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817 © IWA Publishing 2015 Water Science & Technology | 72.

5 | 2015

Vertical flow constructed wetlands subject to load

variations: an improved design methodology connected to
outlet quality objectives
C. Boutin and S. Prost-Boucle

C. Boutin (corresponding author)
This study surveyed four campsites and four rural villages of major tourist interest, called tourist-
S. Prost-Boucle
interest or ti-villages, that were monitored for several years, generating over 70 performance Irstea, Research Unit: Freshwater Systems,
Ecology and Pollution,
balances for vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs) that were intentionally scaled down for 5 rue de la Doua, CS 70077,
F-69626 Villeurbanne Cedex,
experimental trials. The wastewater effectively qualifies as domestic sewage, although relatively France
concentrated, with the campsites presenting particularly high nitrogen concentrations (122 gTKN L–1) E-mail:

(TKN: total Kjeldahl nitrogen). The applied daily loads were also particularly high, with some
combinations of load parameters (hydraulic load, organic matter, TKN) leading to 400% overloading.
Even under those drastic conditions, the quality of effluent remained excellent on the characteristic
organic matter parameters, with removal performances always over 85%. Analysis of the dataset
points to two major design thresholds: for campsites, in order to maintain a 73% nitrification rate
even at the height of the summer season, the load applied onto the first stage filter in operation
could achieve up to 600 gCOD m–2 day–1 (COD: chemical oxygen demand). For tourist-interest
villages, in order to maintain an 85% nitrification rate, the load applied onto the second stage filter in
operation could achieve up to 22 gTKN m––1. Here, VFCWs were demonstrated to robustly
handle a massive increase in loads applied, providing the construction and operation stringently
follow design standards and practices.
Key words | applied loads, design, fluctuations, nitrogen, vertical flow constructed wetlands


Tourism is a major driver of the French economy, with tour- Campsites stand out by their extreme seasonality. The gen-
ism consumption – up 3% between 2011 and 2012 – put at eral pattern is a 2-month-only window of high-season activity,
an estimated €149 billion in 2012 (Ministère de l’artisanat with amenities closed to the public in winter. For tourist-
du commerce et du tourisme ). France pulls tourists in interest villages, the situation is less clear-cut – the tourist
across the whole country, even if the distribution is season is longer, and there is a permanent population resident
uneven, with tourists gravitating towards areas lining the all year round. Simple economics dictates that to avoid scaling
Mediterranean and Atlantic coastline zones and the moun- infrastructure exclusively to peak affluence activity, amenities
tain–upland regions. The net result is that rural-sector should ideally be optimally scaled to meet variable demand
tourism is outstandingly well catered for, with 2.7 million needs while staying within regulatory targets.
beds on campsites accounting for almost half (47.2%) of Experimental trials in France have installed several ver-
the global accommodation offer across France. tical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs) scaled at a variety
Friendly weather brings the additional influx of a seasonal of sizes. The VFCWs treatment solution offers a number of
population that needs to be provided with appropriately-scaled advantages: accessibility, robustness and reliability. The
infrastructure amenities (potable water, wastewater treatment, signs suggest that VFCWs can appropriately adapt to
transport links, etc.), whether by public authority organiz- tourism-driven variations (Kadlec & Wallace ). In an
ations (including tourist-interest villages) or private-sector equivalent approach, trials have been carried out in Italy
host facilities such as campsites and holiday parks. in several types of CWs, including one VFCW, preceded
doi: 10.2166/wst.2015.271
818 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

by a primary settlement (Masi et al. ). The eight VFCWs MATERIALS AND METHODS
studied here were designed on a conventional French con-
struction basis: The dataset comes from eight VFCWs receiving wastewater
from four campsites and four rural villages of major tourist
• First stage with three independent filters and in series. interest, called tourist-interest or ti-villages.
• Second stage with two independent filters. In some exper- These campsites have a several-hectare area and are
imental VFCWs, second stage is constructed with three rated ‘deluxe/luxury’. The tourist zones studied are in rural
independent filters. area settings where peak populations remain modest, at up
to 1,500 inhabitants for the two ti-villages. The population
They are fed with screened wastewater (Boutin et al. can double or quadruple in summer depending on local set-
). The filters are batch-fed in doses to ensure optimal tings. We calculate the ratio between both populations: the
water and total suspended solids (TSS) distribution and high-season population compared to the off-season popu-
improve oxygen supply. This configuration is known to lation. One very high ratio is explained by a village (290
enable good degradation of organics, good capture of TSS permanent residents) which hosts a summer festival
and practically full nitrification (Boutin et al. ). (Table 1).
After a brief description of the influent wastewater Seven sites were intentionally down-scaled in relation to
tackled, this paper reports an analysis of running conditions classic values, with six sites down-scaled by over half. All
for these eight experimental VFCWs, and concludes with a other key implementation factors (material, ventilation
definition of the acceptable influent load thresholds on pipes, batch-fed dosing, etc.) remain unchanged.
each stage according to the effluent quality objectives The measurement campaigns spanned several years,
targeted. starting as soon as the amenities were opened to the

