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Dpracewani rafine ANDRZEJ DUDZINSKI (©Copyright by Stanislaw Baratza ISBN 89-7006-$88-1 WSTEP: ‘TRZEWIKI KROLOWEJ DANII Scena? aktupierwszego Hamleta. Dusk ksi stoi przed nami ‘sam, Preed chwilaogladlismy go w zalagodzonym dzickiimerwe- ‘ji matkistarciastownym z krdlem-ojezymem. Za chwile wejdzie Horacio 7 wiescg 0 pojawieain sig w Elsynceze ducha zmarlego ‘iedaveno kra-oja. Zanim to jednak nastap, porostawiony sam ta scenie Hamlet rozpoczyna swoj pierwsze wielkiesoiloquiam, czyli monolog wyslaszany pod nieabeenosé innych bohaerSw. “Zwierza sig sobie samems ~i nam, wid2om ~ 2 edeazy do Swi i z samobsjczych nastoj6w, w jakie popall 2 winy postepowania. ‘matki zaledwie zmatlojiee ~ wysza za sry! Barz) nz wszy- ssko inne, bardie|nawet nz, kaivodzwo",jakimjego edaniem jest ten zwigaek, boii oburzaksecaniepreyawoity pospiach nedawno fowdowiale) Krslowe). Sluchaje monologu, jestesmy zarazem Swiadkami zmagas Hamieta 2 opoma mova: wsitye on zaleie slowa, Kiére oddlyby cala ohyde tego, co go prasjmuje takim brzydaeniem. nage, w samego s2ezstu paalizajace mu jezyk bezsilngj fri, Hamlet mae take stow Alte month, or ere ose shoes were old ‘With which she followed my poor father's body Lie Niobe, ll tears ret jen marny mise NNicmingl, nawet nie adr teeikSw, Whtrych sla wtedy 2 neezngeng rman, Wetzch jak Niobe Giyby moéna bylo zota krytykiem literackim tyTko po pomy- Sinym preejsciu przez seri testéw sprawdzajacych elementarna wndliwos estetyezna Kandydata(wielka srkoda, et) rasady sie nie tose: oszezedriloby tonam wielu ierpiea pray czytaniprasy lterackie), zaytowany fragment nadawaby sig do takiego spray wi Teraz But aie moze wykrausé ant slows, bo fy seiskaja mu flo: teraz ja ealyje fea ale on sziocha dale jak jet. Teraz Prsdchodre do math 0, géyby ieszeesta mopla praemovie ale sto (ko skamenita2rozpaay,zrozdziaviona podesawva! Wigs dobr2e, alu ja Jako Zywo, oddech moje) mati. Ternz podchodze do Sosy, syszyie te jek? A przez eal ten czas pies ani ez ale uoni, fn stwka nie psnie~ podcraspdy moje ty tk zasaje emi, ad bow sigrobi WHAT? I LOVE, I SUE, I SEEK A WIFE! ‘And I: forscob in ove! that been ves whip, ‘Ary baal toa bumorou sigh ‘Aesite,nay, a ighewath constable, ‘A domineering podanto'r ihe by, ‘Than whom no moral so magn ic. This wimpled, whining. prin, wayward boy, ‘This sanor junior, gantdwar, Dan Cup, Regent of foverimes, lon of folded ary ‘The ancined sovereign of hs and grosts, Lege of all iotere snd malcontents Dread prac of place's, king of codecs, Sole nestor and es ental Or wtng paris © O my lie hart ‘Auto be coor of is el ‘And wear ol ike a amble's oop! ‘What? ove tase, seek «wile, ‘Avwomn hats ike a Geran clock, Sill repairing, ver ut of fame, fod evr Ean ght ng wh, Butbeing wath tha stay sl go ight! Nay. toe pene, which wort of a And, among theo fve the worst of all Avital wanton with velvet brow, ‘Wit wo pitch alls stuck in her ace for ye. Ayan by heaven one tha wld the doo, ‘Though Ags wer hes eunuch and her gud ‘And io sigh orher to watch ore ‘Tapray for ber Goto. itisa plague That Copi wll pee form my neglect Oks almiehy reat ule mig Well will ove, wee, sigh, pays, groan Some men must iove my lady and some Jan JA MAM SIE KOCHAC, ZALECAC, OSWIADCZAC? 4a zakochany' Ja, jesse niedawno Bice na Kochankiw preesmicwa ich ex Kiyiyk banovay sea, pear ‘Mentor Amora, copczyka, hirem “Zadenémeteikw pyre nie drown! Tenmaly flepie x perepaska na oerach, Placaivy aby arose obey, Najmodsry, lei najstrsy 2 bos, ‘Wode calamanyeh rk, pan na sonetch, Jgkow i wesichnen swt pomazanie, Kral niesreesiwosw snujacych ses ‘iige ciemnose!w zakamarkachspdnic [pgeaniejeyeh nam prey spodniach ocak, inde hy,dowedeay arma Grascnow nage) wyhlinanyeh ranbon Onn nieszezesny! ~ na je orkaz Se mam wyrasta w pole jegobarwy Now jskrawe)ak sj noskocnia? Samain sig hoch, lect, winders? Mice Pong hor, jak nemieK! tear, Gales ae masa fo spn seo pies. ne pozvala Ania chile ute» bie oka! Rezywopreytinewo ob rant nagoret, ‘Aji dodaks Kochut ¢njgoreey, Zia soni 0 brwich 7 aksamit, Zeer hans) seo Kira w tjchrccrach posta na soi Ghodby sam Argus yal apo Kem! Toja do nie) wadycham. ne Spe preceni, Mode sg ona" © ta, esto pia, igeapokaral mnie Aor 28 kin Ziego sas) drcegcl werechmocy. Garb wie blag eer, wadychos Pani xy prona deicwhghogod treba Koha lochae ” ‘TO SEE NOW HOW A JEST SHALL COME ABOUT! ~ She's not fourteen, Tay fourteen of my testh — ‘And yet, to:my een bei spoken, have bt four — She's not fourteen, How long ist 0% ‘ToLammastie? =A