Shetrades Post Evaluation

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GRASP Project – SheTrades Gender Training.

13-14 June 2023

During the last two days we have learnt about tools and approaches which help us
understand the role of women in agricultural value chains, the constraints they face, and
opportunities for addressing these constraints, to support women’s economic empowerment.
The tools and approaches covered were:

 Women`s economic empowerment framework

 Gender sensitive value chain mapping
 Household profiles
 Women entrepreneurs - the 5M model
 Business case for women`s empowerment
 Gender scan service provider
 Analysing services from gender perspectives
 Reach – Benefit – Empower framework

Q1. Which of these tools do you think could be most useful for your work under the
GRASP project? Please list a maximum of three.
1. Women`s economic empowerment framework
2. Gender sensitive value chain mapping
3. Reach – Benefit – Empower framework

Q2. How could you incorporate the tools you have selected into existing GRASP
For women economic empowerment status we will use the framework to assess
the current status of women's economic empowerment within the GRASP project's
target communities or sectors.Develop indicators and benchmarks based on the
framework to measure progress and monitor the impact of GRASP activities over
time.For Gender-sensitive value chain mapping:Conduct value chain mapping
exercises within relevant sectors to identify gender disparities and
opportunities.Analyze the roles, constraints, and potential interventions at each
stage of the value chain to promote women's economic empowerment.Develop
gender-sensitive strategies and action plans based on the findings from value
chain mapping.Collaborate with value chain actors, such as producers,
processors, and distributors, to implement gender-responsive practices and
initiatives within the value chain.For the Reach – Benefit – Empower framework
can guide the GRASP project in designing interventions and strategies that target
women at different stages of empowerment. It highlights the importance of
inclusivity, ensuring that marginalized and disadvantaged women are reached and
provided with the necessary resources and support to improve their economic

Q3. What specific steps will you need to take?

Women's economic empowerment framework:
▪ Review and understand the framework.
▪ Assess the current status of women's economic empowerment.
▪ Identify gaps and opportunities.
▪ Develop an action plan aligned with the framework.
▪ Integrate the framework into monitoring and evaluation.
Gender-sensitive value chain mapping:

▪ Select relevant value chains.

▪ Identify key actors in each stage.
▪ Conduct gender-sensitive mapping exercises.
▪ Analyze data to identify disparities and opportunities.
▪ Develop gender-responsive strategies and action plans.
▪ Collaborate with value chain actors for implementation.
Reach – Benefit – Empower framework:

▪ Understand the sequential approach of the framework.

▪ Identify the target population of women to reach.
▪ Design activities to reach and engage women.
▪ Provide tangible benefits through interventions.
▪ Measure impact on economic outcomes and empowerment.
▪ Adapt and refine interventions based on feedback.

Q4. When will you implement these steps?

Women's economic empowerment framework: We will Implement this step when
conducting a needs assessment. It will provide a foundation
understanding.Gender-sensitive value chain mapping: Implement this step during
the planning phase of your project or when focusing on specific value chains. It will
provide insights into gender dynamics.
Gender-sensitive value chain mapping: We implement this step during the
planning phase of your project or when focusing on specific value chains. It will
provide insights into gender dynamics
Reach – Benefit – Empower framework:
We will implement this step throughout project duration. It should be integrated into
the design and implementation of your activities from the outset. Continuously
monitor and measure the impact of interventions.

Q5. What do you expect will be the effect of using this tool/ approach?
Effects will be in the form of improved understanding of factors and
barriers,Enhanced ability to design targeted interventions,Increased outreached
and inclusion of women in project activities,improved and sustainable
outcomes,long term impact.
Q6. Would you need support from the GRASP team? If yes, please give details
Yes, it would be beneficial to seek support from the GRASP team while
incorporating these tools into our project. The GRASP team can provide valuable
guidance, resources, and expertise to help you effectively utilize the tools and

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