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is a caring and helpful student. She is showing good progress in his studies.

With little extra

effort he can do much better.

is a well-mannered student. She is courteous and shows good manners in the class room.

+Bilawal is a hard working student who demonstrates positive attitude towards learning.

= Haseeb is thoughtful and kind in his interactions with others. He demonstrates positive attitude
in the class.

=Hur is a hard working student who demonstrates positive attitude towards learning.

Salma is struggling to understand new concepts in science.  Paying closer attention to the class
discussions and his studies would be beneficial. Extra efforts and hard work is required in the
failed papers.

+Daniyal is is a polite and helpful student.. He is showing good progress. With little extra effort he
can do much better.

=Huzaifa is a hard working student who demonstrates positive attitude towards learning.

+Sarim is thoughtful and kind in interactions with others. He always remains focused and
demonstrates positive attitude in the class.

=Taha needs to be more active and regular in the class room. Continuous absentees is
beginning to affect his grades. Extra efforts and hard work is required in all subjects.

=Mujtaba is a polite and helpful student. He is courteous and shows good manners in the
class room. He interacts well with others.

=Saifullah is a caring and helpful child. He remains focused on the activity at hand.
He is a hard working student and demonstrates positive attitude towards learning.

is thoughtful and kind in interactions with others. He always remains focused and demonstrates
positive attitude in the class.

=Safiullah is a well mannered student. Continuous absentees is beginning to affect his grades .
Extra efforts and hard work is in the failed subjects.
Rayan is a well-mannered student who cooperates consistently with the teacher and other
=Zulfiqar is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom who sets an example of excellence in
behavior and cooperation.
=Uzair has shown unsatisfactory result. He needs to be more focused and regular.

=Zarar is a caring and helpful. He has shown good progress in his studies. With little extra
effort he can do much better.

 Needs to apply skills to all written work.

Needs to focus on grammmer.

Is a creative writer

Applies skills to all written work.

Speaks very well before the class.

Uses correct grammar

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