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Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

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Mitigating the Urban Heat Island effect through building envelope

Anurag Kandya a,∗, Manju Mohan b
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, India
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Mitigation techniques aiming to counterbalance the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon deal with the
Received 30 September 2016 intensive usage of green spaces, application of highly reflective materials, materials having high thermal
Revised 15 January 2018
resistivity, decrease of the anthropogenic heat, solar control of open spaces, use of environmental heat
Accepted 18 January 2018
sinks and increase of the wind flow in the canopy layer. Though materials having high thermal resistivity
Available online 3 February 2018
do not directly mitigate the UHI effect however upon using them as constructional materials, the build-
Keywords: ings become naturally cool which reduces the anthropogenic (waste) heat from the buildings thereby
eQUEST mitigating the UHI effect. In addition to this, the reduction in the power demand would eventually lead
Building energy consumption to the reduction in the burning of coal in the thermal power plants and consequently reduces the release
Megacity Delhi of CO2 (a green house gas). Moreover, if naturally grown materials (like bamboo in the present case) are
Urban Heat Island used for construction applications, it would pave way for ‘profitable greening’ which would significantly
reduce the UHI effect in two ways (1) by increasing the latent heat flux through evotranspiration (2) by
Cavity wall
Rammed earth
sequestering CO2 . The embodied energy of local materials having high thermal resistivity like Rammed
Air conditioning Earth is significantly less than that of the popularly used Cement and Bricks which makes it a greener
option having relatively low carbon footprint. Cumulating these facts it can be stated that usage of ‘nat-
ural materials’ having adequate strength and high thermal resistance offers high potential for mitigating
the UHI effect.
With this background, the present study of investigating the thermal performance (in terms of en-
ergy consumption for space cooling) of composite materials like Bamcrete (bamboo-concrete compos-
ite) and natural materials like Rammed Earth along with energy intensive materials like bricks and ce-
ment was undertaken. In addition to this, the thermal performance of building envelope modifications
like (i) increasing the thickness of wall, (ii) construction of a cavity wall was also attempted. Of the
6 scenarios simulated, the use of 6 bamcrete in walls depicts the highest cooling potential (around
7.5%) when compared to the popularly used 5 brick thick wall. The present study is first of its kind
to quantitatively report the performance of ‘bamboo’–a wonder grass of India, in reducing the cooling
load of a building. The results should definitely help the green building community to take suitable ac-
tions at their ends for designing buildings having low carbon footprint and effectively mitigate the UHI
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ance of the urban space, the convective heat exchange between
the ground and the building, the wind flow and the evotranspi-
With the onset of development, the whole earth is getting ur- ration process which affect the urban microclimate especially the
banized and it is expected that by the year 2050, around 70% of air temperatures. Subsequently, the air temperature in the densely
the human population will be living in the urban areas [1]. Ur- built-up areas is higher than the air temperature of the surround-
ban areas typically have high building density, reduced green cover ing areas which is commonly referred to as the ‘heat island ef-
and various anthropogenic sources of excess heat generation. These fect’ [2–8]. Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is considered as one of
factors significantly alter the surface heat balance viz. radiant bal- the major problems in the 21st century posed to human beings
and around three billion people living in the urban areas across
the world are directly exposed to the problem, which will increase

Corresponding author. significantly in the near future [9]. It is the most documented phe-
E-mail address: (A. Kandya).
0378-7788/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277 267