fornigh and odd days. = Even or odd ofall days in the year, (Come Lammas Eve at night shal she be fourteen ‘Susan and she (God rest all Christan souls!) ‘Were ofan age. Well, Susans with God; She was too good forme. But, as Tsai, (On Lammas Eve at nigh shal she be fourteen; ‘Tha shal she, mary] remember well, “Tssince the earthquake now eleven year And she was weaned (never shall forget, (alle days ofthe year, upon that day For had then lid wermoad tomy dig, Sitting in the sun under the dovehouse wall My lord and you were thon st Manus Nay. Fo bear a bain. But, ssid, When it did taste the wormood on the nipple Of my dug and felt biter, prety ook, To sevit techy and fal ut with the ig! Shake, quoth the dovehouse! "Twas no need, Lixo, ‘Tobid me tude. ‘And since that ue its eleven years, For then she could stand high-kne; nay, by thro, She could have run and waded ll about, For even the day before she broke her brow: And then my sband (God be wit is soul "A'vas amery man) took up the cil, “Yea” quoth he, dost how fall upon thy face? ‘Thou wilt al backward when thou hast more wit Wiltthou pot, Tule? and, by my holdem, ‘TAKI SIF, DOWCIP UDA MALUCHOWI! Jun whabce skosicry ezemassie lat, = Raja, CCuemateie wlasnych ebow stawiam w zakad (Choc. co prawn, mam ich ko cztery), Zoo jud werice. Kiedy bez perwszy Seri ~ Zesty jesacae x dvatygsnie. Ileby ich tam byt, da cay wie, WW wit prac perry seria uk Ronoe otrmaiie Obie # Za Ospcrywai' yyw ednyn atin tera migey ation Zadabbyo deco lane rss ‘Alsat mig nasa Julia w weer Pech prey seria stry ltcatrasie— Dobra pemicam, Jena at Mini edugood eye cin, trcbabylo tal, pew ten dics Asn ln on Tansee. po 3 Jak di paige: st obi w soca Po goebiem racirum irs Poker Pato obyawoje wed Be Man eg ‘Wigs jak pomindan iyo pera Polina ech seo ao ‘Gorkow ead) b= jak i wast, Jat ley aire Dra ‘Atugolbni a plccam eoesy ‘Teste remit Ne treba bo De ay en win, ge lpr dni Oftad igo jedenascie at Bo rust sem, ca mow Ulla codecs po dom Date wenn iano, 2apal, 0 ‘The pretty wretch et exying and said *Ay” ‘Tote now how ajet shall come about warrant, an [should ive a thousand years, {never should forget i "Wil thou not Je?” qth be, And, prety fool, it stinted and said "Ay. ~Eough of this. pray thee old thy peace + Yes, madam. Yet Leannot choose but ugh ‘Tothink it shoald leave eying and say "Ay" ‘And yet, Tarrant, ithad upon brow ‘A bump as big asa young cocks yone; ‘A perilous knock; and it eed biter ‘Yea,’ quoth my husband, "falls upon thy face? ‘Thou wilt fall ackward when thou comestto age; Wiltehou not, Jule? Tesinted snd said" Nabil sobie guza: a m6) may Nieboseczyk to byt wie kawalar wie, Pane, ego dsz3) pods al Liowi: cTeraz" mov, 10 na bruszek, ‘Nak zmadasjesr to padnisr na pleci Car"; smart, jak i Pan Bog ily, Pruesuje becze i seplei:,Dobrie"! ‘Tai si doweip udal malochowi! Tysiactat moge Zyé, ane zaporne, Jak maz ja pyta: Co, na ple panies", ‘Ata polyka ay méwis Dobe"? ~Dosyéjud Prose uciszie sg wreszce pzieni mewi. Ate ae sowo, Pace 2 Smiechu. gy sobie pezypomne — Prastaje clips i powiads:.Dobae’ {A guznacoole ma jak rae ajo Stkoga si porzadnie i beczaa, Jak jazarzynals mad mow Co Suki mitra na var? pala, ‘jak doosniese, upadnise na wanak, Nieprawda,Julciu?,afobuviak maly Prastjeplkac i powada:,Dobzie" 4“ DREAMS ARE THE CHILDREN OF AN IDLE BRAIN 0, then Eee Queen Mab hath been with you She isthe fairies’ midwife, and she comes In shape no bigger than an upate stone On he forefinger ofan alderman, Drawn wih feam of ite atomles (Over men's noses as they le asleep; Her wagon spokes made of ong spinners les, ‘The cover, ofthe wings of grasshoppers: Her traos, ofthe smallest spider wen: Her collars, ofthe moonshine's wary beams Her whip, of eriekets bone: the lash of i Her vagones, a small gre-coated grt, [Nothlt so big a around ie worm Picked fom the lazy finger of mais Her chariot ean empty hazelnut, “Made by the joiner aque or old grub, Time out o'mind the faies'coachmakes ‘And in hs sae she gallops nigh by might ‘Trough lovers sins, and then they dream of love: O'er couriers knees, that dream on curses stuighs OFerlaveyers'fgers, who straight dream on fees, O'er ladies ip, who straight on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab wi Blisters plagues, Because their breaths with sweimest anid ae, Sometime she gallops o'er couriers noe, [And then dreams he of smelling out sit And sometime comes she with athe pig's ail ‘Tickling a parson's nose asa is ssoxp, ‘Then dreams e of another henetice ‘Sometimes she drveth ora soir 