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Operating instruction

Page 1 DK 810
Version 04.01 rev.02

Instruction manual

DK 810
Version 04.01 rev.02

User manual

Operating instruction
Page I DK 810
Version 04.01 rev.02

Table of contents

Preface .......................................................2

1.1. Switching on .............................................2

1.2. Measuring mode ...........................................3

1.3. Data entry ...............................................4

1.3.1. Searching for a function number ...................4
1.3.2. Summary of functions ................................5
1.3.3. Entering Data ........................................6
1.3.4. Explanation of individual parameters ..............6 Empty signal (hysteresis and delay time) .............6 Limit switch .........................................6 Dosing parameter .....................................6 Auxiliary functions for testing the unit ..............9
1.3.5. Data protection ........................................10
1.3.6. Control outputs and Watch-dog ..........................10

1.4. Error messages ...........................................11

1.5. Dosing cycle .............................................13

1.6. Techn. Data ..............................................16

1.7. Options and Type Descriptions ............................18

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Version 04.01 rev.02

This part of the operating instructions (the User's Handbook) is intended for the final user and
describes the operation of the unit as well as minor adaptation which the user can carry out. More
detailed information on starting up can be found in Part 2 of the Commissioning and Service
Part 3, the Programmer's Handbook, describes how the DK810 can be coupled to a master
computer and how the two can exchange data.
General note: If two function-names are separated by a "/", the name in front of the "/" is used in
the german unit-version, the name after the "/" is used in the english unit-version.

1.1. Switching on
The first 8 seconds all indicating elements are in the active state the next 8 seconds the display is
dark. Afterwards the type of the unit and the identification of the version are displayed. On units
which can be officially calibrated, the EU Construction Type Approval "EN D94-09.020" is
indicated. On units which cannot be officially calibrated, "IN.AUSF"/"IN.VRSN" (Industrial Version)
is indicated. After that the weight is displayed.
If the display says "---> 0!" instead of the weight, the whole of the memory has been erased by the
user and the DK810 must be parameterised all over again.


Max kg
95 Min kg
D94-09-020 e = kg S.Nr. ...........



0 Net F + -
The keyboard on the front contains 5 keys with integrated LED's. The keys are labelled:

"0" "Net" "F" "+" "-"

The operation of the keyboard is described below under the operating modus "measuring" and "data input".

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Version 04.01 rev.02

The LED's on the left next to the display have the following meaning:

Motion (no standstill)
M in
1 Minimum charge not loades
higher resolution is displayed for 5 seconds

Weigher over-full

Weigher empty

1.2. Measuring mode

The measuring mode starts up automatically when the unit is switched on to main voltage and the
display has shown the version number. The keys in the front panel have the following functions
"0"  Zeroing the display within the pre-programmed zero-setting range. The permissible
zero range is defined in the Function "N.ST.BER"/"Z.RANGE" and, on those units
which can be officially calibrated, represents ±2 percent of the calibrated display range.
This function replaces the effect of a conventional zero adjust potentiometer. The key
touch is only effective if the "motion" LED is off and the "gross" mode is active! The
zero memory can be cleared by using the fct. "NUL.CLR" (see 3.4.1.).

"Net"  digital taring of the display, effective over the entire calibrated display range. This key
also has an On / Off function, i.e. the first time it is pressed it activates the taring
function (it shows the net weight) and switches the LED on. The next time it is pressed
it switches the taring and the LED off (and shows the gross weight). The key touch is
only effective if the "motion" LED is off!

"+" and "-" simultaneously  Switch over the display to fine calibration, with a
resolution of 1/10 d. This display disappears after 5 seconds, but can be reactivated by
pressing the keys again.

"0", "+" and "-" simultaneously  Reset the unit (identical effect as when the power is
switched on).

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Version 04.01 rev.02

1.3. Data entry

Pressing the "F" key puts the unit into the "Enter data" mode. According to the software
implemented, up to 149 different parameters can be entered. The parameters (functions) with the
numbers 1...49 are accessible by the operator at all times and are described. The input of
sensitive data (configurations- and calibration function 50...149) are guarded and are described in
part 2 (line-up and service manual).

1.3.1. Searching for a function number

When the "F" key is pressed, either ""/"" will be displayed or, if the function is
allocated, the text as shown in. During the parameter input the LED in the "F" key will light up and
the LED's arranged vertically on the front panel will keep flashing. Also, the "empty"-report output
will be deactivated for the whole of the time during which parameters are being entered in order to
be able to prevent dosing being started by the release of any external mechanisms.

The keys have the following functions now:

"+"  Increases the function number in steps of 1.

If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.
"0"  Increases the function number in steps of 10.
If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.
"-"  Decreases the function number in steps of 1.
If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.
"+" and "-" simultaneously  Reset the function number to 0.

"F"  Exit from the data-entry mode

"Net"  Displays the contents of the function selected.

"0", "+" and "-" simultaneously  Reset the unit (identical effect as when the power is
switched on).

Caution! Important!

It is only possible to leave the data-entry mode by means of the "F\"-key (and S1)!
If any combination of the keys "0" & "+" & "-" (reset) is pressed while functions are
being entered, or if the power supply is cut off from the unit, the new data will be
stored in the unit but the DK 810 will not have been able to calculate the check-
number. The next time it is switched on, the data will therefore not tally with the
check-number and the DK810 will report the error "ERR.03". If this error report is
acknowledged, all data will be erased and the DK 810 will be back in its basic

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1.3.2. Summary of functions

The functions (1...49) are allocated as follows in the version described here:

Fct displayed Description Dimen-sion Section

no. text
10 L E E R M. Empty, threshold kg 1-3.4.1
11 L E E R M.H Empty, hysteresis kg 1-3.4.1
12 L E E R M.V Empty, delay time s 1-3.4.1
13 GRENZW Limit value for limit switch kg 1-3.4.2
14 G R N Z W.H Limit switch, hysteresis kg 1-3.4.2
20 SOLL Nominal value kg 1-3.4.3
21 G/F Coarse / fine kg 1-3.4.3
22 NL Afterflow kg 1-3.4.3
23 T O L. Positive tolerance kg 1-3.4.3
T O L.
24 M A X.N L Max. afterflow kg 1-3.4.3
25 D O S.Z T.U Dosing time monitoring s 1-3.4.3
26 W Z.V.R E G Wait time before registration s 1-3.4.3
27 D G.G R O B Dosing speed coarse % 1-3.4.7
28 D G.F E I N Dosing speed fine % 1-3.4.3
29 RAMPE Ramp / percental share % 1-3.4.3
47 E-TEST Test of input circuits 1-3.4.4
I-TEST 2-3.1.1
48 A-TEST Test of output circuits 1-3.4.4
O-TEST 2-3.1.2
49 A / D - W.T Test of A/D- and D/A-converters 1-3.4.4
A / D - C.T 2-3.1.3

Tab. 1 Summary of functions

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1.3.3. Entering Data

After the required parameter number has been found, the "Net" key should now be pressed. If the
selected parameter contains a figure value, it will be displayed with the last digit flashing.
Otherwise, a text will be displayed (e.g. "OHNE"/"NONE", or "MIT"/"WITH"), which can be
changed by means of the "+" or the "-" key.
Is the function not allocated, "= ?? =" will be displayed. Is the function locked or temporarily
unavailable, "= N.V. ="/"= N.A. =" will be displayed.

The keys have the following functions now:

"0"  sets the flashing digit to 0.

"+"  increases the value of the flashing digit by 1 or shows the next text.
"-"  decreases the value of the flashing digit by 1 or shows the last text.
"F"  moves the flashing digit one position to the left.
"Net"  stores the indicated parameter value and returns to the parameter selection.

1.3.4. Explanation of individual parameters Empty signal (hysteresis and delay time)

Example: "LEERM. "/"EMPTY " = 100

"LEERM.H"/"EMPTY.H" = 20
The "empty" signal disappears as soon as 120 is reached and reappears when the weigher has
been emptied to below 100.
The delay time "LEERM.V"/"EMPTY.D" (which covers a range from 0,1...25 seconds) only
operates through the external output, if this has been released by the configuration-fct. "L/UE-A",
and not on the "empty" display on the front panel. Limit switch

The DK810 has a limit switch which can be freely defined. If the limit switch is activated by
entering a mode operation in configuration fct. "GRNZW.M"/"LIM.SP.M" (limit mode), the switch-
point of the limit switch can be entered in fct. "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP".
The limit value can lie anywhere within the measurement range of the balance. The configuration
fct. "GRNZW.M"/"LIM.SP.M" can be used to define whether the limit switch is derived from the
gross or the net weight and in which direction it is to operate. Dosing parameter

In this section of the user functions the parameters required for dosing are entered and displayed.
If the dosing parameters have been preset via the serial interface, they can be displayed with
these functions and altered manually.

The nominal value is entered with fct. "SOLL"/"NOM.VAL"If the function "AN.EING"/"AN.INP." has
been set in configuration fct. "SOLLW.Q"/"N.V.SRC", no entry need to be made; the programme

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calculates the voltage in the analogue auxiliary input (X2 pin 9) onto the measuring range, displays
it, and uses it as the nominal value.

The coarse / fine value is entered with fct. "G/F"/"C/F" If only one dosing speed is selected (see
configurations fct. "DOSIER"/"DOSING"), 0 should be entered as this parameter.

The afterflow value is entered with fct "NL"/"AF".

The tolerance limit for the tolerance check after the dosing is completed, is entered in fct. "TOL.".
If the setting "OHNE"/"NONE" is selected in configuration fct. "TOL.PFG"/"TOL.CHK", 0 should be
entered for this parameter.

Fct. "MAX.NL"/"MAX.AF" is only used if the setting "MIT"/"WITH" has been selected in
configuration fct. "NL.KORR"/"AF.CORR". if the unit is working without any automatic afterflow
correction, 0 should be entered for this parameter.

