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Cultural–Historical Activity Theory

Laboratory for Comparative Human Cognition, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA
ã 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

A long-standing challenge in educational research is to of Leontiev are said to choose activity as a basic unit of
describe and explain the complex dynamics of learning analysis (Kaptelinin, 1996). For our present purposes,
and development that occur in educational settings. This these distinctions are not central and we will treat the
article summarizes ways in which qualitative methods are differing formulations as expressions of a single family of
essential to this enterprise from the perspective of scho- theoretical commitments.) The following are some theo-
lars who approach the issues using the theoretical lens of retical principles of this approach:
cultural–historical activity theory (CHAT). After sum-
marizing basic principles of this theoretical approach we 1. Mediation of experience through artifacts. The initial prem-
provide four examples involving different levels of analy- ise of the cultural–historical school was that human
sis and methodologies. (Methodology is used to refer to psychological processes are bound up with a form of
the ensemble of methods that mediate between theoreti- behavior in which material objects (e.g., hammers, pic-
cal statements and data used to evaluate them.) tures, gestures, and vocal sounds) and corresponding
To some researchers who employ qualitative meth- ideal objects (e.g., meanings and values) are incorporated
ods, the very fact that we enter into this topic guided by into human actions and modified over generations as a
a theoretical framework disqualifies our claim to be means of regulating humans’ interactions with the world
qualitative researchers. Smith argues that ‘‘qualitative and each other. Artifacts incorporated into human action
approaches in psychology are generally engaged with do not both change a person’s conditions of existence,
exploring, describing and interpreting the personal and and react back to that person’s psychological processes.
social experiences of participants. An attempt is usually Consequently, such artifacts are both symbolic and
made to understand a small number of participants’ own material mediators. Vygotsky referred to this kind of
frames of reference or view of the world rather than trying mediated action as the cultural habit of behavior which
to test a preconceived hypothesis on a large sample’’ enables human beings to begin to regulate themselves
(Smith, 2003: 2). from the outside.
Our approach involves small samples, and we are 2. Activity as the essential unit of analysis. The analysis of
interested in participants’ own understandings; however, human psychological functions must be situated in
we do operate from a preconceived theoretical base and in relation to historically accumulated forms of human
that sense we have preconceived hypotheses. Moreover, activity which are the proximal loci of human experi-
the approach we espouse does not preclude quantifica- ence. The early Russian CHAT theorists demonstrated
tion. However, such quantification is more likely to be that at least in some institutional settings (among
used for purposes of comparative analysis of qualitatively which schools and classroom activities were a major
different activities (Cole et al., 1978) or summary evalua- focus of attention) it is possible to make mediated-
tions of products than for a deep analysis of the process of actions-in-activity/context a genuine object of study.
change (cf., Hayes, 1997). Contemporary research has enormously broadened the
range of activities and institutions to which scholars
have been able to turn their attention (Engeström et al.,
The Theoretical Framework 1999).
3. The cultural organization of human life. Implied by the
CHAT refers to an interdisciplinary approach to studying dual emphasis on mediation and activity is the central-
human learning and development associated with the ity of culture in human life. Culture is present in the
names of the Soviet Russian psychologists, L. S. Vygotsky, form of the tools, signs, cultural practices, architectural
A. R. Luria, and A. N. Leontiev. (There has been a lively arrangements, social institutions, etc., that mediate
debate in recent years about the extent to which these human activity. It consists of all the material/ideal
three thinkers represent a single theoretical perspective. artifacts accumulated over the social group’s history,
According to one line of interpretation, those who follow whether that history is of long or short duration.
Vygotsky have focused attention on processes of media- 4. The primacy of the social. From a CHAT perspective, chil-
tion, adopting mediated action in context as a basic unit of dren’s relationship to the world is, from the beginning,
analysis (Wertsch et al., 1995). This line of work is often a social relation. However, especially in the beginning,
referred to as sociocultural research. By contrast, followers children are maximally dependent upon adults not only

