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Course outline
O Nature, scope and perspectives of sociology;

O Techniques of social research and research methods;

O Culture and civilization;

O Socialization and personality development;

O Globalization;

O Media and individual;

O Social organization and social problem;

O Social Stratification
Nature of Sociology

 Sociology in an Independent Science.

 Sociology is Categorical

 Sociology is a Pure Science

 Social Science

 Sociology is general Science

 Both Rational and an Empirical Science

Scope of Sociology
There are two main school of thought

regarding the scope of Sociology

 1. The specialist or formalistic


 2.The synthetic school

Major Perspective in Sociology


Conflict Interactionist
Perspective Perspective
Functionalist Perspective
O Emile Durkheim

O Society runs as living organism.

O Social institutions are interrelated

O Society has an tendency to be in equilibrium or

O Social system have its own dysfunction.

O Static
Conflict Perspective
O Karl Marx

O Class Struggle

O Division of labor

O Capitalism

O Society should be underwent in change

O Society is dynamic

O Revolt against exploitation

Interactionist perspective

O Analysis society at the micro-level.

O The social interaction is a face-to-face process

consisting of actions, reactions, and mutual adaptation

between two or more individuals in society. 
O Understanding the social world and situation through

O Society is ultimately,

maintained and changed by

the social interaction

O The interaction includes all

language (including body

language) and mannerisms.
What is Social Research
O Social Research is a systematic method of

exploring, analyzing and conceptualizing

social life in order to “extend, correct or verify
knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in the
construction of a theory or in the practice of
an arts.”
O Pauline V. Young.
Most common research Methods in
 Observation

 Questionnaire

 Interview

 Social Survey Method

Importance of social research

O Defuse knowledge

O Verification

O Solving problem

O Providing appropriate information and data

O Educational importance

O Interdisciplinary approach
Methods and Techniques of Social
O Observation:

O “Observation consists in the application

of our mind and its cognitive powers to
the phenomena which we are studying”
O P.G Gisbert
Types of observation
Limitations of Observation
 Data collection cannot be quantified

 Limited duration

 Cannot observe private and secret behavior of

the individuals
 Biasness

“A questionnaire is a means of gathering

information by having the respondents fill

in answers to printed questions.”

Wallace and Wallace

Types of Questionnaire


Structured VS Unstructured Questionnaire
Structured questionnaire

Closed form or poll type selective


Open end or inventive type

Thank You
That’s all

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