Entering 12,0 seconds with function "DOS.ZT.U"/"DOS.TM.C" means that up from the beginning
of dosage until the final registration (end of dosing) 12 seconds can pass.
After this time output A8 will be activated if dosage will not get finished.
If dosing time monitoring is not required, 0 has to be entered in function "DOS.ZT.U"/"DOS.TM.C"
As dosing-time monitoring uses the same output (A8) as the "A.A.2.BER"/"A.O.RNG.2" function
(the 2nd analogue measurement range) and as "D.QUITT"/P.ACKN." (print-out
acknowledgement), these functions cannot all be activated at the same time. If the print-out
acknowledgement is activated, "= N.V. =" ("not available") will be displayed for the dosing-time
monitoring function, and this function will be switched off. If the 2nd analogue measurement range
function is activated, the dosing-time monitoring function must be de-activated by entering "0.0".

The waiting period prior to the tolerance inspection or the actual value registration procedure is
entered with fct. "WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" (see configuration fct. "REG.MOD"). The permissible
range of values lies between 0.1 and 25 seconds.

The waiting time for tare measurement is entered with the function "WZ.V.TAR"/"DLY.TAR". This,
for instance, allows the unit to wait for the air to settle out after the weigher has been closed. The
function can be de-activated by entering 0.

The analogue output can be configured as shown in the diagram fig. 2 This operation mode has to
be selected by entering "DOSIER"/"DOSING" (waveform ) or "D.RAMPE" (waveform ) in the
function "AN.MODE".
The ramp characteristic is suitable in those dosing-units using motor speed control.

The nominal values of motor speed for dosage coarse and dosage fine must be entered in the
functions "DG.GROB"/"DS.COAR" and "DG.FEIN"/"DS.FINE". Both values are between 0...10 Volt
(o...20 mA) and have to be entered as % of the whole range.
(80 % means 8 volt or 16 mA ).

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"RAMPE"/"RAMP" function will be explained by the following example:

Fig 2


speed G/F-switching point
C/F-switching point

 
NL-switch off point
dosing- AF-switch off point
speed nominal value

- coarse-fine switching point: (fct. "G/F"/"C/F") = 100 kg

- afterflow: (fct. "NL"/"AF") = 5 kg
- motor speed coarse: (fct. "DG.GROB"/"DS.COAR") = 80 %
- motor speed fine: (fct. "DG.FEIN"/"DS.FINE") = 20 %
- ramp: (fct. "RAMPE"/"RAMP" = 70 %
- function "AN.MODE" has been set to "DOSIER"/"DOSING"
- nominal value is 1000 kg

Dosage coarse will start at 80%, i.e. 8 volts

At 1000 - 100 kg = 900 kg fine dosage will begin with a speed of 20%, i.e. 2 volts.
At 1000 kg - 5 kg = 995 kg dosing will be finished.

If instead of "DOSIER"/"DOSING" "D.RAMPE" has been set, coarse dosage will start at 8 volts,
too. But up from the first switching point (900 kg) the output voltage will follow the ramp.

The decreasing rate of the ramp is given by "Ra", in our example

Ra = (100 kg - 5 kg) x 80% = 76 kg

that means:
up from 900 kg (start of the ramp) until 976 kg (end of the ramp) output voltage will decrease as
shown in fig. 2, waveform .

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Up from 976 kg until (1000 kg - 5 kg) = 995 kg dosing will be continued and finished with a
constant voltage of 20% (= 2 volts) Auxiliary functions for testing the unit

The functions "E-TEST"/"I-TEST", "A-TEST"/"O-TEST" and "A/D-W.T"/"A/D-C.T" were

implemented in order to make it possible to test the unit quickly under operating conditions. They
test the control input and output and the A/D and D/A converter for proper function.

The control inputs can be tested with fct. "E-TEST"/"I-TEST". The display shows a 4-figure value.
The two right-most digits indicating the status of 8 external optocoupler inputs, the second-most
left one the status of the internal switch block and the left-most one the status of the serial CTS
input. For basic information see part 2 line up and service manual.

The control outputs can be checked with fct. "A-TEST"/"O-TEST". The display then shows a 2-
figure value. Once this function has taken effect, all available outputs will be switched in. The
display value can then be raised by 1 at a time by means of the "+" key, which switches through all
the control outputs in turn.
The "0" key returns to "**"-display. With exiting this function the unit will be reset. For basic
information's see part 2 line up and service manual.

The A/D and D/A converter can be checked with fct. "A/D-W.T"/"A/D-C.T" The display shows the
input voltage as a percentage of the reading range. If 0 is displayed, this shows there is no weight
on the load cell (0mV = 0%). If 100 displayed, this shows there is max. weight on the load cell
(20mV = 100%). If 110 is displayed, this shows that the end of the reading range has been
reached for the A/D converter.
When the function occurs, 0V or 0/4mA is shown on the D/A converter. Each time the "+" key is
pressed, the output voltage (output current is raised by 1V(2/1,6mA) until 10V (20mA) is reached.
As the next step, -10V (-20mA) will be given. Pressing the "0" key will return the output voltage
(output current) to 0V(0/4mA). For basic information's see part 2 line up and service manual.

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1.3.5. Data protection

If Switch 4 of the 4-position switch field on the rear of the unit is in the downward position, the
NiCd rechargeable battery located inside the unit is switched on and the data entered will remain
unchanged even if the power is cut off. They can be held for about 4,000 hours if the battery is
fully charged.
When the DK810 leaves the works its battery is about 50 percent fully charged, but storage and
despatch can add up to a considerable length of time. It is therefore not possible to state the level
of charge to be expected when the unit reaches its final user, so the DK810 should be provided
with mains power for 100 to 150 hours as soon as it has been started up in order to ensure that the
battery is recharged to its full capacity.

Caution! Important!

When the unit is being stored, Switch 4 must be in the upward position in order to
protect the built-in battery from becoming deeply discharged. Deeply discharging
the battery can permanently reduce its storage capacity or even destroy it.

If S4 is switched off (in the upward position) the data in the memory will no longer
be stored and must be re-entered when the unit is started up again.

1.3.6. Control outputs and Watch-dog

A "Watch-dog" monitoring circuit is built into the DK810 which monitors the unit for any
malfunction. If any should occur, all the control inputs are de-activated, in order (e.g.) to prevent
the weigher from being overfilled during dosing.

If the over-fill report is programmed for inverted operation, de-activation of the over-full signal will
result in the Watch-dog monitoring circuit being set off.

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1.4. Error messages

The following error messages are possible:

Fatal errors

ERR. 01  ROM-test error.

The contents of the internal programme memory are faulty.

ERR. 02  RAM-test error.

The internal variable memory is faulty.

ERR. 03  The contents of the configuration memory have been altered.

When this error message has been acknowledged, the configuration memory
will be in its basic conditions. The data for function 0...149 must be entered all
over again, starting with Fct.50.

ERR. 04  An error has occurred during the programming of the unit via the serial
interface and the contents of the configuration memory have been changed.
The error should be acknowledged. The configuration memory will then be in
its basic position, and Functions 0 ... 149 will have to be entered again,
starting the Function 50.

ERR. 05  The internal A/D converter of the 87C196 is not ready.

ERR. 10..27  internal interrupt error.

ERR. 30  internal data I/O error.

ERR. MA  The counter is not connected.

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Warnings and other errors

0>MAX  The setting zero is not possible, The actual weight is larger than ±2% of the

--> 0!  The configuration memory is in its basic position, e.g. as a result of

ERR.03/04 having been acknowledged or the "Erase all" function having been
carried out. The Functions 0...149 will have to be entered again, starting the
Function 50.

S1!  If the input function is left with switch 1 still in the lower position, the display
will flash "S1", and the overload output will be activated. Switching Switch 1
to the upward position will acknowledge this report.

These errors are shown in flashing text, and the "+" and "-" keys keep flashing. the error signal can
be acknowledged by pressing the "+" and "-" keys simultaneously.
If any change to the user configuration functions are necessary after the error has been
acknowledged as rectified, the F-key has to be pressed down and held down during the switching
process until it becomes possible to enter the data.

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1.5. Dosing cycle

A dosing cycle can be started and controlled either via the serial interface or via the control-inputs.

The following settings are necessary for the dosing cycle described in this example:

SOLL/NOM.VAL = 1200  Nominal value 1200kg
G/F / C/F = 200  coarse / fine-correction 200kg
NL/AF = 40  afterflow correction 40kg
TOL. = 10  Tolerance threshold 10kg
MAX.NL/MAX.AF = 100  Max. afterflow correction 100kg
DOS.ZT.U/DOS.TM.C = 80,0  Max. dosing time 80 seconds
WZ.V.REG/DLY.REG = 5,0  Waiting time for tolerance inspection / registration 5

STILLS/SS.TIME = 2,0  Time coefficient of weigher standstill monitoring 2
DOSIER/DOSING = G/F / C/F  Operating modus: Coarse / fine correction.
TOL.PFG/TOL.CHK = NUR +/ONLY +  Operating modus: if the upper tolerance
limit is exceeded,  tolerance report in display and
if relevant activate an output signal.
If the value falls below the lower tolerance limit, 
recalculate afterflow switch-off point and add
topping-up dose.
REG.MOD = ZT+STS/TM+STS  Operating modus: waiting time
before tolerance check/registration, then waiting for
NL.KORR/AF.CORR = NUR NL/ONLY AF  Operating modus: with automatical
afterflow-correction (note: coarse-fine will not be
SOLLW.Q/N.V.SRC = INTERN  Operating modus: the nominal value entered in
function "SOLL" is used for dosing.

The DK 810 now calculates the following values with the aid to the above-mentioned user-

coarse-fine-point = nominal value - coarse-fine-value

= 1200kg - 200kg
= 1000kg

afterflow-correction = nominal value - afterflow correction

= 1200kg - 40kg
= 1160kg

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lower tolerance limit = nominal value - tolerance threshold

= 1200kg - 10kg
= 1190kg

upper tolerance limit = nominal value + tolerance threshold

= 1200kg + 10kg
= 1210kg

The dosing cycle can now be started with the serial !D -command or via input E4 (take note of the
"D.START" configuration function). Input E4 must be supplied with a continuous signal current
(until the "ready" report) because dosing is broken off immediately current ceases on the input
(see. part 3. chapter "Breaking off Dosing", !C-command) and the DK 810 reverts to normal
monitoring mode. Throughout the dosing cycle, the key pad on the front of the unit is locked out,
with the exception of the combination of keys for re-setting the unit (see part 1. chapter
"Monitoring function ". "Selecting a function number").

