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Medical Hypotheses (2006) 67, 1136–1141

Rescue treatment and prevention of asthma using

magnesium throat lozenges: Hypothesis for a
mouth–lung biologically closed electric circuit q
George A. Eby *

George Eby Research, 14909-C Fitzhugh Road, Austin, TX 78736, USA

Received 27 April 2006; accepted 3 May 2006

Summary In the rescue treatment of acute asthma, injected and inhalant magnesium are relatively weak having
demonstrated value only in severe illness, although theoretical and laboratory considerations suggest that magnesium
should be strongly effective as an asthma rescue agent. It was hypothesized that a mouth–lung biologically closed
electric circuit (BCEC) exists capable of nearly instantly transporting positively charged magnesium ions from the
mouth and throat into the lungs. One hundred milligram magnesium (magnesium chloride) 4-g throat lozenges
producing 100+ mM magnesium ion concentration in saliva were tested to determine if they had beneficial effects in
asthma rescue and prevention. Subjects were selected based solely on need for asthma rescue, and lozenges were used
as needed. Case histories are presented showing the nearly immediate effect of magnesium chloride throat lozenges in
terminating and preventing asthma attacks. Throat lozenges containing magnesium chloride produced much more
rapid and stronger benefits than has been reported for inhaled and injected magnesium. An added benefit from
magnesium chloride lozenge treatment of asthma was relaxation. In this first report of its kind, magnesium chloride
throat lozenges appeared to provide rescue benefits in the treatment of asthma equivalent to pharmaceutical asthma
drugs. Countering these benefits, strong ionic magnesium solutions greatly increase rhinovirus, herpesvirus and
Candida albicans in vitro, and appear to worsen these infections in humans. Magnesium lozenges releasing
concentrated magnesium ions appear contraindicated during common colds, oral herpes infections, chronic
rhinosinusitis, oral and respiratory infections in general, and their use must immediately be terminated if respiratory
or oral symptoms worsen. Double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trials in people without respiratory or oral
infections are needed to determine magnesium lozenge safety, and the extent by which drug treatment of asthma can
be reduced.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Presented as a poster at the ‘‘International Symposium on
Health Aspects of Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water’’ Asthma is characterized by inflammation of the air
hosted by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), the passages resulting in the temporary narrowing of
World Health Organization and others, 24–26 April 2006,
Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
the airways that transport air from the nose and
* Tel./fax: +1 512 263 0805. mouth into the lungs. Asthma symptoms can be
E-mail address: caused by allergens or irritants that are inhaled

0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rescue treatment and prevention of asthma using magnesium throat lozenges 1137