Cultural–Historical Activity Theory 361

because of their physical immaturity but because they intertwining of external and internal factors, and adaptive
have no knowledge whatsoever of the cultural tool kit of processes which overcome impediments that the child
the social group into which they are born. Thus, social encounters. (p. 73)
others have a primary role in the development of Vygotsky and his colleagues emphasized that not only
psychological processes because it is only by already- are there changes in specific psychological functions (e.g.,
enculturated adults arranging for the child to appropriate word meaning or memory) but that ‘‘the entire history of
the cultural heritage of the social group that specifically the development of higher psychological functions is
human, culturally mediated, forms of psychological life nothing else than the alteration of primary interfunctional
become possible. relations and ties, and the appearance and development
5. Genetic analysis. Vygotsky (1978) used the notion of of new psychological functional systems’’ (Vygotsky and
genetic in the sense of seeking the origins of current Luria, 1930/1994: 167).
phenomena by studying their history. Individual
human development (ontogeny), he held, is the emer-
gent outcome of processes of phylogenetic, cultural–
The Relationship of Learning to Development
historical, and microgenetic history.
Vygotsky (1934/1987) famously argued that school
instruction should be organized in such a manner that
‘‘instruction moves ahead of development. When it does,
CHAT Approaches to Learning and
it awakens a whole series of functions that are in a matu-
ration’’ (p. 212). The kinds of functions Vygotsky had in
mind included logical memory, abstraction, comparison,
A critical issue in CHAT approaches to education is the
and differentiation. ‘‘These complex mental process,’’ he
relationship between learning and development.
argued, cannot simply be learned in completed form, ‘‘like
a mental habit’’ (p. 170).
Learning But how is such arranging to be done? The problem
does not arise for those who believe that learning equals
Vygotsky (1978) discusses learning in terms of the ideas of
development. For them the answer is clear: by direct
E. L. Thorndike, whose theory represented the original
instruction in which teachers provide appropriate stimuli
framework of behaviorism. According to Thorndike,
and students are rewarded when they provide appropriate
learning is the result of trial and error during which
responses, that is, drill and practice with clear-cut con-
associations form between stimuli and responses. Such
sequences. However, as many critics of this form of
associations or habits become relatively stronger or
instruction have noted, this method is inadequate:
weaker when certain responses come to dominate others
because they lead to rewards. According to Vygotsky, The teacher who attempts to use this approach achieves
Thorndike proposed that: nothing but a mindless learning of words, an empty ver-
balism that simulates or imitates the presence of the
[. . .] learning is the acquisition of many specialized abil-
concepts in the child. Under these conditions, the child
ities for thinking about a variety of things . . . which does
learns not the concept but the word, and this word is taken
not alter our overall ability to focus attention but rather
over by the child through memory rather than thought.
develops various abilities to focus attention on a variety of
Such knowledge turns out to be inadequate in any mean-
things. According to this view, special training affects
ingful application. (Vygotsky, 1934/1987: 170)
overall development only when its elements, material,
and processes are similar across specific domains. (p. 83) It is to solve this problem that Vygotsky introduces the
idea of a zone of proximal development (ZPD). The task
confronting the teacher is to create a system of culturally
Development mediated social interactions, organized in such a way that
the student can, drawing upon prior and ongoing learning,
Vygotsky (1978) strongly differentiated learning from
achieve a qualitatively distinct new understanding, a con-
development. In his words:
ceptual re-organization that enables conscious control
Our concept of development implies a rejection of the over the newly acquired knowledge. Creating such
frequently held view that cognitive development results instructional circumstances is easier said than done.
from the gradual accumulation of separate changes. We Although Vygotsky offered various suggestions about
believe that child development is a complex, dialectical how to implement a ZPD, he never offered a systematic
process characterized by periodicity, unevenness of the methodological system. (As Kozulin and Gindis (2007)
development of different functions, metamorphosis or comment, ‘‘Consequently, One can . . . be true to the
qualitative transformations of one form into another, word and meaning of Vygotsky’s theory of the ZPD, but
362 Qualitative Research