Table 1 | Descriptive data on the eight tourist facility activities and their corresponding eight VFCWs

Campsites Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4

Classification/grade Stars 4 4 3 4
Pitch allocation Mobile homes 40 160 40 94
Tents 160 0 60 157
Total area Hectares 7 10 8 4
Host capacity Campers 900 800 400 1000
VFCWs Total area m2/camper 0.83 0.81 2.02 1.04
1st stage Number of filters 3 3 3 3
Total area m2/camper 0.53 0.57 1.21 0.61
2nd stage Number of filters 3 3 2 3
Total area m2/camper 0.30 0.24 0.81 0.43
Tourist-interest (ti) villages Site A Site B Site D Site E
Tourist activity category Heritage village Festival once/year, lasting 1 week Village with campsite
Population Over wintertime Inhabitants 555 420 290 350
Summer peak Inhabitants 1552 1500 5000 500
Ratio of high-season/off-season inhabitants 2.8 3.6 17.2 1.4
VFCWs Total area m 1550 738 1830 720
m2/inhab. max. 1.00 0.49 0.37 1.44
1st stage Number of filters 3 3 4 3
Total area m2 1050 432 1200 432
m2/inhab. max. 0.68 0.29 0.24 0.86
2nd stage Number of filters 2 2 2 2
Total area m2 500 306 630 288
m2/inhab. max. 0.32 0.20 0.13 0.58
819 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

public in 2007 and running through to 2013 for the camp- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sites. The vast majority of measurements were naturally
taken in high tourist season, but a small fraction were Quality of domestic wastewater
taken off-season, i.e. in mid-June and late-August for the
campsites and in winter for the ti-villages. The bulk of the Wastewater concentrations were relatively homogeneous
measurements came from Site 1, Site 2 and Site A. To depending on campsite (Table 2).
account for this uneven split in the amount of data available The drinking-water-saving recycling systems at certain
per site, we used the appropriate weighted averages, i.e. sites led to higher pollutant concentrations on all par-
averages that were calculated not using individual data but ameters across the board. The mean values of the
using the individual average of each site. characteristic organic matter parameters depict a typically
All data processed are measured from 24-h performance concentrated effluent transiting through a short-loop net-
balances, generally reconstructed samples proportional to work (Boutin et al. ). However, the Kjeldahl nitrogen
flow rate. The final dataset ultimately features 25 perform- concentrations (mean: 122 mg TKN L–1) were nevertheless
ance balances co-characterizing raw wastewater influent, at almost double the regular concentrations. People camp-
output from the first stage, and effluent, 33 performance bal- ing tend to make basic meals that generate less greywater,
ances co-characterizing raw wastewater influent and effluent, therefore leading to a lower organic matter fraction in
and 17 performance balances characterizing effluent only. relation to nitrogen that is mainly vectored in via urine.
Special focus was paid to the raw wastewater samples, In ti-villages, in high summer season, mean effluent
which posed real challenges to sample collection at the quality tends to be more concentrated than typical average
campsites due to the short network. To resolve this issue, domestic wastewater, at around 20–40% higher, depending
we opted to re-position the sampling strainer and to synchro- on parameters. In the winter season, the mean concen-
nize samplings at each batch-feed. trations confirm that the influent is regular domestic
Each treatment stage was assessed against the chemical wastewater. The range of variability is particularly high in
oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), winter: wastewater concentrations directly reflect respon-

TSS, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), N-NHþ 4 and N-NO3 sible water use and type of network: combined/separate
parameters in line with standardized methods (AFNOR ). sewer system.

