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tJor|23 Revidion Asignnnnt

Mutile Choice Quutiond
Choode the cOMACct ohtion
A. CalLcum Oxide tact wth Aatca

catcum oxide aAnd hycuagtn th the abaortian

Aeattn ?

(0) Mn 0, (A) ib) He aq)

m thu moals uh as
3. The coadimy yaamtd

(d)Back imColowh niall the metaldo

ddColaus hunk tha 6toA
ed and een
Bue Ond
coloue 6:The
H0 CaSOy amd Soy Ca()
H0 omdCa
SOy H,0 SOy: Ca b)
Ba (d)
Ba.,Soy GyAy (a)
ula maleudan amd calaus, fomed..
The ha
anee imdoluble n tha obdtuyd H i to
ChdoHIdt Bau added hend
(a) A idAtuondy,
b) A bic adbu a wak bade
() A had
taeh tham 1 omd B ha H
1a) A had H

hat haphma when a

wcth a AoutonAolution
k an aid
a bade n a
teut ube

he tmhtatuee of th
() The tinhaku of the Aslutn deSIU
Aouton Heman Aarme

Commm, &att buid btiny wALdr in Ritchen can

Aau matual kox matg
(ii) Bakin Aada (iv) Alaked lime


[B)- Rtaaon
Aulect the coAH Oer to thuc qAutund uom
the otuona given below: o
(a) Both Aand R atue
b) oth (A) nd () aue tsue but R u hot
Rxplanaton o the aditon.

Bthedotutian changd
mOHe Lactive auhlaced

Auukig in the

mtal casbante, D4 mtal hydogm cacbanate

Casbn deoxide

(onduto tletainlg becaude thy þsáduie hydua gen

Mtationd, þAehitA
RealonR): eihiation Atactond þodeiie
iniouble alt.

alhal Can bi tetd Nuyiny a dtale calld

the hH Atale (o0-14) whichves
hic ÀveA the miadte
yduagun ion.ComcntAaton

whle n acidic Aoutton hna a

6: Assetim (A): Heat i equinId. GOH the deeomho

Readon (E) Deeonapostion Meattion aHL


1: AAsBion. LA) The aquLo Atltion os ginse

md acoho conotAhou aidic Choxat

danot ve H* iond

ReaenR1: Caliumm olde Heata wHth

bleachuns ousdesabb
Aitveh, chdodetusn

asin (E):beLemhoAtn
place to fokm

Realen (R) The dubtance wthich auni ORygon

ima chemical Aeatin acta

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