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INDEX NUMBER: 202136514




DATE: 22ND APRIL, 2023.


Write a research proposal on a selected topic.


Justine Arko Arhin

Department of Theater Arts

University of Education, Winneba


April, 2023.


I Justine Arko Arhin declare that the proposal entitle (ACCOMMODATION

not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, in respect of any other academic award.
Where other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged.


Education according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary is the process of teaching, training

and learning especially in schools, colleges or universities, to improve knowledge and

develop skills. The purpose of education is to initiate the young generation into society,

socializes the children or younger generations by teaching them the acceptable norms of their

people and equips them with occupational skills and fits them into society. Education helps

people to cope with life as a whole, helping them to develop critical thinking and to adjust to

any situation they find themselves in. Education is evidently important in every society.

Throwing light on the formal type of education which is usually done in schools, the purpose

of education cannot be achieved without considering the living condition of the child which
can be a major factor that contributes to the total development of a child. Narrowing into the

tertiary sector of education, academic performance is affected by several factors including

accommodation for both lecturers and students, availability of teaching and learning materials

and educational facilities like library, access to internet and etc. This study is guided by

Maslow’s theory of Motivation as cited in Okumbe (1998) which argues that individuals

(students) learn better when all physiological needs are satisfied. Maslow further elaborated

the theory in Okumbe (1998) and lists the physiological needs like hunger, thirst, sleep, and

other needs. However, in developing countries like Ghana, these needs may not be given

priority in schools yet are likely to affect students’ academic performance and this motivated

the researcher to find out accommodation challenges and how it affects student academic

performance at the University of Education, Winneba. However, it is common knowledge

that Government of Ghana has been the main source in providing accommodation for tertiary

institutions. A responsibility charged on Ghana Education Trust Fund (GET Fund) .In this

study, students’ accommodation is regarded as a room, group of rooms or building in which

someone may live or stay. This is usually referred to as a hostel. In the face of growing

enrolment of students in tertiary education, students’ accommodation has become one of the

challenging problems faced by higher institutions in developing country, where Ghana is no

exception (Nimako & Bondinuba, 2013).Consequently, due to inadequate resources and

funding the government of Ghana enacted tertiary students’ accommodation policy to allow

private participation in the provision sufficient accommodation for tertiary students (Nimako

and Bondinuba (2013). This called for various Universities in Ghana, including University of

Education, Winneba to make policies on student’s accommodation. Prominent of such

tertiary students’ accommodation policy is the one known as ‘In-Out-Out-Out Student

Housing Policy’. The ‘In’ implies on-campus accommodation for first year students. This

means that first year’s students are allocated rooms in the various halls of residents on the
university campus. On the other hand, the ‘Out-Out-Out indicates that continuing students

look for their own accommodation outside campus mostly built by private individuals. This

situation is what is described as off-campus accommodation. There are growing concern of

students, parents and other stakeholders regarding the accommodation challenges some

students face. Acola (1992) argued that to study effectively, students’ living places should

have such basic facilities like enough room, adequate meals, safe water, and other things.

With particular emphasis on students in University of Education Winneba in Effutu

Municipality, the purpose of this research is to examine accommodation challenges of both

on and off campus students and the effects it has on the students’ academic performances.

Statement of Problem:

The basis of this research is the accommodation problems that students go through in their

stay in and off campus and the effects these challenges have on their academic performances.

Academic performance is usually measured by the examination results. Good academic

performance is also one of the major goals of a school because it brings honour to the school.

Hoyle (1986) argued that schools are established to impart knowledge and skills to those who

go through them and behind all this is the idea of enhancing good academic performance.

Academic achievement is one of the major factors considered by employers in hiring

workers, especially for fresh graduates. Thus, students have to put the greatest effort into

their studies to obtain good grades and to prepare themselves for future opportunities in their

careers at the same time to fulfil their employer’s demand. According to Minnesota (2007)

“the higher education performance depends upon the academic performance of graduate

students”. This shows how relevant academic performance is in the life of a student, thus

accommodation, which is also a very important need of a student should be given urgent

Objectives of the study:

 To investigate the causes of accommodation challenges.

 To examine accommodation challenges in UEW.

 To find out the effect the accommodation challenges have on students’ academics.

 To suggest solutions to the problem of accommodation.

Research questions:

 What are the causes of accommodation challenges in UEW?