The DK 810 will now wait for the length of time entered in "WZ.V.TAR"/"DLY.REG" in order, for
instance, for pressure fluctuations to even out which are caused by the closing of the weigher. It
then carries out a tare measurement, and during this time the message "D.START" will appear in
the display. When the tare measurement is complete, the net weight (zero) will be displayed and
the "Net" LED will light up. Output A13 (Coarse) is then switched on, i.e. the coarse flow will be
dosed in. When the coarse / fine switchover point (1000 kg) is reached, the coarse-output is
switched off and the fine-output A12 switched on. Once the afterflow switch-off point (1160 kg) has
been reached, A12 is switched off and the time programmed in "WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" starts to
run. Whilst this waiting time is running, (e.g.) 32 kg are still in the weigher, so a total weight of
1192 kg will finally be reached.
At the end of this settling time, the unit waits for the conditions to be met that mark the end of the
weigher waiting time. Once this has been reached, the actual weight (1192 kg) is compared with
the upper tolerance limit and any excess reported in the DK 810 display and on output A10. The
tolerance report / display can now be acknowledged either with input E3 (note configuration
function "T.QUITT"/"T.QUIT"), via the serial interface, or with the "+" or the "-" key on the front
The actual weight is then compared with the lower tolerance level. If it is too low, a new (corrected)
afterflow switch-off point is calculated and dosing starts again. In the present example, the actual
weight is within the permissible tolerance limits.
The difference between actual and required weights is now calculated as 1200 - 1192 = 8 kg. This
difference is halved, and subtracted from the afterflow reserve (40 kg) held in the memory. At the
next dosing cycle it will be switched off earlier in order to bring the actual value closer to the
required value.
If "NL+G/F"/"AF+C/F" is selected in the Function "NL.KORR"/"AF.CORR", the coarse/fine reserve
will likewise be postponed by 4 kilos

In order to prevent excessively large discrepancies in the dosed quantities, which could arise (e.g.)
if a dosing unit does not switch off at exactly the right point because (e.g.) of a mechanical defect,
the range of the automatic top-up correction will be automatically restricted. This restriction will be
laid down under the "MAX.NL"/"MAX.AF" function. If, for instance, 100 is laid down, this means
that the content of the memory for the top-up reserve ("NL"/"AF"-function) cannot exceed 100 kg.

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Once the calculation of the topping-up correction has been completed, the actual weight is stored
to memory in the DK 810, the display shows "FERTIG"/"END", and output A11 (dosing end) is
switched on. If the actual weight is now called for via the serial interface, the value is transmitted

that is stored in the memory and not the actual weight at that moment. The data output in the
"MUX" operational mode continues to show the net weight. If the dosing cycle had been started via
the serial interface, the !I-command must now be given in order to delete the "ready" report and
the actual value stored in the memory.

If the dosing cycle had been started with input E4, this must now be switched off in order to delete
the "ready" report and the actual value stored in the memory.

The dosing cycle is now complete.

If any value deviating from zero has been entered in the "DOS.ZT.U"/"DOS.TM.C" function, the
dosing-time monitoring cycle will now be activated. The measurement of the time for the dosing-
time monitoring will be started with the start of dosing. If the 80 seconds that have been entered
are exceeded, output A8 will be activated. The output cannot be acknowledged, and is
automatically set back to zero, when the actual-value is being registered.

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1.6. Techn. Data

Display 6 digits / LED dot matrix 5x7
height of figures 18 mm green
(or red, on request)

Keyboard Foil-covered, 5 keys

Power supply for

impulse transmitter not referred to a potential (DC/DC-transformer)
NPN- / PNP-transmitter 24V DC (Imax=20mA, short-circuit protected)
NAMUR-transmitter 5-8V DC (Imax=15mA, short-circuit protected)

transmitter-input opto-isolated

NAMUR-transmitter with short-circuit and wire break-monitoring

wire break: Itransm. < 200µA
short circuit: Itransm. > 12,5mA
threshold: 1,25mA < Itransm. < 1,95mA
hysteresis: ±0,35mA

Max. frequency
NPN- / PNP-transmitter 5 kHz (duty cycle 1:1)
NAMUR-transmitter 400 Hz (duty cycle 1:1)

Analog output
Resolution 16000 parts, 0...±10V
or 0/4...20mA
Zero-point stability<0,01% above the pre-set temperature range
Range stability <0,01% above the pre-set temperature range

Number of parts 100...99999d

Temp. range -15...+40°C

Power supply 24V= 20W

230V 28VA 50/60Hz (110V~)

Data security with NiCd rechargeable battery

battery capacity >4000 hours (approx. 6 month)

Dimensions high 72mm

wide 144mm
deep 200mm / without connectors

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Weight 1,3kg (230 Volt version with all options)

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1.7. Options and Type Descriptions

The type description of the standard unit is DK810. This version contains
the standard software and the standard option "2A" with the outputs
"Empty" and "Over-full". The operating voltage is 230V(110V~).The table
below shows the options available.

Type Options Comments


2A 2 outputs A14=empty, A15=overfull

4E4A 4 inputs + 4 outputs special version (E4..7 + A12..15), only possible
with large unit quantities
8E8A 8 inputs + 8 outputs E0..7 + A8..15
8E16A 8 inputs + 16 outputs E0..7 + A0..15
8E16ADi 8 inputs + 16 outputs + E0..7 + A0..15 + diodes.
decoupling diode Ioutput max=50mA
RS232 serial RS232 interface. not separated in conductivity
serial RS485 full-duplex can be converted to RS232 by means of jumpers

U analog voltage output 0..10V can be converted to current output by means of

analog current output 0/4.. can be converted to voltage output by means of
20mA jumpers
Industrial standard, not
IN suitable for official calibration with -approval
suitable for official calibration,
EN Class / under DIN-EN with EU type approval no. D 94-09-020

12VDC operating level 12V = max. 4 load-cells, each of 350 

24VDC operating level 24V = max. 4 load-cells, each of 350 

weigher controlled by on request or to customer's specification

2RS232/Z 2nd ser. Printer-Interface not possible if option U or I is included

C realtime clock/date with only available if option 2RS232/Z is included

battery backup

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Version 04.01 rev.02

Numerous other special versions are available on request, as is a wide range of accessories.
 strip printer
 Additional mains adapter for supplying more than 6 measurement sockets
 Decimal required-value transmitter as 3-figure or 4-figure digital potentiometer
 Opto-decoupled analogue actual-value input (0...10V 0/4...20mA)
 Special supply voltages
 Software to meet customer's specification
 Additional housing and special safety categories
 Lightning barrier, explosion-risk barriers.

Special units: DK802 BCD-remote display with 7-segment display

DK803 serial-remote display with 5x7-LED dot matrix display
DK810 Impulse counter for PNP-, NPN- and NAMUR-pulse transmitter
DK820 Differential weigher
DK830 volumetric dosage control
DK840 belt weigher
DK845 dosing belt weigher

Special usage instructions are available for the special units, as are supplementary pages for this
set of instructions.

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Instruction manual

DK 810
Version 04.01 rev.02

Line up and service manual

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Version 04.01 rev.02

Table of contents

Preface .......................................................1

2.1. Data entry ...............................................1

2.1.1. Searching for a function number ........................2
2.1.2. Summary of functions ...................................3
2.1.3. Entering Data ..........................................4

2.2. Line up ..................................................6

2.2.1. Explanation of individual parameters ...................6 Basic adjustment and calibration .....................6 Display div., no. of digits and decimal point ......6 Empty / Overload output ............................6 Device type ........................................7 Brightness adjustment ..............................7 Functions of analogue output .....................7 Analogue output ....................................7 Analogue output mode ...............................8 Adjustment of the analogue output ..................9 Functions for dosing mode ........................9 Dosing (mode of operation) .........................9 Tolerance check ....................................10 Actual value registration ..........................10 Afterflow correction ...............................10 Mode to start dosing and acknowledge tolerance .....11 Source of nominal value ............................11 Functions of data transfer .......................12 Parallel interface .................................12 BCD interface ....................................12 Binary interface .................................13 Control output ...................................14 Serial interface ...................................14 Type of serial interface .........................14 Serial identification address ....................15 Parity bit and data frame length .................15 Baud-rate ........................................15 Actual value transfer mode .......................15 Actual value format ..............................16 Other functions ...................................16 / Underload ................................16 Standstill monitoring ..............................17 Minimum load .......................................17 External Taring ....................................17 Operation mode for "limit switch" ..................17 Clear all memory ...................................18

2.3. Service ..................................................18

2.3.1. Explanation of individual parameters ..............18 Check inputs .........................................19 Check outputs ........................................19 Check A/D and D/A converter ..........................20

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2.4. Data protection ..........................................20

2.5. Error messages ...........................................22

2.6. Dosing cycle .............................................23

Appendix ......................................................26

A.1. Connectors and plug arrangement ......................26

A.1.1. Power supply (X1) ......................................26
A.1.2. Measurement transmitter and analogue inputs (X2) .......26
A.1.3. Digital inputs /outputs (X3) ...........................27
A.1.3.1. Arrangement of inputs ................................27
A.1.3.2. Arrangement of outputs ...............................27
Summary of serial functions ................................29
A.1.4. Serial interface and analogue output (X4) ..............30

A.2. Dimensions ...............................................30

A.3. Techn. Data ..............................................32

A.4. Configuration table ......................................34

A.6. Table of settings (Hardware) .............................37

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This part of the instruction manual is a guide for maintenance staff. For basic information's see
part 1 user manual and part 3 programmer manual.

General note: If two function-names are separated by a "/", the name in front of the "/" is used in
the german unit-version, the name after the "/" is used in the english unit-version.

