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"YUNI" 2021
Azzahra Maulida 200302110012
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Jl. Gajayana No.50, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur


At the present time, people can communicate through any medium. This ensures that
everyone sends and receives messages or information. Film is one of the most sought-after and
popular media today, and one of the most effective media for conveying messages to the public is
film. In addition, film is one of the most effective media for conveying messages to the public.
Defined as a product of culture and a way of expressing art, film is an art form that has become a
phenomenon of modern life. Film and mass communication is a combination of various
technologies, such as photography, sound recording, fine arts, theatre, literature, music and

Yuni's film is the latest film by Kamila Andini which won the Platform Prize award at the
2021 Toronto International Film Festival. This film tells of a teenager named Yuni (Arawinda
Kirana) who has big dreams after she graduates from high school. Yuni is a smart high school
student at her school. Yuni has big dreams to continue her education to a higher level. However,
it turns out that Yuni's big dream is hindered by her surroundings which still uphold eastern
customs and ask her to get married at a young age after graduating from school.

This film was released on December 9, 2021 which was directed and written by Kamila
Andini. This film makes Indonesia proud to enter the international world in 2021. The features in
this film bring freshness to Indonesian cinema with a setting in the Serang area making it one of
the few films that chooses that area as a story setting wrapped in a Coming of Age feel.
Research Question

The researcher chose Yuni's film because director Kamila Andini discussed women's issues
and patriarchal culture. One of the interesting aspects of this film is that the audience is introduced
to the Sundanese language. Based on the explanation that was presented in the background or
introduction section, the researcher will ask a research question, namely, how is the representation
of patriarchal culture and societal habits that restrain individuals, especially women, in the Yuni
2021 film.

Literature Review

Yuni's film gives us an overview of the existence of several cultures and habits of
Indonesian society that restrain individuals, especially women, from being free to pursue their
dreams and be themselves. As the film tells, Yuni, who is an outstanding student, is under pressure
from society to accept a marriage proposal instead of continuing her education. One day, Yuni was
proposed by a man she did not know, but she refused. Later, an old married man also proposes to
Yuni, but she turns him down because he wants to pursue his big dream.

Yuni's refusal of men who want to propose to her sparks gossip and conversation around
her. After rejecting a second proposal, Yuni becomes worried due to the myth that a woman who
rejects three proposals can never marry and remains a spinster forever. Unwanted things also
happened before. In addition, Yuni feels unsteady and faces pressure between accepting a third
proposal from a man and abandoning her dream of continuing her education to college or giving
up her dream. Yuni faces many problems and pressures. Yuni is looking for a way out of her life
because of the demands of the society around her, which requires her to get married after
graduating from school.

Therefore, the researcher chose Yuni's film because director Kamila Andini discussed
patriarchal culture and women's issues. From the story told by Yuni's film, it can bring lessons to
young people, especially women, so they can make changes to the world for the better. In addition,
the audience's introduction to Sundanese is one of the interesting aspects of this film. Although
Yuni's film is not one of the films that introduces regional languages in Indonesia. Some films,
such as the film "Yo Wis Ben" also introduce regional languages so that they make the film unique.

In this study the authors used qualitative research, using descriptive analysis method,
namely analysis based on events that occur in nature. Qualitative research is research that is used
to analyze what phenomena occur in society by research subjects by means of descriptions in the
form of language and words using various scientific methods (Meleong 1989). Stuart Hall's model
of representation theory, which is a constructionist semiotic approach, is used in this analysis. The
semiotic approach emphasizes how language is represented and how important language is.
Constructionist theory explains the formation of signals and meaning through language with a
semiotic approach. Text, images, and film sound are languages.

In this study, the semiotic approach in constructionist representation theory is considered

relevant because it offers a method for analyzing signs and meaning through the medium of
language. This is because the relationship between the characters and the reader's mind determines
the meaning. Fourcolours Films is producing the Yuni 2021 film which is the object of research
by researchers. Moreover, the film directed by Kamila Andini was released on December 9, 2021.

