2nd Q Life Settlements Amp

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2nd Q Life Settlements Amp

PR Headline: Senior Life Insurance Settlement – Policy Value Estimate Calculator Launched

Blog Headline: Senior Life Insurance Policy Owners Get Direct Settlement & More Offer Money

Podcast Headline: Senior Life Insurance Policy Owners Get Free Value Estimate With This Calculator

Podcast Summary: Is your current life insurance policy no longer working for you? Q Life Settlements,
LLC, an advocate for life insurance settlements, can help you evaluate your life settlement proposal.
Their website has a calculator that gives you a free policy value estimate. Visit

Infographic Headline: N/A

Slideshow Headline: Senior Life Insurance Policy Holders Choose Direct Settlement For More Value

Video Headline: Senior Life Insurance Policy Free Value Estimate Calculator Avoids Broker Commissions

Client’s Comments & links: There are many reasons why seniors decide to sell their life insurance policy.
Some common reasons are difficulty to pay premium payments, or the policy no longer meets the
owner’s needs. The topic for this amp is how to evaluate a life settlement proposal - what are the
important items, factors, and conditions that a policy owner should consider. In addition, it should
discuss how a life insurance policy is valued and direct policy owners to our life settlement calculator,
where they can get a free, no-obligation estimate for the value of their life insurance policy.




PR Summary: Q Life Settlements, LLC, a direct buyer of life insurance policies, has launched new
resources to help senior policy owners evaluate a life settlement proposal. The company’s website also
offers a life settlement calculator which offers owners a no-obligation estimate of their policy’s value.

Blog Summary: Is your current life insurance policy no longer working for you? Q Life Settlements, LLC,
an advocate for life insurance settlements, can help you evaluate your life settlement proposal. Their
website has a calculator that gives you a free policy value estimate.

PR Body: The company’s new educational resources help policy owners learn how their policy will be
valued during the life settlement process. They will also learn the important factors to consider when
evaluating a life settlement proposal.

More details are available at https://qlifesettlements.com

The announcement of the new resources is intended to assist senior life insurance policy owners with
the decision to sell their policies so they may maximize their value. Q Life Settlements hopes to improve
seniors’ quality of life by providing them with expanded financial opportunities.

Senior policy holders may decide to sell their policies because they are having difficulty making premium
payments, or because the policy no longer meets their needs. They may decide to lapse on payments or
take the cash value of the policy, which may give the holder less value than they deserve. Choosing a life
settlement can offer a more equitable alternative.

When selling a life insurance policy, it’s important to consider the actual monetary offer, other terms
and conditions of the buyer’s proposal, and the proposal’s closing date. For example, if the seller is using
a broker, then the terms and conditions may stipulate a commission, reducing the seller’s closing

For more information, please visit https://qlifesettlements.com/senior-finance-tips-how-to-evaluate-a-


When considering how their policy is valued, owners should include the impact of life expectancy on the
insurance market. Policy values increase as overall life expectancy decreases in the insurance pool.
Prospective clients can get an estimate of their policy’s values, without obligation, on the company’s

Q Life Settlements, LLC was founded by Steven Shapiro. Steven has considerable experience in life
settlements, strategic consulting, and private equity investing. He has also served as the chair of the Life
Insurance Settlement Association, the oldest and largest trade organization in the life settlement

A spokesperson said: “We strive to provide the most transparency and clarity in the life settlement
process to empower our clients to directly pursue life settlement. Going direct typically results in a
quicker settlement and fewer fees, meaning you get more offer money.”

Interested parties can learn more at https://qlifesettlements.com/quote


Blog Body:

We all know life is what happens while you're making plans -- including choosing your life insurance
policy. If your current policy no longer suits your current situation and you're thinking about
reevaluating your financial plan, Q Life Settlements, LLC, has new educational resources that can help
you navigate that decision.

The company’s updated resources can help you learn how your policy will be valued during the life
settlement process. You'll also learn the important factors you should consider when evaluating a life
settlement proposal.

You can find more details at https://qlifesettlements.com

If you're a senior policy holder, these new resources can assist you with deciding whether or not to sell
your policy so you can maximize its value. Q Life Settlements hopes to improve your quality of life by
providing you with expanded financial opportunities.

You may decide to sell your policy because you're having difficulty making premium payments, or
because the policy no longer meets your needs. You may decide to lapse on payments or take the cash
value of the policy but doing so may give you less value than you deserve. Choosing a life settlement can
provide you with a more equitable alternative.
When you sell a life insurance policy, you should consider factors such as the actual monetary offer,
other terms and conditions of the buyer’s proposal, and the proposal’s closing date. For example, if
you're using a broker, then the terms and conditions may stipulate a commission, which reduces your
closing amount.

You'll also want to check the reputation and background of the buyer and get at least one third-party
professional opinion on the fairness of the offer for your current policy. You can do this by requesting
offers from multiple buyers or brokers, so you can get a realistic impression of your policy's worth.

For more information, visit https://qlifesettlements.com/senior-finance-tips-how-to-evaluate-a-life-


When considering how your policy is valued, you should include the impact of life expectancy on the
insurance market. Policy values increase as overall life expectancy decreases in the insurance pool. You
can get an estimate of your policy’s value, at no cost to you, on the company’s website.

Q Life Settlements, LLC was founded by Steven Shapiro. Steven has considerable experience in life
settlements, strategic consulting, and private equity investing. He has also served as the chair of the Life
Insurance Settlement Association, the oldest and largest trade organization in the life settlement

A spokesperson said: “We strive to provide the most transparency and clarity in the life settlement
process to empower our clients to directly pursue life settlement. Going direct typically results in a
quicker settlement and fewer fees, meaning you get more offer money!”

Learn more at https://qlifesettlements.com/quote so you can begin getting the offer value you deserve

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