into the lungs resulting in inflamed, plugged and inflammatory mediators such as histamine, throm-
constricted airways. Some asthma is intrinsic, boxanes, and leukotrienes are reduced by its pres-
meaning that other causes such as cold air, exer- ence, particularly when magnesium is present in
cise or emotion are causative. Symptoms include excess. Magnesium also inhibits acetylcholine re-
difficulty breathing, excessive mucus, mucus plug lease from motor nerve terminals and depresses
and phlegm production, wheezing, coughing and muscle fiber membrane excitability, helps activate
tightness in the chest. According to the Asthma adenylate cyclase, and decreases neutrophil super-
and Allergy Foundation of America in Washington, oxide production [1–3]. Magnesium deficiency
DC, in the United States each day over 30,000 peo- associated with histamine release and eosino-
ple have an asthma attack, with about 5000 people philia has been reported in patients with bronchial
requiring emergency room attention with as many asthma [4].
as 14 deaths per day. Asthma accounts for about Clearly, magnesium should be beneficial in the
one-fourth of all emergency room admissions. rescue treatment of asthma, the question re-
One in 15 Americans has asthma, with one-half of mained how to best use it, and the throat lozenge
all asthma cases being caused by allergic reactions, method had not previously been considered or
and the prevalence of asthma is increasing. It is the tested. In all other cases for pharmaceutical drugs
most chronic condition for American children to effect rescue from asthma symptoms, there
affecting 7–10% of them, while asthma affects must be direct contact. If magnesium were re-
adults by about one-half that incidence. Asthma leased from throat lozenges in the treatment of
incidence is correlated with poverty, air quality, asthma, it would not flow into the trachea, bron-
allergens and malnutrition. Cost of asthma is about chial tubes and lungs by classical means.
$18 billion per year, with $10 billion being for hos- Non-classically, Björn E. W. Nordenström while
pitalization and $5 billion in indirect costs for ill- he was Chairman of the Department of Radiology
ness and death. Asthma is a leading cause of work at the Karolinska Institute and President of the No-
absenteeism and impaired work performance. bel Assembly that selects the Nobel Laureate for
Many rescue treatments for asthma exist includ- Physiology or Medicine described biologically
ing drugs in inhaled and pill form. Asthma medica- closed electric circuits (BCEC) as an additional cir-
tions inhaled into the lungs are used to rescue the culatory system for metallic ions [5]. In the same
patient from an asthma attack. They include beta- manner that there is a mouth–nose BCEC moving
agonists such as short- and long-acting bronchodila- positively charged metallic zinc ions from the
tors, corticosteroids, cromolyn and nedocromil. mouth into the nose in the treatment of common
Pill forms include leukotriene modifiers and the- colds [6], it is hypothesized that there is a similar
ophylline. Each of these drugs has its place in the mouth–lung BCEC moving positively charged mag-
treatment of asthma. However, most if not all, nesium ions directly from the mouth and throat
have side effects that can make long-term treat- into the lungs. Although existence of the mouth–
ment problematic without careful medical supervi- nose BCEC was confirmed by the author by use of
sion and treatment of possible side effects. a volt–ohm meter to determine the voltage be-
Additionally, magnesium inhalants [1] and tween the mouth and the interior of the nose, no
magnesium injections [2] have been used to treat non-invasive means of determining the mouth–
asthma for many years although the beneficial ef- lung BCEC voltage is immediately evident. Voltages
fects occur over a period of 1/2–4 h. Dietary defi- between 60 and 120 mV move electrons and
ciencies of magnesium are known to be correlated positively charged zinc from the mouth into the
with asthma attacks [3], however magnesium ther- nose. Similarly, in the treatment of asthma with
apy generally has been shown useful only in those magnesium it is hypothesized that there are volt-
people with very severe asthma exacerbations, ages in the mouth–lung BCEC moving electrons
and there is disagreement on the utility of inhaled and positively charged magnesium directly and
magnesium. Thus, it has been suggested that criti- nearly immediately from the mouth and throat
cally ill asthmatic patients as a group are most into the lungs, bypassing classical circulatory
likely to benefit from magnesium therapy. systems.
Magnesium has many functions vital in the treat- In the case of the mouth–nose BCEC, the elec-
ment and prevention of asthma. Magnesium is well trical resistance between the mouth and the nose
known to be a natural antihistamine required for varies considerably and with medical importance
proper function of the immune system. Magnesium [6]. For example, individuals with frequent colds,
decreases the uptake of calcium ions by bronchial allergies, and rhinitis have a low resistance value,
smooth muscle cells, producing bronchodilation. between 1 and 10 kX. Those with an average num-
Magnesium inhibits mast cell degranulation, thus ber of colds and few or no allergies have resis-
1138 Eby

