Assigment Final SPSS-PT Answred-1

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‫جامعة الرازي‬

‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

Assignements : 20 Marks
MSc. Physiotherapy
Subject: SPSS Statistics
Professor Dr. Nabil Ahmed Al-Rabeei
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Public health/Epidemiology/Dietetics


Assignment 1: Entering Variables

Which of the following variable names will IBM SPSS Statistics accept, and which
will SPSS reject? For those that IBM SPSS will reject, how could you change the
variable name to make it “legal”? 3 marks
SN Variable SPSS will Accept/Reject What could be
name changed?
e.g. Age Accept None
e.g. Work type Reject (because variable name Use “variable without
can’t include “space” space

1. edu% Symbol % cant be used as edu

variable or at beginning or

at the end of variable

2. sex. Accept Non

3. GRADE Accept Non

4. WITH Accept Non

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

5. anx$ Accept Non

6. @ Accept Non

Assignment 2: WHICH TEST?

Q1 : Choose the appropriate statistical test to address each of the following research
questions. 2 marks
A. Paired sample t-test
B. Independent sample t-test
C. Mann-Whitney test
D. One-way ANOVA 
E. Wilcoxon Signed Rank test
F. Kruskal-Wallis H test
G. One-way repeated measure ANOVA
H. Friedman test

1. A researcher is interested in exploring the possibility of gender differences in

levels of perceived stress (Note: dependent variable is continuous and non-
normally distributed for each group). Answer:……Mann
Whitney U- tests……………..
2. Suppose we are trying to investigate where is a difference in the cholesterol level
between those who underwent a calorie-controlled diet and who undertook an
exercise-training program. In order to determine which treatment programme
was more effective. (Note: dependent variable is continuous and normally
distributed for each group). Answer:…Independent
Sample T test………………..
3. A study was performed to investigate the levels of stress for the three marital
status groups (married, single and divorced) (Note: dependent variable is
continuous and normally distributed for each group). Answer:…One way
ANOVA ………………..
4. A researcher wants to understand whether there was a difference in smokers' daily
cigarette consumption before and after a 6-week hypnotherapy program (Note:
Data are continuous and normally distributed). Answer:…Paired Sample
Q2: Run the appropriate statistical test to answer the following questions 15 marks

 State statistical hypotheses.

 What is the appropriate statistical test?
 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run
 Specify the level of significant (α).
 What is the calculated p-value?
 What is the value of test statistic?
 What is your interpretation?

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

1. Using the data file design.sav to compare the fear of statistics scores for males
and females. The variables you will need are (fost2) and (sex).
2. Using the research.sav data file to compare the total self-esteem scores across
the three different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs). The variables you
will need are (tslfest) and (agegp3).
3. Using the data file design.sav to assess whether there was a change in
students’ depression scores from time1 to time2. The variables you will need
are (depress1) and (depress2).
4. Using the practical.sav data to investigate whether internal stress differs
significantly before training and after 2 months of training. The variables you
will need are (inter_1) and (inter_2).
5. Using the research.sav data to compare the total perceived stress (tpstress) for
the 3 different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs). The variables you will
need are (agegp3) and (tpstress).

Good Luck
1. Using the data file design.sav to compare the fear of statistics scores for males and
females. The variables you will need are (fost2) and (sex).

 State statistical hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no difference in the fear of statistics scores
between males and females.
Alternative Hypothesis u(H1): there is a difference in the fear of statistics
scores between males and females.
 What is the appropriate statistical test?
Mann – Whitney U – Test
 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
Assumption 1: the dependent variable should be measured as the continues
Assumption 2: the independent variable that is categorical (2 independent
Assumption 3: independent of observations (there is no relationship between
the observations of the 2 groups.
Assumption 4: the dependent continuous variable doesn’t assume a normality
distribution and there is a significant outlier.

 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run
Click Analysis > Nonparametric Tests > Legacy dialogs > 2 independent
sample - Mann – Whitney U – Test
 Specify the level of significant (α).
p- Value < 0.05

 What is the calculated p-value?

p- Value = 0.296
 What is the value of test statistic?

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

U = 86
 What is your interpretation?
Mann – Whitney U – Test was used to investigate the difference in the fear of
statistics scores between males and females. From this data it can concluded the fear
of statistics scores (mean rank = 17.27) in male is 259 higher than female which is
206. Since the p- Value = 0.269 is greater than the chosen significant level a = 0.05
we accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.
We conclude that, there was no statistically difference in the level of the fear of
statistics scores between the 2 groups males and females. (U = 86, p- Value = 0.269
> 0.05)

2. Using the research.sav data file to compare the total self-esteem scores across the
three different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs). The variables you will need
are (tslfest) and (agegp3).