nomenon of climatic change, and is associated with a very signif- state of Northeast India, produces around 37 lakh tons of bamboo
icant increase of the cooling energy demand of buildings and a per year from the natural forest and is still able to consume only
global deterioration of the local environmental conditions [10–14]. 1% of its produce in its current form of applications. Thus any
Translating the anthropogenically altered meteorological conditions breakthrough in utilizing bamboo as a main load bearing structural
into the energy requirements for space cooling, various researchers element or even for making walls in a framed structure would
across the globe have estimated that the effect of the heat island pave way for profitably greening the vast wastelands (160 million
phenomenon inflates the energy requirements by around 20–100% hectare of wasteland is in India alone). The building envelope
[15–21]. According to Akbari et al., for US cities with population modifications were considered for modifying the walls of ‘Block
larger than 10 0,0 0 0 the peak electricity load will increase 1.5–2% V’ building which is a 4-storied educational building located in
for every 1°F increase in temperature [22]. In addition to the en- the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi campus and sub-
hanced energy requirements, UHIs have the potential to have the sequently the cooling loads were numerically estimated using
potential to directly influence the health and welfare of urban res- eQUEST for the years 2008 and 2009. The study quantifies the
idents. Within the United States alone, an average of 10 0 0 peo- performance of these modifications in terms of reduction in power
ple die each year due to extreme heat, more than due to all other consumption for space cooling thereby mitigating the UHI effect.
weather events combined [23]. Moreover, higher level temperature It would also help the green building community to take suitable
increases the amount of ground level ozone and smog [24–26]. actions at their ends for designing buildings having low carbon
Looking to the rate of urbanization across the world and its impact footprint.
on the ecological footprint of the city and on the overall environ-
mental quality, there is an urgent need to evolve a robust frame- 2. Data used
work of the mitigation strategies so that the development takes
a sustainable route. Mitigation techniques aiming to counterbal- 2.1. Building data
ance the heat island phenomenon deal with the intensive usage of
green spaces, application of highly reflective materials, decrease of The present building envelope modification study has been
the anthropogenic heat, solar control of open spaces, use of envi- done for a 4-storied educational building i.e. ‘Block V’ of Indian
ronmental heat sinks and increase of the wind flow in the canopy Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi located in the less-dense urban
layer [27–29]. canopy of megacity Delhi. Fig. 1(a) shows the Google image of the
Many experimental researches were specially undertaken for respective less-dense urban canopy in Delhi along with the loca-
evolving a cool roof technology which reduces the cooling load tion of the study building ‘Block V’ of IIT Delhi marked with capital
thereby mitigating the heat island effect. Synnefa et al. studied the letter ‘A’ while Fig. 1(b) gives a closer view of the entire academic
thermal performance of 14 reflective coatings for the urban envi- area of IIT Delhi i.e. Block I, II, III, IV, V and VI and the Main build-
ronment and demonstrated that the use of reflective coatings can ing. All the 6 blocks have almost a similar constructional pattern
reduce a white concrete tile’s surface temperature under hot sum- while the main building is different; however, the entire academic
mer conditions by 4 °C and during night time by 2 °C [30]. Kar- area has similar functional usage.
lessi et al. investigated the performance of various organic ‘phase The Block V building has offices of the teaching faculty, com-
change materials’ (PCM) when incorporated in coating for build- puter labs, committee/seminar rooms, civil engineering labs, class
ing and urban fabric and reported that coatings containing PCMs rooms, electrical rooms, rest rooms and corridor. While the of-
store heat in a latent form maintaining a constant surface temper- fices of the teaching faculty, computer labs and committee/seminar
ature and discharge with time delay thereby maintaining a ther- rooms are air-conditioned having space-cooling facility, the civil
mally comfortable indoor environment and reducing the cooling engineering labs, class rooms, electrical rooms and rest rooms are
load [10]. By increasing the roof reflectance, Akbari et al. reported non air-conditioned having fans for artificial ventilation. Fig. 2 (a–
cooling energy savings of 46% and peak power savings of 20% h) shows the respective schematic floor plans along with the air-
[31] and in a separate study he documented energy savings of 31– conditioned and the non air-conditioned areas of the Ground Floor,
39 Wh/m2 /day by coating roofs with a white elastomer with a re- First Floor, Second Floor and Top Floor of the building. These
flectivity of 0.70 [32]. building footprints were processed in eQUEST software for cus-
Various researchers simulated the impact greenery on ambient tomized zoning i.e air-conditioned area, non air-conditioned area
temperature and the subsequent effect on the building energy and open-to-sky area. The light blue shaded area represent the air-
requirement. Ashie et al. used computer modeling and reported conditioned zones while the rest are the non air-conditioned ar-
air temperature reduction of 0.4–1.3 °C with building cooling eas. The area enclosed within the red boundary depicts the cor-
energy savings of as much as 25% through planting vegetation ridor while the white shaded area in the top floor is open-to-
[33] while Tong et al. reported that temperature reduction of sky. The floor-wise details of the air-conditioned and the non air-
1.6 °C was possible in the case of replacing urban development by conditioned areas of the building are described in Table 1 while
grass and shrub land [34]. It was reported in a study conducted by Table 2 puts forward the floor-wise fenestration details in terms
Spronken–Smith et al. that parks could help control temperatures of number of doors and window as well as net opening area of
through an evaporation of more than 300% as compared to its the building. The doors were of size 2.13 m × 0.91 m having wood
surrounding [35]. Yu and Hien have used computer simulation to as the construction material while the windows were made of
report that parks and green areas could achieve 10% reduction of glass.
cooling load [36] while Ca et al. reported that planting a 0.6 km2
park could reduce temperatures by 1.5 °C and achieve potential 2.2. Meteorological data
savings of 40 0 0 kWh in an hour of a summer day [37].
In lines with the global efforts for evolving techniques for The site specific hourly meteorological data was available
reducing the power consumption for space cooling, the present through a weather station which was installed at the top of
study is undertaken to investigate the thermal performance of the Block VI building which was adjacent to Block V building.
natural materials like Bamboo and Rammed Earth along with The hourly data for 5 meteorological parameters i.e. Dry Bulb
options like increasing the thickness of wall and construction Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Relative Humidity and
of a cavity wall. It is worth mentioning that 58% of the world’s Occurrence of Rainfall for a period of two years (20 08–20 09)
bamboo grows in India; Mizoram, the major bamboo growing was used. Since hourly solar radiation data was not available for
268 A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