2.1. Data entry

The keyboard on the front contains 5 keys with integrated LED's. The keys are labelled:

"0" "Net" "F" "+" "-"

Pressing the "F" key puts the unit into the "Enter data" mode. According to the software
implemented, up to 149 different parameters can be entered. The parameters (functions) with the
numbers 1...49 are accessible by the operator at all times and are described in part 1 (user
manual) of the instruction manual.
For the purpose of entering sensitive data (configuration and calibration functions 50...149), switch
1 of the 4-position switch battery on the rear side of the unit (see fig. 1) must be pointing
downwards. If this is not the case, there will be no access to these functions. In order to avoid
accidental writing in functions 140....149, these are additionally guarded by switch 2.


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Fkt. 01...139
Fct. 01...49 read + write Fkt. 01...149
read + write read + write
read only

If the input function is left with switch 1 still in the lower position, "S1" (flashing) will be displayed
and the overload-output activated. The fault is acknowledged by returning switch 1 to the upper
If Switch 1 is in normal display mode and in the downward position, the weight display will flash
and the overload output will be activated.

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Version 04.01 rev.02

2.1.1. Searching for a function number

When the "F" key is pressed, either ""/"" will be displayed or, if the function is
allocated, the text as shown in tab.1 and tab.2. During the parameter input the LED in the "F" key
will light up and the LED's arranged vertically on the front panel will keep flashing. Also, the
"empty"-report output will be deactivated for the whole of the time during which parameters are
being entered in order to be able to prevent dosing being started by the release of any external

The keys have the following functions now:

"+"  Increases the function number in steps of 1.

If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.

"0"  Increases the function number in steps of 10.

If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.

"-"  Decreases the function number in steps of 1.

If this key is held down, the function number is displayed. If the button is not pressed
the text appears.

"+" and "-" simultaneously  Reset the function number to 0.

"F"  Exit from the data-entry mode

"Net"  Displays the contents of the function selected.

"0", "+" and "-" simultaneously  Reset the unit (identical effect as when the power is
switched on).

Caution! Important!

It is only possible to leave the data-entry mode by means of the "F\"-key (and S1)!
If any combination of the keys "0" & "+" & "-" (reset) is pressed while functions are
being entered, or if the power supply is cut off from the unit, the new data will be
stored in the unit but the DK 810 will not have been able to calculate the check-
number. The next time it is switched on, the data will therefore not tally with the
check-number and the DK 810 will report the error "ERR.03". If this error report is
acknowledged, all data will be erased and the DK 810 will be back in its basic

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Version 04.01 rev.02

2.1.2. Summary of functions

The functions (50...149) are allocated as follows in the version described here:
Fct Display text Description Dimen-sion Section
50 M A.T Y P Device type P/N, NAMUR 2-
53 M A X.I M P Max. no. of pulses to be counted Imp. 2-
54 M A X.A N Z Full-scale value kg 2-
55 Z I F.S P R Display division Digit 2-
56 K O M M A Decimal point 2-
D E C.P T.
62 A N.A U S G Analogue output OHNE, 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA 2-
64 A N.M O D E Analogue output mode 2-
65 A.J U S T.0 Zero adj. of analogue output 2-
A.A D J. 0
66 A.J U S T.M Range adj. of analogue output 2-
67 U E B E R L Overload alarm kg 2-
68 S T I L L S Time coefficient of weigher standstill monitoring s 2-
S.S. T I M E
69 M I N. minimum charge kg 2-
M I N.
70 C O M.T Y P Serial interface OHNE, RS232, RS485, RS422 2-
71 C O M.N R. Device communication address d 2-
72 P A R I T Y Parity bit NONE, MARK, SPACE, EVEN 2-
73 B A U D - R Baud-rate Bd 2-
74 I.U.M O D E Data transmission mode 2-
75 I.F O R M T Data transmission format 2-
80 L / U E - A Outputs "empty" and "overload" OHNE, +L+UE, +L-UE 2-
81 D A T E N.A Data output OHNE, MUX, 2-STEP, ST.AUSG 2-
82 B C D.C L K BCD-clock-time ms 2-

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83 E X T.T A R Taring from ext. (via. input) OHNE, MIT 2-

84 D O S I E R Dosing mode OHNE, G/F, D+G, 1D 2-
85 T O L.P F G Tolerance-check OHNE, +/-, NUR+ 2-
86 R E G.M O D Registration mode ZEIT, STILLS, ZT+STS 2-
87 N L.K O R R Afterflow correction OHNE, NUR NL, NL+G/F 2-
88 D.S T A R T Operation mode for "dosing start" NUR S, E4+S 2-
89 T.Q U I T T Operation mode for "tolerance quit" NUR S, E3+S 2-
91 G R N Z W.M Operation mode for "limit switch" BRUT. BRUT.+ NET.- NET.+ OHNE 2-
97 H E L L Brightness variation of display 2-
120 S O L L W.Q Nominal value source INTERN, AN.EING 2-
148 L O E S C H Clear all memory 2-
Tab.2 Summary of functions

2.1.3. Entering Data

After the required parameter number has been found, the "Net" key should now be pressed. If the
selected parameter contains a figure value, it will be displayed with the last digit flashing.
Otherwise, a text will be displayed (e.g. "OHNE"/"NONE", or "MIT"/"WITH"), which can be
changed by means of the "+" or the "-" key.
Is the function not allocated, "= ?? =" will be displayed. Is the function locked or temporarily
unavailable, "= N.V. ="/"= N.A. =" will be displayed.

The keys have the following functions now:

"0"  sets the flashing digit to 0.

"+"  increases the value of the flashing digit by 1 or shows the next text.

"-"  decreases the value of the flashing digit by 1 or shows the last text.

"F"  moves the flashing digit one position to the left.

"Net"  stores the indicated parameter value and returns to the parameter selection.

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2.2. Line up
If the unit has to be configured, it is best to start with fct.50. After fct.149 has been reached, the
data in fct.1...49 should be entered. Also the prescribed sequence of functions should be adhered

2.2.1. Explanation of individual parameters Basic adjustment and calibration Display division, number of digits and decimal point

The indicating range is defined with the functions “MAX.IMP” (Max no. of pulses to be counted),
“MAX.ANZ” (Full scale value), "ZIF.SPR" (Resolution) and "KOMMA" (decimal point).

Example: 1 count is 0.5 l = 1.1 lbs

MAX. ANZ. 11000
MAX. IMP. 1000
KOMMA ####.#

The decimal point can be moved to the left or to the right with the "+" or "-" key.

The following are the conditions for making entries:

MAX.ANZ./MAX.IMP. = 1.1 lbs per count Empty / Overload output

The function "L/UE-A"/"E/OL-O" defines whether the outputs A14/A15 are to work as empty /
overload outputs, and what actual effect overfill output is to have.
The following settings are possible:

OHNE/NONE = No empty / overfill output.

+L +UE/+E +OL = With empty / overfill output.

The overfill output (A15) is switched on with overload or underload.

+L -UE/+E -OL = With empty / overfill output.

The overfill output (A15) opens with overload or underload.

The overload or under-load output is activated under the following conditions:

 if the weighing range is exceeded by more than 9d
 if the weight entered in the Function "UEBERL" is exceeded
 if the lower end of the weight range is not reached (less than -4% of the scale end-value)
 if the configuration release Switch 1 on the back of the unit is in the downward position.

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If the over-full output is configured as an inverted output, it will also serve as a malfunction-
warning output as the outputs are switched off when errors are reported or if the Watch-dog
monitoring circuit is set off and the over-full output thus signals an error. Device type

In the Fct. “MA.TYP” you can choose the device type.

You can choose between a NPN/PNP-Transmitter and a NAMUR-Transmitter. Brightness adjustment

The brightness of the display can be adjusted with Fct. "HELL"/"BRIGHT", by using "+" and "-"
keys to suit the surrounding light conditions. Functions of analogue output

The analogue output can be used as a weight proportional gross or net output or dosing speed
value. The starting-value can be chosen from a range of 0...10V or 0/4...20mA.
With a weight-proportional output, it is also possible to have an output with a switchover from one
measurement range to the other. Analogue output

The Fct. "AN.AUSG"/"AN.OUTP." defines, whether and which type of analogue output is used.

The following configuration can be selected:

 0...10 volt
The output voltage given is 0 V at the zero point. If the load on the weigher
increases, the voltage rises to positive values, and to negative values, when the
load on it is reduced. The limit values lie between -10 V and +10 V.
 0...20 mA
The burden can lie anywhere between 0...500 Ohm. The current given is 0 mA at
the zero point. If the load on the weigher increases, the voltage rises to positive
values, and, when the load on it is reduced, to values < 4mA, after that to negative
values. The limit values lie between -20 mA and +20 mA.
 4...20 mA
The burden can lie anywhere between 0...500 Ohm. The current given is 4 mA at
the zero point. If the load on the weigher increases, the voltage rises to positive
values, and to negative values, when the load on it is reduced. The limit values lie
between -12 mA and +20 mA.

The selection of the required output is made by means of the keyboard on the front panel in
conjunction with a jumper configuration inside the unit which is set in the factory. The latter can
also be carried out by the customer after opening the unit.(see Fig.3)

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Version 04.01 rev.02


Jumper position
1 2 for
J200 3 4
J201 5 6 voltage output
1 2 123 0-10V
3 4
5 6

123 Jumper position
1 2 for
J200 3 4
5 6 current output
123 0/4-20mA Analogue output mode

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "AN.MODE":

BRUTTO/GROSS = The analogue output will always be based on the total weight on
the weigher. Pressing the "Net" key will have no effect on the
analogue output.

NETTO/NET = The voltage at the analogue output will be proportional to the display,
i.e. if it is tared by means of the "Net" key, then 0V(0/4mA) will also
be transmitted at the analogue output. If the display shows the gross
weight, the analogue output voltage/current is equivalent to the

DOSIER/DOSING = The analogue output can be used for revolution- or dosing speed
control.. The characteristic of the analogue output is displayed in Part
1 (User Manual) ), Fig.2, curve 1.

D.RAMPE/D.RAMP = The analogue output can be used for revolution- or dosing speed-
control with ramp-function. The characteristic of the analogue output
is displayed in Part 1 (User Manual), Fig. 2, , curve 2.