one cannot follow or deviate from Vygotsky’s ZPD assess- least likely to attend spontaneously to the model. In
ment methodology for the simple reason that he never Vygotskian terms, these data reveal a change in the inter-
spelled it out’’ ( p. 353).) functional relations between attention and problem solv-
ing that had to be understood in terms of the developing
child in relation to the enculturating mother. The
Examples of CHAT Research
mother’s prior cultural knowledge, embodied in child-
Recognition that the development side of the learning/ directed speech in conjunction with the children’s prior
development dance that constitutes successful academic learning (which in turn was mobilized by the mothers’
education is a complex, dialectical process orients us to when the children experienced difficulties), served to
study the qualitative changes over time (longitudinally), at constitute the ZPD.
an appropriate genetic time scale. These dynamics involve
the kinds of complex interactions between individuals Example 2: Gazzinta and the process
in groups that routinely occur in instructional settings. of long division
CHAT-inspired research captures this complexity by Petitto (1986) observed the process of teaching long divi-
focusing simultaneously on the activities or practices that sion to fourth graders who were encountering it for the
contextualize these interactions. It also focuses on micro- first time. Classroom interactions were videotaped. The
genetic changes, ontogenetic changes, and cultural histori- data permitted the researchers to explore students’ ZPDs
cal changes in relation to one another. Appropriate methods as well as qualitative transformations in the interactions.
of data collection include digital voice and video recording, The children were expected to have learned their
interviewing, structured and informal observation, partici- multiplication facts (6  7 ¼ 42) and simple division as
pant observation, and quasi-experiments. Each example reverse multiplication (?  7 ¼ 42), as a preamble to the
below represents the study of qualitative changes that development of a qualitatively new form of arithmetic
occur in interaction under different levels of constraint in understanding – division that leaves a remainder. The
different social settings (dyadic teaching, a classroom lesson, teacher told the children that the seven gazzinta (goes
weaving instruction in a Mexican village, and a small-group into) 46 problem is solved in the same way as simple
reading intervention). division, by finding a number which, when multiplied by
seven produces a number close to 46 except it does not
Example 1: Puzzles go over and then subtracting to find the remainder. The
An early American study illustrating the centrality of fourth graders seemed to have a difficult time grasping
structured observational method to CHAT research was the gazzinta relation; however, with repeated examples
carried out by James Wertsch and his colleagues (Wertsch using multiplication tables, over time the children began
et al., 1980). In this work with middle-class families whose to catch on to what was being requested of them.
children attended preschool, mothers were asked to assist During a conference attended by several researchers
their infants (1–4 years of age) to copy a jigsaw puzzle from Japan, Petitto described the children’s difficulty
depicting a cargo truck created from different regular understanding the goes-into operation. Her description
shapes and colors. The researchers’ particular interest made perfect sense to members of the research team who
was in the dynamics of adult and child discourse in had been discussing the work for some time, but the
relation to the child’s puzzle-constructing actions. They Japanese researchers were baffled. Eventually, one of
hypothesized that these dynamics would change in con- them raised his hand to ask for an explanation of this
junction with various adult communicative behaviors new concept, gazzinta. Andrea was nonplussed. ‘‘Goes
aimed at helping the child copy the puzzle. into’’ she said, slowly and with exaggerated intonation,
Numeric registers alone, such as the number of times and then demonstrated the entire procedure for deter-
that a child glanced at the model when seeking to put a mining how often seven gazzinta 46.
piece into the copy would yield a puzzling finding: The A fourth grader encountering long division for the first
children all gazed at the model for roughly an equal time faces a far more difficult task than the Japanese collea-
amount of time. Careful analysis of the pattern of inter- gues who knew the concepts involved in division. The child
actions indicated that the children had all learned names hears the word, gazzinta, and seeks, like the Japanese visi-
for the colors and shapes of the pieces of the puzzle, and tors, to figure out its meaning. But teachers do not say what
the mother’s often used the terms shape and color when gazzinta means. In fact, it probably is not possible to give
seeking to assist them. However, it turned out that there an unambiguous explanation of gazzinta. Gazzinta, for long
was a regular change with age in who regulated the gaze division with remainders, involves an iterative estimation
at the model – sometimes the child gazed spontaneously, procedure that is a combination of multiplication and
and sometimes the gaze seemed to require some sort of subtraction carried out in no specifiable sequence on the
communicative gesture from the mother. In this respect, number line. Faced with the difficulty of explaining the
the children differed greatly: the youngest children were concept of gazzinta, teachers create a procedure to assist
Cultural–Historical Activity Theory 363