tances between 40 and 60 kX. People—particularly Materials and methods

physicians—who are immune to common colds and
have no allergies have values between 100 and Highly ionizable 100-mg magnesium (magnesium
500 kX. Similar electrical resistances in asthma chloride) 4-g throat lozenges and some other mag-
between the mouth and lungs are hypothesized, nesium compositions were used for preliminary
with low resistance values resulting in frequent asthma research, effects were observed and the
incidences of asthma and chest congestion and results recorded. The primary goal was to provide
high resistance resulting in immunity to asthma treatment as needed to terminate and to prevent
and chest congestion, regardless of the allergen attacks.
In the case of positively charged ionic zinc that Case 1: A single 4-g compressed lozenge (dextrose,
is introduced into the nasal passages, it is repelled glyceryl monosterate, silica gel and pepper-
by the like charge of the nasal tissues, going down mint oil) containing 400 mg of magnesium
the throat with mucus while intra-nasally applied chloride (100 mg elemental magnesium)
positively charged ionic zinc is repelled [6]. Simi- was used to treat intrinsic asthma in a 65-
larly, positively charged ionic magnesium (magne- year-old man. His asthma symptoms were
sium sulfate for example) inhaled into the lungs is initiated by cold air and cold feet. Awaking
repelled rather than absorbed in the treatment of in the early morning hours and walking
asthma, while positively charged ionic magnesium across a cold floor barefoot to the bathroom
applied in the mouth and throat is transported always caused immediate asthma with
into the lungs. These mechanisms are hypothe- chest congestion, phlegm production and
sized to be part of the natural defense systems coughing, making resumption of sleep diffi-
of the nose and lungs, which protects them from cult or impossible. He was given magnesium
all inhaled positively charged particles. Injected chloride lozenges to keep on his bedstead,
magnesium is routed by classical mechanisms and he started to dissolve a lozenge upon
familiar to all. Alternatively, one may attribute awakening and prior to touching the cold
the rapid absorption of ionic magnesium in the floor with his feet.
mouth and throat to their extensive vascular sys- Case 2: Four hundred mg of magnesium chloride
tem, in much the same way that nitroglycerin is (100 mg magnesium) in a 4-g lozenge was
absorbed. used to treat an attack of acute asthma
To test the hypothesis that magnesium throat consisting of wheezing and extreme short-
lozenges would be beneficial in the treatment of ness of breath. The patient, a female in
asthma, the author had manufactured by Summa her early 40s, allowed the lozenge to dis-
RX Laboratories, Ft. Worth, Texas, magnesium solve in her mouth after finding that she
chloride (positively charged and highly ionizable) had misplaced her prescription asthma
throat lozenges. He first tested a lozenge during inhaler.
one of his own asthma attacks. The asthma attack Case 3: The woman of Case 2 while working all day
started to lessen within a few seconds and ended in her garden had six asthma attacks
within a few minutes, indicating that there had (wheezing and shortness of breath) in a sin-
been a strong pharmacological effect of magnesium gle day. Instead of using her prescription
since his asthma attacks routinely lasted for hours. asthma inhaler, she used magnesium chlo-
Based upon this observation, the author continued ride (100 mg magnesium) throat lozenges.
to use magnesium throat lozenges to treat his asth- Case 4: The man of Case 1 had been using 500 mg
ma, and he found the benefit to be highly replica- of magnesium as a dietary supplement for
ble. Other people were shown how to treat their 7 years, which had little or no effect on
asthma using magnesium lozenges with similar suc- frequency or severity of asthma symptoms.
cess, leading to this first report of their efficacy. He changed to five 100 mg magnesium
The hypothesis tested herein asks whether or (magnesium chloride) throat lozenges per
not magnesium chloride throat lozenges and other, day to try to prevent asthma.
less-ionizable magnesium lozenge compositions are Case 5: A man used a hard candy containing mag-
effective in asthma rescue and prevention. After nesium chloride, sugar and corn syrup
discussing the possible benefits and apparent lack (100 mg magnesium per 4-g) to treat and
of side effects with the subjects and after informed prevent asthma. He used the lozenges each
consent was obtained, the following otherwise time he felt an asthma attack coming on in
healthy subjects tested magnesium lozenges for an effort to prevent them.
their asthma.
Rescue treatment and prevention of asthma using magnesium throat lozenges 1139

