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Module 1

1. Distinguish between micro-economics and macro economics.

2. “Economics may be defined as the study of the allocation of scarce resources among
competing ends”. Examine.
3. Explain the law of demand. Are there any exceptions to it?
4. Explain the factors that cause shifts in demand curve? Or What are the determinants of
5. Explain the law of supply. Explain the factors that cause shifts in supply curve? Or What
are the determinants of demand?
6. What is elasticity of demand? Explain the methods of measuring elasticity of demand.
7. Explain the difference between point elasticity and arc elasticity.
8. Show market equilibrium through a diagram.
9. Discuss the demand opinion polling methods of demand forecasting techniques.
10. Discuss the statistical methods of demand forecasting techniques.
11. Draw and discuss the profit maximization of a firm in short run.
12. Why profit is not always the only goal of any organization? Discuss with reference to
what are the other objectives of the firms.

Module 2

1. Explain the cost output relationship in the short-run

2. Explain the cost output relationship in the long-run.
3. What is a production function? Examine the law of variable proportions
4. What are iso-quants? Give assumptions.
5. What is the difference between returns to scale and law of variable proportions

Module 3
1. Explain the conditions that make a perfect market. How to determine the price-output of
a perfect firm in short run?
2. In long-run why do firm in a perfectly competitive market don’t make profits or loss?
3. Why is a firm price taker in a perfectly competitive market?
4. Why is a monopoly firm a price maker? Show this in relation to short run?

5. What are the features of a monopoly firm? Give the long-run price-output determination
of a monopoly firm.
6. What is price discrimination? Give the various degrees of price discrimination.
7. Explain the features of a monopolistic firm and differentiate it with perfectly competitive
8. Discuss equilibrium of firm in short run and long run.
9. What is oligopoly and explain with features.
10. Why an oligopoly firm has a rigid or sticky price? Explain with the help of kinky demand
11. What are cartels and give the various types of cartels?

Module IV: Macro Economics

1. Give the Four Sector Economy.

2. What are the methods of calculating National Income? What precautionary measures
should be followed while calculating NI.
3. Discuss the uses of National Income determination.
4. Give the assumptions of multiplier theory. What are the leakages?
5. Discuss the static and dynamic multiplier.
6. Discuss the Keynesian Psychological Law of Consumption.
7. Give the Importance of Consumption Function.
8. What are the Determinants of Propensity to Consume
9. What is MEC? Why is Marginal efficiency of Capital Diminishing?
10. Give the meaning and importance of money.
11. What are the different motives of money? Discuss.

12. What is inflation? Discuss of causes for inflation.

13. Distinguish between demand-pull and cost-push theories of inflation.
14. Describe the various theories of inflation. Which of the theories is relevant for describing
inflation in India?
15. Give the various methods of reducing inflation.
16. Discuss the monetary policy with reference to India
17. Discuss the Fiscal policies in detail.

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