Table 2 | Quality of domestic wastewater discharges from in-season campsite activity and in rural tourist-interest villages

Concentrations (mg L–1) Ratios


/4 TKN

Campsites Weighted mean 367 915 432 122 99 0.14 0.80

(4 sites)
Max. 33–34 data 680 1400 740 170 150 0.19 0.94
Min. 220 529 160 79 51 0.09 0.62
Tourist-interest villages Summer Weighted mean 378 792 311 92 70 0.13 0.77
(3 sites)
Max. 12–19 data 704 1298 571 113 85 0.20 0.97
Min. 190 476 160 52 20 0.07 0.31
Winter Weighted mean 320 647 302 60 43 0.10 0.76
(3 sites)
Max. 6–7 data 1102 1677 1072 119 68 0.12 0.89
Min. 45 105 35 13 11 0.07 0.57
Values for rural-area communities mean 265 646 288 67 55 0.12 0.74
(Mercoiret )
Max. 570 1341 696 123 98 0.18 0.97
Min. 39 122 53 14 12 0.063 0.50
820 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

All-round efficiency of the eight VFCWs The ti-villages have excellent effluent concentrations
that never go over 20 mg TKN L–1.
Quality of effluent
Removal performances
The quality of effluent (Table 3) appears globally better from
ti-villages than from campsites, even if the weighted means Treatment efficiency in terms of characteristic organic
across sites in both settings qualify as excellent when bench- matter parameters is demonstrated: removal performances
marked in terms of the regulatory thresholds (Council were systematically over 86% for BOD5 (Table 3).
Directive //EEC). Looking at nitrogen parameters for ti-villages, removal
Looking at the TKN parameter, the results on nitrifica- performances are systematically above 80% and fit with
tion indicators are fairly scattered (Table 3, Figure 1). expectations (Molle et al. ). For campsites, the mean
For campsites, the weighted mean effluent concentration removal performances are 75% for TKN and 69% for
remains TKN-heavy (29 mg L–1), consistent with the high N-NHþ 4 , although the range of variability on both these par-
initial concentration of the raw wastewater. There is no ameters underscores how nitrogen is the critical factor
more organic nitrogen content in the water outlet. Nitrate shaping VFCWs performances.
production is variable (averaging 57 mg N-NO –1
3 L but peak- In order to propose productive ways to improve nitrifica-
ing at over 110 mg N-NO –1
3 L ). Certain concentrations are tion, we led a stage-by-stage analysis. We compared the
near-zero, flagging a limit that typically signals impending various daily surface–dose loads applied (Table 1) against
anoxia: that can be used to define the threshold for those the conventional scaling rules for a total VFCW surface of
intentionally down-scaled VFCWs. 2 m2 inhab–1 (Table 4).

Table 3 | Quality of effluents (mg L–1) and removal performances (%) of the eight VFCWs surveyed

Concentrations (mg L–1) Removals (%)


4 N-NO

Campsites Weighted mean 4 sites 17 29 28 57 4 sites 95 75 69

Max. 34–36 data 53 95.0 85.0 110.0 31–33 data 99 98 98
Min. 3 2.0 1.5 0.2 86 37 20
Ti-villages Summer Weighted mean 4 sites 5 7.2 6.5 52 3 sites 98 88 87
Max. 15–26 data 18 19.5 37.3 230.0 12–19 data 99.9 99 99.9
Min. 1 0.6 0.04 15.5 94 80 75
Winter Weighted mean 4 sites 7 4.2 1.2 48 3 sites 95 93 97
Max. 13–18 data 25 12.9 5.1 151.0 6–7 data 99.8 98 99.6
Min. 1 1.0 0.1 20.7 93 85 92

Figure 1 | Over time TKN concentrations of 74 effluents.

821 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

Table 4 | Conventional criteria for French VFCWs

Surface area Applied load on the filter in operation

Expected removal
Organic performances

2 1
g.m day %
Total Hydraulic
Conventional criteria m2 inhab 1 Per filter cm day 1 COD TKN COD TKN

1st stage 1.2 0.4 37.5 300 ≈ 30 79 56

2nd stage 0.8 0.4 37.5 75 13.5 56 70
Total 2 – – – – 90 86

This design is based on the daily load of one rural 600 gCOD m–2 day–1, the organic matter content was treated
inhabitant, as evaluated by statistical analysis of 10,000 data- reliably and relatively effectively given the regression coeffi-
points: 120 gCOD, 11.9 gTKN, 46 gBOD5 and 150 L cient (0.98) of the curve plotting daily surface-area applied
(Mercoiret ). vs. treated loads. The mean COD removal performances of
this first stage filter were of 77% for campsites and 82%
Efficiency of the first treatment stage of the eight for ti-villages.
VFCWs Despite these high load ranges, at least 75% of organic
matter was still removed.
Hydraulic load However, the oxygen content is no longer sufficient for
nitrification, at less than 15% compared to 21% saturation
In high season, wastewater treatment plants tend to run at measured inside the first stage filters during a rest period
slight hydraulic underload: mean flush (35.6 cm day–1 for with a Dräger X am 7000 analyzer (manufactured in Stras-
campsites and 27.3 cm day–1 for ti-villages) onto the first bourg, France; results not shown). The nitrogen removal
stage filter in operation is closed to conventional-design rate reached only 40% instead of the conventional rate of
hydraulic loads. Note, however, that we did record a hand- 55%.
ful of extreme overload events that reached up to 175% in The TKN applied loads reached 75 gTKN m–2 day–1 for
reference to the conventional situation. campsites and 37 gTKN m–2 day–1 for ti-villages, which
equates to substantial overloads ranging from 250 to 125%
Surface applied loads and removal performances over the conventional value of 30 gTKN m–2 day–1. It is
the first time that we have measured such heavy overloads.
The COD applied loads at ti-villages and campsites were Once over the 35–40 gTKN m–2 day–1 thresholds,
two-fold higher and 1.5-fold higher, respectively, than the removal performances at campsites clearly start to drop
classical French design loads. Despite reaching 460– (Figure 2, left). These results confirm the previous trends

