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It gives me immense pleasure to present to you the
first edition of Enspace for this semester. The incep-
tion of Enspace was with the vision of motivating in-

dividuals and making them aware about entrepreneurship.

While we were creating this magazine, we met several en-
trepreneurs brimming with a lot of enthusiam and excite-
ment. The one common thing with all of them was that they
craved for customer satisfaction and shared the passion of

innovating every second.

Travel Planning Demystified

In this edition we have tried to explore and report various

The Housing Phenomenon

facets of the journey of every entrepreneur we met. We have
presented several stories of our own alumni who took a
plunge into entrepreneurship. To ensure diversity, we spoke

Most Audacious Fictional Entrepreneurs

to start-ups from various sectors like e-commerce, design,
consumer goods, technology, entertainment and social en-
terprises. We have tried to bring out the major components
that are essential for entrepreneurship and innovation. We
tried to capture how their college life shaped their entrepre-
neurial acumen. We hope that reading about them would be
a good enriching experience. So what does it take? The one
common answer that all of them had to this question was-
proper planning and execution is the key to success.

We have all seen the huge impact social media has made
on our lives. Our cover story on social media will take you
through a chronological journey of the evolution of social
media and finally conclude with a depiction of the power of
social media in recent times.

The article on social enterprises is a tribute to all those en-

trepreneurs who are empowering the under-privileged in
India. We have presented three such touching stories of
entrepreneurs who are working to give them a life wherein
they are confident and productive contributors to the soci-

We have augmented the magazine with a lot of entertain-

ing stuff as well. The Weasley brothers are here to cast their
magic. Their entrepreneurial journey is exciting as well as
daring. We have stories of awesome entrepreneurs from the
pasts- of enterprises which have changed the world.

And just in case you want to learn how to go forth a step in

the entrepreneurial journey, we have presented an article on
a whole plethora of events that E-Cell has in store for you.
Hope you enjoy the magazine.

Arjita Kulshreshtha
Chief Editor

2 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

Social Networking : A journey In Time

Vol VIII Issue I

10 13
Forging Ahead - ideaforge


Is Opportunism Necessary?

Enterprises That Make A Difference

Eureka Success Stories- Greenway & Gama Entertainment

What E-Cell Has In Store

20 22

Whacky Ideas That Changed The World

what’s inside...
enspace 3

Leisure Corner
They were a bunch of final year students searching
for a place to stay in Mumbai. They were planning
to pursue their own different jobs. Little did they
know that this search would prompt them to build
something that would revolutionize the house-
hunting process forever., a completely map-based real estate
search portal co-founded by 12 of our alumni has
had a phenomenal growth since its inception in
June 2012. They added another feather in their cap
recently when they secured funding of $2.5 mil-
lion from Nexus Venture Partners, India’s lead-
ing Venture Capitalist fund. In conversation with
Advitiya Sharma (DD 2012 batch, Aerospace
Engineering), one of the co-founders of housing., who left a job at one of the biggest consulting
companies to pursue his dream.

~By Arjita Kulshreshtha

What is the story behind housing? different geographies. We wanted to

What is your vision? After the idea, how did you go do our experiments, to try out all the
I was in my final semester and four of about reaching out to your first possibilities.
us had to start finding a place to stay. customer?
In the process of searching for a house, For a company to stay in the market two
that went on for over 2 months, we re- things which are necessary are- great Where do most of your users come
alised that there were loopholes in the product development and great mar- from?
industry at every single point. We saw a keting. We realized early on that a very Real estate is a basic need. We get users
lot of scope of innovation and improve- strong sales team is something we need from all demographies- those people
ment. The motto for this product was to build. We had to bring in experienced who have graduated from college,
that “We wanted something better, so players in the sales team that cushioned Internet-savvy people, people like me
we went ahead and built it.” Our vision on getting the first few customers. The and eventually you.
was that we wanted something better day we were able to educate brokers and
that we could’ve used ourselves and landlords about the benefits of coming
share it with our friends. It is this germ on to this platform, our job was done. What has been that one defining
of an idea which has now blossomed Everything from there on was word of moment?
into such a powerful tool. mouth. We spent considerable time un- Let me share an awesome anecdote with
derstanding the key benefits for brokers you. Most of the companies decide to
and landlords, then it was the job of the expand where the market demand is
sales team to go out there and market high. We decided to do something en-
What was your vision behind for us. So getting the first customer is tirely different. We went for a facebook Are there any core not difficult, getting 1000th or 10000th poll and asked the users to vote for the
principles that you have followed customer is important, which makes city they want us to launch housing in.
in your journey? you a player in the market. The moment I hit the send button I
Right, so the two core principles on expected that we might get some 1000
which we have build housing are data odd responses and that’ll be one small
and design. Having a strong founda- How did you do your research in data point. We were overwhelmed with
tion of data and being able to support the market? the fact that over 55000 people had
great design were two things that we We had 6 people in the product team so voted and there were over 20000 votes
knew were most important for our the product was ready in 4 weeks and for Hyderabad! Our users are telling
venture. When we were in the research we spent 2-3 months shadowing a lot us where we should go next! The entire
phase(conceptualising and ideating), we of brokers and landlords. I remember team was looking at the projector and
figured out that the real estate industry banging someone’s door and asking we decided that Hyderabad is some-
has gone on and on without authentic -Boss, you are a tenant, could you where we would definitely be expanding
information for decades. We needed answer a few questions. I believe pas- to soon. It was a great mixture of energy
accurate data and source for authentic sion alone is not enough; to be success- and enthusiasm that we shared.
data. ful it has to be coupled with great plan-
Second most important thing was that ning and execution. The only reason we What difficulties did you face
our design had to be different and el- didn’t launch in 2-3 cities very soon is being a student startup?
egant. The interface we build was very because we wanted to understand the There isn’t a war for platform or money.
user friendly: simple yet powerful. business in and out before we go into The toughest job is getting great talent

4 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

on board. Its typically your peers and experiences, however small a team you cost of failure is zero. The experience
people with 5-10 years of experience were a part of. Confidence is where that you get from running your own
in the industry. In a span of 1 year, our most start-ups lack; there is always a company, building your own product
team strength is more than 230 people. self doubt. When you are an entrepre- is something which a conventional job
neur you are constantly worrying about will not give you at least for 5-6 years. I
the next guy you are going to meet, the do not say this for one type of job I say
What advice would you give to next product, the next city and so on. it for the entire spectrum of jobs. It was
budding entrepreneurs in iit who We kept on telling ourselves that we more about experiences than achieve-
are looking to secure venture have put in lot of efforts and we have to ments for me. I met an 1987 batch
funding? showcase it in efficient ways. It takes a alumnus recently who said ‘the differ-
The venture capitalists (VCs) tend to be lot out of you telling your family, peers ence that I feel in IIT grads these days
very cautious in their decision making about something that even you don’t that now students are just run after the
since over 85% of startups generally fail. know will blossom into something great internship certificates, PORs and gold
We have had three rounds of funding or not! Having amazing experiences by medals. Back then people valued great
at an electrifying pace in 8-10 months your side and learning from these ex- experiences.’ He told me that if today
since our installation. Three things that periences is something that definitely Microsoft burns down will you stop
we have kept in mind are product, team counts. respecting Bill Gates? He has revolu-
and clarity. These are the three things When I was a kid in school I was a com- tionized the world! An advice to people
that a VC looks for. How impactful and plete introvert. To pinpoint one episode who are passionate about entrepreneur-
differentiated your product can be to which changed me was the election. The ship- combine that passion with great
the market and society at large? How most important things, which it taught planning and it’ll work like magic and
great is your team that is actually going me, were always run after those experiences be-
to execute the product? What is the clar- 1. Knowledge and data is king- If your cause they will differentiate you from
ity, the next step in your mind? There is research, groundwork is totally remark- the rest.
a lot of support out there for budding able there is no way that you can go
entrepreneurs. Quoting an investor- down. We used this at housing from day
‘Money is just lying in the bank, I want one. What has been the most reward-
to put it to better use.’ 2. How to articulate and communi- ing moment of your journey?
cate your vision, your manifesto to the We are not focused on those few
world. Businesses run on a mixture of achievements. The focus is more on
What is your most difficult task as product development and marketing. doing a great job everyday. One big
a team leader? During the election the combination moment was certainly cutting the cake
My work essentially boils down to two of both- knowledge and how to articu- which announced our launching in 5
things- having a clear and well articu- late that knowledge in a way that would cities. We smartly timed it for our birth-
lated vision and communicationg it to really get people hooked on was a great day. It was great to have all the founders
all the people working their blood and flying in from different cities.
sweat out. Second thing is to continu-
ously scout for new talent. The value
that I have given my HR team for re- You have launched a very uncon-
cruitment is that we want only A class ventional blog. what is the philoso-
players. If you do not get A class play- phy behind this blog?
ers, you’re going to sink. I’ll give you We don’t believe that to give people in-
a reason why. Lets say by mistake you formation which will inadvertently help
hired a B player. After the B player has them it has to be boring. We have a great
spent time in your company he wouldn’t design and content team. We try to pro-
want an A player to come in because learning. These moments have altered vide useful information and present it in
that guy is going to outshine the B the trajectory of my life. a way that blows off everyone. And hey,
player, hence a B played will want a C I guess we’re doing a pretty good job of
player, a C player will want a D player it.
and before you know it your company is How do you feel about being an en-
full of people who are not that talented trepreneur now?
and dedicated tou your goal. If you have I love it! Society in India is not really
A players, the team becomes a self-sus- conducive but the onus is on the en-
taining machine. trepreneur; believe in your vision,
team and product. I myself had taken
up a job and left it in less than a span
What are the entrepreneurial of 6 months. I too had to convince my
qualities you developed during family. But you know what, they do re-
your stay in iitb? alise and understand, all they need to
The most valuable thing that IIT know is that whether you’ve got every-
offers you is the plethora of amazing thing figured out in your head. I say the

