Solutions Week6 PracticeProblems Arpin

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Week 6: Potential and Field

Physics 204B
Paul Arpin

*Problem numbers refer to Knight 4th edition

⃗ = 0 V/m throughout some region of space. Can you conclude that
1. (a) Suppose that E
V = 0 V in this region? Explain.
(b) Suppose that V = 0 V throughout some region of space. Can you conclude that
⃗ = 0 V/m in this region? Explain.

(a) No. E looks like the slope of the V (x) curve so for E = 0 we just need a constant
value of V . This could be any value of V , eg. V = 10 V but constant in some
(b) No. E looks like the slope of the V (x) curve so you can be at a point or an an
equipotential where V = 0 but immediately above or below the potential can
increase or decrease giving a non-zero slope.

2. The figure is a graph of Ex . The potential at the origin is −50 V. What is the potential
at x = 3.0 m?

Solution: You should be prepared to work in either direction here from E → V

and from V → E.R In this case we have E and want V . I use the relationship:
∆V = Vf − Vi = − xif Ex (x)dx or ∆V is minus the area under the E versus position

Z xf
Vf = Vi − Ex (x)dx
= −50 V − (200 V/m) (2 m) − (200 V/m) (1 m) = −550 V
3. Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric field at points 1 and 2 in the the

Solution: The electric field points perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces and
from high potential to low potential so at both points it points along y, at point 1,
it points down and at point 2 it points up.
I use |E| ≈ | ∆V
| combined with the directions to find the field at the two points (it
works best to choose equipotentials on either side of the point of interest):

⃗ 75 V − 25 V   V
E1 = −ĵ = −2500ĵ and
.02 m m
⃗ 2 = 75 V − 25 V ĵ = +5000ĵ V
.01 m m

4. The figure shows the electric potential at the corners of a 1 cm square. What is the
electric field – both magnitude and direction – at the center of the square?

Solution: It helps me to visualize by sketching the (approximate) equipotential

which would connect the two 0 V points as shown in the figure below.

From here, I follow our normal rules (like the previous problem).

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∆V 10 V − (−10 V) 2000
|E| ≈ | |= √ = √ V/m
∆s −2
2 × 10 m 2

The direction is shown in the figure. E ⃗ points to the corner of a square, so the angle
is 45◦ . Reading the directions off the figure I find:

⃗ = 2000
E √ V/m cos 45◦ (−î) + sin 45◦ (−ĵ) = −1000 V/m î + ĵ

5. Modified from 26.21: Two 3.0-cm-diameter aluminum electrodes are spaced 0.5 mm
apart. The electrodes are connected to a 100 V battery.
(a) What is the capacitance?
(b) What is the magnitude of the charge on each electrode?
(c) What happens to your answers to part a and b if the 100 V battery is replaced with
a 50 V battery?

(a) For a parallel plate capacitor we have:
C= = 1.25 × 10−11 F = 13 pF
(b) The magnitude of the charge on each electrode is

Q = C∆V = (13 pF)(100 V) = 1300 pC = 1.3 nC

(c) Changing the battery does not change the capacitance, but it does change the
amount of charge on the plates. Halving the voltage will have the charge. Q =
0.65 nC

6. Modified 26.41: The figure is an edge view of three charged metal electrodes. Let the
left electrode be the zero point of the electric potential.

⃗ at x = 0.5 cm, x = 1.5 cm, and

(a) Make a table and indicate the values of V and E
x = 2.5 cm.
(b) Sketch a graph of V (x).
(c) Sketch a graph of Ex (x).

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Assume the electrodes form parallel-plate capacitors with a uniform electric field
between the plates.
The three metal electrodes serve as plates for two capacitors. On the middle elec-
trode, half the charge is located on the left face and half on the right face, thus
forming two capacitors. Each plate of the two capacitors thus carries a charge of
±50 nC.
In the space 0 < x < 1 cm, the magnitude of the electric field is

η Q V
E= = = 1.4 × 107
ϵ0 Aϵ0 m

The electric field points to the left in this case and so would be negative. The
potential difference between two points in space with a uniform electric field is

∆V = Vf − Vi = E(xf − xi )

With the negative plate at x = 0 defined as zero potential (Vi = 0 V at x = 0 cm),

Vf = xf E, or simply V = xE. At x = 0.5 cm the potential is

V = xE = (0.5 × 10−2 m)(1.41 × 107 V/m) = 7 × 104 V

In the region 1 cm ≤ x ≤ 2 cm, E ⃗ = 0 because in electrostatics there is no electric

field inside a conductor. The electric potential is the same as at the surface of the
capacitor plate, which, from part (a), is

V = xE = (1.0 × 10−2 m)(1.41 × 107 V/m) = 1.4 × 105 V

From the symmetry of the setup, the electric field at x = 2.5 cm has the same
magnitude as that at 0.5 cm, but points in the opposite direction, so E = 1.4 ×
107 V/m. Similarly, the potential must be the same, so ∆V = Vf − Vi = −E∆x =
−7 × 104 V. In this case Vi = 1.4 × 105 V so Vf = Vi + ∆V = 7 × 104 V.
(a) I combine the above information here:
x (cm) V (V) E (V/m)
0.5 7 × 104 −1.4 × 107
0.5 1.4 × 105 0
0.5 7 × 104 +1.4 × 107

(b) see graph below

(c) see graph below

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V (104 V)


0 1 2 3
x (cm)

E (107 V/m)

1 2 3
x (cm)

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