Figure 2 | TKN efficiencies on the first treatment stage (left) and second treatment stage (right).
822 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

established from much lower applied loads (Molle et al.

Outside of these overload conditions, some operational
mistakes (under flushing dosing rates for example) explain
certain mediocre outlet quality (Figure 1).

Efficiency of the second treatment stage of the eight


Hydraulic load Figure 3 | Impact of hydraulic loads at the second treatment stage on nitrification.

In ti-villages, even in high season, the diurnal hydraulic over-

loads remain modest (around 110%). The second treatment CONCLUSIONS
stages equipped with three independent filters (rather than
two) on some campsites (Table 1) explains the heavy The study on eight VFCWs at four campsites and four
hydraulic overloading (260%) applied to the filter in feed- ti-villages tracked over several years confirms the promise
mode. A standard design would have led to mean overloads of VFCWs as an appropriate technology in terms of robust-
of around 175%. ness and ability to adapt to tourism-driven variations in
influent loads. However, appropriate design is absolutely
fundamental to the success of these down-scaled VFCWs:
Surface applied loads and removal performances three same-surface-area filters at the first stage and two
same-surface-area filters at the second stage. Furthermore,
The peaks measured for COD applied loads at ti-villages and VFCWs will only deliver the expected performance results
campsites were over the conventional design loads, i.e. 2.25- if they are run strictly in line with a code of operational prac-
fold higher at ti-villages and four-fold higher at campsites. tice (including the filter dosing and resting periods).
Nevertheless, treatment performances on organic matter There are three situation profiles according to season
were systematically at very respectable levels. Mean COD and length of the peak pollution period.
removal performance (58%) was not just excellent but
even matched the expectations set for regular situations (i) Campsites: heavy overloads can be handled thanks to
(Molle et al. ). the absence of in-feed over the long winter season
The TKN loads applied at the ti-village and campsites and subsequent virtually complete mineralization of
were considerably higher than the conventional design VFCWs surface deposits. While maintaining accepta-
loads (2.25-fold higher at the ti-village and 6.4-fold higher ble nitrification levels, at around 73% in peak periods,
at campsites, i.e. corresponding to peak values of 28– the limiting factor identified is organic applied load
85 gTKN m–2 day–1 for the filter in operation, Figure 2). on the first stage. This load must not be allowed to
For the ti-village, the removal performances still fit with go 200% over the conventional design level, i.e.
expectations, in contrast with campsites, where nitrification 600 gCOD m–2 day–1. These conclusions can be
first stalls at an applied load of 58 gTKN m–2 day–1. extrapolated up to any short-term pollutant dis-
Figure 3 also highlights how hydraulic loads impact charges lasting less than three months if the system
nitrification performances. This negative impact is particu- is completely pollution-free over the winter season.
larly visible at campsites working with a triple-filter design (ii) Tourist-interest villages: overloads can be handled
on the second stage. This is because excessive water input thanks to the better conditions for summer-season
affects the ability of the matrix to re-oxygenate and reduces organic matter degradation and mineralization. In
the oxygen content needed for nitrification, as observed on relation to campsites, the viable manageable overloads
the first stage. By limiting hydraulic overload under 175%, are modulated by two key factors: (i) the tourist season
the regression line plotting hydraulic load against nitrifica- is likely to be longer; and (ii) the VFCWs receive pol-
tion removal would put the predicted minimum lution even during the off-season winter period.
nitrification threshold at 55%. While maintaining nitrification performances at
823 C. Boutin & S. Prost-Boucle | VFCW subject to load variations in an improved design Water Science & Technology | 72.5 | 2015

around 85%, the limiting factor identified is nitrogen REFERENCES

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First received 15 January 2015; accepted in revised form 13 May 2015. Available online 3 June 2015

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