved darlings
before his belly demands they return the favor.

AP Jeremy The most recent in a streak of ‘freak accidents’
sweeping through Zanthrone, Jeremy fell victim to
3 4 3 3 2 3
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight a group of radical cultists who’ve taken to spiking
14 Medium Adult common restorative potions in open markets
SP Size Age Nature
throughout the nation with a potent cocktail of
Assets Ass, Belly, Feet, Hands, Maw, Muff, Tail, Tits
unpredictable mutagens, with the goal of sowing
Kinks discord and rampant, unwieldy transformation
Mutations Multi (Hands, Tits), Phallic (Maw), Taur throughout the land. Investigators are still working
Actions Appreciation, Work Up to piece together all of the component elixirs used
Equipment to warp the poor boy before work can begin on
a cure to get him back to normal. For now, he
remains a jumbled mess of pulsating parts, leaving
him in a state of near-constant arousal, helpless to
make any progress in restoring his former shape.

AP Jonas A fiendish goat that’s recently settled in
3 3 3 3 3 3 Zanthrone, Jonas has found a niche amongst
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
the transformation-enthused populace utilizing
13 Medium Adult Demon the infernal fluids brewing in their udder for
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Feet, Hands, Maw, Muff, Sack, Tail, Tits alchemical purposes. When run through a water
Boon pipe with the proper catalyst, that tainted milk is
Kinks Diablophile, Metaphile transformed into a potent, psychedelic admixture
Mutations Micro (Tits), Multi (Hands), Stacked that expands both body and mind alike, allowing
(Sack), Vaginal (Tits) those who partake in the stuff to open their mind’s
Actions Debauchery, Detoxify, Wish eye to new possibilities, and quickly find those
Equipment Vice same new discoveries forming on their bodies to

AP Liam By day one of the most respected alchemist’s in
4 4 4 3 3 3 the industry within Zanthrone, and by night an
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
indiscriminate terror that stalks travelers through
14 Medium Adult the veil of darkness, Liam is one of the foremost
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail researchers into the use of alchemy to counteract
Boon Lycanthropy the curse of Lycanthropy. Thus far his efforts
Kinks Inquisitive working with Nano’s Feral Surge mutagen have
Mutations Hyper (Cock, Sack), Multi (Feet), Multihead led to new advancements in concoctions to spread,
Actions Brew Potion, Heroic Leap, Hyper Thrust, and mutate lycanthropy (and use the moon as a
Impale, Manhandle trigger for more mundane mutations), but he has
yet to find a cure for the affliction in its entirety.
He must hurry in his efforts, as his nightly romps
through the countryside are beginning to spread
the curse far and wide despite his efforts to find a

Musky Cerberus Being Claiming to hail from the dark tapestry that
4 4 4 4 4 4 lies between the stars, the alien being now
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
known as the ‘Musky Cerberus Being’
16 Huge Adult amongst the residents of Zanthrone serves as
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail a titanic paragon of might and beauty that
Boon has served as muse for many enterprising
Kinks Inquisitive alchemists to strive towards – inspiring
Mutations Multi (Cock, Sack), Multihead countless new potions both in attempts to
Actions Abyssal Cloak, Chaos Bolt, Cursed Mark, replicate the sublime multiplicity of his
Flex, Iron Body, Wish anatomy, and using the exotic, multicolored
Equipment secretions he produces. The visitor from afar
is even capable of drawing arcane symbols
using these fluids to harness power from the
great beyond.

Rackun & Blayze Not all mergers in Zanthrone are due to marriage.
4 4 4 3 3 3 In fact, a tradition has developed where business
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
partners will cement their dealings with one
15 Large Adult another by entering into a merger, allowing them
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Hands, Feet, Maw, Muff, Sack, to share their professional acumen
Tail, Tits with one another, while also sharing
Boon their flesh. It’s a fantastic way to get
Kinks Breeder, Metaphile to know your peers in the industry,
Mutations Barbs, Multi (Cock, Hands, Tits), to see how they react when backed
Multihead, Taur into a corner, getting screwed
Actions Appreciation, Brute Force, Flex,
over, or any other number of spicy
Grind, Heroic Leap, Iron Body
analogies. Rackun and Blayze in
particular have decided to stay
merged even after the customary
‘getting-to-know-you’ period,
enjoying each other’s company
immensely, and upping the
ante with a few more new
potions to further augment
their endeavors.