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 5

By Devendra Govil

Only crazy, bold, audacious and start-up. They tried to fool the magical
awesome guys can put up this sign protection around the Goblet of Fire,
outside their shop in the heart of and hence essentially tried outwit-
Diagon Alley, steps away from the ting Dumbledore, which but few even
place where Voldemort got dared to think. Harry, the victor of the
Ollivander kidnapped. One can’t tournament, eventually gave them the
ever find characters who are so ridicu- generous sum of 10,000 Galleons
lously awesome, extremely talented, and because he wanted to part
in J K Rowling’s own words, “among her with the brutal, macabre
most favourite characters”. memories of the Cup.
In their third year, they became friends
So, it all began when twin boys, our be- with Harry Potter, a relationship that They joined Dumbledore’s Army to
loved Fred and George, were born to defined their coming years in many oppose the dictatorial, authoritative
Arthur and Molly Weasley on April 1, significant ways! In their fifth year in realm of the Hogwarts High Inquisitor
1978. They were exceptionally talented, Hogwarts, they were the first and the Dolores Umbridge and were vigorously
sharp wizards who were deeply inter- only ones in their family not to be pre- pursuing their dream of a joke shop, a
ested in “cool” magic; they perfected, fects--an epitome of the “different path”. brave endeavour on its own.
invented and experimented with spells They gave Harry the Marauder’s Map, When the DA was discovered,
recklessly throughout their childhood. which they already knew by-heart by Dumbledore was forced to leave
They were a unique creed among the then and found more immediate use of Hogwarts and Umbridge was made the
Weasleys, and had the distinction of the Map for Harry. In the summer of Headmistress, thus violating the sacro-
taking the path that best suited them, ir- 1994, Fred and George began invent- sanctness of the post, Fred and George
respective of any social considerations; ing magical prank items like the Ton- had had enough. They decided that they
it later formed what was rightfully called Tongue Toffee, which Fred “dropped” didn’t care about getting into trouble
by Percy “the Fred and George way”. near Harry’s cousin Dudley Dursley any more. Did they ever?
who picked it up and ate it, making his
Fred and George joined the Hogwarts tongue look like ‘a great slimy python’ ‘Course we have,’ said George. ‘Never
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in and almost suffocating him. been expelled, have we?’
1989, for their training and graduation ‘We’ve always known where to draw the
in magic. Upholding the family custom, They eventually ended up getting 3 line,’ added Fred.
they were sorted into Gryffindor house, OWL’s each , which Harry was amazed ‘We might have put a toe across it occa-
known for the courage, chivalry and de- to know years later, because in his sionally,’ chuckled George.
termination of its students. They were words “they really know their stuff ”. ‘But we’ve always stopped short of caus-
well-known for their “hobgoblin-ish” These Brothers are the living examples ing real mayhem,’ completed Fred.
attitude and it was not long before they of people who were extremely talented
had screened the whole campus, in- but let down by the official teaching The plan to drop out and establish their
cluding secret passages, thanks to the paradigm. crazy new start-up was faced by stiff re-
Marauder’s map that they had sneaked sistance from their parents (something
in their very first year from Filch’s office. They continued with their experimen- common between our worlds) but our
The Brothers joined the Gryffindor tation and inventions (Canary Creams heroes weren’t the type to be kept down.
Quidditch Team in their second year as for instance) and desperately wanted to This was the start of their joke shop -
beaters and due to their skills were soon take part in the Triwizard Tournament awesome magic - all innovative - value
nicknamed “Human Bludgers”. for the money, to bootstrap their for money - crazy awesome –

6 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

But once the Ministry of Magic fell to
the Death Eaters and the Weasleys were
marked ‘traitors’ for helping the ‘fugi-
Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, 93 Diagon tive’ Harry Potter, they had to run into
Alley, was the result of the twins’ accu- hiding with their family and operated
mulated efforts over many years. What their shop via mail order from their
began as a courier service from their Aunt Muriel’s. As their entrepreneur-
home, the Burrow, selling some magical ship genes were insuppressible, they op-
artifacts, became a full-fledged venture erated Potter Watch with Lee Jordan, to
which housed magic of many differ- disseminate the right information and
ent parlances; from joke products like pose a challenge to the oppressive and
Extendable Ears and Anti Gravity Hats authoritative world under Voldemort.
to defence objects like Decoy Detonators
and Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder: They were liberal through and through
love potions, daydream charms, explo- and joined the Order of Phoenix as soon
sives, muggle magic, magic sweets-- as they were allowed to do so. They
these boys had it all . They were naturally fought valiantly against the tyranny of
gifted entrepreneurs with a great deal of Voldemort, but alas, they had to pay a
business acumen. Though being prank- heavy price.
sters themselves, they took objection to
the sneaking of any of their stuff. They Fred ended up losing his life in the final
used the current business opportuni- battle at Hogwarts, fighting alongside
ties to the fullest. With the second great Percy when there was an explosion out-
battle of the wizarding world raging on, side the Room of Requirement. At the
they created a line of defense stuff, some very end he found solace in the fact
of which was even bulk-ordered by the that his family was reunited once again.
Ministry of Magic(shield hats, cloaks Prior to his twin’s death, George had
and gloves). They were witty in publicis- lost an ear to a flyaway Sectumsempra
ing their products to reach the masses curse. The loss was immense. George
with the shortest of investments. Prior never truly got over Fred’s death since
to the setting-up of their shop, their they were inseparable, but he eventually
products were at large in the Gryffindor married Angelina Johnson and named
common room, which led to a blanket his first child Fred in loving memory of
ban over them by Filch: this only helped the brother he lost. George continued
promote the products and before soon, to run Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes to
they had been tried by every section great success; his younger brother Ron
of Hogwarts. They gave a special dis- helping him turn the shop into a real
count to anyone who gave a hard time money-spinner..
to Umbridge. Their magic, initially just
amateur experimentation, soon turned Can anyone possibly be more audacious
out to be quite mature and ingenious. than these two twins who lived passion-
Their inventions, in Hermione’s own ate and purposeful lives? Can one really
words, were “extraordinary pieces of trust his heart and dare to believe in his
magic”. Their incredible sense of fun is dreams? Can one willingly put his life at
visible in the names of some of their stake for the betterment of society? Can
products like “U-NO-POO” and the one defy all social norms and conven-
“Dolores Umbridge” toy. With the im- tions and redefine Robert Frost’s “The
mense success of their shop, the twins Road not Taken”?
found greater acceptance among their
parents. They moved in above their shop The Weasley twins have shown us that
in Diagon Alley and also planned to ac- one can. They have given our generation
quire Zonko’s Joke Shop in Hogsmeade two amazing role-models and dreams
as a new branch. The twins made it big that rule our lives. They truely reached
in the magical world, and joined the the epitome of what they defined as the
league of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates as the ‘’Fred and George Way’’.
dropout success stories.

