Usman Ashraf

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Assigment 01
Database systems


SESSION | 2022-2026
Assignment 01


❖ Muhammad Usman (22-Arid-4386)

❖ Faraz Ahmad (22-Arid-4360)

MAY 02,2023
Question NO 1
➢ What is ERD & Enterprise Hierarchical?
ERD stands for Entity Relationship Diagram. It is a
graphical representation of entities and their relationships to
each other, typically used in software engineering to design
relational databases. An entity is a real-world object or concept
that has a unique identity, such as a customer, order, or
product. A relationship is an association between two or more
entities, such as a customer placing an order or a product being
part of an order.
Enterprise hierarchy
Enterprise hierarchy refers to the way an organization is
structured, with different levels of management and employees
reporting to one another in a hierarchical fashion. This
structure can be represented as an organizational chart, which
shows the different departments and positions within the
organization and how they relate to one another.
Question No 2
➢How to map hierarchies in an ERD?
To map hierarchies in an ERD, you can use a generalization
hierarchy, which defines hierarchical constraints for hierarchical
mapping. A generalization hierarchy groups similar entity types and
defines their similarities and differences. Relationships can be created
between entities of any subtype.
For example, let’s say you have an entity called “Person” and
two subtypes called “Employee” and “Customer”. You can create a
generalization hierarchy that groups “Employee” and “Customer” under
“Person”. You can then create relationships between “Employee” and
other entities, such as “Department”, and between “Customer” and
other entities, such as “Order”.

Question No 3
➢ What is the MAJOR source of information & How it
is captured?
The source of information for an ERD is typically a
database administrator or data analyst who has knowledge of
the organization’s data and business processes. The
information is captured through interviews with stakeholders,
analysis of existing data sources, and documentation of
business processes.

The goal of an ERD is to create a visual representation of

the data that an organization uses and how it relates to other
data within the organization. This can help identify areas where
data may be redundant or where there may be gaps in data
that need to be filled.

Question no 4
➢ How many entities and relationships are
mendatory in an ERD?
There is no set number of entities or relationships that are
mandatory in an ERD. The number of entities and relationships
will depend on the specific needs of the organization and the
data that they are working with.
However, there are some best practices that can be
followed when creating an ERD. For example, it is generally a
good idea to start with a high-level view of the data and then
work down to more detailed views. It is also important to
ensure that each entity has a unique identifier and that
relationships between entities are clearly defined.

Question N0 5
➢ Is ERD a formal representation?
Yes, an ERD is a formal representation of data within an
organization. It is typically used by database administrators and
data analysts to help understand the data that an organization
uses and how it relates to other data within the organization.
ERDs can be created using a variety of tools, including
Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, and Gliffy. These tools allow users
to create diagrams that represent the relationships between
different entities within an organization.
Question N0 6

➢ How to Standardized an ERD?

There are several ways to standardize an ERD, including
using a standard notation such as Crow’s Foot or Chen’s
notation. These notations provide a standardized way of
representing entities and relationships within an organization.
Another way to standardize an ERD is to use a common
set of naming conventions for entities and attributes. This can
help ensure that the data within the organization is consistent
and easy to understand. It is also important to ensure that the
ERD is well-documented and that all stakeholders within the
organization have access to it. This can help ensure that
everyone is on the same page when it comes to understanding
the data that the organization uses.
ER-Diagram For Online Reservation System

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