Annotated Bibliography I

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Annotated Bibliography I

Baker Littrell


Annotated Sources
Fernandez, Pamela, Lester Sanchez, Jonathan Tongol, Ian Zabala, Joseph Lobo,
Bryan Dale Bernardo, and Michael Louie Celis. 2022. “Factors Affecting
Occupational Distress and Its Relationship to Teaching Satisfaction of Physical
Education Teachers”. Edu Sportivo: Indonesian Journal of Physical Education 4
(1), 1-14.

This source shows a study where they measure OD (Occupational Distress) and TS
(Teaching Satisfaction) among physical education teachers. They find that ”The
result shows that respondents' OD level is low while their level of TS is moderate”
(Fernandez 1-14). Showing a significant correlation between the two
measurements. Further going on to saying that there are variables for OD such as
age and type of school whereas TS had no significant variables that contributed to
increased or decreased result.

“Teachers’ Salaries.” Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,


The main purpose of this article shows the pay difference and its variables when it
comes to the salary of teachers. Not specifically in the United States, other
countries have been included in the proceeding table. The author writes that the
"OECD data on teachers’ salaries are limited to information on statutory salaries at
four points of the salary scale: starting salaries, salaries after 10 years of service,
salaries after 15 years of experience, and salaries at the top of the scale”
(“Teachers’ Salaries”). Showing that experience is a major point of discontent for
salary, especially for those just staring their careers. They later go on to mention
that going above the minimum requirements for teaching have a better impact on
the result.

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