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Week 6: Potential and Field

Physics 204B
Paul Arpin

*Problem numbers refer to Knight 4th edition

⃗ = 0 V/m throughout some region of space. Can you conclude that
1. (a) Suppose that E
V = 0 V in this region? Explain.
(b) Suppose that V = 0 V throughout some region of space. Can you conclude that
⃗ = 0 V/m in this region? Explain.
2. The figure is a graph of Ex . The potential at the origin is −50 V. What is the potential
at x = 3.0 m?

3. Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric field at points 1 and 2 in the the

4. The figure shows the electric potential at the corners of a 1 cm square. What is the
electric field – both magnitude and direction – at the center of the square?
5. Modified from 26.21: Two 3.0-cm-diameter aluminum electrodes are spaced 0.5 mm
apart. The electrodes are connected to a 100 V battery.
(a) What is the capacitance?
(b) What is the magnitude of the charge on each electrode?
(c) What happens to your answers to part a and b if the 100 V battery is replaced with
a 50 V battery?
6. Modified 26.41: The figure is an edge view of three charged metal electrodes. Let the
left electrode be the zero point of the electric potential.

⃗ at x = 0.5 cm, x = 1.5 cm, and

(a) Make a table and indicate the values of V and E
x = 2.5 cm.
(b) Sketch a graph of V (x).
(c) Sketch a graph of Ex (x).

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