Fig. 1. (a) The less-dense urban canopy in megacity Delhi. (b) The academic area of IIT Delhi, New Delhi.

Delhi, the respective values for the typical meteorological year 2.3. Details of the materials used
(TMY) as available from the Indian Society of Heating Refriger-
ation and Air conditioning Engineering (ISHRAE) [38] were used The focus of the present research is to quantify the thermal
in the present study. This meteorological data was further pro- performance (in terms of power consumption for space cooling)
cessed use a DOE weather processor (as provided at http://doe2. of wall materials like Bamboo-concrete composite, Rammed earth
com/index_wth.html) and accordingly the requisite yearly weather along with Bricks walls of various thicknesses. Brick is one of the
files in ‘.bin format’ were prepared. most popular materials used for wall construction and needs no
A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277 269

Fig. 2. (a) Ground Floor Plan, Block V Building, IIT Delhi. (b) Conditioned and Unconditioned zones of the Ground Floor of Block V Building. (c) First Floor Plan, Block V
Building, IIT Delhi. (d) Conditioned and Unconditioned zones of the First Floor of Block V Building. (e) Second Floor Plan, Block V Building, IIT Delhi. (f) Conditioned and
Unconditioned zones of the Second Floor of Block V Building. (g) Top Floor Plan, Block V Building, IIT Delhi. (h) Conditioned and Unconditioned zones of the Top Floor of
Block V Building. (All dimensions are in meters).
270 A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

Table 1
Floor-wise zone details of Block V Building of IIT Delhi.

