Activity Log-1

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Activity Log

Activity Procedure/Instructions Outcome

1 Simon say. 1. Choose someone to be
Simon says game can Simon.
enhance listening,
comprehension, and 2. Simon starts the game by
following instructions skills saying, "Simon says [any
in children. It also helps to commond]."
improve their memory and 3. Everyone playing must
focus. follow the command only if
Simon says "Simon says"
before the command.
4. If Simon doesn't say
"Simon says" before the
command, players should not
follow the command.
5. If a player follows a
command without "Simon
says," they are out of the
6. The last person standing
2. Coloring. Steps
This activity can help 1. Show the children a picture
children develop their that has various shapes in it.
problem-solving, critical
thinking, and decision- 2. Next, show the children
making skills as they identify shapes along with different
and match the shapes in the colors assigned to those
picture with the shapes
corresponding colors. 3. Instruct the children to find
the shapes in the different
picture and color them with
the corresponding color.

3 Puzzle. Steps
Puzzle solving can enhance 1. Start by looking at the
several skills, such as picture on the box and get a
cognitive skills, fine motor sense of what the completed
skills, attention and focus, puzzle will look like.
memory, and patience. 2. Sort the puzzle pieces by
edge pieces and middle

3. Sort the remaining

middle pieces by color,
pattern, or texture to make
it easier to find matching

4. Start by finding pieces

that match the colors or
patterns in the picture on
the box and put them

5. Look for pieces that

have similar shapes or
patterns to what you see in
the picture and try them in
different spots until they


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