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5/10/22, 11:58 AM Gmail - Invitation to Martian Program Kickoff

Lokesh Sawai <>

Invitation to Martian Program Kickoff

4 messages

Persistent Campus <> Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 12:27 PM

To: Persistent Campus <>

Dear Students,


We are happy to inform that you are selected for Martian Program to commence on 2nd

Get ready for an enthralling journey with milestones full of learnings and self-development. Next 5
weeks we will primarily focus on strengthening your foundation. You will get prime access to
numerous online learning resources along with live sessions with our tech experts.

Not to miss, your hard work and dedication in the next few weeks will let you grab a Pre-Placement
Offer with Persistent!


We are meeting today to welcome you and give more
details about the program at 5.30 PM… 1/12

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