FLOOR Total area (m2 ) Zone details (m2 )

Air-conditioned area Non air-conditioned area

Ground Floor 2140.49 794.13 1346.35

First Floor 2021.57 1180.61 840.96
Second Floor 2021.57 1275.65 745.92
Top Floor 2021.57 396.23 1625.34
TOTAL 8205.19 3646.63 4558.56

Table 2 Table 3
Floor-wise fenestration details of Block V Building of Thermal resistance of the materials used.
IIT Delhi.
No. Material Thermal resistivity [37,49,50]
Floor Number of doors
1. Bricks 1.39 m K/W
North South East West 2. Plaster finish (25.4 mm) 0.06 m2 K/W
3. Concrete 0.55 m K/W
Ground floor 0 25 0 3
4. Bamboo 4.46 m K/W
First floor 0 36 0 0
5. Rammed earth (300 mm) 0.62 m2 K/W
Second floor 0 41 0 2
Top floor 0 19 2 1

Floor Window net opening area reviewed in detail about the rammed earth construction and
(Floor to ceiling height) (%)
documented the various constructional properties including its
North South East West thermal resistance [48].
Ground floor 58 18 0 0
Table 3 puts forward the details of the thermal resistance of the
First floor 57 19 0 0
Second floor 58 18 0 0 materials used in the present study.
Top floor 57 17 0 0
3. Methodology

description. The salient aspects of Bamboo and Rammed earth are Fig. 3 depicts the methodology adopted for the present study.
discussed below. For the present study, after the preparing of the customized
meteorological inputs in terms of hourly weather data file for the
(i) Bamboo: ‘Miracle plant’ or ‘an ordinary plant with extraordinary year 2008 and 2009 and basic building data inputs in terms of
qualities’, or ‘a Green gold’, ‘a Wonder Grass’ are the few names building foot print and orientation, building materials used, HVAC
earned by a grass called bamboo. Bamboo plant is unique in the zoning, the other input parameters like the design maximum occu-
entire plant kingdom in two ways: (1) The timber of an individ- pancy, average occupancy ratio, design ventilation and infiltration,
ual culm matures in 3–5 years and (2) A mature bamboo bush interior lighting load, office equipments load, HVAC Temperature
can yield culms with high quality timber in the form of func- set point were based on the actual observations and literature re-
tionally graded light weight composite which can be harvested view. For instance, field surveys were done for collecting the data
all through the dry season of every year for several decades for the electric installations (equipments including computers, tube
without effecting the leaf index of the plant (bush) substan- lights, fans,) and HVAC temperature set points. For average occu-
tially. It is a sturdy plant that can survive and thrive even pancy ratio, the time-table of the various courses (B.Tech, M.Tech
in resource constrained marginal/degraded/wastelands. Bamboo and Ph.D.) was procured from the Office of Dean of UG and PG
offers multiple utilities such as food through shoots, fodder of IIT Delhi for the year 2008 and 2009 stating the class room,
through leaves, slats and silvers for 100s of traditional house- name of the subject and number of students enrolled. From these
hold applications including handicrafts [39]. details, the average occupancy ratio of the students in the air-
conditioned rooms (class/laboratories) was computed.The routine
With these high credentials on one side, when it comes down
working hours of the building, which are from 9AM to 6PM, were
to housing, till date bamboo is looked upon as a ‘Poor Man’s
considered for simulating the energy consumption of the building
Material’. There is not enough research done on ‘Bamboo as
and the respective simulation was done for a period of 2 years
a constructional material’ which could make grounds for Bam-
(20 08–20 09) on an hourly basis. It has been pointed out that for a
boo to be used as a main load bearing structural element or
good calibration of a building energy model it is highly preferable
even for making walls in a framed structure. In the recent past,
for using the customized or actual inputs to the building energy
few experimental studies have been conducted to quantify the
model like (i) onsite weather data, (ii) actual building data hav-
structural [40–46] and thermal properties [47] of Bamboo and
ing details of geometry, orientation and envelope composition (iii)
bamboo-concrete composite.
actual lighting and plug load (iv) realistic or dynamic occupancy
(i) Rammed Earth: Rammed earth consists of gravel (minimum 5% details and working time period along with the behaviour of the
and maximum 10%), sand (minimum 50% and maximum 75%), people for using the various electrical appliances including the air-
silt & clay (minimum 20% and maximum 35%) along with ce- conditioners which would lead to reduction in the uncertainties
ment (minimum 5% and maximum 10%). Rammed earth wall in simulating the power consumption thereby reducing the Mean
are formed by compacting damp soil between temporary forms Bias Error (MBE) between the simulated power consumption and
[48]. Though rammed earth has a long and continued history actual power consumption [51–53] . From the details given under
throughout many regions of the world including North Africa, the section ‘Data Used’, it can be seen that except the behaviour
Australia, regions of North and South America, China, India and of the people for using the various electrical appliances includ-
many more, the past few years drew the focused attention of ing the air-conditioners, the present study confirms to most of the
the scientific world. In this line, Maniatidis and Walker (2003) requirements.
A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277 271