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 7

- By Sagar Sheth

What does a guy who has worked at Google as

strategic managing partner and boasts of alma maters such as
IIT Bombay and Stanford’s Graduate School of Business think like?
Here are excerpts of an interview with Anshuman Bapna, CEO and
co-founder of, as he tells us about his new venture
and shares some interesting thoughts and anecdotes with us.

What is What is the saw that there was tonnes and tonnes of algorithm plus human insight so the
vision and principle behind of money to be made but there were a way we call it is 90% technology and lot of gatekeepers. What I mean is that 10% human judgment.
Well, is a travel planning if we wanted to be a million dollar com-
service and what we want to do is solve pany then we needed to get around the What is your most challenging
the age-old problem of planning trips likes of Google, Expedia, Tripadvisor, job as CEO?
for travellers across the globe and the Priceline who actually monetize these So, here we are trying to solve travel
way we do that is, by having this large ideas, who actually make money and planning for the global market and the
marketplace of amazing trips that have there are some very standard ways kind of travellers we are looking for
been taken by real travellers that you are independent travellers and India
can customize as much as you want. And one day, when I was talking has quite a lot of them but they are not
We’ve found out that a lot of people our major chunk of customers. Most of
to a senior and it so happened
have written travelogues and blogs and our target customers are in the US and
that there are news articles regularly that my senior asked me if I Western Europe. So as a leader, one of
published in Outlook Traveller, New would do a MBA or a job or the biggest challenges for me is to make
York Times and the like, so we’ve writ- masters after graduation. everyone understand that we are com-
ten an algorithm that can take an article So suddenly I asked, ‘What if I peting with the best companies out
automatically convert it into an itiner- start my own company’? The there sitting in Silicon Valley or Israel
ary. So in that sense, we have thousands senior laughed it off and that or wherever and we need to have that
and thousands of itineraries which are urgency of creating a product which is
rattled me.
actual trips taken by people! world class, better than any other out
So what is the story behind mygola? there.
How did you start this company? of making money which is by book-
So first my startup was at IIT Bombay ings and ads so as such it was a very What would be your advice to
itself, the company I co-founded was tough category to be in. Evidently lots budding entrepreneurs?
called It was the first of people had tried to break into it but Right, so I’ll tell you a story which an-
company in the incubator at IITB and one approach that had not been tried swers why I started Eureka during my
we sold that to Stratify later on. Now was one that combined the touch that time at IITB. I had finished my 2nd year
while I was at Google in New York, I only a human can provide but have that at that time and one day, when I was
was involved in the travel sector and human being powered by the web. It’s talking to a senior and it so happened
that was when the idea struck me. I important to have this right mixture that my senior asked me if I would do a

8 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

So did you learn some
entrepreneurial skills during
your stay at IITB?
I started Eureka and I was going
a shame. At Stanford what I enjoyed around telling everyone to start a
the most was going crazy, learning any- company and I myself hadn’t started
thing and everything. I went in because a company. So I and my eventual two
I thought I didn’t want to do technology co-founders of started
anymore. I wanted to venture into social meeting every alternate day in front of
enterprise based stuff and one area I was the LT just to brainstorm some ideas.
MBA or a job or masters after gradua- And then we finally came down to two
looking at was public health. So I spent
tion. So suddenly I asked ‘what if I start ideas that we strongly believed in. Then
an entire year taking classes at the med
my own company?’ The senior laughed one day we read about this guy Rakesh
school and I also took classes in inter-
it off and that rattled me. So I spent an Mathur who was coming to campus
national relations, diplomacy, manda-
entire year going all over the country, to meet the director, so I went out and
rin, etc. So in that sense what I had in
meeting people and going wherever without his permission put up posters
Stanford was a true education. In terms
there were entrepreneurship institutes, all over the campus declaring that he
of career growth - all investors for my
like there was one in Ahmedabad, and was going to give a talk to everyone in
2nd startup were Stanford classmates–
there were hardly any incubators at that LT at 5pm, and then I stood outside
time but I met the first few VCs of those the director’s office and waited for Mr
days. In my 4th year I finally started my Quitting Google was hard, Rakesh to come out and as soon as he
first company, our investor was an alum quitting New York was even came out I told him you don’t have an
from IITB called Rakesh Mathur who harder but our daughter made option and you have to give a talk bec-
had started a company called Junglee. that easier for us, paradoxically. uase there was a crowd waiting for it.
com which was later sold to Amazon for And he did give an amazing talk. More
$100 million. Once in USA, we stopped importantly, Rakesh also loved the en-
over at Stanford and we went to check trepreneurial spirit that we showed. So
so yes that was a huge boost.
out the computer science dept, and then he told us to stay in touch, let him
we passed by a room when one of my know if we were starting a company.
friends suddenly told me that have you And that was exactly what happened,
heard of this company called ‘Google’ How tough a decision was it to leave
so some months later I reached out to
which just came out which is a search your job at Google and shift to India
him and told him our ideas, he thought
engine and by the way the guys who for your startup
one of the ideas was great and told us
built it are those 2 guys sitting in that I always knew that I am not a big com-
to make a formal pitch and here’s a
room over there. So the fact that stu- pany guy and was sure I’ll get turned
funny anecdote of what followed. So
dents in USA can build companies was off by Google but I was amazed by how
Nandan Nilekani’s also an alum from
very evident even at my time. well-run and ambitious the company
IITB right, and Nandan and Rakesh
So what I would advise students is that was. The Google Glass, Balloon Internet
are good friends so we were sup-
this is a historic time, that it’s never been project – those were crazy projects and I
posed to pitch to both of them in the
easier to start a company. One advan- can only imagine Google doing that. For
Ambassador Hotel in South Bombay.
tage of starting a company while you’re me that was hard to leave. Also, we were
At that time there were no laptops so
a student is that your opportunity cost blessed with a daughter at that point of
we were carrying our entire PC with
is zero. I mean it’s not like you’re giving time so people began saying that now
us! Nandan helped me pick up the
up a big job, so while you’re in your 3rd you have a family to take care of, you
CPU and we went to the conference
or 4th year you should seriously con- can’t venture into crazy stuff, you need
room at the top floor. Even a reporter
sider starting a company if you have an a regular salary etc. But our daughter
from The New York Times was there.
idea. Because the next opportunity that turned out to be this angel who was not
Next thing we know is that Rakesh sir
you may get to start a company might fussy at all. So I thought boss, maybe
invested $250,000 in our company and
only be a decade later when you’re more 4-5 years in which we get to crazy, after
The New York Times covered our story
settled. that she’ll be influential factor in what
on the front page a couple of days later.
we do and where we go and so on. So
And all this happened while I was still
How did a MBA from Stanford help we quit our jobs and shifted to India im-
in my final year here at IITB.
accelerate your career growth? mediately. Quitting Google was hard,
It changed my life in a big and pretty quitting New York was even harder but
unusual way. During my time we had our daughter made that easier for us,
very few humanities courses and eve- paradoxically.
ryone used to take a pride in not doing
well in those courses and that was such

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 9

A Journey in Time

-By Arjita Kulshreshtha, Devendra Govil,
Sagar Sheth, Pratik Agrawal
weets, comments, connections, likes, followers, hashtags, etc. are omnipresent
words in nearly every Internet user’s life. The very fact that 67% of Internet users,
that is over 1.6 billion people are users of some social networking site or the other,
goes on to show how important a role these websites play in our lives. Not surpris-
ingly, Facebook is leading the pack, boasting of over 1.11 billion monthly active
users. Twitter, of course, is growing at a
rapid rate with 550 million active users
registered and the likes of LinkedIn,
Myspace and Google+ have loyal de-
mographics too. However, long before
it became the commercialized and mass
information juggernaut that it is today,
the social networking era had its own
share of humble beginnings.