Case 6: A 65-year-old man used 200 mg of magne- Case 7: The magnesium oxide lozenges, even when
sium from a magnesium glycinate (partly several were used together, were modestly
ionizable) dietary supplement tablet used beneficial in the treatment of his asthma
as a throat lozenge to treat asthma consist- symptoms due to slowness and weakness
ing of wheezing, chest tightness and severe of the response and the large amount
congestion. needed.
Case 7: A man used two 400-mg magnesium oxide
(relatively non-ionizable) tablets as throat There are many other instances of efficacy not
lozenges (241.3 mg magnesium each) early reported here since these subjects and others
in the morning as a treatment for asthma, quickly became dependent upon magnesium loz-
chest congestion and cough. enges and are no longer using drugs to treat their
asthma. Opportunity to test magnesium lozenges
specifically in exercise-induced asthma in athletes
Results did not arise, but it is expected that the lozenges
would be equally effective.
Results of oral retention of magnesium chloride by No failures of 100 mg magnesium (magnesium
the above subjects were uniformly and surprisingly chloride) lozenges for asthma are known, while
effective in the rescue treatment and prevention magnesium oxide lozenges were only slightly bene-
of asthma without any observed side effects or se- ficial, and magnesium glycinate had an intermedi-
quela, although other magnesium compounds pro- ate benefit. The poor performance of magnesium
duced varied and reduced benefits. oxide in Case 7 further supports the notion that
the magnesium compound needs to be highly ioniz-
Case 1: Even though the lozenge was not com- able for efficacy. Magnesium oxide treatment to be
pletely used by the time he returned from effective required much larger doses and provoked
the bathroom, he did not develop asthma diarrhea. From Case 4, it is now evident that it is
symptoms and was able to immediately not the total amount of dietary magnesium, but
return to sleep after removing the lozenge the means of ingestion that is responsible for rapid
from his mouth, perhaps resulting from dis- asthma rescue.
solved magnesium remaining in his mouth. The hypothesis that magnesium chloride throat
Case 2: Before the lozenge had completely dis- lozenges are effective in the rescue of asthma and
solved, the asthma attack ended and did the prevention of asthma appears supported from
not return that day effecting a rescue. A these and other results. Neither asthma drugs nor
further benefit noted was a feeling of relax- medical care were needed during use of magnesium
ation, something that was not possible from chloride lozenges. Although the case history method
use of her prescription rescue inhaler. of reporting medical progress has major flaws, this
Case 3: Although she was severely allergic to the report is believed to correctly portray the surpris-
pollens in her garden, each of her asthma ingly strong benefit of magnesium chloride throat
attacks ended within a few minutes upon lozenges in the rescue and prevention of asthma.
starting magnesium chloride lozenges. She The results were so striking and so different than ex-
required no asthma drugs that day. Her day pected based upon the slow response of asthma to
was quite relaxed. There may be an element inhaled and injected magnesium, that had this data
of exercise-induced asthma in this case. been compared to placebo-treatment, surely the re-
Case 4: Five throat lozenges daily completely pre- sults would have been statistically significant.
vented his asthma symptoms. This suggests
that it is not the amount of magnesium
ingested per day, but the means of ingest- Discussion
ing magnesium that is important in treating
and preventing asthma. Magnesium chloride is known to be essentially 100%
Case 5: Treatment with magnesium lozenges ionizable and bioavailable at physiologic pH, while
resulted in prompt rescue. He used four magnesium oxide is not believed bioavailable [7–
lozenges per day to remain free of asthma 10]. Magnesium glycinate and many other magne-
symptoms. sium compounds are less ionizable than magnesium
Case 6: Treatment with magnesium glycinate chloride and more ionizable than magnesium oxide
resulted in slower improvement than mag- at physiologic pH [10]. Magnesium compounds less
nesium chloride but asthma rescue treat- ionizable than magnesium chloride are needed in
ment was effective. greater amounts than magnesium chloride and may
1140 Eby