Fig. 3. Methodology Flowchart for assessing the impact of Building Envelope. Modifications for countering the UHI effect.

For assessing the performance of the model, a comparative mittent use of the air conditioners by the faculties in their rooms
analysis of the simulated hourly building energy consumption and (as per their class schedule) and lunch breaks. By reducing the air-
the actual building energy consumption for 01st May and 10th conditioned area by 10% and 20%, the over estimating tendencies
September 2009 was done. The NMBE for the hourly power simu- of the model narrowed down to 3.5%, −4.3% for 01st May 2009
lated for 01st May and 10th September 2009 during 10.00 am to and 16.8% and 11.9% for 10th September 2009.
5.00 pm was +11% and +22% respectively. The prime reason for Tulsyan et al. and Silvana et al. also reported overestimating
the over estimation of the power consumption could be the inter- tendencies by a building energy model to a tune of 10–19% and
272 A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

Table 4
Different wall materials and their composite thermal resistance.

Scenarios Wall material Specifications Composite thermal resistance

(R) (m2 K/W)

Base case Brick wall 4 in. (101.6 mm) brick wall with 1 in. (25.4 mm) 0.20
Scenario-1 Brick wall 8 in. (203.2 mm) brick wall with 1 in. (25.4 mm) 0.35
Scenario-2 Brick wall 12 in. (304.8 mm) brick wall with 1 in. (25.4 mm) 0.49
Scenario-3 Brick cavity wall 8 in. (203.2 mm) brick wall with 1 in. cavity 0.63
(25.4 mm) and 1 in. (25.4 mm) plaster
Scenario-4 Rammed Earth 11.8 in. (300 mm) rammed earth with 1 in. 0.62
(25.4 mm) plaster
Scenario-5 Bamboo–concrete composite 2 in. (76.2 mm) full bamboo with 1 in. concrete 0.47
and 1 in. (25.4 mm) plaster
Scenario-6 Bamboo–concrete composite Double layer 2 in. (127 mm) full bamboo with 1 in. 0.70
concrete and 1 in. (25.4 mm) plaster