It all started in 1978 with the BBS – was the advent of the AOL(America surf other user profiles.
Bulletin Board System. Originally, these Online) service. It made great strides provided people an opportunity to re-
were primarily hosted on personal com- at making communication through the connect with long-lost school buddies,
puters and users had to dial in through internet universally accessible in the US menacing school bullies and maybe
the host computer’s modem. Only one and since then, there’s been no looking even that prom date they just couldn’t
person at a time could gain access to back. forget. Other race-centric websites such
the BBS and the speed was ludicrously as,
slow. An online service by the name Taking advantage of this new found and also came up and
of CompuServe then came along. It wonder– the Internet, that is– the some of them are still going strong.
was the first company to incorporate a first set of social networking websites
chat program into its features. Features cropped up. Some were primarily dating The turn of the millennium saw the first
which included providing a platform sites whereas others were more niche modern social network in the form of
for discussion forums, sharing files and driven. was one of the Friendster. It was an attempt at con-
accessing news and events. But the true very first to allow its users to create pro- vincing people that an age of online
herald of today’s social networking era files, invite friends, organize groups and connection was coming and it allowed

10 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

people to discover friends and friends- in 2004, it didn’t garner much attention The game changer as we all know came
of-friends and so on. It was known as in the USA. Unexpectedly however, it in the form of Facebook, of course. The
the dating site which had more to it turned out to be a roaring hit in coun- only single thing that unites the whole
than being just about dating. In South tries like Brazil and India, prompting universe regardless of country, age, sex,
East Asian countries like Phillipines, Google to shift Orkut’s headquarters to colour, gender and economic status is
it still remains a force to be reckoned Brazil. The ‘communities’ were a hotbed facebook. Deep inside, we all hope that
with. Established in 2003, Hi5 was of discussions pertaining to everything our friends will hit their likes and post
another attempt to woo the internet- under the sun– politics, sports, ter- comments whatever we post on our
savvy audience. Myspace, established rorism, women and all sorts of other walls. The now seemingly invincible
in 2003, differentiated itself from the breaking news. And then there were Facebook, like many other social net-
crowd by giving its users a more hip the ‘scrapbook’ and ‘testimonial’ fea- working sites, was founded by a bunch
online environment with its feature of tures for the more social ones amongst of university students. When these
customizable profiles and music-video- us. Orkut’s widespread impact was felt Harvard undergrads launched Facebook
friendliness and it’s still a perennial fa- by certain political parties in India too, in 2004 for Harvard students, little did
vourite of a certain youth section in the who summoned the Mumbai Police to they know that the company will turn
USA. Google too came up with its own ban it due to the hate groups building out to me a multi-billion-dollar enter-
social network called Orkut. Launched up on the site. Orkut soon lost its sheen prise. Within a month they had half of
though, as it was unable to match up to Harvard’s 19.500 population on board
the attractiveness and innovation of its and gradually they peddled their prod-
competitors. uct to other universities in the USA. In
2006, they opened their website to gen-
eral public and the influx of visitors to
their site has been abnormally high ever
since. Seven years after its worldwide
launch, one in every seven is a registered
user of Facebook and one out of every
seven minutes spent online is spent on
Facebook. What made them the king of
social networking is debatable, whether

daily dose of gossip that their favourite

celebrities provide – may it be actors or
sportsmen or politicians! New Yorkers
received teweets about an east coast
earthquake 30 seconds before they ac-
tually felt it. LinkedIn, a social network-
ing website launched in 2003, has also
it’s Facebook’s user-friendliness or its second highest ranked social network proven to be a hit with its target users
multitude of easily-accessed features in terms of data traffic, with over 200 of working professionals and it boasts
or even smart moves at the right time. million active monthly users. Limited of 225 million registered users. Users
However, the assertion that they are the to 140 characters, Tweets are the new find it extremely useful to network, re-
undisputed king is too sacrosanct to definition of real-time message updates. cruit, find jobs and connect with profes-
question. As of now, Mark Zukerberg, When water was found on Mars, the sional allies, all on one platform without
the chairman and CEO of facebook, is first public announcement came not in having to attend a conference or make
the youngest billionaire in the world an all-singing, all-dancing press confer- a long-distance call. 80% companies of
and his personal wealth is estimated to ence; rather it was ebulliently tweeted the world use Social media for recruit-
be around $13.3 billion. out to the world by NASA - “Are you ment and 95% of this use LinkedIn.
ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We Hurry up! If you still do not have a
Founded in 2006, Twitter, a microblog- have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE* LinkedIn account, you are probably
ging website has been amassing users by on Mars! w00t!!! Best day ever!!”. losing on hundreds of job and intern-
the hour too. After Facebook, it is the Fans are never too far away from the ship opportunities floating out there!

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 11

Social media- A fundamental shift Facebook was predominantly used to of Silk and created curiosity in the con-
in the way we communicate schedule protests; Twitter was used to sumers. While fans were mourning,
coordinate whereas Youtube was used the page launched the new Silk for the
People are influencing the world to make their voices heard. It has given heartbroken. They launched the ‘Bid for
Traditional media no longer has the sole people in the Arab world the feeling Silk’ campaign in Mumbai where fans
power of driving public opinion. Social that they are not alone, that there are had to send their whacky ideas to bid for
web has exponentially accelerated the others who are being suppressed and giant cubes of Silk weighing 14 kg each
rate at which information is shared and are facing just as many hardships, just which were placed at a mall in Mumbai.
influence takes hold. People these days as much injustice. This movement also With a Facebook app and hashtag on
trust peer recommendations for things inspired the ‘Global Occupy Movement’ Twitter, ‘Bid for Silk’ the campaign was
like their food outings, travels, fashion against social and economic disparities. very successful in catching the attention
etc. Statistics show that 80% of consum- 951 cities across 82 countries; this was of the customers.
ers trust peer recommendations where- the huge scale at which the protests were
as only 15% trust advertisement. A ten- held, which was obviously powered by People are getting informed
worded tweet can create an impact on social media. Thus the citizens of all na- ‘If searching for news was the most im-
millions of people. tions are more empowered than ever portant development of the last decade,
before. sharing news may be among the most
India’s huge anti-corruption move- important of the next’
ment led by Anna Hazare and Arvind People are doing business Due to the parallel revolution in mobile
Kejriwal in 2012 was fuelled to a large When Netflix introduced a 60% rate technologies, social media to a large
extent by an effective social strategy. The increase in 2011, the company faced a extent determines where we get our
movement forced the Indian parliament social media nightmare on Twitter and news. The major chunk of news that we
to pass the anti-corruption bill. Many Facebook. Their customers left 13,000 receive is via tweets and our news feed.
leaders of the movement drifted togeth- negative comments on Netflix’s blog After all we can’t choose the content a
er to form the Aam Admi party, which and more than a lakh comments on newspaper--full of advertisements-
is reaching out to the Indian middle its Facebook page. Within months the -provides us, but we can obviously
class via social media channels. company lost 800,000 customers and choose the groups, pages and people we
Social media was a key player in two-thirds of its market value. On the follow.
the public expose of the Trayvon flip side, companies who have recog-
Martin shooting in Sanford, Florida. nised the need to engage customers via An Influence on Indian Politics !
Approximately one month after the fatal social media are making more money Election fever has gripped the Indian
shooting of Travyon Martin, its online than ever before. Social media gives media, and social media is being seen as
coverage by everyday Americans gar- people who have time but no budget a potential game-changer. According to
nered national attention from main- for advertising an effective platform to a report, The Bhartiya Junta Party (BJP)
stream media journalists. Social media reach out to their potential customers. has been the first national political party
aided the successful uprisings in Tunisia At the same time, big-shot companies to have used technology to reach out to
and Egypt and helped foster grassroots have been smart enough to exploit the voters, with a Twitter account, Facebook
movements in other Arab nations. opportunity as well. For instance, when page, Youtube channel and mobile apps.
This time, the movement involved a Cadbury came out with its latest version Narendra Modi, India’s potential next
well-networked younger generation, of Dairy Milk Silk, they came out with prime minister has over 1.6 million
which was different from prior move- a brilliant social media campaign. They followers on Twitter. The Congress is
ments which had only a single leader. first announced the imminent demise catching up, with Media cells already
in place. The numbers may be impres-
sive, but in a country like India where
All’s Not Rosy! most of the population is technologi-
Possible Dangers of Social Media cally handicapped, only time will tell the
person at the other end. Interacting with so many un-
known people, it is common to be tormented by stran-
extent to which social media will actu-
Are there any? gers who under the veil of false identity may leave no ally influence the 2014 elections.
Oh, yes, there are plenty. Social networking and the stone unturned to irritate you.
Internet are some of the greatest technological advances
we have had in the last decades, but as with any scien- Threat to Democracy
tific or technological advancement, it is ethically and At a completely different level, it gives a select group of
functionally neutral. It provides humans with certain companies and our political masters too much power
powers and abilities which can be employed in any way and control over us, so much so as to threaten democ-
they deem fit. racy itself. With online snooping becoming a norm,
these sites can be used to neutralise political opponents,
Social Media is addictive! threaten a person into submission and wreak havoc on
It is now considered a clinical illness, with it having been the constitutionally mandated rights to privacy. The
an academic, psychological and occupational impair- recent revelations by Edward Snowden have just show-
ment for quite some time. Some research papers have cased how plausible this threat has become (yes, con-
pointed out a high correlation between pathological spiracy theorists, this one’s for you!).
Internet use and depression, while some others have
established that it impairs the ability to interact in the So while the advent of Social Media has revolutionized
“real world”. the way we communicate for good, we still have to be
cautious about some of the perilous facets of this fasci-
Hoax Havoc nating world. After all - It is what you make it.
You can never be sure about the credentials of the