's neck, ‘And then dreams he a cutting foreign throats, Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish hides, (Orhealth ive fathom deep, snd then anon Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, And being thus ighte, swears a prayer or (wo ‘And sleeps again. This shat very Mab A SNY SA DZIECMI BEZWOLNEGO MOZGU Peveie wideiaes Mab, kedlowa week? Wiest ne wieks2a nih zezbiony aga. Na wskavujaym paluchy burst, ‘Te cotow nocy dezdza o nesach Spiaeych ciagniona w maletkiekarecie, ora ma spel dlugich ng pajerych, ache skorydelek kena pong, jee ~rcenithich nitek pajeczyny, UUpraae “2 wilgotych promieniKsgiyea, Bcayk -2 widkienka Inui Kost Soesacza Cals il vapreg to para komarSw Nie wigkstararem ni mocha 2 praystowi ‘Wiese gy se mévi: on ma muchy w mie" Palo karocy 24810 pasty w srodku (Orzechlaskowy, wyarazonyzarabnie W lesaym wardrtacie nidwemych stelmachow: Sarego crerwin jude} wiewiori Waki poworie krdlowa co noc Zoiodzagalopem meg akochanych, rym sie wiedy shi milosna rockose “Muse tt gigkie Kolano dwaraka, ry w sie wide dy akon’ Dio adwokata, hry zaraz marty COonoranach lho sta dams, Ktdennatychmiast no pocalunka (Grecia Krlowa move apokarae Feta na ward, js vor edechu “Zeal, Ye spac 2h ab sheyeze. CeasemaGlowanawiedw podtery Nos urredhnika=ten ery pr7e7 Seo Zapach lau: albo nos poboszsza ccc skgconym prosgejm ogonkiem, ‘ks Ske nowe dtsciny CCzasam zou przemyka po kark ‘Zolnier tema rojas Fechtun Satur. asadrki,podrzynanie garde. Pchary wina na sie glebokie ‘That plas the manes of horses the nigh ‘And bakes the elflocks in fou sttsh ais, ‘Which once unangled much misfortine bes. Thisis the hag, wen maids ie on thet backs, ‘That presses them and Lams thom fit tobe Making them women of good carriage Thisisate ~ Peace, peace, Mercutio, peace! ‘Thou lk's of ashing. Tre, tak of deans; Which are the chides of anid brain, gt of nothing bu vain fantasy Which sas thin of substance as tear, And more incorstant tan the wind, ho woos Even now the frozen bosom ofthe North ‘Anu: being angered, pfs sway fom tence, ‘Turning hs side tothe de oping South Wredy kestowa zatabi mu w vcho ~ aha orywa sie pezeazony, Kin emtwiapacore | rows bsypia Tak, (ota sama krolowa, co Koniom Zaplataw nocygraywy, a wos lade Ziepiaw paskudny plogawy koltun, ‘try rozezesaé to pewne nesrcreécie. “Toonajest 4 zmory, kta ust Na wanak ledacedilewczga, awezasu ‘rae suki moszena czars, Kore) potracba by sa ig Kobict Tom — Dosyé jut dosyé, Merkucjo! Gada 0 niceym ~Tak, gadam o snack: ‘A sny 4 ézicemi beswolnego mire, Plodemniczego,czyse| wyobraén, Substangjizviewne jak samo powtietrre ards) sien) mie kapyny wise, Co anieehgcony do chodne} Plnocy. Rca sg elle objciaPotudna OMED| AAA. MEMO om) 45 IT IS THE EAST, AND JULIET IS THE SUN! But soft What light through yonder window beaks? Wis the Ess, ad flies the wn ‘Aris, fir sun, and ill the envious mocn, ‘Who is already sick and pale with griet ‘That thou her maid at far more far than she. Be nother maid since she s envious Her vesa very but ick end green, ‘And none but fools do wea i. Catt off Tis my lady; O, tis my love! O tha she knew she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that? Her eye discourses; [ill snewerit Lam to bolts aot to me she speaks, “Two ofthe fairest stars in al the heaven, Having some business, do enireat he eves “To winkle in theirspheres til they erm Whatither eyes were there, they in her head? ‘Tre brighiness of her check would shame those stars AS daylight doth a lamps ber eyes in heaven ‘Would through the airy region seca so bight ‘That birds would sng and think it were noe night, See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! that Twere a glove upon that hand. ‘That [might euch har eheek’ 46 10 BRZASK NA WSCHODZIE, A SLONCEM JEST JULIA! eho! 6 o 2a Swat bylaw okie? “To breask na Wachodsie, a seiom jest Jali! Warjé, src, przyémijchorobliviebady Ksiezye! Patonka Ksiezyeai dziewie, Bogini Diana, szarzee 2 aise! Newidek toje) uody. Wypowied Je) postszetstwo, el tak zadeosna! [Nie bad potlngstuzebna,zrauésuknie Jejanemiczne}, mite} poswiaty! ‘To moja pant moje ukochanal, 0. gdyby moglawiedzieg, 2 nia jest! Mawi cos ni nie slychaé. Leczcoz tego? Je) cezy méwi ~ocaom wige powiem ‘Zhy aly jst; mawia Tee ie do rie. vie naljsniejsvegwiaady w aly niebie, ‘Maj grein) aki pine spray, Zralaaly sobie w jj oczachzaseped, ik nie wrdcg na swoje oti. ‘Agyby zamieniy sie mlescami, {Gyby to gwiardy Sic w je varay? esos vary prayemiby wiz, Sak Swat dzieane gas wa lamp: Zao jejozey w nee take blak’ Siatyby pope powiewzneregony, Ze lak, swialloseigniezwyka zmylony, Spiewaioy w ny. Opartapoiczek [Nadlont ©. bye jee rekawicoak Juli dotkna przez chil) twarzy! a WHAT'S IN A NAME? © Romeo, Romeo! wherefore a thou Romeo? Deny thy father and reuse thy name (r,t thou wit no, be but sworn my lve, AndI'llno longer be a Capulet| "Tis but thy name tht is my enemy. ‘Thou at thyself, cough aot « Montague ‘What's Montague? Is nor hand. no foo, Norarm, noe fae, nor any oer part’ Belonging toa man. O, be vome cer name! Whats ina name? That which we cal arose By any other name would smell as sweet 'SoRomeo woul, were he ct Romeo called, Retain that dou perfection which he owes Without tha tile Romeo, dof the name ‘And or thy mare, which no pat of thee, Take all myself 48 (C62 ZNACZY NAZWA? ‘Romeo! Czemus ty jestes Romeo? \Werzecz sie ea dru nazwisko Lah. jefe chcesz,powieds, Ze mnie kochas Aj wyrzchng sg swojego rd, “Tyke nazwisko twoje jest mi wropiem, ‘Ty jestes soba ~ nie zadnym Monecchim, C62 jes Montecchi? Tone do ie sop, Niewarz, sie amie ie ealowicez cae (zn nazwisko nazis, inacze ‘Git anaczy nazwa? To, co vey ra, Pad inna naz nc mnie) by pacha, ‘Taki Romen,gayby sig nary Incas) byby ciety samy cam. Rovmeo,eli2ue nus wisko, a za tea Daw, kor nest nawet czas cicbie, Wesmicsz mriccal o ‘THE EARTH THAT'S ‘The grey-eyed mom smiles onthe frowning night, Checking the Eastern clouds with streaks of gt; ‘And lcked darkness like x drunkard reels From forth day's path ad Tian's fiery wheels. Now ee the sun advance his buming ee ‘The day ochecr and night's dank dew to dry, {imu up-il this ose age of ors With baleful weeds and precious juiced flowers. ‘The earth thats nature's molher he tomb. ‘What is her burying grave thats hee wor And from her womb children of divers Kind We sucking cn her natural bosom find, Many for many vires excellent, ‘None but for some, and yet all diferent ‘O.mickl isthe powerful grace tha es In plans, erbs Stones, and their rv qualities; For naught so vile that onthe ean th live Bato the cath some special good deth gives "Nor aught so good but, stained fom that fai se, Revolt form tre birth, stumbling on abuse. ‘Vireue tel rs vic, being misspplie. And vice sometime's by action dignified. ‘Within the infant ind of this weak lower Poison hat residence, and medicine power, For this, being smel, with hat pat cheers each part: Being tasted, says all senses with the heart ‘Twosuch opposed kings eneamp them sl Taman as well as herbs grace and rad wil, [And where the worser is predominant Fall soon the canker death ets up that plant 50 NATURE'S MOTHER IS HER TOMB ZIEMIA JEST GROBEM I LONEM NATURY Bledie noe cna nek szarook Supa uimiscu presto cB: Pet encezy wrt acy, Sak stapaary chic piaceyan, Schodne ma zo Plomenna deca (Osusa rose doe dare mayen ‘Tera nim esse opal weds 0 Pera piles Zima jx pote orem nay. Gopogricane ys po mz ry Ni fat woska matey pret Wykarmipiersg sway iemowet Ne waayse rowel ane lcs cone Dis ne) aksano, cos asi mie. Tokio an pote! wopanialy Preepenaloways ol mines! Nictna nic rery ot bay ‘Wikre negate posts Tabb), Kore sya nageaye ‘evan tacos a sek shay Nica uz cotaw grec se preemies, ‘Av grec oss pota chal ‘Ten way trae nam, adiom,wyexy Kropelka sok na mejscu zai “Tal Todzka duszasprzecznos¢w sobie karmi ‘To pole bicwy dla du wrogich armi Dobra zl a kiedy ao w me} skruszy Dobro zaruza priors kat dis. a IF LOVE BE BLIND, IT BEST AGREES WITH NIGHT Salon arcs. you ented eds, rowards Phosbus edging! Such wegoner AsPhacton would whip yout the west ‘And bringin cloudy night immediately. ‘Spread ty close cian ove poring ni iat unaways" eyes may wink, and Romeo Leapto these arms unalked of and unseen. Lovers can se to do their amorous ites By thei own beauties; or i fve be Bind, Ihest apres wih night. Come, evil nigh “Thou sober-suited matron, allo black, And learn me howto lose inning match, Played fora pai of stainless maiderhoods, Hood my unteanned blood, bting in my checks, ‘With cy black mantel sange Tove grow bol Think tre love acted simple medesy Come, night: come, Romeo: come, thou day in nights For hou wit he upoa the wings of night ‘Whiter han new stow upon eaves back. Take him and ut hrm ou in ite stars, And he will ake the face of heaven so fine ‘That al the world wal bein lave with night And pay no worship to the gash sun ©, Thave boughtihe mansion of alove, ‘But no possessed it and though Lam sold, Not yet enjoyed. So wdioussthis day As isthe night before some festival ‘Toan impatient child that hath new robes ‘And may not