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Malaysia is a beautiful country with a lot of nature

attractions. One of the best example is Mount Kinabalu. It
is the highest mountain in Malaysia with an elevation of
13,435 feet. Nature lovers will be delighted to be able to
witness the many variations of flora and fauna that are to
be found on the mountain. The mountain and its
surroundings are among the most important biological
sites in the world, with between 5,000 and 6,000 species
of plants, 326 species of birds, and more than 100
mammalian species identified. Among this rich collection
of wildlife are famous species such as the gigantic
Rafflesia plants and Orangutans. Secondly, we have the
phenomenal The National Park of Malaysia which is
considered as one of the oldest land mass in Peninsular
Malaysia of more than 130 millions years old. The
National Park consists of diverse rock formations, mostly
sedimentary rocks in the entire area with minor granitic
rocks in the eastern part. The National Park (Taman
Negara) of Peninsular Malaysia is the first and the largest
national park gazetted in the country. In Malaysia as it
was gazetted in 1938/1939. It has been considered as the
hotspot for biodiversity as it hosts many species of flora
and fauna and many of them are endemic, rare,
vulnerable or otherwise threatened in Malaysia.

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