Graph Thinking Samurai

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Graph Analytics

Theory and Practice

Day – 0

Graph Thinking Problem Solver Culture –

Tools (for your future - networkx - tigercloud)
Day – 1

Manipulating and analyzing graphs - Network

Theory - Graph Theory (notations)

Theory - Network Optimization - Graph Algo -
Ideal (not real) Graphs

Practice - Network Optimization - Real Graph
Day – 2

Manipulating and analyzing graphs - Network

Theory - Network Science (notations) and Graph

Practice - Network Science Introduction with networkx

Practice - Start our project (quick and dirty way)
Day - 3

Graph Analytics Platform - GQL query

Theory - Graph Analytics Platform - Property
Graph - GQL

Practice - Simple GQL Queries

Practice - Finish our project with networkx
Day - 4

Graph Analytics Platform - GQL – Algos

Theory - Graph Studio - Algo - Accumulators

Practice - Start Our Project in Tigergraph
Day - 5

Graph Analytics Platform ML

Theory - ML Workbench - Graph Neural

Practice - Finish Our Project - with tigergraph
Day - 6

Graph Analytics - Web App

Theory - Dash - with cytoscape

Practice - Make the project a web app - with
cytoscape over tigergraph with Dash

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