Findings and Discussion

West Javanese culture is closely related to this "Yuni" film. Many scenes show patriarchy
indirectly. To make it easier for the audience to understand, this film is shown in Serang Javanese
and has subtitles in Indonesian. From this film we can find some of the patriarchal culture that still
exists in Indonesia. Based on data/screenshots on Yuni's film.

Picture 1. Time 12:30

[Sumber: Capture film “Yuni (2021)”]

The picture above in the film "Yuni" which the researchers examined shows the patriarchal
nature experienced by the main character from the surrounding community. He was under pressure
from society to accept marriage proposals instead of going to college. Rather than supporting Yuni
in continuing her education, the shopkeepers congratulated her and supported her proposal. Since
the man who proposed to Yuni was well-established and fit for marriage, accepting the proposal
was better than going to school. On the other hand, continuing school requires a lot of money. Like
Yuni, the main character of this film, many women are capable of changing the world, even though
this film shows that there are still many parents who think that a woman's role is only to be a
housewife and husband's servant. However, unfortunately, the pressure and ancient culture made
him lose his dreams and goals.

Picture 2. Time 40:51- 41: 28

[Sumber: Capture film “Yuni (2021)”]

In the second picture, women should not have higher education because women basically
only focus on doing housework, in the kitchen and in bed. In the past, the average marriage in
Indonesia only had two choices, arranged by parents or proposed by a man. As one of the mothers
in Yuni's film said, they used to only accept and obey their parents if they were matched or
proposed to, even though they didn't like that fate.

Picture 3. Time 1:11:22

[Sumber: Capture film “Yuni (2021)”]
Picture 3 shown in Yuni's film also mentions a saying from people around Yuni, that
"refusing an application twice will bring bad luck". The phrase was said by some of his friends
and even they are fellow women. This is a form of non-verbal patriarchy as if women have no
other choice and as if marriage is one way.

Gambar 4. Time 1:09:25

[Sumber: Capture film “Yuni (2021)”]

In addition, in picture 4, the polygamous culture is highlighted in this film. When a man
does polygamy just to obey his ego and lust. He was even willing to give a dowry in the form of
money to guarantee his future second wife. The events in Yuni's film are not only fiction, but we
also often hear about them in real life around us.

Lastly, it is the issue of early marriage. Yuni asked where Suci Cute's husband was, and
Suci Cute was silent during the question. Who would have thought that a cheerful woman like Suci
Cute had a bad past, because she was married many times at a young age and had miscarriages.
Additional scenes show various forms of patriarchy experienced by Yuni and some of her friends.


After conducting research on the form of patriarchy depicted in the film "Yuni", researchers
can come to the conclusion that the scene where Yuni, the main character of the film, receives
non-verbal violence is about patriarchy from her family and the environment around her. Not only
did Yuni experience this, but also her friend, Suci cute. They believe that the patriarchy they
experience away from women requires them to concentrate on the kitchen, housework, and bed; if
they get a proposal from a man, they have to accept it for fear of being forgiven and no time to
refuse; and if there are problems in the household, women must endure and accept if they disagree
with their husbands. Broadly speaking, the patriarchal form that occurs in several excerpts contains
signs. The researcher found that the habits and beliefs of the local people seen in the film "Yuni"
are the source of signs of patriarchy.

Meleong, Lexy J. 1989. Metologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Saba, Shelma, Nanang Ganda Prawira, and Gumilar Pratama. “Representasi Budaya Nusantara di
Indonesia dalam Film Animasi Raya And the Last Dragon,” n.d.

Rosfiantika, Evi, Jimi Narotama Mahameruaji, and Rangga Saptya Mohamad Permana.
ProTVF 1, no. 1 (April 21, 2018): 47.


7 CINTA 7 WANITA,” n.d.

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