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A) Read: Mother Earth’s Blood a prayer written by Elizabeth Caldwell Bissell for the

Mother Earth Water Walk - Mother Earths Blood

Read: A Pastoral Letter on the Christian Ecological Imperative from the Social Affairs
Commission, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, October 4, 2003, Feast of St.
Francis of Assisi (Patron Saint for Ecology) “You Love All That Exists… All Things Are
Yours, God, Lover of Life…”

Answer: Compare the spiritual and ethical message/teachings found within the
Aboriginal prayer and the pastoral letter on how we are to care for the earth. How are they
similar? How are they different?

- Both the Aboriginal prayer and the pastoral letter convey a shared spiritual and
ethical message, emphasizing the sacredness of the Earth and the responsibility of
humans to care for it. The prayer addresses the Earth as "Mother" and calls for
protection and nourishment, while the pastoral letter draws from Christian theology,
highlighting God's role as the Creator and humanity's duty to be responsible
stewards of the environment. Both texts stress the need for respect for nature and a
sense of interconnectedness, despite their differences in cultural context and tone.
Ultimately, they both urge collective action to address the ecological crisis and
preserve the Earth for future generations.

B) Read: Catechisms of the Catholic Church - Understanding of the Holy Spirit I

believe in the Holy Spirit

Read: Religion and Spirituality of Indigenous Peoples of Canada Religion and Spirituality of
Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Read: Central Beliefs section of the Lesson Lesson: Canadian Indigenous Spirituality -
Core Teachings

Answer: Compare the Catholic understanding of the Holy Spirit with the Indigenous
understanding of the Creator. First, explain the Catholic understanding of the Holy Spirit
and the Indigenous understanding of the Great Spirit. Second, note the similarities and
differences between Catholic and Indigenous beliefs about the nature of God the Holy
Spirit/Creator, the Great Spirit.

- Both Catholicism and Indigenous beliefs in Canada acknowledge a divine force

guiding and empowering believers. The Holy Spirit, in Catholicism, is the third
person of the Holy Trinity, dwelling within believers to provide guidance and
comfort. Indigenous beliefs revere the Great Spirit, present in all of nature. Both
recognize the interconnectedness of all things, but Catholicism's Trinitarian
nature and organized structure distinguish it from the diverse and flexible
Indigenous beliefs transmitted orally among different tribes and communities.
C) Answer: Do you think that Indigenous Catholics can honour the old ways of
their ancestors and still be true to the Catholic faith?

- Yes, I believe that Many Indigenous Catholics find a meaningful way to honour the
old ways of their ancestors and still remain true to the Catholic faith. The Catholic
Church encourages respect for cultural diversity and recognizes the importance
of preserving Indigenous traditions. Embracing both aspects can offer a rich and
unique spiritual experience for those who wish to connect with their cultural
heritage while remaining devoted to their Catholic beliefs.

D) Read: The Seven Grandfathers Teaching section of the Lesson.

The Seven Grandfather teachings were given to the Anishinabeg when the first elder was
given gifts of knowledge by the seven grandfathers to help people live a good life and
respect the Creator, Earth and each other. Catholics believe that the basic elements of God’s
moral law are written on the human heart. For example, humans have an intuitive sense of
what is right and what is wrong but because of our human limitations, we sometimes miss
the mark. For this reason, the scriptures guide us in making good moral choices such as the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit found in Corinthians 12: 8-10.

Answer: After reviewing the Seven Grandfather Teachings and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
given to us by Jesus what commonalities and differences do you see in them? Create a
chart like the one here and make a judgment on which Gift of the Holy Spirit best matches
the Grandfather teachings listed and make the comparison.

Grandfather Teaching Gift of the Holy Spirit Critical Thinking

Wisdom Wisdom Both teachings emphasize
the importance of seeking
knowledge and learning for
a fulfilling life.

Love Love Both teachings highlight the

significance of love and how
it leads to peace and
harmony among people.
Respect Piety While Piety is associated
with reverence and respect
for God, it can also extend to
respect for all life on Earth,
similar to the Grandfather
Bravery Fortitude Fortitude reflects courage
and bravery in doing what is
right, aligning with the
Grandfather's Teaching of
bravery in making the right

Honesty Counsel Counsel involves seeking

guidance and truth, just as
the Grandfather's Teaching
emphasizes the importance
of truthfulness and not
Humility Fear of the Lord Both teachings emphasize
thinking beyond oneself and
considering others, whether
it's giving in humility or
having awe and reverence
for God.
Truth Knowledge Knowledge encompasses
the understanding of all the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
similar to how truth is
attained by seeking all the
Grandfather's Teachings.

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