increase the risk of side effects such as diarrhea. magnesium is an essential human nutrient, it is
Magnesium glutamate and magnesium aspartate, inherently safe to use in throat lozenges for asthma
having intermediate ionization characteristics are in people in otherwise good health, and it has no
neurotoxic. Depressives have a heightened sensitiv- known side effects at effective doses less than a to-
ity to these amino acid ligands and they may cause or tal of 600 mg total supplemental per day in healthy
worsen their depression or anxiety [11]. Since both adults. Higher supplemental daily doses may cause
depression [11] and asthma [3,12] have significant loose bowels in healthy adults, and much higher
magnesium deficiency components, the combina- doses may cause diarrhea and overdose. Dosages
tion can be lethal [13]. Magnesium lozenges should for asthmatic children might be smaller, more con-
also be a major improvement over swallowed mag- sistent with the RDA for their age and size, but not
nesium in treating depression, cardiovascular dis- necessarily.
ease and other magnesium deficiency symptoms.
Magnesium lozenge compositions to be devel-
oped by others may inadvertently produce neu- Contraindications
trally or negatively charged magnesium species at
physiologic pH, which will be ineffective in the res- Magnesium lozenges contraindications include
cue and treatment of asthma. Based upon experi- hypermagnesia, severe kidney disease, use of cer-
ence with zinc lozenges for common colds [14], tain antibiotics and some other drugs and during
there is a likelihood that non-ethical commercial common colds, which may be greatly worsened by
interests will favor taste, flavor and mouth-feel magnesium. The compressed magnesium chloride
over efficacy. However, magnesium chloride loz- lozenges used in this research produced over
enges are generally pleasant tasting in both com- 100 mM ionic magnesium salivary concentration.
pressed and hard boiled candy forms, and do not Of serious concern, 30 mM ionic magnesium in-
require food acid flavor-masking. Solution chemis- creased rhinoviral count by up to 310 times
try consideration of availability of positively in vitro [15]. Consequently, magnesium lozenges
charged magnesium ions at physiologic pH is vital must never be used during common colds in order
for any composition other than magnesium chloride to prevent severe worsening of common cold symp-
in simple candy bases without additive food acids. toms. For example, a 30-year-old woman used a
Magnesium dietary supplements have been used single 100 mg magnesium (magnesium chloride in
in faltering attempts to provide nutritional support a 4-g candy lozenge) lozenge on the first day of a
to prevent asthma, and there is a belief that dietary cold followed by zinc acetate lozenges (14 mg
deficiency of magnesium is strongly implicated in zinc—6 mM) each two wakeful hours. The cold
causing asthma [3]. Magnesium deficiency is notori- lasted 14 days, which is much longer than usually
ously difficult to correct, and the lozenge method results from using these properly made zinc ace-
may be the best method of treating magnesium defi- tate lozenges [14]. Since magnesium double herpes
ciency without use of injections. This notion is sup- virus titer in vitro, oral herpes infections may be
ported by the observation that instances of asthma worsened by ionic magnesium [16]. Added magne-
attacks seem to decline with prolonged use of mag- sium was required for exponential growth of Can-
nesium lozenges. This further suggests that asthma dida albicans yeast cells, and a case of chronic
might be curable by sustained daily treatment with rhinosinusitis occurred upon use of a few magne-
four to six 100 mg magnesium lozenges over a period sium throat lozenges [17]. Clearly, it is vital to
of 3–6 months. Since about 70% of the American avoid using magnesium throat lozenges during com-
public is deficient in magnesium, but only about mon colds, herpes and Candida albicans infections
6–7% of Americans have asthma, there is clearly such as chronic rhinosinusitis, for which humming-
more to the issue of asthma than dietary magnesium induced nitric oxide appeared therapeutic [18],
deficiency. However, magnesium deficiency aggra- and it is imperative to stop magnesium lozenge
vates asthma, and it is a necessary precondition treatment if respiratory or oral symptoms worsen.
for asthma. Low electrical resistance in the Although magnesium lozenges also rapidly improve
mouth–lung BCEC should now be added to the list upper respiratory allergy symptoms, they must not
of causative agents for asthma attacks. be used for that purpose due to the possibility of
The United States Recommended Dietary Allow- confusion with rhinoviral common colds resulting
ance (RDA) for magnesium is 400 mg per day for in worsened colds. No information was found con-
adults. Most Americans and Europeans ingest less cerning the effect of magnesium on influenza or
than the RDA of magnesium, with men averaging other viral, bacteriologic or fungal respiratory dis-
about 80% of the RDA, and women averaging only eases, but it is suggested that magnesium lozenges
70%, resulting in many chronic health issues. Since not be used during any respiratory or oral infection.
Rescue treatment and prevention of asthma using magnesium throat lozenges 1141

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