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Version 04.01 rev.02 Adjustment of the analogue output

The analogue output is adjusted with the functions "A.JUST.0"/"A.ADJ.0" and

The zero point is displaced with Fct. "A.JUST.0"/"A.ADJ.0". Figures are entered in the range from -
999 to +999, corresponding to a zero point displacement of about 1,5V (3/4,8mA). If this function
occurs (with a figure value of 0), 0V (0/4mA) will be issued and the low-order decimal digit will
flash. Every time that the figure value changes, the output voltage (output current) will also be
amended and re-issued, i.e. the figure value will keep on changing until the externally connected
display unit shows zero. The flashing digit can be changed by means of the "F" key. The figures
themselves can be changed with the "+" and "-"keys.
The amplification factor can be entered in the range from 0,5000 to 1,3000 with
Fct. "A.JUST.M"/"A.ADJ.MX". This makes it possible to calibrate the output within the range of 5V
(10/16mA) up to a (theoretical) maximum of 13V (26mA). If this function occurs (with a figure
value of 1000), 10V (20mA) will be issued and the low-order decimal digit will flash. Every time
that the figure value changes, the output voltage (output current) will also be amended and re-
issued, i.e. the figure value will keep on changing until the externally connected display unit shows
the expected value. The keyboard functions are identical with the above-mentioned
Fct. "A.JUST.0"/"A.ADJ.0". It may be necessary to repeat the zero point adjustment if large
changes occur in the amplification factor. Functions for dosing mode Dosing (mode of operation)

The following settings are possible in Fct. "DOSIER"/"DOSING" (Dosing mode):

OHNE/NONE = No dosing, the functions "SOLL"/"NOM.VAL", "G/F"/"C/F", "NL"/"AF",

"TOL.", "MAX.NL"/"MAX.AF", "DOS.ZT.U"/"DOS.TM.C" and
"WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" are locked.

G/F / C/F = with dosing.

In the "coarse" mode, only the coarse output A13 is switched in, and
in the "fine" mode only the fine output A12.

D+G/D+C = with dosing.

In the "coarse" mode, the dosing output A12 and the coarse output
A13 is switched in, and in the "fine" mode only the dosing output A12.

1 D/1 D = with dosing.

The unit works with only one dosing speed (on output A13). Output
A12 then has no function. The parameters for the G/F / C/F (coarse /
fine) option are not evaluated separately.

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Version 04.01 rev.02

If the "2-STP" mode has been selected with Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", the dosing mode
"OHNE"/"NONE" must also be selected as otherwise the data output and the dosing output will not
function properly. Tolerance check

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "TOL.PFG"/"TOL.CHK":

OHNE/NONE = No tolerance check is carried out.

+/- = If the permissible upper tolerance limit is exceeded, "+ TOL!" will
appear in the display and output A10 will be switched in. If the
permissible lower limit is passed, "- TOL!" will appear in the display
and the output A10 will be switched in.

NUR +/ONLY + = The mode of operation is only practicable if "MIT"/"WITH" has been
selected with Fct. "NL.KORR"/"AF.CORR" (i.e. with automatic
afterflow correction) at the same time.
If the permissible upper tolerance limit is exceeded, "+ TOL!" will
appear in the display and output A10 will be switched in. If the
permissible lower limit is passed, the afterflow switch-off point will be
recalculated and the dosing started again.

If the "2-STP" mode has been selected with Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", "OHNE"/"NONE" must be
selected for the tolerance check as otherwise the data output and the tolerance output will not
function properly. Actual value registration

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "REG.MOD":

ZEIT/TIME = The waiting period given in Fct. "WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" is imposed,

after which the tolerance check or the actual value registration is
carried out (if it has been preselected).

STILLS/STND.ST = The unit has to wait for stabilisation, and carries a tolerance check
or the actual value registration (if preselected) out then.

ZT+STS/TM+STS = The waiting period given in Fct. "WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" is

imposed, and then the unit waits for the weigher to come to rest. Then
carries out a tolerance check or the actual value registration (if
preselected) Afterflow correction

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "NL.KORR"/"AF.CORR":

OHNE/NONE = No automatically afterflow correction is carried out.

NUR NL/ONLY.AF = The difference is calculated between the required dosage value
and the actual dosage value, and the afterflow value corrected

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Version 04.01 rev.02

accordingly. The maximum permissible correction range is defined by

Fct. "MAX.NL"/"MAX.AF".

NL+G/F/AF+C/F = Additional to the afterflow, the G/F / C/F-value is corrected

proportionally, too.

If the "2-STP" mode has been selected with Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", "OHNE"/"NONE" must be
selected for the afterflow correction as otherwise the data output and the dosing output will not
function properly. Mode to start dosing and acknowledge tolerance

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "D.START":

NUR S/ONLY S = Dosing can only be started via the serial interface; Input E4 has other
tasks assigned to it.

E4+ S/INP.4+ S = Dosing can start, as required, either by means of Input E4 or via the
serial interface.

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "T.QUITT"/"T.QUIT":

NUR S/ONLY S = Tolerance can only be acknowledged via the serial interface; Input E3
has other tasks assigned to it.

E3+ S/INP.3+ S = Tolerance can be acknowledged, as required, either by means of

Input E3 or via the serial interface. Source of nominal value

The following settings are possible for selecting the nominal value "SOLLW.Q"/"N.V.SRC" for
INTERN = The nominal value can be entered with Fct. "SOLL"/"NOM.VAL", or
prescribed via the serial interface.
AN.EING/AN.INP = The nominal value is read in via the auxiliary analogue input (X2
Pin 9).
The input voltage for a required value of 100% of the weigher end-
value should lie within the range of 3V to a maximum of 5V.

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Version 04.01 rev.02 Functions of data transfer Parallel interface

Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", permits the choice to made between:


This determines whether the outputs are to work a multiplexed BCD outputs, and a high speed
binary output, or as a control output (only possible with a serial interface). BCD interface

If "MUX" is selected, the multiplexed BCD output is activated. A clock period-duration has to be
entered (t2=t3=t4=2...99ms) with Fct. "BCD.CLK" then. In order to start outputting, the input E6
(X3 Pin 25) has to receive current.
The data on the main display is then transmitted as shown in Fig.4 (t1=2...25ms).


E6 start

A0...3 data 100 101 102 sign

A4...6 decade 0 1 2 5

A7 strobe


The data for "+" / "-" is transmitted in the 5th decade. The "+" sign is transmitted as 0 and the "-"
as 0F(hexadecimal, 15).
If there is a permanent signal in Input E6 (X3 Pin 25), transfer will run continuously. The value
shown on the main display is written into a temporary buffer ahead of the first strobe. The

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Version 04.01 rev.02

transmission of the BCD value will be made out of this buffer, then. This prevents transfer errors,
e.g. at the transfer from 99 to 100.
If the higher resolution (1/10d) has been activated, the BCD output is only up-dated during the
1/10d display time, if there has been no shift of the decimal point in the main display.
If a tare cycle is carried out, the net weight will likewise be shown on the BCD output. Similarly, the
net weight will always be shown on the BCD output during dosing if the main display is showing the
net value. Binary interface

If "2-STP" is selected with Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", high-speed binary data transfer is activated.
If "2-STP" is selected, the data will be issued with the intervals taken from the main display. The
data will be brought up to date at the same pace as the calculation of averages in the main
If "2-STP" is selected, the analogue output absolutely must be activated in the Function
"AN.AUSG"/"AN.OUTP.". The data will then be issued automatically at intervals of 1. The data will
now be brought up to date at the same pace as the calculation of averages at the analogue
output (which is quicker).

The dosing functions must be switched off:

Fct. "TOL.PFG"="OHNE" / "TOL.CHK"="NONE" and

The limit switch

Fct. "GRNZW.M"="OHNE" / "LIM.SP.M"="NONE",

must likewise be de-activated. Otherwise the data output and the dosing output / limit switch will
not work properly.
The transmission is started (see Fig.5) when current flows through input E4 (X3 Pin 23). The data
from main display is transferred to an intermediate memory. The data 20 to 27, the algebraic sign,
data-ready bit, parity bit and net-status signal are issued from this memory. If current is then
switched to Input E6 (X3 Pin 25) in readiness for the next step, it will not be the data from the main
display but from the temporary buffer (28 to 215, data-ready bit, parity bit and the "motion"
signal)that is issued.
The reaction time of this output is in the range t1=2...8ms (typ. 4ms), i.e. the data can be read a
maximum of 8ms after current has started to flow through E4/E6. The delay between the signals
"data" and "data ready" is t21.5ms.

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Version 04.01 rev.02


E4 enable

E6 enable
A10...13 data

A8 dta. ready

A9 dta. ready
t2 t2
t1 t1

The parity bit is formed from the data in the outputs A0 ... A10. The parity bit is always "high" when
the number of data bits is 0, 2, 4, etc., i.e. the number of all the 1-bits including the parity is always
an odd number.
If a taring cycle is run, the net weight will likewise by issued at all the outputs.

With the "Di" option (= diode decoupling), several units can be wired up in parallel with their data
outputs. If Pin 1 of Terminal X3, for instance, is connected to a PLC output, the PLC control unit
can check a number of units one after the other. Control output

If "ST.AUSG"/"CTRL-O" is selected with Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O", an 8-bit control output will be

formed with the outputs A0...A7 in conjunction with the serial interface, i.e. the data sent with the
!O-Command (see part 3, programmers manual) will be issued to outputs A0...A7. Serial interface

The serial interface serves the purpose of connecting the unit to its master computer and to
officially calibrated printers, enabling it to be used together with a PC to store and read over the
configuration data of the DK810. The serial commands / data formats are described in Part 3
(Programmer's Handbook). Type of serial interface

Fct. "COM.TYP" can be used to select between the following settings:


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The selection of the required output is made by means of the keyboard on the front panel in
conjunction with a jumper configuration inside the unit which is set in the factory. The latter can
also be carried out by the customer after opening the unit.(see part 3, programmers manual). Serial identification address

Fct. "COM.NR."/"COM.NO." defines the identification address of the unit for the serial
communication. For instance entering 01 generates the address "a".
Entering the address 0 means working without exchange of identification code. Parity bit and data frame length

Any of the following settings can be selected with Fct. "PARITY":

no parity bit  OHNE

parity bit  MARK
parity bit  SPACE
parity bit  EVEN

The length of a data frame is basically:

1 start bit
7/8 data bits
0/1 parity bit
1 stop bit

By using the RS485 interface, the transmitter remains in the "space" state after the stop bit of the
last byte of a telegram, for the duration of 1/2 bit before it changes to high-impedance state. Baud-rate

The Baud rate of the serial interface is defined with Fct. "BAUD-R". It can be entered as any
required value the range 40...9600 Bd. Only the following levels are practicable above 9600 Bd.:
19200, 38400, 57600 or 76800. Actual value transfer mode

The Function "I.U.MODE"/"TR.MODE" (actual-value transfer mode) determines the point in time at
which the actual value is transferred, and is activated by entering a mode identification number.
The following settings are possible:

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1 = Request via the serial interface

2 = Request via input E7 (plug X4 Pin 1). The way input E7 functions is otherwise still
dependent on the 8-value of the mode identification number.
If the 2-value of the mode identification number is set and the 8-value not set (e.g.
Mode = 2, 3, 7, etc.), the actual value will be transferred once with a rising flank at
input E7.
If the 8-value is set in addition to the 2-value (e.g. mode = 10, 11, 15, etc.) the
actual value will be transmitted during the whole of the activation period of input E7.

