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Health and Safety Guide

An undesired, unplanned incident resulting in injury, ill- health, death or damage.
Accident Investigation
Process of determining the root causes of accidents, injury/illness, property damage, and near
misses to prevent them from occurring again. The level of investigation should be appropriate to
the percieved or potential level of risk and/or illness or injury incurred.

Acute exposure
Immediate exposure to a hazardous substance over a short time period.

A substance that causes an allergic reaction in the body.

Appointed Person
A designated person who has been nominated to take a supervisory role for a specific
activity/event e.g. accident, injury or illness. The appointed person will have completed basic first
aid training and have the skills and knowledge to deal with a first aid situation. Another good
example, is an AP on a construction site, which is typically someone who is responsible for
planning and control of lifting operations.

The name used for a group of fibrous silicate minerals that once inhaled, have adverse effects on
health and can lead to fatal lung diseases.

The damage of lung tissue caused by asbestos, resulting in a shortness of breath.

An official inspection of the health and safety management arrangements of a premises, carried
out by qualified auditors. The aim of an audit is to confirm that adequate control measures have
been put in place to cover the risks and to ensure that these measures are being adhered to.

Best Practice
A way of delivering risk control practices which have been recognized by an authoritative body as
cooperating with and even going beyond what is expected by the law.

Behavioural Safety
The application of behavioural research on human performance to the problems of safety in the
workplace. Behavioural safety intends to change unsafe behaviour into safer behaviour.

Chronic Exposure
Multiple exposures to a hazardous substance over a long period of time. This typically results in
chronic health impacts on the individual e.g. loss of hearing, reduction in lung function etc.
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health – professional membership body concerned
with environmental health and promoting standards in the training and education of environmental
health professionals.

Code of Practice
A set of rules fixed by regulatory bodies (Health and Safety Executive) or trade associations
which, although not law themselves, are intended to provide guidance on how to comply with the

Common Law
Unwritten law which has been devised through prior court judgements rather than from written
law. A breach of common law can however, result in a criminal offence.

Competent Person
A person who has been adequately trained and has the appropriate skills and knowledge to
perform certain health and safety tasks without posing a risk to themselves or others.
Find out more about Safeti’s flexible and affordable Competent Person Service.

Confined Space
An enclosed area that has the potential to cause serious harm from hazardous substances or
conditions within the space e.g. lack of oxygen supply or increase in harmful gas levels.

A substance, usually a pollutant, which has been discovered in an area where it does not usually
belong. It may have harmful effects on people, materials or the environment.

Control Measures
Actions that have been put in place to reduce the risks associated with work being carried out.
These controls are often referred to as ‘mitigation’.
Hierarchy Of Controls
Hierarchy of Control
The levels in the risk hierarchy of control measures are, in order of decreasing effectiveness:
 Elimination
 Substitution
 Engineering controls
 Administrative controls
 Personal protective equipment
A substance that has destructive effects on another substance.

Display Screen Equipment

A device that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen, such as a computer monitor. In the
UK, this falls under the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 1992.

Emergency Plan
A plan detailing the exact actions to be taken in the event of an emergency with the aim of
evacuating all persons from dangerous environments or conditions.

Employer’s Health and Safety Responsibilities

Your duty as an employer under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) and the
associated Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations is to provide you with a safe
and healthy workplace.
Ergonomic Hazards
Working methods that have the potential to damage the musculoskeletal system, including
forceful movements, vibration, extreme temperatures, improper lifting techniques and
inappropriate workstations.

Explosive Protection
Preventative techniques applied to the manufacturing process of equipment for use in high-risk,
explosive work environments.
There are 5 main classifications of fire;
Class A: fires with flammable solids such as wood, plastic and paper.
Class B: fires involving flammable liquids and electrical fires.
Class C: fires involving gases.
Class D: fires involving metals such as magnesium, potassium and titanium.
Class F: fires with cooking oils and fats.
Five – Why or 5 Why Analysis
Problem solving analysis method that helps to establish the root cause of an accident or incident
– here’s an example of what a 5-whys diagram might look like. Alos, listen to our podcast for more
help on this one.
The ease in which a substance will catch fire – information on this can be found in the SDS/MSDS
(Safety Data Sheet).
Flash Point
The minimum temperature in which the vapour of a substance, when mixed with oxygen, will ignite
when a flame is applied.
Fume cupboard
A method of ventilation, typically in the form of a cabinet with a moveable safety-glass front
window. The air is drawn away from the worker or workspace to prevent contact with harmful
vapours or gases given off by hazardous substances.

Bright lights that reflect off a display screen and impede a person’s sight, often causing excessive
eyestrain and headaches.
A device that prohibits access to a hazardous part of a machine or equipment.
A situation or behaviour that has the potential to cause harm, injury, ill-health or damage to
property and the environment.
Health and Safety Executive
An authoritative organisation that enforces health and safety legislation, including statute,
approved codes of practice, regulations and guidance on work-related health issues.

Health and Safety Report

Producing reports helps a business to measure performance and identify gaps and risks
associated with any of the Health & Safety regulations to ensure compliance with industry
standards and law.

Health and Safety Policy

A health and safety policy sets out your general approach to health and safety. It should explain
how you will manage health and safety in your business. The law in the UK says that every
business must have a policy for managing health and safety.