AP Riz
3 3 3 3 1 4
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

13 Large Adult
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Hands, Feet, Maw, Muff, Sack, Tail
Kinks Metaphile, Shameless
Mutations Stacked (Sack), Taur
Actions Body Swap, Hypnosis, Sculpt Flesh

An unrepentant transformation slut recently

migrated to Zanthrone after spending some time
in Jizzral, Riz was eager to jump at the opportunity
to visit the land of change after hearing such
tantalizing stories about the vast array of haphazard
mutations that ran rampant in the kingdom due
to its abundance of alchemical goods. Rushing
headlong into Zanthrone’s marketplace, he
immediately sought out a potion to give him a
big throbby horsecock, but in his haste didn’t
heed the specifics of his equine elixir too
closely, and ended up with a very different
portion of horse anatomy than expected.

AP Rouru One of the foremost researchers into the subfield of
3 3 3 4 3 4 slimecraft alchemy, Rouru uses her own body as a
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight
canvas to design and test experimental slime-based
14 Large Adult Fluid solutions. Not only do these more fluid and fragrant
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Hands, Feet, Maw, Sack, Tail forms allow for rapid shifting of mass compared to
Boon the more static nature of flesh, but she’s also
Kinks found a way to ‘capture’ forms sculpted from
Mutations Multi (Hands, Tits), Hyper (Cock), slime and cast them back into flesh – allowing
Taur, Spurty (Cock) her to use slime as an intermediary transitive
Actions Manifest Flesh, Slimeshape state to facilitate transformations universally
without need for specific formula for each
individual mutation on the docket.

AP Slobbermaw
3 3 3 3 3 3
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

13 Medium Adult
SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Cock, Feet, Hands, Maw, Sack, Tail
Kinks Aficionado, Inquisitive, Hedonistic
Mutations Multi (Cock), Multihead
Actions Appreciation, Embrace, Huff Musk
Equipment Piercings (Cock, Sack)

A visitor from Jizzral enticed by the opportunities

offered here in the land of change, Slobbermaw at
first found himself overwhelmed with all the sights,
sounds, and smells of Zanthrone. It was simply
too much for one hyena to take in on his short
stay here, so he decided to enlist some help –
receiving the blessing of Kanedra to split his
psyche into three distinct manifestations,
tripling his opportunities to experience
all there is to enjoy during his stay
– though thus
far he’s had
trouble pulling
himself away
from his own

AP Scylla
2 3 3 2 3 2
Power Stamina Speed Ego Willpower Insight

13 Medium Adult Fabric

SP Size Age Nature
Assets Ass, Hands, Feet, Muff, Tail, Tits
Kinks Aficionado, Cumslut, Submissive
Actions Changing Time, Dressup, Cumguzzler, Drink
Equipment Diaper

Debate still rages regarding the origins

of the bizarre diaper critter known as
Scylla. First discovered in the abode
of an Alchemist who appeared to
have left town without a trace, some
have speculated that Scylla was the
result of the Alchemist’s attempts
to give life to an inanimate object
through alchemical means, producing
a homunculus crafted from a stack
of diapers. Others postulate instead
that Scylla is the result of the Alchemist’s
own misfortune transforming them into
a diaper-like creature, left mute and dull,
bound forever in a padded prison of their
own design. Regardless of which camp ends
up being correct, the padded pup seems
quite happy with the result, performing as
an eagerly-absorbent servant for hire and
gaining quite the notoriety through these

Chapter V - Potioncraft
The kingdom of Zanthrone was founded on the merits of its fine and exotic potioncraft. Blessed with rich deposits
of Zanthronium, for which the nation was named, the kingdom has exploded in population in a short amount of
time, led by the good King Nano, the alchemist who first discovered the mineral’s potential applications in the
field of potioncraft. Serving as a powerful catalyst for transformation, Zanthronium has since been combined with
all manner of reagents to produce a wide variety of permanent transformative potions, forming the kingdom and
its inhabitants into everchanging cavalcade of parts of plenty. Thanks to the efforts of Nano and his Queen Puck,
many of these potions have begun distribution throughout Jizzral as well, granting the listed effects to those who
drink a full bottle. Any potion granting Multi to an Asset also grants that Asset if not already present.

