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Compiler :

Adrea Hanna (1810307055047)

Arthur (1810307055049)

Hendri Hartono (1810307055060)

Laurenda Vanesha (1810307055)

Rizky Mahardika (1810307055074)

Verron Akbar (1810307055080)

Yantony Andre (1810307055082)

Department : Technical Information (M3-TI)

Semester : 2nd Semester



A spreadsheet is an interactive computer application for organization, analysis and
storage of data in tabular form. Spreadsheets developed as computerized analogs of
paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data entered in cells of a table.
Each cell may contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that
automatically calculate and display a value based on the contents of other cells. A
spreadsheet may also refer to one such electronic document.

Spreadsheet users can adjust any stored value and observe the effects on calculated
values. This makes the spreadsheet useful for "what-if" analysis since many cases can
be rapidly investigated without manual recalculation. Modern spreadsheet software can
have multiple interacting sheets, and can display data either as text and numerals, or in
graphical form.

Our purpose in discussing this is to find out what a spreadsheet is


 To explain definition about spreadsheet
 To explain parts of spreadsheet
 To explain a formula/operation on spreadsheet

A.Definition about spreadsheet

A spreadsheet is a sheet of paper that shows accounting or other data in rows and
columns; a spreadsheet is also a computer application program that simulates a physical
spreadsheet by capturing, displaying, and manipulating data arranged in rows and columns. The
spreadsheet is one of the most popular uses of the personal computer.

In a spreadsheet, spaces that hold items of data are called cells. Each cell is labeled
according to its placement (for example, A1, A2, A3...) and may have an absolute or relative
reference to the cells around it. A spreadsheet is generally designed to hold numerical data and
short text strings. Spreadsheets usually provide the ability to portray data relationships
graphically. Spreadsheets generally do not offer the ability to structure and label data items as
fully as a database and usually do not offer the ability to query the database. In general, a
spreadsheet is a much simpler program than a database program.

B.Parts of spreadsheet

This is like a ‘page’ in Excel. A workbook (file) can be made of many worksheets.

Columns are identified by letters and go from left to right of the worksheet.

Rows are identified by numbers and go from top to bottom of the worksheet.
A cell can be identified from the co-ordinates of the column letter and row number. 

Active Cell
The active cell is where the cursor is positioned. It is identified by a blue highlight round the
border of the cell.

Cell Contents
Each cell can contain one of three things:
1.Numerical Data
Eg Numbers, dates, money
Numbers should be formatted to show the data they represent eg £ to show currency
2. Text Data
Eg peoples names, DVD titles
Column headings usually contain text and are referred to as labels. 
3. Formulae
All formulae start with an = so that the spreadsheet knows that you are not just typing
text into the cell.
These allow the results of calculations to be displayed inside a cell
C. Formula/operation on spreadsheet

1.Each Formula in Excel Starts with "="

To type a formula, click in any cell in Microsoft Excel and type the equals sign on your
keyboard. This starts a formula.

To type a formula, click in any cell in Microsoft Excel and type the equals sign on your
keyboard. This starts a formula.

Every basic Excel formula starts with the equals sign, and then the formula itself.
After the equals sign, you can put an incredible variety of things into the cell. Try typing =4+4 as
your very first formula, and press enter to return the result. Excel will output 8, but the formula is
still behind the scenes in the spreadsheet.

2. Formulas are Shown in Excel's Formula Bar

When you're typing a formula into a cell, you can see the results of the cell once you press enter.
But when you select a cell, you can see the formula for that cell in the formula bar.

Click on a cell in Excel to show the formula in it, such as the multiplication formula that
evaluates to 125.
To use the example from above, the cell will show "8" , but when we click on that cell, the
formula bar will show that the cell is adding 4 and 4.
3. How to Build a Formula
In the example above, we typed a simple addition formula to add two numbers. But, you don't
have to type numbers, you can also reference other cells. 

Excel is a grid of cells, with the columns running left to right, each assigned a letter, while
the rows are numbered. Each cell is an intersection of a row and a column. The cell where
column A and row 3 intersect is called A3, for example.

Excel formulas can be written to use the values in multiple cells, such as multiplying A1 and B1
to get the value in C1, which is 125.
Let's say that I have two cells with simple numbers, like 1 and 2, and they are in cells A2 and
A3. When I type a formula, I can start the formula with "=" as always. Then, I can type:

=A2+A3 add those two numbers together. It's very common to have a sheet with values, and then a
separate sheet where calculations are performed. Keep all of these tips in mind while working
with this tutorial. For each of the formulas, you can reference cells, or directly type numerical
values into the formula. 

If you need to change a formula that you've already typed, double click on the cell. You'll be able
to adjust the values in the formula.

1. Average
To use an average formula in Excel, open your formula with =AVERAGE( and then input your
values. Separate each number with a comma. When you press enter, Excel will calculate and
output the average.


The best way to calculate an average is to input your values into separate cells in a single


Use the =AVERAGE formula to average a list of values separated by commas, or a set of cells

as the bottom example shows.

2. Median
The median of a data set is the value that's in the middle. If you took the numerical values and
ordered them from smallest to largest, the median would be smack dab in the middle of that list.


I'd recommend typing your values into a list of cells, and then using the median formula over a
list of cells with values typed in them.

Use the =MEDIAN formula to find the middle value in a list of values when you separate them
with commas, or use the formula on a list of cells with values in them.

3. Min
If you have a set of data and want to keep your eye on the smallest value, the MIN formula in
Excel is useful. You can use the MIN formula with a list of numbers, separated by commas, to
find the lowest value in a set. This is very useful when working with large datasets.


You might want to find the minimum value in a list of data, which is totally possible with a
formula such as:

4. Max
The MAX formula in Excel is the polar opposite of MIN; it tells you which value in a set is the
largest. You can use it with a list of numbers, separated by commas:


Or, you can select a list of values in cells, and have Excel return the largest in the set, with a
formula like this:



Based on the materials we have discussed, we draw the following conclusion:

Spreadsheet is
spreadsheet is a program from a computer designed for data analysis and also as data storage
with various types of operations that are used, so that it can help work easily,including


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