12 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

range of situations, like Independence
day in J&K, Raj Thackeray’s mega rally
could be made better, as students we and Rath Yatra in Gujarat. You might
never focus on that, as entrepreneurs remember the hover from a scene of
that 5% haunted us” ‘3 idiots’ movie where Amir Khan is
After passing out he worked for six shown controlling the bot.
College, introspection and the
months in a leading sales and market- Idea forge has overcome many hurdles
ing consultancy before leaving to start along the way, made a name for itself
“Lots of passion and lots of ideas for
ideaForge. ideaForge was incubated today as a budding company specializ-
creating new technologies, lots of inter-
in SINE in IIT Bombay. SINE (Society ing in technological innovation, and is
est in alternative energy, how to extract
for Innovation and Entrepreneurship) still forging ahead.
energy from this and that. I even filed
is a business incubator which provides
a patent when I was in IIT” says Ankit
support for technology based entre- The biggest challenge
about his pre-entrepreneur phase at
preneurship hosted by IIT Bombay.
his alma mater IIT Bombay. He was
During the incubation they perfected According to him the biggest challenge
involved in robotics and tech during
their design of ‘NETRA’ and grew into that India faces right now is that not
his days as an undergraduate; he and
a fully-fledged startup. enough research is being done at the
his team went to Robocon in Beijing
“SINE was a great place to be incubated students’ level and out of the research
and represented India there. This laid
at. You get a lot of problems when being done not enough technolo-
a firm foundation in his mind to set up
you’re into hardware technology but gies are being developed that can be
a tech startup and make a product that
SINE being backed up by faculty were quickly commercialised. This is a very
would help people and make their lives
very helpful and provided very good big reason why hardware technology
simpler. All along he had received abso-
support” is not a well developed sector in India,
lute support from faculty, morally and
financially, “I never had to worry about “because nobody will back you in your
money to make my idea into reality, if venture as long as there is no well-
ideaForge- Present developed prototype which isn’t there
I had an idea I’d go bug my faculty and
ideaForge was started off as an energy at the starting up stage because of lack
they were always helpful.” To provide
startup with its focus on alternative of research at the students’ level.”
help to passionate students in the
mobile charging options, and have Another thing he believes is that find-
future he helped Prof. Amarnath set up
evolved into a company producing ing a team with teammates having
the Innovation Cell in the institute.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) complementary skills is a quintessential
“One important lesson I learned in IIT
which have been deployed by paramili- necessity for starting up, and that find-
was that you cannot define how you
tary forces like CRPF, Border Security ing people who are passionate about
live your life by your peers, by how
Force, NDRF, among others for recon- the technology and not money is very
your peers react to it, if you get bogged
naissance and surveillance. The UAV important.
down by that you can never get back
‘NETRA’ which was developed in “Funding is one more very important
association with Defence Research & thing, and for funding you need a pro-
Development Organisation is a 100% totype. Without funding and support
autonomous aerial vehicle typically you make some of the worst decisions
Post IIT and incubation
used for short range missions, which of your life and you have to live with
“Nothing we made was good enough
weighs 1.5kg and measures 90cm x it for the rest of your life with the
that it could be used for long period of
90cm. NETRA has been used a wide understanding of why something is not
time reliably. Personally this desire, the
last 5% that is left, something you made working out and you can do nothing
about it. So, funding is very important.”

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 13

Your all-time favourite video game MARIO is having a tough
time competing with high tech Play-stations and Arcade
games. Its time for you to sell Mario to the younger genera-
tions. Send us a suitable tagline that you would use to adver-
tise MARIO and win exciting prizes!

Send us your entries to

For more such contests follow our facebook page :

Followng is a collection from the Q4.Which leading Indian antivi-

business world. The answers to these rus vendor was started by the Katkar
questions are legendary!! brothers as a calculator repair shop in Q9. Outside India, where has Reliance
1993 ? MediaWorks launched Big Cinemas to
Q1. What was the amount charged by Q5. Name this luxury city where the screen Bollywood movies ?
Milkha Singh from Rakeysh Omprakash male police drive BMWs and the
Mehra for giving the rights to make the female police Ferraris. Q10. Edison went to great lengths to
Check Out Pg. 23 for Answers.

biopic Bhaag Milkha Bhaag ? prove his competitor’s technology was

Q6. Expand CAPTCHA, the often risky by electrocuting elephants etc.
Q2. The telegram breathed its last in annoying step we have to go through Name the technology and competitor.
India on 15th July. Who was the recipi- while submitting data on the Internet ?
ent of the last telegram ? Q11. What startup came out of its
Q7. How much does Twitter charge in founder Phanindra Sama unable to
Q3. The Financial Times described it as India to create a trend on Twitter for an get bus ticket from Bangalore during
“one of the most prominent admissions advertiser ? Diwali ?
of failure for a new mass-market con-
sumer product since Coca-Cola’s New Q8. Name the Indian businessman in Q12. Why has the change in govt at
Coke fiasco nearly 30 years ago. UAE who is releasing 1000s of prison- Pakistan led to a sharp fall in demand
ers by paying off their debts. for socks ?

Across Down
1. From the founders’ names - Harold 2. The founder, originally a tractor
Matson and Elliot Handler maker, names all his company’s cars
4. Named after a character in Herman after fighting bulls
Melville’s Moby Dick 3. Started as a wood-pulp mill which
6. The initials of founder Ingvar later started producing rubber products
Kamprad, plus the initials of the prop- in the Finnish city of X
erty and village he grew up in Elmtaryd 5. Suggested by the founder Richard
Agunnaryd Branson who claimed he was a complete
7. Shortened from the original name X at business
Nippon Sangyo which means Japan 8. A company named after a creek that
Industries ran behind the home of co-founder
John Warnock

14 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

-By Jyoti and Anukriti

Before attacking the topic straightaway, let’s first address the two
major terms involved here, around which this entire article revolves:

Entrepreneur –
One who undertakes innovations or introduces new things, finance and
business shrewdly, in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods.

Opportunism –
The conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of
circumstances, with little regard for principles, or with what the
consequences are for others.

