Making Provision For Sin

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Sep 23 2011
"How the Trinity proliferates and encourages sin"
After thoroughly examining every "sect" and denomination of Christianity (the RELIGION not the lifestyle) they all have one common thread (what I call the common "error" which begs the question really but hopefully after you read this the beggarly questions will be resolved). This common error is that without exception all religious faiths now classified and accepted as "Christian" make "provision" for sin. What this means is simply put they provide a way for their faithful to go about their lives in a permanent "sinful" state and in direct opposition to the will of the Father (as revealed to us by Y'Shua Messiah (some call Jesus Christ). That is a very bold thesis, I know, and you are probably wondering how in the world I'm ever going to prove it. Well, proving it is not as difficult as you might think and prove it I believe I shall before this essay is finished. I will build no "straw man" errors in logic while doing it, either (something for which most Christian apologists are notorious). What is a provision and how does one make one for sin? That is obviously the first meaning I must establish in order to prove that anyone is doing this. What is a provision? When we used to march in the Air Force (oh yes, Air Force people do march early on in their careers believe me) or if we were going "tdy" (temporary duty assignment) somewhere, the first thing we did was gather "provisions." This could be anything from food, potable (not pronounced portable) water, tools, tents, gear, anything that we could bring to make our mission a success and "provide" for the general well being and survival of the team. Y'Shua Messiah actually spoke on this subject directly! (Making provision). He gave an analogy of a man who begins to build something but then runs out of materials before he is finished. (The foolish builder parable). He also speaks of the seven virgins, five of whom were "wise" and brought enough oil for their lamps while awaiting the appearance of the bridegroom. Making a "provision" for something, therefore in Scriptural terms is the setting aside or preparation or storing up for something, or, better put, "making a way for something, providing for some future event." By that definition it becomes incredibly easy to show how the entire Christian religion as it exists today most certainly makes "provision" for sin. One must keep in mind there are smaller sects within the "umbrella" of the Christian religion who do not hold to the teachings I'm going to discuss here. Two examples would be Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses. Yet, these two sects are non trinitarian and if you talk to just about any Christian theologian he will tell you this makes them intrinsically NON Christian and most mainstream Christians will agree that Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses are not Christian at all, but are instead classified as Cults. Google Christian and Cult and you will quickly discover the truth of this. Putting the "fringe" denominations aside and focusing on only widely "accepted" Christianity, you will find that within their teachings (all of them) there is without a doubt one common thread. They all teach that human beings are "born flawed." They believe we are "born sinners" and sold under sin as long as we live in these fleshly mortal bodies. While they don't always disagree on the details and even some denominations and non-denominational bodies within Christianity will teach that you are not a slave to "known sins" even those leave a loophole whereby their faithful followers can "accidentally" or "unknowingly" sin.

Every Christian religion on earth shares this common "sin" bond and they all have different "sacraments" or "penance" or "confession" teachings to "provide" their faithful with a way of escaping the guilt and punishment that is always associated with sinning. They have these "traditions" and spiritual principles because, as they will quickly tell you, sin is inevitable for any human being. I'm reminded of the bumper sticker you used to see on cars everywhere: "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Nothing says it better when summing up this common philosophy. ALL Christian denominations follow the same creed on the matter of sin! That alone can be a "provision" for sin. Yet, we won't rely purely on human logic, we will instead try to examine this view from the perspective of "the mind of Messiah" (or mind of Christ if you must). Some might say that my logic "begs the question" and may want to argue that they aren't making "provision" for sin, only making "provision for the FORGIVENESS of sin." Fair enough. (Later we will see that is just symantics but we will proceed for now under the assumption that their argument is not flawed and I have failed to prove my case). I concede openly that my above assertion is not proof nor is it fair. It's tantamount to trying to admit evidence in a criminal trial that the accused has a criminal defense attorney on permanent retainer and attempting to assert that is some sort of proof they must be a criminal. Try slipping that one past any just Judge, good luck with that one. In fact, if providing for a means of defense and forgiveness when one sins were evidence of "making provision for sin" one could say that God himself has done that because John wrote, "if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation of our sins." No, it's not the system Christianity has in place for confession, forgiveness, and absolution of sin that is the proof of their "making provision" for sin. Those things are loosely based upon sound scriptural principles and I do not mock them! So we have to look a bit further yet still before I can even come close to proving my thesis. I fear this may be a lengthy essay. We simply have to remember that I'm approaching this subject with the preconceived notion that all Christians are "trinitarian" in their tact. I know, I said I was not going to beg questions but here I am doing just that. Well, in my defense, I'm simply echoing what Christians themselves will tell you outright. That if a religion is not trinitarian, and does not accept the deity of Christ they are no Christians! I'm accepting their definition of Christianity. How else can I prove anything unless I establish some parameters for the argument? Christians, for the sake of this essay, therefore we will define as trinitarians. Those who believe in the deity of Christ. By that definition I cannot be called a Christian, and I'm okay with that, but it might discredit me to some readers. They might think "why am I reading this, this guy is not even a Christian." Oh well, I've tried. I guess those who feel that way will be moving on and I have lost them. I can live with that too. For those of you still with me, however, I would like to point out that it is not what Christians put in place to provide for the forgiveness and atonement of sins that is the proof of their provision for sin, but rather what they say ABOUT sin (and what they don't say as well) that I intend to focus on like a laser. Now we've stepped into a big huge steaming pile though, because there are so many different Christian based religious concepts and they all have such a diversified take on this very subject. How are we going to cut through that jungle? We are going to have to find a common ground approach that is true about all Christian faiths on the subject and thankfully such a thread exists and it is in fact the very thing that most Christians will agree makes them intrinsically Christian. Namely, the TRINITY or deity of Christ. Christians all unanimously accept that Jesus Christ was without sin. (Tempted in all ways, yet