4 = Automatic. When the "empty" message has been exceeded and the weigher has
then come to a standstill, the actual value is transmitted once.

8 = Continuous. The transfer is made at the end of each average-value cycle taking into
account the 2-value of the mode identification number. It is then no longer possible
to check the actual value or the reserve.

A combination of settings is possible. Actual value format

Function "I.FORMT"/"TR.FORMT" defines the format in which the actual value is transferred. The
following settings are possible:

1 = with plus or minus sign - if none is selected, negative weighings will be shown as
000000 (zero).

2 = with input/output status - the status of inputs E0 ... E7 and outputs A0 ... A 15 are

4 = with check figure - a check figure is calculated from the data which is transmitted for
control purposes.

Any combination of Formats 1 ... 4 with one another is possible. For instance, entering a 7 would
mean that the actual value with plus or minus sign, with input/output status, and with the check
A more detailed description of the actual-value format can be found in Part 3 (Programmer's
Handbook) in the chapter on "Reading actual value". Other functions / Underload

If the value entered with Fct. "UEBERL"/"OVERLD" is exceeded, the weight display will start
flashing and the overload output will be activated. If the value 0 is entered, there will be no check
carried out for overload.
Regardless of the value entered for overload, the display will likewise indicate overload if +9d
(9*display division) is exceeded beyond the end of range.

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Version 04.01 rev.02 Standstill monitoring

The Fct. “STILLS”/”S.S.TIME” is for entering the time constants required for calculating the
standstill condition. Standstill is defined as follows: the weight must not vary by more than
maximum of 0,2 d/sec. If the change is greater than this, the LED “~” shows that the weigher is in
If 0 is entered as the value, the unit will not check wether the weigher is not in motion. As the zero
setting and continuation functions evaluate the standstill conditions, they are automatically de-
activated if the standstill monitoring function has been switch off. Minimum load

The minimum load is defined as in the german/european industrial standard DIN/EN 45501,
The load below which the weight results could be subject to an excessive relation deviation. The
minimum level is to be set as follows:

Trade weighers = 20d

Trade weighers for measuring freight rates = 5d

Coarse weighers = 10d

The input is made in fct."MIN." External Taring

If the "MIT"/"WITH" setting is selected with Fct "EXT.TAR", Input E5 ( X3 Pin 24) can be used for
If there is current in Input E5, the DK810 will carry out the taring procedure and indicates the net
weight then. The LED in the "Net" key lights up. This conditions remains in force until the current is
switched off from Input E5. The unit will then show the gross weight again. Operation mode for "limit switch"

The following settings can be selected with Fct. "GRNZW.M"/"LIM.SP.M":

OHNE/NONE = No limit switch, and Output A9 has other tasks assigned to it.
Functions "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP" and "GRNZW.H"/"LIM.SP.H" are
not available. The "2-STP" or "2-STP.1" mode can be activated with
Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O".

BRUT./GROS. = Output A9 is allocated as a limit switch. The limit value entered in

Fct. "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP" (in "gross" and "net" operation) is
compared with the gross weight. The output is inactive below the limit
value, and switched in, above that level. The hysteresis
(Fct. "GRNZW.H"/"LIM.SP.H") operates below the limit value. The

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Version 04.01 rev.02

"2-STP" or "2-STP.1" mode must not be activated in

Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O".

BRUT./GROS. = Output A9 is allocated as a limit switch. The limit value entered in

Fct. "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP" (in "gross" and "net" operation) is
compared with the gross weight. The output is inactive above the limit
value, and switched in, below that level. The hysteresis
(Fct. "GRNZW.H"/"LIM.SP.H") operates above the limit value. The
"2-STP" or "2-STP.1" mode must not be activated in
Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O".

NET. = Output A9 is allocated as a limit switch. The limit value entered in

Fct. "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP" in "net" operation is compared with the
net weight. In "gross" operation, output A9 is inactive. The output is
inactive below the limit value, and switched in, above that level. The
hysteresis (Fct. "GRNZW.H"/"LIM.SP.H") operates below the limit
value. The "2-STP" or "2-STP.1" mode must not be activated in
Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O".

NET. = Output A9 is allocated as a limit switch. The limit value entered in

Fct. "GRENZW"/"LIM.SWP" in "net" operation is compared with the
net weight. In "gross" operation, output A9 is inactive. The output is
inactive above the limit value, and switched in below that level. The
hysteresis (Fct. "GRNZW.H"/"LIM.SP.H") operates above the limit
value. The "2-STP" or "2-STP.1" mode must not be activated in
Fct. "DATEN.A"/"DATA-O". Clear all memory

The "LOESCH"/"DEL.ALL" (= delete) function has to be used in order so set the DK810 (e.g. after
a change of controller) into a defined starting position.

In order to delete, not only switch 1 but also switch 2 on the rear side of the switch block must be
set in the lower position.

2.3. Service

2.3.1. Explanation of individual parameters

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The functions "E-TEST"/"I-TEST", "A-TEST"/"O-TEST" and "A/D-W.T"/"A/D-C.T" were

implemented in order to make it possible to test the unit quickly under operating conditions. They
test the control input and output and the A/D and D/A converter for proper function. Check inputs

The control inputs and load cell inputs can be tested with fct. "E-TEST"/"I-TEST". The display
shows a 4-figure value. The two right-most digits indicating the status of 8 external optocoupler
inputs, the second-most left one the status of the internal switch block and the left-most one the
status of the serial CTS input. The arrangement is as follows:

20 * 100  Input E0 (X3-10)

21 * 100  Input E1 (X3-11)
22 * 100  Input E2 (X3-12)
23 * 100  Input E3 (X3-22)
20 * 101  Input E4 (X3-23)
21 * 101  Input E5 (X3-24)
22 * 101  Input E6 (X3-25)
23 * 101  Input E7 (X4- 1)
20 * 102  DIP-Switch 3 (rear side)
21 * 102  DIP-Switch 2 (rear side)
22 * 102  DIP-Switch 1 (rear side)
20 * 103  CTS-Input

The internal measuring transmitter inputs can be tested with the keys "0", "F", "+" and "-". The
keys have the following functions:

0 key  Zero
F key  DMS
+ key  Ref.(Hi)
- key  Ref.(Lo) Check outputs

The control outputs can be checked with fct. "A-TEST"/"O-TEST". The display then shows a 2-
figure value. Once this function has taken effect, all available outputs will be switched in. The
display value can then be raised by 1 at a time by means of the "+" key, which switches through all
the control outputs in turn.

The "0" key returns to "**"-display. With exiting this function the unit will be reset. The arrangement
is as follows:

**  Output A0...A15
00  Output A0 (X3-2)

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01  Output A1 (X3-3)
02  Output A2 (X3- 4)
03  Output A3 (X3- 5)
04  Output A4 (X3- 6)
05  Output A5 (X3- 7)
06  Output A6 (X3- 8)
07  Output A7 (X3- 9)
08  Output A8 (X3-14)
09  Output A9 (X3-15)
0A  Output A10 (X3-16)
0B  Output A11 (X3-17)
0C  Output A12 (X3-18)
0D  Output A13 (X3-19)
0E  Output A14 (X3-20)
0F  Output A15 (X3-21)
10  Internal control function (n.c.)
11  Internal control function (/CAL_EN)
12  Internal control function (AD_SC1)
13  Internal control function (AD_SC2)
14  Internal control function (AD_CAL)
15  Internal control function (AD_B/U)
16  Internal control function (MUX0)
17  Internal control function (MUX1) Check A/D and D/A converter

The A/D and D/A converter can be checked with fct. "A/D-W.T"/"A/D-C.T" The display shows the
input voltage as a percentage of the reading range. If 0 is displayed, this shows there is no weight
on the load cell (0mV = 0%). If 100 displayed, this shows there is max. weight on the load cell
(20mV = 100%). If 110 is displayed, this shows that the end of the reading range has been
reached for the A/D converter.
When the function occurs, 0V or 0/4mA is shown on the D/A converter. Each time the "+" key is
pressed, the output voltage (output current) is raised by 1V(2/1,6mA) until 10V (20mA) is reached.
As the next step, -10V (-20mA) will be given. Pressing the "0" key will return the output voltage
(output current) to 0V(0/4mA).

2.4. Data protection

If Switch 4 of the 4-position switch field on the rear of the unit is in the downward position, the
NiCd rechargeable battery located inside the unit is switched on and the data entered will remain
unchanged even if the power is cut off. They can be held for about 4,000 hours if the battery is
fully charged.
When the DK 810 leaves the works its battery is about 50 percent fully charged, but storage and
despatch can add up to a considerable length of time. It is therefore not possible to state the level
of charge to be expected when the unit reaches its final user, so the DK810 should be provided
with mains power for 100 to 150 hours as soon as it has been started up in order to ensure that the
battery is recharged to its full capacity.

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Caution! Important!