135% [54,55]. Mustafaraj et al. reports the MBE between −9.1% 4. Results and discussion
to +18.7% using the first level calibration and that of −6.5% to
+11.4% after second level calibration [51] while Yin et al. reports The study puts forward the thermal performance of various
that the calibrated model yielded a good prediction of the Air Han- constructional schemes for walls and roofs in terms of reducing the
dling Units performance in the demand response test mode with power consumption for space-cooling thereby mitigating the UHI
NMBE of −3.6% [52]. In the background of the ASHRAE guide- effect. Fig. 4(a–b) depicts the simulated cooling load per sq meter
lines that the acceptable limit for calibration to hourly data is of the conditioned area using various wall materials for the sum-
−10% ≤ MBE ≤ +10%, the performance of the model in the present mer season (March, April, May and June) of year 2008 and 2009
study can be considered satisfactory [56]. while Fig. 5(a–b) shows respectively the simulated annual cooling
After the satisfactory model validation, simulations were per- load.
formed by changing the wall materials and wall construction tech- As expected the base case of ½ brick thick wall having the over-
nique to see their impact on the power consumption for space- all thickness of 5 exhibited the highest power consumption for
cooling. In the present study, for wall construction, 6 scenarios space cooling. Here, it should be noted with caution that the re-
were created which are outlined in Table 4. cent building constructions at many places across India are having
These scenarios were made either on the ease and / or its po- 5 thick brick walls. The shortage of land and the soaring prices
tential for being used as green building measure (which reduces of land could be one of the most prominent reasons for that. By
power consumption for space cooling and mitigates the UHI effect) doubling the thickness of the wall from ½ brick to 1 brick thick
and are briefly discussed below in Table 5 along with a schematic wall (scenario 1), the power consumption for summer cooling re-
sketch. duced by 4.2–4.6% while that of the annual reduced by 4.7–5.3%

Table 5
Details of the Green Building Measures for mitigating the UHI effect.

Scenario Relevance Schematic sketch

Base case Brick is the most popular construction material for making
walls. Moreover, the present day walls are usually 4 in.
thick with ½ inch thick plaster on either side. Based on
this, the base case was considered.

Scenario-1 Since for increasing the thickness of the brick wall, there is
no requirement for change in the material, construction
technique or skill of the labour, these two scenarios were
considered as they could be easily adopted

(continued on next page)

A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277 273

Table 5 (continued)

Scenario Relevance Schematic sketch

Scenario-2 Same as for scenario-1

Scenario-3 Cavity wall is composite brick wall having an air cavity

sandwiched between the two layers of ½ brick wall.
Though construction of a cavity wall requires slightly
more skilled labour than to that of the normal brick
wall, it was considered because at the outset there is no
change in the material used and thus could be easily

Scenario-4 Keeping in mind that ‘brick’ is energy intensive material as

its manufacturing leads to high emissions, locally
available Rammed Earth was considered as one of the
options for making walls

Scenario-5 Taking clues from the encouraging experimental results in

terms of structural [44-50] and thermal properties [43]
of bamboo and bamboo-concrete composite, scenarios 5
was considered

Scenario-6 Same as scenario-5

274 A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

Fig. 4. (a) Simulated cooling load using various wall materials for the summer season of year 2008. (b) Simulated cooling load using various wall materials for the summer
season of year 2009.

during 20 08–20 09. Interestingly, by tripling the thickness of the tioned wall construction scenarios along with the base case for the
wall i.e. 1½ thick wall (scenario 2), there was a marginal increase power consumption for space cooling to the wall thickness ratio. In
of 0.35–0.94% in the respective reduction of the power consump- addition to this, the benefit of better sound insulation and higher
tion in comparison to that of the scenario 1. Thus given the three endurance to the water seepage problem should make cavity wall
types of wall construction which require less skilled labor, 1 brick option more attractive for adoption.
thick wall construction turns out to be the optimal option in terms The rammed earth wall (300 mm) exhibits marginal improve-
of the power consumption for space cooling to wall thickness ratio. ment in the reducing the power consumption for space cooling
The performance of 10 cavity wall having 2 half brick thick wall by 0.2 to 0.41% than that of cavity wall (scenario 3). Thus places
separated by 1 air cavity (scenario 3) was marginally superior by where space is not a constraint, Rammed Earth Wall emerges as
0.21–0.46% to that of scenario 2. Though cavity walls requires high a good option. Moreover, looking to the fact that 90–95% of the
skill for construction but it definitely outshines the earlier men- Rammed Earth is made of locally available materials (gravel, sand,
A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277 275

Fig. 5. (a) Simulated annual cooling load using various wall materials for the year 2009. (b) Simulated annual cooling load using various wall materials for the year 2009.