wear them, MILOSC JEST SLEPA ~ W NOCY MA SCENERIE Pcie, ramaki o kopych ogni, Kn zachodo, ge sypialia Fes! Gy Facton, eo mi) Powort wart pez) bye knely Wrong tram emirsce poemarsj cy! (gata Keyra nro ech slr Scene misc gadatiwym video Zac wero, aby mk i pote ey Wrnoich amionach maja sig Romeo! Kochaskom w ich milsnyeh yualach Preyewicce ng lek eh asnyeh cia, Daten, milo jest lea, wie w cy Manajwaierweascenene.PrybyWa, Nocy.tacowna matroo, olan W pow exer, nar me, jak poerae Gray ki sth jo nae ewictwo Prcgra yg ezacmn. Pony WW poliokachpotrngpenuse} ki Oslo sym ceamym paczcrem nich niewprawna Milos ofmislasg?wolna, a? ws), Co czy sda si prot i skrome Pryjee ney: pred Remo ryt, iy Pastodk oy iy a seeplach Sami dy son ma pork rk. ryje. dobranocy siemnooka ney: Prynid ve wba Romess dy Molimy shows, oayp go pomebie Wtjdbngeh gic cotak vorasnig oki, Ze Swat akocha sg w ney La Nie rioy boda jakrawemu sla Och imam na wnsnos perk mio ‘Acnic moge wlsoery wee prog {ema jeem ker ep [atl jzsale ese ie dota ‘Ten diet si me chee soz, kk no: Przed wet, Key neterplive ecko Nicmove tana bo cheabysaraz Praying sw ny 3 ‘THINLY SCATTERED, TO MAKE UP A SHOW 1.0 remember an apothecary, ‘And hereabouts a dwells, which ate roted Intat'red weeds, with overwhelming brows, CClling of simples. Meagre were his lock ‘Sharp misery hud worn him 1 the Bones, ‘And in his needy shop atortcse hung. ‘An alligator stuffed, andother skins Of shaped fishes and about his shelves ‘A bepgarly account of empty boxes, Green earthen pots, blader. and musty seeds Remnants of packvead, and ld cakes of roses ‘Were thinly seattered, to makeup ashow. Noting this penury, to mysell Tsu, “An ita man dd iced 4 poson now Whose sale is present death in Mantas, Here ives ea wretch would sell him.” (this same thought did bt foreran my nocd SMIECI STOIACE W ODSTEPACH anita miesaka tu peien ater, Gics nlalsho,widliem iodo, Jak cmsepiont bw wpodanych ehach, Prachi lah, Wyld mize, Skora kos wid ye wag. Wiskym seit bw wil ma Sian, Daiweadae by, wypchany oko Re cea Psych pee, shop, stgehlych asin, Pycray sur, swirly patil — Smet aojcew odtpac,dlose Smale twa ‘Waa bide, pomnydalm soe: Chocla'w Mant grt Ser spracdaz rctay “giyby sj potracbowsh Wiy absarpaeu naan spreedawee Jy praczaval sa whom poze! 5s 56 ARMS, TAKE YOUR LAST EMBRACE How oft when men ar tthe point of death rave they boen mery! which heir keepers eal Allighining before death O, how may allthis lighting? O, my love: my wife! Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty ‘Thou ae not conquered. Buty’ enn yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy checks, ‘And death's pale Magis not advanctd there. “Tybalt, is thou there i thy bloody sheet? (what more favor ean {dota thee ‘Than with hat han that cut thy youth in twain ‘Tosunder his that wae thine enemy? Foegive me, cousin! A, dar Juliet, ‘Why at thou yt so fait? Shall believe ‘That unsubstanal Death is amorous, And that the lean abhoréd monster Keeps ‘Thoehere in dark tote his paramour? Fos fear ofthat tl will say with thee ‘And never fom his pallet of din night Depart again. Her, here will [remain ‘With worms tht ae thy chambermaids.O, bere Will setup my everlasting we And shake the yoke of inauspicious star From this world weaied flesh. Byes, lock your last! ‘Arms take your lst embrace! and lips, O Jou ‘The doors ot breath, seal with arightsous Kiss ‘A datcless bargain to engrossing death! Come, biter conduc: come, unsavory guide! ‘Thou desperate ples now at once run on, ‘The dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark! Heres tomy love! ‘© true apeocary! ‘Thy drugs are quick, Thus with kiss Ide RAMIONA, WEZCIE JA W OSTATNI USCISK Pras cgrcacia skazacom podatno “ies sich; donorey “Zork moment extatrin pebhakien. Cayzmogenazwat rebate en ok? Suto rays Uteckana too! Crocia Sr pila at mid odechs, Nic raw jena gud. Nine pods sg. Rumenieefycia Prost jk sandr ae shee) bare Nie wada bal choygw mato ‘At. Tybalse, pod krwawyn calutem: Gopi mgs ode owiehe payaong Nid emu eke, Kreg Do usmiercena wojego zoey? Pace misbracie! Tai, cera ste Worn jer taka pighna? Cay to macy, Ze beatslsoa Smtr jt alee los Dp day, 2 tn wyglodzny power “Terymaig w mo, aby poste? Gacy poo by tome apa, Scone py tbe na ostanis ney Tuba stgd oe ug Ta, nostang “Tape sac amy na posts Tus typi raj pry, “Zeamannnego swim cine eee erm tent wropch avi Poracosat pert na a 027 anions wedtejq ext fis: ‘Uta stainim ccna pocaunek “isle jak pings na beerminone} Cnowie 7 chew i bezwagiging Seri! powad io, gooki pena