without sin)! You will not find one Christian who will say that Jesus ever sinned! We cannot set aside the fact that Christians say Jesus was God, and so of course he had no sin in him by their basic belief about who he was. We cannot ignore it for it lies at the crux of the matter. Christians unanimously agree that Jesus Christ was without sin because he was God. I challenge anyone to disprove this statement. Not only is it pure unadulterated unbreakable logic, it is as close as you can get to "basic Christian doctrine" if there is such an animal. Christians, therefore, will unanimously agree that Jesus lived without sin on this earth and that is the ultimate proof that he was God. It's their trump card to prove his deity and his supremacy as a religious Icon. It's interesting to note that Christians say that Jesus was God, so he could not sin, which then requires basic acceptance that he was sinless (because he was God) then offer his sinless perfection as the proof that Jesus was God. The logic goes like this, "Jesus is God so he cannot sin" and "Jesus did not sin, therefore he MUST be God." One assertion is dependant upon the acception of the other. The poor unbeliever doesn't stand a chance. If you say that Jesus is NOT God you lose the proof that he was a sinless man (as far as Christians are concerned). If he wasn't sinless, you have no proof that he was God (except of course their interpretations of scripture which are numerous and varied). Most Christians will stand up and cheer at the above assertion and think that I'm converting to trinitarianism. Don't get excited, I'm not done with my analysis yet. A Christian will be quick to point out that they can show me a hundred scriptures both in the Old and New Testament that say there are no sinless men (and they would be correct). We won't even go over these scriptures lest I turn this essay into a full blown book! There are simply so many of them. I will, therefore simply concede that the Bible indeed does conclude all men as sinners. "There are none good, no not one, for all have gone astray." I get it! Christians are now ready to move in for the kill I'm sure, at this point. They will state emphatically that this is ALL the evidence we need that Christ was God. If only God is perfect and sinless, and I have conceded that Jesus lived his entire life perfect and sinless, in the mind of the Christian I have proved their Christ was indeed God! So far, their logic is mopping up the floor with me! The only way I can redeem myself now is to stand back and take stock of a few things. The bell has rung, I'm being picked up off of the floor after being handed a huge blow by the Christian, I'm being dragged back to my corner, bloodied and dazed. My manager is screaming in my ear, "stay away from that right hook!" If all men are sinners, only God is sinless, how indeed could Jesus be a man? He would have to be God right? Like all good fighters I'm fixing to use my opponents strengths against him. I'm not going to stay away from his right hook (like my manager urges me), I'm going to let him use it because I see an opening. When my opponent uses his right hook he leaves his solar plexes exposed for if you look, it's this very logic that shows exactly what Christians believe about sin and proves my thesis entirely. Christians believe that because no man has ever lived sinless (except for Jesus) this is all the proof they need that no man CAN live sinless (without being God). I submit to you now the opening I've been looking for. They teach that Jesus had to be God because he lived sinless and perfect, his sinlessness is the ultimate proof of his deity! Don't you see how revealing that is? Don't you see the opening of which I speak? We are not God! Therefore, by the Christian reasoning we can never be sinless (for only God is sinless). We are sold forever under sin (being that we are not God). We can never do anything but sin as long as we live! If that isn't making "provision" for sin I simply cannot understand what is? To be fair, Christians do teach that some day we will be "changed" into immortal beings (most Christians do) and they state emphatically that as long as we are "in this fleshly mortal body" sin