the child, often putting the requisite times tables nearby.  the person who picks the person who has to answer the
This offloads the work of retrieving the fact that 6  7 ¼ 42, question at hand; and
which is too little, and 7  7 ¼ 49, which is too much,  the person who asks about what is going to happen next
allowing the child to realize that seven gazzinta 46 six times, in the text.
and that after subtraction, four will be remaining. The child
All the participants were given pencil and paper to jot
must form the concept of gazzinta under the constraints
down words, phrases, or notes (in order to answer ques-
provided by the adult and the cultural conventions for
tions about the text) and their card to remind them about
representing long division.
their role. There was also a kitchen alarm to signal the
Researchers also noticed a strange phenomenon that
start of reading time, and when it was over, the scripted
further demonstrated the problematic relation between
activity of going through the roles in order to come up
direct instruction and conceptual development. There
with a question about the main idea of the passage began.
were times when the teacher and a child were unknow-
After a few sessions, the children and adults were able to
ingly talking about different parts of the same problem
engage in question–asking–reading, including children
(e.g., the teacher said something about the quotient, the
who still were unable to read for comprehension. The
child understood it to be about the dividend) but there
whole act of reading was not the responsibility of any
was no noticeable disruption in the conversation and the
one participant, but rather, was constructed for all in the
child arrived at a correct answer. It was as if the teacher
act of working through the roles collectively and coming
and child were in close enough coordination, despite local
up with a question about the main idea.
discrepancies in the precise part of the problem they were
Evidence for the way in which this procedure worked
referring to, to permit the action to unfold.
is derived from several sources to reveal qualitative differ-
Petitto’s work shows how instruction operates within a
ences in the children’s ability to read and changes in those
medium created by graphic symbols and classroom rou-
abilities over time: videotaped recordings of the instruc-
tines that provide constraints for, but cannot provide
tional sessions, children’s written work on the quizzes that
direct instruction for, mastery of a new concept.
completed each session, and various test results. Although
data were gathered from the beginning of the first session,
Example 3: Remediating reading difficulties the crucial data for analysis of the process of reading
Despite significant differences among them, modern development came after several sessions when the chil-
approaches to reading have distinguished two, presum- dren had learned the overall script so that the group was
ably distinct, major components of the reading process: working as a coordinated structure of interaction. Under
decoding (the process by which letters of the alphabet are such circumstances, different children became discoordi-
associated with corresponding acoustic patterns) and nated in different ways. Some children had difficulty saying
comprehension (the process by which meaning is assigned how a written word sounded; others had difficulty under-
to particular visual/acoustic representations). Within this standing the meaning of the word; all had difficulty, at
seemingly obvious dichotomy, theorists differ on the first, figuring out what the main idea was or using the
question of how to sequence instruction (code emphasis information in the text to anticipate what would follow.
first vs. meaning emphasis first), how best to help children Data were also analyzed for instances in which mis-
break the code (by teaching phonetic analysis or by teach- understandings moved up from decoding the comprehen-
ing whole words), and how to motivate children to engage sion of individual words to emerging comprehension of
in reading (Burns et al., 1999). the text as a whole. Both forms of data helped the
The following example seeks to solve these problems researchers to identify children’s ZPDs and how the per-
by creating a scripted, small group activity in which all of sons involved, the scripted procedures, and the cultural
the theoretically important aspects of reading are brought tools used contributed to change over time in both the
together in a routine, coordinated, manner. The core of participants and the activity.
the procedure (described in more detail in Cole, 1996)
was to create a set of roles or division of labor, each of
Example 4: Developmental changes in
which specified a different role in the overall process of
learning to weave
reading. The roles were printed on index cards and every
In the 1960s, Patricia Greenfield and colleagues began to
participant was responsible for fulfilling at least one role.
study the social organization and cognitive consequences of
The roles were:
learning to weave among the Zinacantan Maya of Chiapas,
 the person who asks about words that are hard to say; Mexico (Greenfield and Childs, 1977). The researchers
 the person who asks about words that are hard to say carefully described the way that mothers introduced
what they mean; young girls into weaving, analyzed mother–child interac-
 the person who asks a question about the main idea of tions, and of the kinds of woven products produced. In the
the passage being read; 1990s, they returned to the same village and conducted
364 Qualitative Research