shy ploie rota okay Sloot cscs ochaaey ob je on ios! ‘Apokare ne sama Ja rita. estn eden pocalune: Unser 7 ‘THIS BLESSED PLOT, THIS EARTH, THIS REALM, THIS ENGLAND ‘This royal throne of kings, thi seept'red isle, ‘Thisearh of majesty, ths seat of Mars, ‘hisother Eden, demi-pardise, ‘This fortes built by Nature for rset Against infecion athe hand of wa, ‘Thishappy bred of me, tis ile world, This precious stone set inthe silver soa, Which sevesitinthe office ofa wall (Oras a most defensive io ahouse, ‘Against th envy of les happier lands; ‘Thisbessed plot, this earth his realm, this England, ‘Thismnurse, his teeming womb of toy kings, Feared by thee breed and famous by thee bh, Renowned for their deed afar from home, For Christian service and tna chivalry. Asis the sepulerein stubborn Jewry (Of the worlt’s ransom, blessed Marys son This land of such dear souls, this dar de Dear for her repitition through the world, Is now leased out (I die pronouncing i) Like to tenement or peng arm, England boundin wath the tnumphant sa, ‘Whose rocky shore beats back the envions stg Of wat'y Neptun, ie now bound in with shame, With inky bots and rote parchnent bonds. ‘That England that was wont to congacr eters Hath made a shameful conquest of tel land, 8 ‘TEN SWIETY GRUNT, TEN KRAJ, TEN LAD, "TA ANGLIA ‘Tenn ews wpe ki Maestayezny la, iedaiba Masa, “Tondo, potash opr, “Tavern, Kr waniorla sobre same} aun pact plagom’ aapasciom, ‘Ten od srevesineh, en Gui W miniturze, Tene wr ne karen Saupspesabcem cbronnym fora Pro raw mi onannych ksi JTenswigy guns ten Ka cna, ta Angi, ‘Tekarmicelk,tolono, rere ‘Wise nao wad, Stowe meh na moe Stoney posrach ack czy ‘ashen easy Cate Syma a po opora Jeg, Gabe ayn Marys, Ziel, ma grb — $Ten ta), gens iy, a og Ta twce ew i Dany pod saw Kons, gy tomo: Pol aw psec ak ache Tolar! ‘Taveypa be kany bree apie Zavinne uty Nepina i Angi Dalen w okt cyemflnych mie, ‘Ae w cowach apa jahab, ‘Wlamach aust, pega kik! “Ani co umn tama pods Sit, Posi des hance sce am 9 FOR GOD'S SAKE, LET US SIT UPON THE GROUND OF cornfort no man speak! Let's tlk of graves, of worms and epitaph, Make dust out paper, and with rainy eyes ‘Write sorrow on the bosom ofthe earth [Lats choose executors and alk of wills ‘And yet nt so = for what can we bequeath, Save our deposi bodies tothe ground? Our lands, or lives and all ae Bolingbroke, ‘And nothing can we all our own but death ‘And that mall model of te barren era Which serves as paste and covert our bones. For God's sake let us sit upon the ground. ‘And tel sad stories ofthe deat of kings! How some have been deposed, sotne slain in wat, Some haunted by the ghosts they have depose, ‘Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping Kled— All murdered; for within the hollow crown ‘That rounds the mortal temples of aking Keeps Death his cour: and tere the anc sit, Scoffing his state and pinning a his pomp: ‘Allowing him a breath, ite scene, ‘To monarchize be feared, and kill with looks, nfsing him with self and vain conceit Asif this esh which walls about ou life ‘Were brass impregnable; and humored thus, Comes at the lst. and with itp ‘Bore through is cate wall, and faewell king! Cover your heads, and meck not lsh and Blood ‘With solemn reverence, Tow away respec, ‘Tradition, form, and eeremonious dy For you have bit mistook meal his while live wih brea ke you, fel wart, ast rie, Need frends. Subjected thus, How can you say to mel am aking?” NA BOGA, SIADEMY WPROST NA GOLES ZIEMI Dosyétychpociesze! ‘Mwy o tumnach, ezerwiach i nagrobkach; Kurz nam papierem bedi: desaezem lez ‘Wypisemy’smuteknasz na fone zem O testamentach mown. 0 wyborzs Egekutordw. Nie, 0 (ym ernie (CBtzapiszemy Koma? Ciala~glebie, [les aszedobra, ci = wszystko Jeatiakexy owak w rkach Bolingbroke'a: Nic ie nalety do mas ope fort ie) atowe)grodyglny, sre Oblepia | okrywa nasze kot [Na Boga, siad2my wprost na gle iemi [Twsporinaystoutso, jak inl Kslowie! Z tron stracen, peel Whitwach, src pracy duchy sych ofr, Zabici we ini, pre tony eae amordowand waryscy: ota abe ‘Woks! monarsayeh lec smierelnychskron Jest murem dworu,ktrym wlada Smieré Sida tm, wielka praesmiewezyn, szydeae Z pomp splendor6w doczesnepo wiadcy ~ raydziela mi opizo, jo chnienie, By gral monarch, oz piorunowal ‘Warokiem, raya sig wasn prodnoscig, Jak pyby cao, a foreca2ye Bylo odposnym na zahad spizem; ‘Ay juz Smiereizmade sig zabava Przeiva mary twirdry wat spit, 1 egna, kash! Nakryeie wig glowy, [Nic kpiele kr iia tym pokazem ‘Komego hold Odraucie seacune, ‘Tradyee oremonie, evel