 What accommodation challenges are faced in UEW?

 How the accommodation challenges in UEW do affects students’ academics?

 How can the accommodation challenges be resolved?

Justification of the objective:

This research will examine and investigate accommodation challenges in UEW. Because

accommodation is on of man’s important needs according to the Maslow’s theory of needs,

and this cannot be left out when it comes to education. Also, this study is to find out the

negative impacts or effect accommodation challenges have on students’ academic

performance. This is because the negligence of students’ academics will distort the main

purpose of education, thus this study is to bring to view this canker and suggest ways to

resolve them.

Purpose of the study:

The purpose of the study is to examine accommodation challenges in UEW winneba campus

and the effects it has on students’ academics and suggest ways to resolve them.
Significance of the study:

 The study is beneficial to students and lecturers in University of Education Winneba,

by elaborating the causes of the existing accommodation challenges of students and

how such living conditions affect students’ academic performances.

Scope/ delimitation:

The scope of the study covers accommodation challenges of students and its effects on

their academic performance, in the University of Education-Winneba. The study is to be

conducted in the University of Education-Winneba, situated in the central region of

Ghana, and covers the residential students of the University of Education Winneba in

winneba both on and off campus. The focus of this study is on students since they are the

ones mostly affected by the accommodation challenges in the school. With the limitations

related to this study, first of all, the selection of the sample for the study will not

adequately suffice for all the students’ accommodation in the university of education

winneba campus both in and off campus. Therefore, the selection of halls and hostels will

not represent the entire views of all the students in the school. Secondly, the time

allocated for the study will not be enough to do as much as the researcher will want to do,

and also financial constraints will also limit the scope of the study.

Definition of terms:

According to the Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary (2004) accommodation is a noun

which means a place to live. It may be rented, temporary or furnished accommodation.

Student accommodation is also referred to a place where students can stay when their

residence is located far from the educational institution. It is also called student

UEW is an abbreviation for the University Of Education, Winneba.

Literature review:

The Southeast Asia conference held in Madras (1955) as cited by Nabawanuka (1997)

revealed that accommodation is a vital factor in enhancing students learning. The same

source recommended that if students are to make the most of their educational

opportunities, it would be important to have adequate facilities for accommodation,

private study, community life, and healthy recreation. Brook (1965) revealed that good

accommodation offers students excellent opportunities for learning and social interaction

with fellow students from varying social backgrounds. When students interact they learn

new ideas which help them to develop all the three domains of the psychomotor,

affective, and cognitive domains. This will therefore widen their capacity to learn and it

takes away the fear to learn therefore making a student ready to learn and even consult

teachers or those with knowledge about the subject. Vespoor (1993) also argues that the

quality of Education in Africa has declined because of inadequate facilities, poor student

welfare services, and lack of experienced senior staff that can offer academic guidance

and student welfare services to institutions.

Research design:

This study is based on descriptive research design. The purpose of descriptive design ,

according to Ezeani (1998), is to collect detailed and factual information that describes an

existing phenomenon. The use of this research design is significant in this case basically

because it is flexible that is many questions would be asked on the key issues under

investigation thus giving considerable flexibility in analysis.

Population of the study:

The population for the study consist of students of the University of Education Winneba

in the Central Region of Ghana, with a target population of twenty (20) students which

comprise students from five departments from the three campuses (north, central and


Sample techniques and procedures:

The respondents for the study will be selected using the random probability sampling

technique, twenty (20) students will be chosen from at least five departments from the

three campuses.

Data collecting instruments:

The researcher will visit the three campuses of the University of Education Winneba with

questionnaires to be filled by random students from five departments and collected by the

researchers. Also the researcher will interview the respondent.

Method of data analysis:

The data gathered from the questionnaires and interviews will be carefully grouped

mostly in a tabular form, summarized, evaluated, and presented in the form of tables

based on the views expressed by the respondents (students) on the accommodation

challenges and its effects on students’ academic performance.

Time schedule:

This study will be conducted within a month starting from 20 th April, 2023. And end in

21st May, 2023.

Budget (cedis).


Transportation 150.00

Printing of questionnaires 50.00

Miscellaneous 100.00

Total 300.00

Catherine Sih Njia and Christian Darabor(2021) students off-campus accommodation in

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Ddungu, L. (2000). Accommodation facilities and job performance of primary teachers in

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