Gate Keeper
+Multihead, +Scent
Bigger is Better
A common tonic favored by
+Hyper (Random Asset)
Once of the most popular exports sentries and wardens, this potion
in the entire kingdom, this potion affords the imbiber two additional
makes the imbiber’s assets grow heads and transforms them into
to massive proportions. While a canine, greatly enhancing their
many merchants will claim it sense of smell to help keep watch.
targets the genitals or breasts, Got Guts
in truth the unpredictable brew +Belly
can affect any asset. For those who want to bulk up
quick, this tasty potion swells
up the imbiber’s belly with thick
Claymation fat. There’s plenty of muscle
+Earth Nature, +Receptive underneath too, but it’s hard to see.
A strange, chalky potion with the
consistency of a milkshake, this Hodgepodge
elixir transforms the imbiber’s +Multihead, +Oral Tail,
flesh into clay, making them The most thorough of the mass-
easy to mold and deform. produce Zanthrone elixirs, this
particular potion grants the imbiber
a second head, one leonine and one
Feral Surge caprine, while also transforming
+Feral their tail into a writhing snake.
An elixir favored by those Hydronic
seeking to grow closer with +Multihead, +Prehensile
nature, this potion transforms Allowing the imbiber to sprout
the imbiber into a feral animal, two additional heads, this potion
warping their body to a primitive also transforms the imbiber into
state while leaving their mind a draconic form, lengthening
intact. both neck and tongue to afford
them longer reach with their now-
plentiful maws.
Intertwined Lives
+Merged Splitting Headache
A favorite of long-time lovers +Multi Maw, +Multieye
and often imbibed during A common tool of merchants and
matrimony ceremonies in bureaucrats who are said to speak
Zanthrone, this potion is split out of both sides of their mouth
between two adjacent imbibers, – this potion splits the imbiber’s
causing them to merge together head to grant additional maws
into a single, shared body.. and eyes through which to better
observe the world around them.
Leg Up
+Multi Feet
Useful for those of uncertain Tall tails
footing, this delightful draught +Multi Tail
affords the drinker an additional A potion often coveted by foxes
leg. Premeditated consumption seeking that sleek kitsune appeal,
allows the drinker to choose this elixir grants the imbiber two
where it will emerge from. additional tails. It’s also quite
useful for those unfortunate souls
born without a tail to begin with,
Many Mammaries or who’ve had it removed through
+Multi Tits some mishap.
A favored treat of Matrons
and those employed in milk- to the Sky
bars, this titillating tonic +Multi Wings
allows the imbiber to grow an Perhaps the most revolutionary
additional pair of breasts, which work of Zanthrone potioncraft, this
immediately fill and slosh with swirling tonic grants the imbiber
fresh and bountiful milk right a set of functional wings, fully
away. capable of flight. Focusing while
imbibing the potion allows the
Need a Hand imbiber to manifest wings of their
+Multi Hands own design, rather than leaving it
Helpful for enriching one’s up to the luck of the draw.
grasp, or simply to facilitate
better multitasking, this potion
grants the imbiber an additional What a Mouthful
pair of arms. +Multi Maw
Often the choice of bards, braggarts,
and gluttons, this potion causes the
Pawing Off imbiber to sprout a second maw –
+Pawtastic (Random allowing them to sing, speak, or
A particularly-peculiar potion feast unimpeded.
that transform’s the imbiber’s
assets to resemble Feet. It’s not
a very hot commodity, but some
specialized collectors can’t get
enough of the stuff.
What in Taurnation
A suitable drink of choice for XX Enhancement
outriders and couriers, this +Multi Muff
potion grants the user a tauric A delightful treat for those seeking
lower body, typically of the to enhance their fertility, this
same species as their upper potion blesses the imbiber with
portion, allowing them to travel additional vaginas – fresh and
long distances more quickly and glistening from their inception.
easily than those unfortunate
XY Enhancement
+Multi Cock, +Multi Sack
A highly sought-after additive
for those who prefer quantity
rather than size, this potion
grants the imbiber two throbby
new cocks, along with a nice
heavy pair of testicles to supply
Potion madness
While the blossoming culture of potioncraft in Zanthrone has overall been a
magnificent boon for the kingdom, one of the risks associated with frequent
indulgence in alchemical elixirs is the very real threat of addiction. Unlike
more mundane addictive substances which can leave
the addicted suffering from withdrawal symptoms,
potion addiction leaves traces of mutagenic
compounds in the afflicted which can last whole
lifetimes, causing more and more unpredictable
reactions with each additional potion consumed.
Afflictions are a special variety of Boon
with overwhelmingly negative effects.
When acquired, they temporarily
deactivate your existing Boon, but if
you are cured of an Affliction, your
previous Boon returns.
Affliction: Potion Madness
Your addiction to potions gives you
the Addict Kink towards potions.
Even if this Kink is removed, you
regain it again any time you imbibe
a potion. Furthermore, each time
you imbibe a potion, you gain
a random Mutation, even if the
potion would not normally grant or
alter Mutations.


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