Bralfcte mnie przez cay cas za kogos Tnnego. Tak ak wy, jada chib, ez ‘Brak alto smute, potrasbna mi prays Podklany tema wseyalsem jak Wy. Mialbyn bye pracz was nazywany krleni? rseanoie no o ‘YET MY CHIEF HUMOR IS FOR A TYRANT ‘That wil ask some tearsin he tre performing oft dit tthe audience look to thee eyes. Lil move storms will condo in some ‘measure, To the rest. Yet my chief humor i fortran. T could play [rele rarely or apart o tear acti, to make al sp The raging rocks ‘And shivering shocks Shall break the locks Of prison gates, ‘And Pibbas car ‘Shall shine from far ‘And mae and mar “Te foolish Fes” ‘This was oly. Now name the resto the players. Tiss Ercls' vein, ants vein. A lover is moe condoling CHOCIAZ WLASCIWIE MOIA SPECIALNOSC TO TYRAN degra cof takiego jak sig parzy, a na widowni bez ex si nie sbejdne Jest jowystig tj rai iech pubieznosé maw pogotowin ‘husiczk. Rezpetm aki buze, pope w taka Kondolenje, sie fie opamitaj, Czyta dal). —choviaz wlasciw moje gl6wna spe {juno to tran. Maptbym wybomie zapracHerlaklesa,albo es Weare tora trasha ae» patose i poglosee by sie WSzystkO ees: Grom greta 2 chur granite Zeros mr Ponuryeh vied Gi una w eu. Zeeobowych pre Wor sosea wens “Tey dvéch sere! (0 take cos to se fachowo nazywa waniosos. No, dale} oder reste beady, ~ Tak 10 Waste Bylo w stylu Heriakesa abo w siylu (yramasamant tak ics cigs, 2 aka bardze) Kondoleneja a JEST TO OBERON, AND MAKE HIM SMILE ‘Thou spakest aright: Lam that merry wanderer ofthe might [jestto Oberon, and make him sale ‘When [ft and bean fed horse Feil, "Neighing in likeness of ail foal: ‘And sometime lurk in 8 gos’ bowl Invery likeness ofa roasted eb, ‘And whon she ike, against er ip Tob ‘And onber withered dewlap pour the ale ‘The wisest aun, elling the siesta, Sometime for thres-oot stool mistaketh me; ‘Then slip from her bum, down topples she, ‘Ad ilo’ erie, and falisnto a. cough ‘And then the whole quire hold thei ips and laugh, ‘And waxen in thei mith, and neeze, and swear ‘A'merrier hour was never wasted ther. BAWIE, PSOTAMI KROLA OBERONA Poaé mnie nie suk ‘Wiadomo wszysikim ta giowa szalona avi psotami ka Oberona Tez ucechy. gy zarg nienacka Jakke pein, fe czcka go schadzka, ‘Spasiony ogier madauje ewalem ‘Niecar sens dae hula prayerajslem Tako piece abtkozeynamoner, Po.czym, anoseae sig w pve spienionem, “Taki prey wargach wyprawtalem hae, Pic preesckadrajacleciveplotkarce, ‘Ze eece sig lata naj) zy pou, Dianne kumy zmenim sew malik Zyéelok:prawia cs wielka powan Rovziie sada cal cala wa, Ja sy! spo ty, babszyt Raps! na des, Kini, Kase, rusts, robinibieski, ‘Ar domowsikow kavdy 3 ie 78a Ze tice, pars, skgea sig aking, 2e nigdy w 2ycu epic sig nie Baw 6 BUT WITH THY BRAWLS YOU HAST DISTURBED ‘OUR SPORT ‘These are the forgeries of jealousy; ‘And never, since the middle summers spring, ‘Met we ol, in dale, forest, or mead, By paved fountain or by rshy brook, Orin the Reached margert ofthe sea, "To dance out ringlets to the whistling wind, ‘But wit thy brawls thou has disturbed ou spect ‘Therefore the winds piping ous in vain, Asin revenge, have sucked up from the Sea ‘Contagious fog: which aling in the land. Hath every peng river madeso proud ‘That they have overbore ther continents. ‘The ox bath therefore stretched his yoke in vai, ‘The ploughman lost his sweat andthe geen com Hath rotted ere his youth ane bard ‘The fel stands empuy in the drowned el, ‘And erows are fated withthe murion Mock; ‘Theme men's moss Filed up with mud ‘And the quaint mazes inthe wanton green Forlackof tead are undistingvishabe. ‘The haman morals want thei winter here; [No ight is row with hymn or erol bles. ‘Therefore the moon, the governess of floods Pale in her anger, washes al te ai, ‘That rheumatic diseases do abound. ‘And thorough tis distemperature we see ‘The seasons aller: hoary headed frosts Fallin the fresh lap of the crimson rose, ‘And on old Hema’ thi and iy crown ‘An odorous chaplet of sweet sume buds Is, as i mockery, set The spring, the summer, The chiding autem angry winter change “Their wonted liveries: andthe maz’d world, By thee increase, now knows nol which s which ‘And this same progeny of evils comes From our debate, from ou dissension: ‘Weare their parents and orginal ‘ZAWSZE NAM PSUIESZ ZABAWE BURDAMI ‘Tosa wymyslyzazdrosnego mse race cle lato to samo: pazickolwick ‘Zesdriemy sig na wspele tice w kolo ~ (Cay ona szcryce wagéeza c2y w dlinie, Wesie,nalace. przy ocembrowanym “ale nad exoc2kazaosh sitowiem {Lubna pinzceyatym marginesie moea, oyna wictrem owiewane lazy ~ “aves nam psujeszzabawe burdam Diatego wicherjkby zzemsty 0, ‘Zenam pa pro praygryra sje ister, ‘Wyss 2wod morhich zaraliwe mgty: ‘Teas, py spadly rad, kazdgreczke ‘Tak widely pycha. 