When the unit is being stored, Switch 4 must be in the upward position in order to
protect the built-in battery from becoming deeply discharged. Deeply discharging
the battery can permanently reduce its storage capacity or even destroy it.

If S4 is switched off (in the upward position) the data in the memory will no longer
be stored and must be re-entered when the unit is started up again.

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2.5. Error messages

The following error messages are possible:

Fatal errors

ERR. 01  ROM-test error.

The contents of the internal programme memory are faulty.

ERR. 02  RAM-test error.

The internal variable memory is faulty.

ERR. 03  The contents of the configuration memory have been altered.

When this error message has been acknowledged, the configuration memory
will be in its basic conditions. The data for function 0...149 must be entered all
over again, starting with Fct.50.

ERR. 04  An error has occurred during the programming of the unit via the serial
interface and the contents of the configuration memory have been changed.
The error should be acknowledged. The configuration memory will then be in
its basic position, and Functions 0 ... 149 will have to be entered again,
starting the Function 50.

ERR. 05  The internal A/D converter of the 87C196 is not ready.

ERR. 10..27  internal interrupt error.

ERR. 30  internal data I/O error.

ERR. MA  The counter is not connected.

Warnings and other errors

0>MAX  The setting zero is not possible, The actual weight is larger than ±2% of the

--> 0!  The configuration memory is in its basic position, e.g. as a result of

ERR.03/04 having been acknowledged or the "Erase all" function having been
carried out. The Functions 0...149 will have to be entered again, starting the
Function 50.

S1!  If the input function is left with switch 1 still in the lower position, the display
will flash "S1", and the overload output will be activated. Switching Switch 1
to the upward position will acknowledge this report.

These errors are shown in flashing text, and the "+" and "-" keys keep flashing. the error signal can
be acknowledged by pressing the "+" and "-" keys simultaneously.
If any change to the user configuration functions are necessary after the error has been
acknowledged as rectified, the F-key has to be pressed down and held down during the switching
process until it becomes possible to enter the data.

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2.6. Dosing cycle

A dosing cycle can be started and controlled either via the serial interface or via the control-inputs.

The following settings are necessary for the dosing cycle described in this example:


SOLL/NOM.VAL = 1200  Nominal value 1200kg

G/F / C/F = 200  coarse / fine-correction 200kg
NL/AF = 40  afterflow correction 40kg
TOL. = 10  Tolerance threshold 10kg
MAX.NL/MAX.AF = 100  Max. afterflow correction 100kg
DOS.ZT.U/DOS.TM.C = 80,0  Max. dosing time 80 seconds
WZ.V.REG/DLY.REG = 5,0  Waiting time for tolerance inspection / registration 5


STILLS/SS.TIME = 2,0  Time coefficient of weigher standstill monitoring 2

DOSIER/DOSING = G/F / C/F  Operating modus: Coarse / fine correction.
TOL.PFG/TOL.CHK = NUR +/ONLY +  Operating modus: if the upper tolerance
limit is exceeded,  tolerance report in display and
if relevant activate an output signal.
If the value falls below the lower tolerance limit, 
recalculate afterflow switch-off point and add
topping-up dose.
REG.MOD = ZT+STS/TM+STS  Operating modus: waiting time
before tolerance check/registration, then waiting for
NL.KORR/AF.CORR = NUR NL/ONLY AF  Operating modus: with automatical
afterflow-correction (note: coarse-fine will not be
SOLLW.Q/N.V.SRC = INTERN  Operating modus: the nominal value entered in
function "SOLL" is used for dosing.

The DK 810 now calculates the following values with the aid to the above-mentioned user-

coarse-fine-point = nominal value - coarse-fine-value

= 1200kg - 200kg
= 1000kg

afterflow-correction = nominal value - afterflow correction

= 1200kg - 40kg
= 1160kg

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lower tolerance limit = nominal value - tolerance threshold

= 1200kg - 10kg
= 1190kg

upper tolerance limit = nominal value + tolerance threshold

= 1200kg + 10kg
= 1210kg

The dosing cycle can now be started with the serial !D -command or via input E4 (take note of the
"D.START" configuration function). Input E4 must be supplied with a continuous signal current
(until the "ready" report) because dosing is broken off immediately current ceases on the input
(see. part 3. chapter "Breaking off Dosing", !C-command) and the DK 810 reverts to normal
monitoring mode. Throughout the dosing cycle, the key pad on the front of the unit is locked out,
with the exception of the combination of keys for re-setting the unit (see part 1. chapter
"Monitoring function ". "Selecting a function number").

The DK810 will now wait for the length of time entered in "WZ.V.TAR"/"DLY.REG" in order, for
instance, for pressure fluctuations to even out which are caused by the closing of the weigher. It
then carries out a tare measurement, and during this time the message "D.START" will appear in
the display. When the tare measurement is complete, the net weight (zero) will be displayed and
the "Net" LED will light up. Output A13 (Coarse) is then switched on, i.e. the coarse flow will be
dosed in. When the coarse / fine switchover point (1000 kg) is reached, the coarse-output is
switched off and the fine-output A12 switched on. Once the afterflow switch-off point (1160 kg) has
been reached, A12 is switched off and the time programmed in "WZ.V.REG"/"DLY.REG" starts to
run. Whilst this waiting time is running, (e.g.) 32 kg are still in the weigher, so a total weight of
1192 kg will finally be reached.
At the end of this settling time, the unit waits for the conditions to be met that mark the end of the
weigher waiting time. Once this has been reached, the actual weight (1192 kg) is compared with
the upper tolerance limit and any excess reported in the DK810 display and on output A10. The
tolerance report / display can now be acknowledged either with input E3 (note configuration
function "T.QUITT"/"T.QUIT"), via the serial interface, or with the "+" or the "-" key on the front
The actual weight is then compared with the lower tolerance level. If it is too low, a new (corrected)
afterflow switch-off point is calculated and dosing starts again. In the present example, the actual
weight is within the permissible tolerance limits.
The difference between actual and required weights is now calculated as 1200 - 1192 = 8 kg. This
difference is halved, and subtracted from the afterflow reserve (40 kg) held in the memory. At the
next dosing cycle it will be switched off earlier in order to bring the actual value closer to the
required value.
If "NL+G/F"/"AF+C/F" is selected in the Function "NL.KORR"/"AF.CORR", the coarse/fine reserve
will likewise be postponed by 4 kilos

In order to prevent excessively large discrepancies in the dosed quantities, which could arise (e.g.)
if a dosing unit does not switch off at exactly the right point because (e.g.) of a mechanical defect,
the range of the automatic top-up correction will be automatically restricted. This restriction will be
laid down under the "MAX.NL"/"MAX.AF" function. If, for instance, 100 is laid down, this means
that the content of the memory for the top-up reserve ("NL"/"AF"-function) cannot exceed 100 kg.

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Once the calculation of the topping-up correction has been completed, the actual weight is stored
to memory in the DK810, the display shows "FERTIG"/"END", and output A11 (dosing end) is
switched on. If the actual weight is now called for via the serial interface, the value is transmitted
that is stored in the memory and not the actual weight at that moment. The data output in the
"MUX" operational mode continues to show the net weight. If the dosing cycle had been started via
the serial interface, the !I-command must now be given in order to delete the "ready" report and
the actual value stored in the memory.

If the dosing cycle had been started with input E4, this must now be switched off in order to delete
the "ready" report and the actual value stored in the memory.

The dosing cycle is now complete.

If any value deviating from zero has been entered in the "DOS.ZT.U"/"DOS.TM.C" function, the
dosing-time monitoring cycle will now be activated. The measurement of the time for the dosing-
time monitoring will be started with the start of dosing. If the 80 seconds that have been entered
are exceeded, output A8 will be activated. The output cannot be acknowledged, and is
automatically set back to zero, when the actual-value is being registered.

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A.1. Connectors and plug arrangement

A.1.1. Power supply (X1)

Terminal X1 is fitted to the DK810 as a cold-unit terminal, and serves the purpose of bringing in
mains voltage. A suitable fuse should be provided on site.
The power consumption of a 230V unit is about 28 VA (if all options are fitted)

A.1.2. Measurement transmitter and analogue inputs (X2)

The X2 connector is fitted in the DK810 as a 15-pole female plug, to which the following are
 NPN-/PNP-Impulse-Transmitter
 NAMUR Transmitter
 Auxiliary Analogue Input.

Pin Function
X2 - 1 NPN-/PNP-impulse transmitter ground
X2 - 2 NPN-impulse transmitter pulse-input
X2 - 3 PNP-impulse transmitter pulse-input
X2 - 4 NPN-/PNP-impulse transm. power supply

X2 - 12 NAMUR-transmitter + (supply)
X2 - 13 NAMUR-transmitter - (pulses)

X2 - 9 Auxiliary analog input

X2 - 15 Ground for auxiliary analog input

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A.1.3. Digital inputs /outputs (X3)

The X3 connector is fitted in the DK810 as a 25-pole male plug, and serves the purpose of
connecting the digital control inputs and outputs.

A.1.3.1. Arrangement of inputs

Depending on the functions that have been programmed, the inputs will have various different
functions or none at all.

In- Pin Configuration Function

E0 X3-10
E1 X3-11
E2 X3-12 Reset counter
E3 X3-22 F89=E3+S & F85=+/- Quit tolerance
F89=E3+S & F85=NUR+ Quit tolerance
E4 X3-23 F88=E4+S & F84=G/F Start dosing (permanent signal)
F88=E4+S & F84=D+G Start dosing (permanent signal)
F88=E4+S & F84=1D Start dosing (permanent signal)
F81=2-STEP Low data enable & store data
E5 X3-24 F83=MIT Net (permanent signal) / tare (flank)
E6 X3-25 F81=MUX BCD-transmission enable
F81=2-STEP High data enable
E7 X4- 1 F74 21=1 Request actual value (serial
An. X2- 9 F120=AN.EING Analog input for set point
-E0 (5V=Full Scale=102,4%)

A.1.3.2. Arrangement of outputs

Depending on the functions that have been programmed, the outputs will have various different
functions or none at all.