is inevitable. Yet they don't see, by saying this, how they have destroyed their own arguments! In fact, they should all convert to Mormonism once they say that some day humans will not be "in this flesh" anymore and someday humans will live without sin! (After Christ returns). This is because Mormons teach that we all shall be GODS ourselves some day and when a Christian teaches what they teach about sinlessness (that only God can live without sin) then they concede that at ANY point in our existence we somehow manage to live without sin (be it after Christ returns or after the resurrection) they are actually stating that some day we will be GODS and LIKE GOD, because they have already stated that only GOD (and GOD COME DOWN TO EARTH IN FLESHLY FORM) can live sinless and perfect! That is a knock out punch really. I have used the opening I saw in round one to put them out of the game completely in round two. Their manager is screaming at them to get up but they won't be getting up from this! I will say it again (I probably might lose points for hitting a man when he is down) but look, this is important! If Christ's sinless existence proves he's God and someday any Christian will EVER live without sin, that would make that Christian GOD by Christianity's own basic argument! So, while some Christians might SAY that some day (after Christ returns) they are going to live without sin, they cannot possibly believe this because they have already concluded that no man can live without sin, only GOD can do this. They cannot escape the inevitable conclusion to their argument that either man is sold to sin forever, OR someday man will be God! Since the latter is blasphemy to the Christian (and they call Mormons a cult for teaching it) they have no choice but to admit they believe man will ALWAYS be sinners by nature and never truly free from sin (for man is not God and only God can live sinless). Christians then find themselves in a horrible scriptural conundrum that is perpetual. There are many scriptures that state flatly that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom" and that "corruption does not inherit corruption" and that "no sinners will enter Heaven." Yet, they have stated flatly that only GOD lives without sin! Man, therefore cannot enter Heaven by their reasoning. We are forever barred! Christians have found a loop hole, though. They have created the teaching the Jesus was "righteous for us" that his righteousness is imputed as our own, that the "blood of Jesus covers our sin" and some go so far as to say that God does not even SEE our sins anymore if we are followers of Christ! Thus, man can go on perpetually sinning FOREVER and still be in heaven. In which case the Apostle who said that no sinner can enter the Kingdom was playing games with symantics! Not really though, because the notion that God cannot see the sins of the Christian actually eradicates the notion of sin entirely for if God, the creator of the universe, does not recognize the existence of sin in a Christian (because of what Christ did by shedding his blood) therefore WHO can accuse the Christian of sin? In fact, the sin doesn't exist if God doesn't even see it! Thus, the Christian has created a way whereby they can live their lives as sinful creatures (forever) and still live with God in paradise (for God does not see their sin). Under the Christian theology and view of "blood atonement" there is no NEED for man to EVER stop sinning, just believe in Christ! There is no need for a man to be "changed" in the flesh, into a sinless creature (being that only God can live without sin and Christ's sinless life was proof he was God), therefore, what need have we of EVER being changed and ever stopping sin? Some Christians go so far as to preach that all of their sins both past, present and future are all FORGIVEN already, now that they have made a statement of faith in Christ. Wherein is man's need for perfection and living without sin? They have eradicated that need (and in fact conclude man can never do this because he would then be God). Christians teach that God wants us to be sinners so that "no man can boast in his presence."

If it's God's WILL that we sin (so that no man can boast) then why would we do anything BUT sin? Why would we want to live sinless seeing that we would be going against God's will? It's a grand irony really because if our sins are non existent (God doesn't see them anymore) and they are covered by the blood of Jesus, why do so many Christians have so many systems in place for confession and forgiveness of sins (after they become believers)? It makes no logical sense. Why would we need those systems being that every sin we ever committed, every sin we are committing now and every future sin is already forgiven and "washed by the blood of the lamb?" By their own teachings, when a Christian sins, if he goes to God and asks forgiveness God is going to say, "huh, what are you talking about I didn't see any sin" (being that their sins are covered by the blood of Jesus). Truly, the Christian religion makes no sense. You have to at least agree with that. Christians make "provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof" every time they open their mouths to preach. That is the bottom line, because man is a sinner, God doesn't see the sins of the believers, and therefore the believer is free to go on sinning from now until eternity (being that only God can NOT sin and Christ's sinless life was proof he was God), man can do nothing BUT sin in the Christian scheme of things. It is heartbreaking. I will write more on this later. Jeffrey D. Dean Sr.

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