Is opportunism necessary for success as an entrepreneur?

To begin linking the two – is it absolutely necessary to breach Yes.
all of one’s morals and disregard one’s principles to succeed as
an entrepreneur? Is the mere innovation not enough? Is an extreme form of opportunism necessary for the same?
No. Definitely not.
There have been arguments both advocating and condoning
opportunism in entrepreneurship, and a strict ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to I had recently had the chance of attending a famous entre-
the question would, of course, be ridiculous. preneur’s speech, and as he narrated his own experiences, he
stated the importance of 7 ‘P’s that were imperative to succeed
TO SUPPORT THE MOTION as an entrepreneur – positivity, passion, perseverance, persis-
tence, purpose, patience, power of people. Nowhere had he
There have been several instances in the past where someone stated the necessity of extreme opportunism. Come to think
created a technology and then someone else made it market- of it, no one really does. For, to succeed as an entrepreneur,
able and feasible and enjoyed the entire credit. The most one does not rely on one’s immoral behavior, one relies more
relevant example is that of Tesla and Edison. History says on one’s passion and skill. And this, in general, is the story
that Tesla, who had been unable to market his products and of most of the successful entrepreneurs. The ones who have
had fallen prey to such hypocrisy, discovered the technology succeeded merely on the grounds of extreme opportunism
behind Edison, Marconi and a number of other scientists’ in- would not even constitute 10% of the total lot. (This is just
ventions. What would be the reason behind this? Lack of en- to quote a figure; it doesn’t really have any significance). Take
trepreneurial skills of course! Nicola Tesla was a great scientist, the story of Kunwer Sachdev, the founder of Su-Kam inver-
sure; but would never be acknowledged as an entrepreneur. tors. Initially, Kunwer Sachdev used to manufacture cable
TV equipment. Hassled by frequent power cuts, he bought
Another example would be that of Steve Jobs coming up an inverter. However, when this malfunctioning equipment
with ITunes, taking advantage of the feud between Napster started breaking down every now and then, he tore it apart
and the music industry, providing a middle option between and concluded that it was an example of shoddy design and
the free but illegal and legal but expensive. engineering. Single handedly, he researched and worked
for years, and consequently came up with his robust power
The recent Uttarakhand disaster has witnessed quite a few back-up system. Su-Kam is currently a 200-crore company.
small businesses at exorbitant prices. Highly immoral, one
would say; but in such a situation, equally critical for the busi- The stories of most entrepreneurs speak of passion and per-
ness venture to succeed. severance; little do they rely on extreme opportunism. This
alone, is reason enough to suggest against the claim.
Needless to say, today’s world of cut-throat competition has
made it opportunism indispensable in order to carve out a Now we ask you what is necessary for an entrepreneur- op-
niche for one’s entrepreneurial venture. portunism or extreme opportunism?? Was Edison right in
taking all the credit?? Was it unfair on Tesla?? Let us know
your views.

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 15

- By Sagar Sheth

Social entreprises differ from business entreprises in the sense that they take
into account positive benefits for society, besides self-sustainability. Their vision
is to develop innovative products or services that empower the underprivileged,
directly or indirectly. Acting as catalysts of change, they seize opportunities to
generate social value and unleash the true potential of the society. They bridge
the chasm between the developing and the developed.

We present to you three such stories of entrepreneurs who have changed the
way society works. A change for the betterment of all of mankind.

The Menstrual Man

Arunachalam Murugantham, or the wife or sisters or mother agreed to act
Menstrual Man as they’ve begun to call as volunteers for his research, nor did
him, has been hailed as a visionary all female medical students. He had to go
over the country for his quest to devel- to the extent of filling a bladder with
op low-cost sanitary napkins for poor goat blood to test his pilots. Ridiculed
Indian women. The school dropout is and laughed upon along the way, his
the founder of Jayashree Industries, a journey didn’t stop when he made his
company which manufactures afford- first breakthrough by identifying a low-
able machines to produce these sanitary cost material that should be used. He
napkins which are retailed at prices as went the extra mile to design a machine
low as Rs.16 for 8 pieces. His innova- which would cost as low as Rs. 65,000 as
tive machines are not only providing opposed to the ₹ 3.5crores that MNCs
poor Indian women with access to basic like Johnson&Johnson(Stayfree) and
feminine hygiene but his insistence that Procter&Gamble(Whisper) spend, and
they produce and sell their own pads is this took him four long years.
also giving them a livelihood. Murugantham has a patent for his inno-
However, everything wasn’t that hunky- vation and so far well over 1000 of his
dory a few years ago. Murugantham machines have been sold all over India,
first recognized the need for such low- each with a capacity to produce over a
cost pads when one day his wife was 1000 napkins a day. He is a sublime ex-
tried to furtively slip away with a rag, ample of how social entrepreneurship
“a rag I wouldn’t even use to clean my can address the needs of the forgotten in
scooter”, he claims. On further investi- a mutually sustainable way, where both,
gation, he realized that 88% of Indian the enterprise and the customers can
women use newspapers, rags of cloth, only benefit. His enterprise is a ‘silent
banana leaves, hay or even ashes, all of white revolution’, they say!
which are unhygienic and ineffective.
Thus, he set upon a journey to create
cheap yet viable sanitary pads but he
received little support as neither his

16 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

It’s not often that you witness pin- deaf. Communicating through written
drop silence at a courier office during notes, Lakra did manage to help him
peak business hours. Unless of course, that time around but it dawned upon
if you are standing in one of Mirakle him how tough the daily struggle of deaf
Couriers’s offices. Started in 2009, people was.
Mirakle Couriers is a socially-conscious
for-profit enterprise that employs over Facts suggest that 6% of India’s popu-
70 deaf employees and delivers more lation faces hearing problems and as
than 65,000 shipments per month. The much as 66% of deaf people in India are
pickup and delivery boys are all deaf unemployed. To do his part for society,
men whereas deaf women are in charge Lakra came up with Mirakle Couriers,
of office work, like mail sorting and which he maintains is not a charity or-
data processing. Each employee of the ganization but a means to empower the
company is proficient in Indian Sign deaf to lead a financially independent
Language and SMS is used as a mode of life.
communication between the office staff
and delivery boys. Boasting of accolades such as National
Award for the Empowerment of People
Dhruv Lakra, its founder, holds a with Disabilities from the President of
degree in social entrepreneurship India and the CNN-IBN Young Leader
from SAID Business School, Oxford Award under their belt, this company
University. Beneath the rise of this has a come a long way
company lies a heart-wrenching story.
One day, while Lakra was travelling And it’s evident that Lakra’s idea is a
in a BEST bus he saw a young boy sit- hope for the community when he tells
ting beside him who seemed very con- you he receives calls from eager parents
fused and kept restlessly looking out of looking for a suitable boy for their deaf
the window. He looked lost although daughters. “It takes a while for me to ex-
the conductor was regularly announc- plain that we are only Mirakle Couriers,
ing the next stop. When Lakra tried to not Mirakle matchmakers,” Lakra
talk to the boy he wouldn’t respond and smiles.
that’s when Lakra realized that he was

Samaritan without losing any of his in 2010, Milaap has raised a whopping
principal amount. These needy bor- $820,000 in loans from around the
One can only imagine a world where rowers are identified by Milaap’s field world and this amount has directly im-
people from low-income groups can partners, which are credible and proven pacted close to 25,000 lives.
easily avail of loans at subsidized interest NGOs, vocational training institutes,
rates to say, undertake vocational train- microfinance organisations etc. And Field partners are charged a 5% fee
ing, improve sanitation facilities at their these field partners then upload loan for the funds raised and that’s how
homes or raise capital for a small busi- requests to Milaap which in turn con- this social startup sustains itself. The
ness. Enter Milaap, a micro-lending or- nects the borrowers to lenders directly Bangalore based company has also
ganisation that does online fundraising by displaying borrower profiles through raised capital from investors like First
for these causes. Causes which directly its website. Light Ventures, Lion Rock Capital,
improve the standard of living and pro- Unitus Seed Fund, Jungle Ventures, etc.
ductivity of people at the ‘bottom of the Milaap is the brain-child of three Milaap, as the name suggests, is an
pyramid’. youngsters, two of whom are graduates effort to bring together the new young
of National University of Singapore and India and the real India and empower
What Milaap does is provide an online the third is an alumnus of the prestig- them both to make a difference
platform for people to lend their money ious IIT Madras and IIM Lucknow.
for a certain period, to borrowers who These three guys have a single vision – Enterprises with mindsets like this are
need them. The money lent is returned to change the people’s concept of giving the ones that can really make a differ-
by the borrower after the stipulated and make it a personal, transparent and ence to the social and economic fabric
period, thus making the lender a Good sustainable process. Since its inception of the nation on a large scale.