Out Pin Configuration Function

A0 X3- 2 F81=MUX BCD DAT0 (Data 20)
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 20 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 28 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)

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A1 X3- 3 F81=MUX BCD DAT1 (Data 21)

F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 21 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 29 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A2 X3- 4 F81=MUX BCD DAT2 (Data 22)
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 22 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 210 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A3 X3- 5 F81=MUX BCD DAT3 (Data 23)
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 23 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 211 (2nd complement))
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A4 X3- 6 F81=MUX BCD DEK0 (Decade 10(20))
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 24 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 212 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A5 X3- 7 F81=MUX BCD DEK1 (Decade 10(21))
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 25 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 213 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A6 X3- 8 F81=MUX BCD DEK2 (Decade 10(22))
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 26 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 214 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A7 X3- 9 F81=MUX BCD STRB (Strobe)
F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Binary-data 27 (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Binary-data 215 (2nd complement)
F81=ST.AUSG Serial control output (!O-command)
A8 X3-14 F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Low data ready
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 0 (inactive)
F25  0 dosing time exceeded
A9 X3-15 F81=2-STEP & E4=1 0 (inactive)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 High data ready
F91=BRUT/ Gross limit value
F91=NET/ Net limit value
A10 X3-16 F81=2-STEP & E4=1 - sign (2nd complement)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 0 (inactive)
F85=+/- Tolerance under flow /overflow
F85=NUR+ Tolerance overflow

A11 X3-17 F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Odd-parity, low-data (A0-A10)

F81=2-STEP & E6=1 Odd-parity, high-data (A0-A10)
F84=G/F end of dosing cycle
F84=D+G end of dosing cycle
F84=1D end of dosing cycle
A12 X3-18 F81=2-STEP & E4=1 Net (status report)
F81=2-STEP & E6=1 No standstill (status report)
F84=G/F Fine
F84=D+G Dosing (coarse+fine)
A13 X3-19 F84=G/F Coarse
F84=D+G Coarse
F84=1D Dosing

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A14 X3-20 F80=MIT Empty report

A15 X3-21 F80=+L +UE Overfill report
F80=+L -UE inverted overfill report

Summary of serial functions

The identification-code exchange of the devices is not displayed in this

Master DK800 (Slave) Comment

? (STX)[v]ggggggnss[e Request actual value
eaaaa][pp](ETB) (identical with *I)
!0 (ACK/NAK) Reset counter
!B (ACK/NAK) Gross
!C (ACK/NAK) Stop dosing
!D (ACK/NAK) Start dosing
!E (STX)0ssss[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Set analog output on
dosing speed "coarse"
!F (STX)0ssss[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Set analog output on
dosing speed "fine"
!G (STX)ggggg[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Write coarse / fine
threshold value
!I (ACK/NAK) Clear actual-value-memory
!K (STX)dddddd[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Display text (6 figures)
!L (ACK/NAK) Clear text display
!M (STX)ggggg[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Max. afterflow threshold
!N (ACK/NAK) Net (taring)
!O (STX)000hl[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Write control output
!Q (ACK/NAK) Quit tolerance
!R (ACK/NAK) Reset
!S (STX)ggggg[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Nominal value
!T (STX)ggggg[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Tolerance threshold value
!V (STX)ggggg[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Write afterflow
correction value
!Z (STX)0tttt[pp](ETB) (ACK/NAK) Max. dosing time
*G (STX)rrrrr[pp](ETB) Read coarse / fine value
*I (STX)[v]ggggggnss[e Request actual value
eaaaa][pp](ETB) (identical with ?)
*V (STX)rrrrr[pp](ETB) Read afterflow correction

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A.1.4. Serial interface and analogue output (X4)

The X4 connector is fitted in the DK810 as a 9-pole male plug, and serves the purpose of
connecting the serial interface. The pins are allocated as shown in Fig.10.

9-pol. Min. male plug on unit DK800

digital control inp. E7 1
Gnd insulated / Gnd not isul. 6
Tx+ (RS485) / RxD (RS232) 2
0V ext.
Rx- (RS485) / RTS (RS232) 7
Tx- (RS485) / TxD (RS232) 3
Rx+ (RS485) / CTS (RS232) 8
insulated analog output 4
-10V ... 0V ... +10V (+)
or 0/4 ... 20mA 9


A.2. Dimensions
The DK 810 is designed and produced in a standard 72x144mm housing for control-panel
Fig.11 shows the front view, and Fig.12 the cut-out needed for installation. The rear view appears


28 61

18 6,5 18
10 10 10
26 26 26


10 d
kg 72


0 Net F + -


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Istallation depth, without plugs, 200mm

Istallation depth, with plugs approx. 250mm


Fig 13

X4 X2

X1 Netz

X3 S 1 2 3 4

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A.3. Techn. Data

Display 6 digits / LED dot matrix 5x7

height of figures 18 mm green
(or red, on request)

Keyboard Foil-covered, 5 keys

Power supply for

impulse transmitter not referred to a potential (DC/DC-transformer)
NPN- / PNP-transmitter 24V DC (Imax=20mA, short-circuit protected)
NAMUR-transmitter 5-8V DC (Imax=15mA, short-circuit protected)

transmitter-input opto-isolated

NAMUR-transmitter with short-circuit and wire break-monitoring

wire break: Itransm. < 200µA
short circuit: Itransm. > 12,5mA
threshold: 1,25mA < Itransm. < 1,95mA
hysteresis: ±0,35mA

Max. frequency
NPN- / PNP-transmitter 5 kHz (duty cycle 1:1)
NAMUR-transmitter 400 Hz (duty cycle 1:1)

Analog output
Resolution 16000 parts, 0...±10V
or 0/4...20mA
Zero-point stability<0,01% above the pre-set temperature range
Range stability <0,01% above the pre-set temperature range

Number of parts 100...99999d

Temp. range -15...+40°C

Power supply 24V= 20W

230V 28VA 50/60Hz

Data security with NiCd rechargeable battery

battery capacity >4000 hours (approx. 6 month)

Dimensions high 72mm

wide 144mm
deep 200mm / without connectors

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Weight 1,3kg (230 Volt version with all options)

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A.4. Configuration table

Fcn Displayed Dimension or Factory- actual

no. text selection set-up set-up
10 L E E R M. Counter reset, threshold value kg
Counter reset, threshold value
11 L E E R kg

12 L E E R Counter reset, delay time s

13 G R E N Z Limit switch value kg
14 G R N Z Limit switch value hysteresis kg
20 S O L L Nominal value kg
21 G / F Coarse / fine correction kg
22 N L Afterflow correction kg
23 T O L. Tolerance kg
24 M A X.N L Max. afterflow correction kg
25 D O S.Z Dosing time monitoring s
Delay time between end of
26 W Z.V.R E dosing and storage of measuring s
G value

27 D G.G R O Dosing speed coarse %

28 D G.F E I Dosing speed fine %
29 R A M P E Ramp / percental share %
47 E - T E S Test of input circuits
48 A - T E S Test of output circuits
49 D / A - Test of A/D and D/A-converters
50 M A.T Y P Device type P/N  NAMUR
53 M A X.I M Max. no. of pulses to be counted Imp.
54 M A X.A N Full-scale value kg
55 Z I F.S P Resolution Digit
56 K O M M A Position of decimal point
OHNE  0-10V  0-20mA
62 A N.A U S Analog output
 4-20mA

64 A N.M O D Analog output mode

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65 A.J U S Zero adjust of analog output

66 A.J U S Range adjust of analog output
67 U E B E R Overload alarm kg
Time coefficient of weigher s
68 S T I L L
standstill monitoring

69 M I N. minimum charge kg
OHNE  RS232  RS485
70 C O M.T Y Serial interface
 RS422

71 C O M.N R. Device communication address

72 P A R I T Parity bit

73 B A U D - Baud-rate Bd
74 I.U.M O D Data transmission mode
75 I.F O R M Data transmission format
80 L / U E - Outputs "empty" and "overload" OHNE  +L+UE  +L-UE
81 D A T E Data output

82 B C D.C L BCD-clock-time ms
83 E X T.T A Taring from ext. (via input) OHNE  MIT
84 D O S I E Dosing mode OHNE  G/F  D+G  1D
85 T O L.P F Tolerance-check OHNE  +/-  NUR+
86 R E G.M O Registration mode ZEIT  STILLS
87 N L.K O R Afterflow correction OHNE  NUR NL
R  NL+G/F
88 D.S T A R Operation mode for "dosing start" NUR S  E4+S
Operation mode for "tolerance
89 T.Q U I T NUR S  E3+S

91 G R N Z Operation mode for "limit switch"
 NET.  NET.  OHNE

97 H E L L Brightness variation of display

120 S O L L Nominal value source INTERN  AN.EING

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148 L O E S C Clear all memory


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A.6. Table of settings (Hardware)

Interface module
Closed Description Factory actual
jumpers setting setting
J200: 1-2 Analog output: 0 ... 10 V
J201: 1-3 & 2-4
J200: 2-3 Analog output: 0/4 ... 20 mA
J201: 3-5 & 4-6
J234: 1-2 J235: 1-2 Serial interface: RS 422/485
J236: 1-2 J237: 1-2
J238: 1-2 J239: 1-2
J240: 1-2
J234: 2-3 J235: 2-3 Serial interface: RS 232
J236: 2-3 J237: 2-3
J238: 2-3 J239: 2-3
J240: 2-3
J230: 1-2 RS 422/485 transm.: resistance
J231: 1-2 RS 422/485 receiver: resistance
J232: 1-2 J233: 1-2 RS 422/485 receiver: Pull-up

Main board
Closed Description Factory actual
jumpers setting setting
J52: 1-2 J151: 1-2 DK85 is interface module
J52: 2-3 J151: 2-3 no interface module or
DK82 is interface module
J53: none Watch-Dog monitoring: none
J53: 1-2 Watch-Dog monitoring: with
J54: none Data protection battery: off (only for test)
J54: 1-2 Data protection battery: on
J120: none X3-13 with external supply (Gnd)
J120: 1-2 X3-13  internal Gnd
J121: none X3-1 with external supply (+24V)
J121: 1-2 X3-1  internal +24V (max. 100mA)

Tab.11 Table of settings (Hardware)


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