2 a2 wystaila ‘Lcaegow na prsino wt Sigal swe jarzmo ‘Acmce plywa poter: miode Kos) Zenit, rim jeszcve wyrosly im rey. ‘Zagroa stoi pusta W564 valaych Pal wrony tua si palin by Boiska wijsich ger pokryva Blow, Awogredowych ibiryntach sad Stop-zmsta pawl Smtno py ima: ‘Nie lychac pet wieesomyeh i koled. ‘oer Hhsigye, wea wed wezlakich Pblady 2 nica, smaga via deszezami Tpetno wszgdzereumatyezaych chord ‘Beztadprayrdy naruszytporzadck Pe roku aozy Kad swe glowy Ns Sveiefona purpurowyeh 162, ‘Astara rim jak na posniewisko Soya koronez sop suoi wiankiem Zacknaeych pakOw wiosennego kwiecia, ‘Tak wiosna ao, plodna jest soga Zima pracbaly sig w nie swoje sly TaakoczonySwiat ich nie pormaie Po awykiyehplonach. A wszystkie e bey ‘Sw post} dries nase] was ‘Tomy. roduice, dalismy im tye, o SO AT HIS SIGHT AWAY HIS FELLOWS FLY ‘My misuess with a monster isin love [Neato fer close and consecrated bower, ‘While she wae in her dul and sleeping hour, ‘Acrew of patches, de mechanics, ‘That work for bread upon Athenian sials, ‘Were met ogeter to rehearse a play, Intended for great Theseus’ nuptial dy. ‘The shallower! thickskin of tat aren tor, ‘Who Pyramus presented in ther spor, Forsook his seene and entered ina brake, ‘When [id him a this advartage take, [An'aes'snole I fixed on is head, ‘Aton his Thisy must be answered ‘And forth ny mimic comes, When they him sy, [As wild geese thal the creeping fowler eye, Orrussetpated chouphs, many in sor, Rising and eawing at he puns report, Sever themselves ad madly sweep the sky; So at his sight away his fellows My. ‘And atour stamp here o'er and o'e one falls, e murder eres and help from Athens calls ‘Their sence thus weak, los with thet fears thus song. “Made senscess things begin todo them wrong. For brers and thoms a heir apparel sath Some, sleeves ~ some als; fom yildes al things catch Ted them on in his staced ex, ‘Andie ret Pyramas translated her, ‘When in that moment (9 i eame to pas) ‘Titania waked, and sraightway loved an ass TRUPA ROZPIERZCHEA SIE 1 KRZYK PODNIOSEA Mojave tata sew parvor epaspeere sic eee ere poinerereiece: ee eel cotion coe ian ee eo canaeiatamn opoornneenienyan (ecimtlnisina erase Teoma geicoaeaa Sleeper ppd cl Satria Gin caeates Sa np awe Soconeerconan tent Sead eter ee ee ae Serine easel An allosisonbovopieych ave ee meger myn pitok teens tacoma tenia meal aeocebeigecmaaia, ey gotri, one eee oper eenoe eet eae eee Eocene sees wat comtconis Sehacietene Gallet many, eet alee eset pone ae th a o BECAUSE IT HATH NO BOTTOM [When my cue comes, call me, and Iwill answer, My next is "Most fsirPyramut Hey-ho eter Quince? Fie thebellows-mender Sout the tinker! Starveling? God" my ie! Stol's hence, and leftme asleep? Thave had a most rare vision. Thave hada dream. past the wit of man to say what dream it was. Ma is bu an a8 be go abou to expound this ream, Methought I was~thereis no mancan el what. Methought Tas and methought Thad ~ But man is but a patched fool ihe will ‘offer to say what mothought I had. The eye of man hath not hex the ‘ar of man hath not seen, man’s hands not able to taste, hs tongue to ‘conceive, nor his heat 0 repor what my eam was. wll get Peter ‘Quince to write a ballet of this dream. It shal be called "Botiom’' ream,’ because it hath no bottom and I will sng tin the later end of ‘ur play, before the Duke. Peradventare, to make it the more gracious, 1 shal Singitat her death. 70 BO DNA W OGOLE NIE BEDZIE Kiedy payee om mnie Kale, ci nu, wo si oder. Moin Iwesuae 8 po stowachy Prati spikniiny” Jest tam ge Taw Rive’ Ponca, tice mechiw? Dagbek, naprawiacz gar- iw? Krawize Cheeina? any bos, szysy sip cicha wont Fowl mie aceqo! Pacdtwne mao pyrene So mi Mecot decosg ei, eotitzk ponyslnckie wypomie Masity {Sw ye zapenyn oem, by pobowac ten en wythmacye Swan mt sb jeter as calowek tego ne day owiedne, Zdwato mise xem = nlwalo mise, Ze mam ~ Iie wszgncy by mic mic za pj. gym chil power, co mise lal, Ze mam. Laake oko fa, Taki who me rl oa dawn py nem se eepkvtntlego so jm Namie Koc toby asa om Iie pest diedowshg, Bede to i narywab Sen Podstewk" bo tras st am bee cys podseytn a od iy ezyns now rym nny, eaego pba aka dm ogee ted asp Sm ped Kote na sam nice sal, ten co pecychod na Iota Abo bysajonsewental, aby dae ak navies) wiz Inv eaipewan jw sctie ping. n

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