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 17

A ccording to 2011 census, 70% of
India still uses timber, animal dung and
environment and fuel collection effort
required for operating traditional
put up banners and circulate pamphlets.

crop residues to cook. The largest quali- stoves. The stove is already being used Motivation
ty issue being that rural India still cooks in 12 districts in Karnataka currently, The positive impact that our product has
on the mud stove which is both inef- and our growth strategy for 2013 seeks had in the lives of thousand of women
ficient and poses considerable health to establish distribution in 60 districts whom we’ve sold the stove keeps us
hazards due to the smoke and soot re- expanding predominantly in South going. The inspiration comes from the
leased. This problem is being tackled by India. The stove is currently priced at women we meet look after their homes
Greenway Grameen Infra, which aims INR 1250. and work, and manage to do so many
to combine design needs and efficient great things. It’s inspiring to see them
distribution for rural markets delivering The story of the stove live their lives working so hard, but still
‘high immediate impact’ energy prod- If you look at a rural household, a lot of doing so many great things, and still
ucts. Their first product is the Greenway things have changed in terms of lifestyle. being happy in their lives.
Smart Stove, a patent-pending cook- People have mobile phones and TVs but ABOUT THE FOUNDERS
stove designed as a modern replace- the women of the household still cooks Neha Juneja and Ankit Mehta, the
ment for traditional mud chulhas. on a mud stove which is a prominent founders of GGI are graduates of DCE
health hazard. It is unfair if nothing else. who did their MBA from FMS and
The company having won at almost all After travelling and seeing women pre- IIM Ahmedabad and left their respec-
the major B-plan challenges such as Intel paring their meals on dangerous stoves, tive consultancy jobs within 6 months
Global Challenge at UC Berkley, the we knew something needed to be done. to start GGI to work towards a better,
Next Big Idea at IIM Bangalore, Young We spent almost one year travelling in cleaner and safer rural household. They
Entrepreneur Award by Businessworld rural India to understand what the con- won Eureka 2012. The Enspace team
and our own Eureka Socials, Grameen sumer needed and designed 10 different wishes team good luck with their
Infra has come a long way since its in- prototypes. It is not difficult to design future endeavours.
ception. Enspace tracked them down a stove but it is difficult to understand
and visited their office to find out what what the user is willing to pay for. So
the driving force behind leaving a high we did an experiment. We presented
paying job to be a social entrepreneur all the prototypes to the rural folks and
and run a very low profit business. for whichever design they were ready to
Typically, their office was filled with take out money from their pockets, told
chemical stuff like periodic tables. On us that they liked that particular design
being asked about it, Neha Juneja, the and were comfortable with it. Although
CEO and co-founder of the company then we gave the stoves for free. The
says, ‘‘We are all engineers, we are ad- stove we finally launched was not the
dicted to such stuff.’’ most effective one but it was appeal-
THE FOUNDERS ON: ing to people which was the important
The stove thing.
With 85% less smoke, this patent pend-
ing design innovation--that uses no Problems
moving parts and few materials--deliv- If we demonstrate the stove to 100 ppl
ers fuel savings up to 65%, minimizes and 10 of them are ready to buy it, its a
harmful emissions of CO, CO2 and rather good conversion rate. The main
Particulate Matter and delivers con- issue with being a small company is
venient cooking without any require- being able to reach out to people because
ment of fuel processing or change in we aren’t a brand. We have to do per-
cooking habits thus solving the health, sonal village-to-village demonstrations,

18 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

They were a bunch of gaming freaks like most IITians are. But how did they convert this passion into a full-fledged business?
To find out how, we had a conversation over coffee with Puneet Kumar, the co-founder of Gama Entertainment, an enterprize
that develops and manufactures entertainment hardware and software for the retail industry, specializing in innovative gaming
What was your vision behind What were the major difficulties person to leave the office. The work
Gama Entertainment, when did you faced as a student start-up? doesn’t feel like work, you look forward
you decide to start the company? I think the most challenging thing ini- to Mondays as opposed to looking
We were gaming freaks and we used tially is finding a good mentor because forward to Fridays.
to visit hakone (the gaming zone) that you yourself do not know what you
is just across IIT Bombay. We saw the want to do and you don’t know what What advice would you like to
arcade games there and I had some should be done. You just have a wild give to people who are looking
experience in robotics and hardware idea that you believe in but you don’t for funding?
product development, so I came up know if people will buy this or not. So I think that most people start looking
with the idea of creating an innova- in that stage mentoring is very impor- for funding as soon as they have an
tive physical arcade gaming machine. tant. I would seriously recommend idea. The basic approach is wrong. You
So that is how it started and then we every start up to have a mentor in the should spend ample time on the idea
developed a couple of products and initial phase, otherwise it’s very easy to and develop some sort of beta product,
participated in Eureka. During the get distracted and go down a different because an idea is worth nothing, its all
finals of Eureka, we met Vishal Gondal, path. about execution. The vision should be
the CEO and founder of India Games, clear in your head. There are so many
which has been acquired by Disney What benefit do you offer your cus- channels acquiring funding- all these
recently. Even before the results were tomers over your competitors? places like E-Cell and Eureka and then
announced he told us that he wanted to We are still the only company in arcade there are so many angel networks now-
fund us and later that day, we won the game manufacturing in India. Since the adays. It’s not just about money, it’s also
competition as well, so that is how the products are manufactured here, they about the know how and how to form
angel funding started and our journey are cost effective. These are physical a company. It’s very important to be
began. hardware, big machines, so mainte- involved with the investors or mentors
nance is a big part of it. Because we are who can help you with that company
How did you go about finding sitting in India, so we are time efficient and not just give you money.
your first customers, and how was in providing maintenance and services.
life post IIT being a student start What is your biggest take away
What advice would you give an from IIT?
After graduating from IIT, I had taken amateur interested in starting a IIT gives you a platform to be who you
up a job, which kept me occupied from company? want to be. You don’t have to follow
10am to 9pm. At night we used to work The idea is that if you want to start any conventions; you can choose what
on our product. That one year was very something and you do not have an you want to do. It doesn’t depend on
grueling for us. But after that one year idea, you should really work in a start- which department you are from. There
when our product was in the proto- up, that is what I also did. It might not are couple of batch mates who went
type phase, I left my job and we went be actually related to your core field, into music school in California and
full-fledged into the company. The but you get an idea about how startups then couple of people who went for
first couple of months went into R&D work and what kind of an environment higher studies, couple of people who
and finishing the product, but a smart you have to deal with. It’s an enriching started up, couple of people in banks,
thing that we did was, simultaneously experience and you learn the dos and in finance, so I think it was more like
we were in touch with the clients. We the don’ts a platform where you can decide what
approached all the major gaming zones you want to be.
and took their feedbacks frequently, be- And what has been the most re-
cause we had to make sure that we were warding thing of your journey as
forging in the right direction. So we a start up?
kept them in the loop, they kept giving I think the best thing is that I love to
their inputs and it was easier to sell our do what I’m doing, so I never think of
first product to them. it as work, so even today I m the last

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 19

-By Mehak Priya

Yes folks, that’s right. You are walking But where shall I begin? Common ques- Oh yeah ! Now I know
down a street, and scores of ideas strike tion we presume? No worries, lets just
you, but have you ever paid serious guide you through the stages in a breeze! what it is :)
thought to them? Now, my dear friend,
you are a thinker. But ever wondered Now you have reached a stage where
what stands between you and a potential Uhm, I don’t really know you believe that entrepreneurship is a
viable career option in this age we live
Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg? Action. what it means ! :/ in. You can also differentiate between
Acting to know that you are capable of
much more than the constraints society a startup and a business, and relate to
Don’t you fret! This level is where all the change that an innovative idea will
places on you, and that you are destined these big names have started off. All
to achieve much more than you ever bring forth.
they did was to discover the entrepre-
imagined. neurial seed hidden inside of them, and
voila! Our main programs that cater to
this level are the ones that give you a
Millions of ideas strike you everyday, taste of an entrepreneur’s journey. From
almost all dismissed as ‘impossible’. But fun games to motivational sessions,
do you still ponder on that one idea this stage of your journey, once com-
which you believed could be revolution- pleted will give you the strongest base to
ary? Which had the power to change move ahead on.
the world? After all, who doesn’t want
to be counted in the same league as the
people who changed the way we look at
the world? Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark
Zuckerberg- all of them have affected
the world so much that, without their
contributions the world wouldn’t have
been the same ?