 State statistical hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no difference in the total self-esteem scores
across the three different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs).
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a difference in the total self-esteem
scores across the three different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs).
 What is the appropriate statistical test?
Kruskal – Wallis H – Test
 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
Assumption 1: the dependent variable that is continues level (interval or
Assumption 2: the independent variable that is categorical (nominal or ordinal
more than 2 independent groups).
Assumption 3: independent of observations (there is no relationship between
the observations of the groups.
Assumption 4: the distribution of dependent variable doesn’t assume a
normality distribution and there is a significant outlier.

 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run
Click Analysis > Nonparametric Tests > Legacy dialogs > K independent
sample -
 Specify the level of significant (α).

 What is the calculated p-value?

p- Value =
 What is the value of test statistic?
 What is your interpretation?

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

3. Using the data file design.sav to assess whether there was a change in students’
depression scores from time1 to time2. The variables you will need are (depress1)
and (depress2).

 State statistical hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no a change in students’ depression scores from
time1 to time2
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a a change in students’ depression scores
from time1 to time2.
 What is the appropriate statistical test?
Paired Sample T – Test
 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
Assumption 1: the dependent variable that is continues scale (interval or
Assumption 2: the independent variable that, consist of 2 categorical related
Assumption 3: the distribution of dependent variable doesn’t assume a
normality distribution and there is a significant outlier.
Assumption 4: there should no is a significant outlier.

 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run
Click Analysis > compare mean > Paired sample T test

 Specify the level of significant (α).


 What is the calculated p-value?

p- Value = 0.000
 What is the value of test statistic?
T = 4.247
 What is your interpretation?
Paired sample T test was run to compare the difference in the change in students’
depression scores from time1 to time2. On average time1 scored 43.07 higher than
time2 scored 40.73. Since the p- Value = 0.000 is less than the chosen significant
level a = 0.05 we accept the reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative
hypothesis. We conclude that, there was a statistically difference a change in
students’ depression scores from time1 to time2. (t = 4.247, p- Value = 0.000 <

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

4. Using the practical.sav data to investigate whether internal stress differs significantly
before training and after 2 months of training. The variables you will need are
(inter_1) and (inter_2).

 State statistical hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no a change in internal stress differs
significantly before training and after 2 months of training.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a internal stress differs significantly
before training and after 2 months of training.

 What is the appropriate statistical test?

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
Assumption 1: the dependent variable that is continues scale (interval or
Assumption 2: the independent variable that, consist of 2 categorical related
Assumption 3: the distribution of dependent variable doesn’t assume a
normality distribution and there is a significant outlier.

 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run

Click Analysis > Nonparametric Tests > Legacy dialogs > 2 related groups

 Specify the level of significant (α).

p- Value > 0.05
 What is the calculated p-value?
p- Value = .138
 What is the value of test statistic?
z = 1.485
 What is your interpretation?

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was run to compare the difference in the internal
stress differs significantly before training and after 2 months of training. The
mean rank in the internal stress before training is 87.33 higher than mean in the
internal stress after training which is 62.34. Since the p- Value = .138 is more
than the chosen significant level p = 0.05 we accept the null hypothesis and reject
the alternative hypothesis. We conclude that, there was no statistically difference
a change the internal stress differs significantly before training and after 2 months
of training (z = 1.485 , p- Value = .138 > 0.05)

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬

5. Using the research.sav data to compare the total perceived stress (tpstress) for the 3
different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs). The variables you will need are
(agegp3) and (tpstress).

 State statistical hypotheses.
Null Hypothesis (Ho): there is no a change in perceived stress (tpstress) for the
3 different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs).
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): there is a a change in perceived stress (tpstress)
for the 3 different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs).

 What is the appropriate statistical test?

 What are the assumptions that make this statistical test valid? Check these
assumptions in the data main Manu?
Assumption 1: the dependent variable that is continues scale (interval or
Assumption 2: the independent variable that, categorical for more than two
independent groups.
Assumption 3: independent of observation
Assumption 4: the distribution of dependent variable assumes a normality
distribution and there is no a significant outlier.

 Conduct the appropriate statistical test using IBM SPSS Statistics (How to run
 Click Analysis > Compare means > One Way ANOVA

 Specify the level of significant (α).

p- Value > 0.05
 What is the calculated p-value?
p- Value = .235
 What is the value of test statistic?
F = F = 1.455
 What is your interpretation?

One Way ANOVA to compare the total perceived stress (tpstress) for the 3
different age groups (18-29yrs, 30-44yrs, 45+yrs). There was no significantly
difference the 3 different age groups . Since the p- Value = .235 is more than the
chosen significant level p = 0.05 we accept the null hypothesis and reject the
alternative hypothesis. We conclude that, there was no statistically difference a
change compare the total perceived stress (tpstress) for the 3 different age groups
(F = 1.455 , p- Value = .138 > 0.05)

‫جامعة الرازي‬
‫الدراسات العليا‬
‫كلية الطب والعلوم الصحية‬


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