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An Ethos for Collective Living

- Nuclear Family vs Radical Family

Yes! to encountering each other again
Yes! to refusing presumed roles (the child, the mother, the lover)
Yes! to refusing existing dramaturgies of care
Yes! to exploring other ways of navigating collective space

- Hard Body - Mutating Permeable Body

Curiosity about what makes a body stiffen
Curiosity about stiffenings that look like doings
Curiosity about movements that fold in on themselves disallowing difference
Curiosity about rhythms that become cadences that become full stops

- Consent not to be a single being

Yes! to recognizing I was never one
Yes! to exploring all the fine-tuned interstices of being and doing
Yes! to taking seriously that activity motions the living
Yes! to acknowledging the death of relation heard in the I I I I I

- Central vs Zigzag Modes

Following a tendency
Listening to its own rhythms
Refraining from giving the tendency a leader
Allowing for the tendency to dissipate

- Collectivity is not all together all the time

Collectivity emerges from the in-act of tendencies coming together
Collectivity is in the world, in the relation
Collectivity is not reducible to the interpersonal (the interpersonal is the death of collectivity)
Collectivity is more-than

- Collectivity is not everything is everyone’s

Collectivity requires attuning to the differential
Collectivity expects a curiosity about the world’s transversality
Collectivity is attuning to what an environment needs
Collectivity is engagement with what exceeds what we can feel, or what matters to us

- An Ethos does not mean NOT a THIS way NOT a THAT way
Yes! to being fierce in the care for the event
Yes! for realizing that the work takes work, and takes time
Yes! for attuning to the long experience of activist philosophy
Yes! to learning through each experience how to be in an ethical relation to it

- Frontality vs Sideways
Care for what happens on the edge of perception
Care for modes of attunement that cannot be reduced to normative sense-presentation
Care for the liveliness that escapes predictable rhythms
Care for what happens outside the sphere of the human

- The Social vs Minor Sociality

The social is the measure of recognized forms of encounter
The social requires a tacit frontality that registers the human as what counts
Minor sociality attunes to sideways modes of alliance that are not reducible to the human
Minor sociality thrives in a togetherness that refuses all together now
- Performing for others vs Living Performatively
Yes! to being excited at the thought of sharing a tendency
Yes! to recognizing that the performance is not ours!
Yes! to learning from what yields aesthetically
Yes! to artful modes of living

- Impersonal Movement vs Individual Closings

Attunement to processes dissolving
Attunement to the need for shifts
Attunement to emergent tendencies in the event for detouring
Attunement to ways in which the environment teaches us how to proceed

- Neurotypicality vs Neurodiversity
Diversity is in diversity
Neurotypicality is a systemic operation that keeps things in the distantist place we last left them
Neurodiversity is not an excuse
Neurodiversity is a way to tend to those modalities of experience too often sidestepped in the shuffle to make it
all about me

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