silt & clay) [42], it outshines brick walls in the embodied energy space cooling reduced. By comparing the scenario 6 with the base
aspect and consequently the associated CO2 emissions. case, it can be seen that the power consumption for space cool-
The thermal performance of a hypothetical wall section of 2 in. ing reduced by 6.7–6.8% for the summer season while the annual
bamboo layer embedded between the 0.5 in. concrete layer and cooling load reduced by 7.3–7.5%
0.5 in. plaster finish on both the sides (total thickness 4 in.) was As the cost of construction (which primarily includes the ma-
quite encouraging. By comparing the scenario 5 with the base case, terial cost, transportation cost, labour cost, supervision cost) plays
it can be seen that in spite of a relatively thinner wall section, an important role in its selection, attempt was made to collect the
it resulted in 3.0–4.5% reduction of power consumption for space respective costs of the various scenarios considered in the present
cooling in the summer season and 3.4–4.9% for the annual cool- study and are presented in Fig. 6.
ing load. In scenario 6, the 2 in. bamboo layer was doubled (to- It should be however noted that the cost of fabrication of the
tal thickness 6 in.) and as expectedly the power consumption for bamboo-concrete composite wall is under the research mode and
276 A. Kandya, M. Mohan / Energy & Buildings 164 (2018) 266–277

Fig. 6. Cost of construction of the various wall types per sq ft.

it will significantly reduce once the full fledged technology is in (iv) The thermal performance of Rammed earth is quite encourag-
operation. Juxtaposing the cost of construction with the power ing however looking to the high minimum thickness (300 mm)
consumption for space cooling associated with the various wall required for construction, its applicability is restricted to areas
types along with the effective life span of the building, the fea- where land availability is not critical.
sibility of the adopting the particular wall type can be calculated.
5. Conclusions
The present work is a part of the doctoral research work of
The study presents the potential of various building envelope the first author which was pursued under the supervision of the
modifications for reducing the power consumption for space cool- second author. Both the authors deeply acknowledges the metic-
ing thereby mitigating the UHI effect for a tropical urban airshed ulous review done by Dr. Hashem Akbari, Professor, Civil and En-
of India. Specifically focusing on the walls, the study relooked to vironmental Engineering Department, Concordia University, Mon-
simple measures like increasing the thickness of the wall and con- treal, Canada who was the external examiner of the thesis and
structing a cavity wall on one hand while also described the poten- whose suggestions/comments were duly incorporated in the thesis
tial of earthen materials like Rammed Earth and natural materials and subsequently in the paper. The authors also acknowledge the
like Bamboo for reducing the power consumption for space cooling support extended by Dr. Sudhakar Puttagunta, Ex Associate Profes-
thereby mitigating the UHI effect. The salient findings of the study sor, Centre for Rural Development and Technology, IIT Delhi and
are as follows: Dr. Chaaruchandra Korde, Post-doctoral Fellow at Trinity College,
(i) The wall panels of bamboo-concrete composite (bamcrete) have Dublin for the deep insight which they gave on Bamboo as a con-
high potential for reducing the power consumption for space structional material. The first author expressed a deep sense of
cooling and thereby mitigating the UHI effect. A 6 thick wall gratitude to the financial support extended by Pandit Deendayal
of bamboo concrete composite offers a reduction of around 7.5% Petroleum University, Gandhinagar and the organizers of the 4th
in the power consumption for space cooling when compared International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island
with a 5 wall of brick. The simulation results coupled with which enabled the presentation of this paper in the respective con-
the previous experimental investigations done for assessing the ference at National University of Singapore during 30–31 May and
structural and thermal performance of bamcrete strengthens 01 June 2016. The authors also acknowledge the anonymous re-
the candidature of bamcrete to be used as a cool constructional viewers whose suggestions substantially increased the quality of
material for walls. the research paper.
(ii) By increasing the thickness of the wall from ½ Brick to 1 Brick,
there was a reduction in the annual power consumption for References
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