parallel observations of parents (former child subjects) proximal locus for ontogenetic change, the primacy of
inducting their children into weaving. Greenfield empha- the social in organizing specific cultural practices, and
sized the interconnectedness of historical change in eco- the changing nature of the artifacts that are employed to
nomic activity, including exposure to new products and mediate these developmental processes at different scales
practices from contact with the modern sector of Mexican of time.
society, socialization practices (in particular, modes of socia-
lizing girls into weaving), and cognitive processes involving Discussion
the mental representation of the patterns in woven cloth We have now presented four examples of research in the
(Greenfield, 2004). CHAT framework. They are characterized by two com-
The instructional mode characterizing the mother– mon elements. First, there is a shared focus on change over
child weaving sessions in 1970 emphasized a long process time in individuals, groups, and the activities in which they
of gradual apprenticeship involving many roles prepara- interact, even as the temporal and spatial dimensions of the
tory to weaving itself. When children first began to weave, activities under study vary greatly. Second, all four studies
mothers hovered close by and guided children with their are explicitly theoretically informed. In Table 1, we sum-
own hands and bodies, using little verbal instruction. The marize how each of the studies exemplifies different levels
entire system appeared to focus on maintenance of tradi- of analysis, different time and spatial scales, and different
tion and was characterized as interdependent cultural methods appropriate to each study.
learning. In the 1990s, mothers who were more involved These research examples highlight how qualitative
in the modern economy (e.g., weaving products for sale) methods are used to test the theoretical constructs we
instructed their children verbally from across the room. described as central to a CHAT approach. In our exam-
The mothers sometimes asked older children to take over ples, the unit of analysis is not the individual learner, the
instruction and only kept an eye on the processes, which teacher, or the learning environment. In all four examples,
were characterized by a good deal of explicit verbal the unit of analysis is joint-mediated activity, which
instruction. Over time, the types of interactions changed includes two or more individuals in interactions mediated
as well as the number of artifacts used as a part of instruc- by cultural artifacts (e.g., puzzles and terms for shapes and
tion. The gradually transformed participation in produc- colors, a blackboard, math notation, times tables, texts,
tion of the 1970s gave way to increased verbal instruction and a scripted process for reading and asking questions,
and work with simplified weaving tools in the late 1990s. and weaving tools and procedures).
In conjunction with changing verbal and nonverbal All four examples, involved data collection that per-
instructional practices, young girls were provided with sim- mitted analysis on at least two levels. In example 1, the
plified weaving tools of two levels of complexity. The role of social interaction in the development of problem
simpler of the two was a tool for winding thread that main- solving involved analysis of primary social relations which
tains the orientation of the threads that would later be used are the source of the cultural resources the child will be
in weaving the cloth; the more complex tool involved expected to obtain and deploy as an adult. This example
doubling the long (warp) threads around a dowel. This also illustrates the need to take into account, modes of
more complex approach required the weaver to visualize discourse as they relate to qualitative changes in individ-
the extended warp (undoubled) rather than simply see it. ual ontogenetic development associated with the acquisi-
Greenfield and her colleagues argue that the complex tion of higher (e.g., culturally mediated) psychological
warping frame required the ability to engage in mental functions. Methodologically, the brief temporal extent of
transformations while the simplified winding frame did not. example 1 indicates that it is focused on relatively short-
The changes in instructional practices came with an term (microgenetic) interactions provoked by a puzzle
increased respect paid to individual innovation, seen in task in a laboratory setting. It might also be considered a
changes in the variety of products. In the late 1960s, the quasi-experiment.
variety of products was limited, reflecting a very small set In example 2, learning/instruction in a classroom, in
of right ways to weave. By the 1990s, there was no longer a particular, long division and the ineffable process labeled
small set of simple, correct patterns, but an efflorescence gazzinta, is the complex phenomenon being studied. The
of patterns of great variety and complexity. This change methods used included a series of observations and video-
was also shown in the way children represented weaving tapes of math lessons on long division and subsequent
patterns in an experimental task, with children who analysis of discourse. In addition to the location of the
attended school being more likely to create novel pat- study in a math classroom, the interaction data collected
terns. Overall, these results nicely illustrate several gen- focused on microgenetic processes embedded within rou-
eral theoretical claims derived from a CHAT perspective: tine lessons.
the interconnections between cultural–historical change Originally, analysis focused on the process of instruc-
and ontogenetic experience, the ways in which microge- tion, changes in the children’s understanding, and the
netic, minute-by-minute forms of interaction provide the group processes and tool use that mediated those changes.
Cultural–Historical Activity Theory 365