But do you know what is the common

denominator of all these great heroes
was? An idea that they believed could
be path-breaking, and the passion to
pursue it without yielding - That’s what
made them what they are today, that’s
what made them Entrepreneurs!

These doers, innovators, thinkers, can

see opportunity amidst chaos, envision
a better tomorrow, and work towards
it. Hail the believers in the beauty of
dreams, the ardent pursuers, because
they shall inherit the earth.

20 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

My innovative idea, these needs via elaborate platforms operating costs- basically everything!
aimed at addressing these sectors And the thing this phase needs the
where art thou? throughout the year- so that whenever most? Mentoring and Consultancy,
you have an idea, you don’t need to go which will again be yearlong, and sector
This stage, aptly termed the idea gen- searching for the next step. These en- specific. We try to make most of the
eration phase, is the threshold for deavors provide the best catapulting sessions one-to-one to ensure quality
moving into the startup phase. The mechanism to cross the threshold and and fruitful discussions between our
needs of this level include help in idea reach the next stage: which is the execu- mentors and mentees. We also aim to
generation and brainstorming, idea tion phase develop and hone the business skills of
validation,mentoring and team forma- people by organising various workshops
tion. And E-Cell takes care of each of and sessions by the leaders of the art.
On my way !

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and

Startup - I am
believe, the mind can achieve.’ entrepreneur now!
This phase encompasses of everyone
who after the ideation stage has started Congratulations! Now you are the proud
working on his “Big Idea”! This in- owner of a startup you nurtured from
cludes brainstorming for the improve- its idea stage. But this is in no way the
ment of the idea, business models, the end, you agree, right ? Constant men-
toring, consultancy is needed here too.
Networking sessions are of utmost im-
portance to a nascent startup .

The above 5 categories summarised

most of the stages of one’s entrepreneur-
ial journey. All that is needed is to rec-
ognise which stage you are on and work
accordingly. And I believe that nothing
summarises the epic journey that being
an entrepreneur entails for you more
than these immortal lines by Jobs

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste

it living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma – which is living
with the results of other people’s
Don’t let the noise of other’s opin-
ions drown out your own inner
voice. And most important, have the
courage to follow your heart and in-
tuition. They somehow already know
what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.”

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 21

Some companies have survived the test of time and have con-
trolled the market like none of their competitors. Here are the
stories of three such companies without which we cannot imag-
ine the world today .

Walt Disney and co.

The creator of Mickey Mouse and founder of the Disneyland Coca-Cola
and Walt Disney World Theme Parks was born in Chicago, The product that has given the world its best-known taste was
Illinois, on December 5, 1901. Walt became interested in born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. With the grow-
drawing at an early age, selling his first sketches to neighbours ing concern about drug addiction and alcoholism, in 1885
when he was only seven years old. In 1923, a cartoonist Walt Atlanta enacted Temperance Legislation to curb the use of
left for Hollywood. He soon partnered with older brother Roy alcohol. Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a local pharmacist, began
O. Disney, and the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio was of- experimenting to produce a non-alcoholic alternative to his
ficially born. French Wine Coca, and he ended up with syrup made of cane
sugar and extracts of coca leaves and cola
The studio not only created Mickey nuts (caffeine). The syrup was then diluted
Mouse, but also an entire collection of with water, and cooled with ice cubes. Coca
animated films including Snow White Cola was born! The first newspaper ad for
and The Lion King. Not only did his Coca-Cola soon appeared in The Atlanta
movies have amazing characters and Journal, inviting thirsty citizens to try “the
stories, but they embodied the art of new and popular soda fountain drink.” Dr.
animation--they were appealing. Prior Pemberton never realized the potential of
to ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, the beverage he created. He gradually sold
cartoons were considered to be the silly portions of his business to various partners
stuff that ran prior to the main fea- and, just prior to his death in 1888, sold his
ture film in theaters. He fought hard to remaining interest in the companny to Asa
show that a full-length animated feature G. Candler. An Atlantan with great busi-
could be successful. He made family en- ness acumen, Mr. Candler proceeded to
tertainment profitable. buy additional rights and acquire complete
So while Pixar’s films might rule this company.
millennium’s box offices, Walt Disney The story of Coca-Cola’s creation is just as
was the original king of animation. And fascinating as the fact that the recipe has
nobody can ever take that from him be- managed to remain secret for over 100
cause like any good American business years. Because of it, Coca-Cola is the global
man, he got it in writing. leader in the beverage industry. Its trade
..literally! He patented the ‘art of secret for the formula of one of the most
animation.’ popular soft drinks in the United States is
worth millions of dollars.

Mc-Donald Corp.
Mc-Donald’s corporation, the company which was the first ever to organize the food sector, was started as a eponymous burger
stand by Dick and Mac McDonalds in 1940 in San Bernardino, California. The restaurant was renamed “McDonald’s Bar-B-Q”
and served twenty five barbecued items on their menu. In October 1948, after the McDonald brothers realized that most of
their profits came from selling hamburgers, they closed down their successful restaurant to establish a streamlined system
with a simple menu of just hamburgers, cheeseburgers, french fries, shakes, soft drinks, and apple pie. The restaurant’s name
was again changed, this time to simply “McDonald’s,” and reopened its doors on December 12, 1948. In 1954 Ray Kroc began
a new age in franchising when he became the national agent for McDonald’s. Kroc, making his rounds as a milk shake mixer
salesman, came across the McDonald brothers’ (Richard and Maurice) small hamburger shop in Southern California. The
establishment was simple, serving only a few items: hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks, and milk shakes. These two brothers
became one of Kroc’s best customers as they purchased several of his machines in his otherwise dying business.
Kroc, curious about why the McDonalds were purchasing so many mixers, investigated the establishment further. With his
keen sense of what American consumers were looking for in eating out, Kroc suggested that the brothers expand their pres-
ence. As they asked how they could do so, he offered his services as their agent. That is how the little restaurants with the bright
yellow arches began. Under Korc, the franchise grew exponentially. By the end of 1960s there were more than 1000 stores
across U.S. Currently the franchise owns more that 33000 stores in over 124 countries.

22 enspace Vol VIII Issue I

Known to many as “The Facebook Movie,” David
Fincher’s The Social Network is not about the crea-
tion of one of the internet’s most successful websites.
It’s not about becoming the world’s youngest billion-
aire. It’s not about greed and it’s not about power. The
Social Network is a film about the inescapable need
for acceptance inside each one of us. Like the website
from which it drew inspiration, The Social Network
doesn’t have a heart or a soul but the flawless per-
formances and an impactful story make the movie, a
must watch.

It is the story of Steve Jobs’ ascension from college

dropout into one of the most revered creative en-
trepreneurs of the 20th century. It goes beyond the
character of Steve Jobs, and reflects on the struggle
of a visionary leader and a team of geniuses who
created a company whose products easily stands out
from the rest in the market. It stars Ashton Kutcher
of the ‘two and a half men’ fame as Jobs and Josh
Gad as fellow Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Watch out for the movie in mid-August.

Vol VIII Issue I enspace 23

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