Health and Safety Training

Continued professional development (CPD) that helps employees understand and fulfil their legal
and organisational responsibilities as relates to health and safety in the workplace
Health and Safety Representatives
A person that has been appointed by trade unions to represent their colleagues in regards to
various issues of health and safety in the workplace.

Health Surveillance
A process of observation that involves monitoring any early symptoms of work related ill-health in
employees who may be exposed to certain health risks. These may include hazardous liquids or
Heat Exhaustion
A condition caused by excessive exposure to hot temperatures, usually caused by profuse
sweating in warm, poorly ventilated working environments.
Hierarchy of Control
The Hierarchy of Control or risk hierarchy is a system used in industry to minimize or eliminate
exposure to hazards.
It is a widely accepted system promoted by numerous safety organizations. Watch our video learn
HSE Statistics
The Health and Safety Executive (GB) produce an annual summary of workplace health and
safety statistics. Data from different sectors is available to use for benchmarking.
An extreme physical response to particular substances or environments.

The International Institute of Risk and Safety Management.

Improvement Notice
A formal notice that is given by an authoritative health and safety body following a breach of law.
The notice will state the committed offence, what action needs to be taken for improvement and
the specified date by which it must be taken.
Incident Investigation
The process of gathering information regarding the causes of an incident, with the purpose of
formulating control measures to prevent the incident from reoccurring.
The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health is the world’s largest health and safety
membership body. The IOSH mission is ensuring that global work practices are safe, healthy and
A non-corrosive substance which can cause inflammation on the body through contact.
LOLER Regulations
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations in the UK. Introduced to help prevent the
failure of lifting equipment and related injuries.
They cover a wide range of equipment including, cranes, forklift trucks, lifts, hoists, mobile
elevating work platforms, and vehicle inspection platform hoist
Manual Handling Operations
Tasks that require a person to exert bodily force to transport a load by lifting, lowering, pushing,
pulling or carrying an object.

Material Data Safety Sheet (MSDS)

A document that details information on potentially hazardous substances, along with guidance on
how to handle them safely. Learn more about control of hazardous substances here.
Method Statement
A document that details how a particular working process will be conducted in a safe manner,
typically used for construction or installation procedures.
Near Miss
A term for those events that have not resulted in significant harm but have the potential to cause
an accident, injury or damage under different circumstances.
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
An incurable condition caused by both acute and chronic exposure to a loud or persistent noise.

Occupational Health
The relationship between a person’s health and the working activities that they undertake.
Occupational Illness
An illness that occurs in employees who have been exposed to hazards whilst at work e.g.
asthma, dermatitis, asbestosis, silicosis, hand-arm vibration syndrome.

OSHCR – Occupational Safety & Health Consultant’s Register

The Occupational Safety & Health Consultants register – the register is intended to help
businesses find local Chartered and approved H&S consultants.
A legally required statement of a company strategy, consisting of their objectives to attain a safe
working environment, their responsibilities, and the arrangements for implementing the strategy
and achieving their aims.
Preventive Maintenance
The regular maintenance of work equipment to reduce the risk of failure.

Prohibition Notice
A formal notice that is issued by an authorising health and safety body on discovery of a breach
of statute that has the potential to cause an accident or injury. A Prohibition Notice commonly
follows a serious accident, with the aim of preventing the hazard from developing or to put a stop
to it if it is already in motion.
Reasonably Practicable
When the level of risk is weighed up against the cost (time, money, effort). If the cost outweighs
the risk, then it may be deemed unreasonable for an employer to implement the measures. Learn
more without podcast and reasonably practicable guide.

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – RIDDOR puts
duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises (the Responsible
Person) to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and specified
dangerous occurrences (near misses).
Risk Assessment
An examination of the potential risks in the workplace, with the aim of determining whether
reasonably precautions have been put in place to prevent harm to people who may be affected.
In the UK, if you have 5 or more employees, you must keep a written record of your risk
Risk Management
The process of putting control measures into practice and monitoring the results, with the intention
of reducing, or eliminating, the potential risks to health and safety.
Routes of Entry
Ways in which hazardous substances can enter the body, including inhalation, injection, ingestion
and absorption.
An assessment carried out by the individual to determine how safely they are working and fulfilling
their health and safety duties.
Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme – a common training used in the construction industry.
Statute law
The formal, written law of a country or state. An example would be the Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974.

Slips, Trips and Falls

The main non-fatal injury (31%) to employees as reported in 2017/18 was a Slip, Trip or Fall on
the same level i.e. not from height.

Substances, usually poisonous, that cause irritation and have detrimental effects on health.
A ‘toxic’ symbol should be displayed on the substance container, and control measures provided
in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Working at Height
Work at height means work in any place where, if precautions were not taken, a person could fall
a distance liable to cause personal injury. You are working at height if you:
 work above ground/floor level
 could fall from an edge, through an opening or fragile surface or
 could fall from ground level into an opening in a floor or a hole in the ground
Work at height does not include a slip or a trip on the level, as a fall from height has to involve a
fall from one level to a lower level, nor does it include using a permanent staircase. Here’s some
more tips to manage Work at Height.

The static equipment that an employee requires to fulfil their working practices. In regards
to Display Screen Equipment, the workstation is likely to include a desk, a chair, a computer
monitor and a keyboard. This include Working from Home.

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