Table 1

Level 1: Sociocultural Level 2: Areas of specific

Example phenomenon focus Temporal/spatial scale Methods used

1. Puzzles Development of primary Mother–child interactions, Microanalysis: Short-term Structured observation

social relations discourse interactions in lab
2. Long division School-based math Classroom instruction, Microanalysis: Sequence of Natural observation
(gazzinta) instruction teacher–students class periods, in situ in math
3. Question – Practice of reading Scripted activity as Microanalysis of artifact- Design intervention
asking– school-based reading medium for experience of mediated social interactions
reading mature reading over time, mesoanalysis of
the scripted learning
activity, ontogenetic
changes in reading ability.
4. Weaving Practice of weaving Mother–child interaction, Microanalysis: Sequence of Ethnography, and
practice of instruction, instructional interactions structured
practice, and artifacts of over time, in situ in homes observation
weaving Cultural–historical: Changes
to the practices of weaving
and instruction of weaving

Questions from Japanese visitors prompted analysis of the video recording in situ as well as ethnography that
assumptions underlying the assumption that gazzinta was included both households and the political economy of
transparent as a term and a concept. A focused analysis of the national context in which the activities of those house-
the complex cognitive routines involved in gazzinta – the holds took place. This example illustrates the value of a
meaning of gazzinta – remains to be conducted. historical lens in making sense of human interactions and
In example 3, rather than a quasi-experimental study practices such as instruction, which change in relation to
in a laboratory or an observational study in situ, the societal changes, that is often not considered directly in
research involved design of a learning environment in educational research.
which a set of scripted procedures was used by adults In all four example studies, the processes by which
and children to mediate the development of reading com- artifacts and social interaction with adults or more expe-
prehension. The learning environment and the scripted rienced peers helped to regulate children’s behavior was
procedures comprised an intervention, which the research- of interest. In each case, the studies focused on the ways in
ers hypothesized would permit participating children to which actions and the arrangements of artifacts were
experience qualitative change in their reading compre- organized in order to promote or restrain learning.
hension. In this study, group interactions were tracked In each case, there is a dual-mediational process at play.
over time in order to gain understanding of the micro- On the one hand, learning was mediated by more capable
genetic social and mediational processes related to indi- partners – mothers’ communicative gestures, a teacher
viduals’ changes in reading comprehension. At the same building on prior knowledge of multiplication tables and
time, the development of the learning environment itself simple division, adult guides using a game-like script for
over time, a mesogenetic process that is longer than reading instruction, and mothers and siblings using the
microgenetic interactions, but of a much shorter time scale traditional practice, verbal instruction, and modified tools
than the cultural history of the practice of school-based for weaving. In all four examples, the children internalized
reading, was tracked and analyzed. This allowed for a process or appropriated the use of symbolic tools (e.g., terms for
of iterative design and ongoing refinement of the learning color and shape, math language, the procedural rules in a
environment itself, even as the social interactions and indi- script, written text, and visual and verbal instructions) in
vidual changes in reading behaviors and comprehension order to coordinate their roles in the different activities
provided particularly acute insight into the distinct strengths with the adults and other children. In all four examples,
and weaknesses of each participating child, providing an there were qualitative changes in observed behaviors, that
ideal medium for remediation of their difficulties. is, the children’s participation in the activities that indi-
The timescales in example 4 are both microgenetic cated development. Observation of these changes and
(instructional interactions) and cultural historical (change the social and mediational processes related to them
in the practices of weaving and weaving instruction over required systematic collection of multiple forms of
30 years). The methods used included observation and data over time and rigorous analysis of those data.
366 Qualitative Research

Conclusion Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human Computer Interaction,

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