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Standard : IX Subject : P.E.

1. Which day is celebrated as International Yoga Day ?

A. 21 March B. 21 June
C. 21 July D. 21 May
2. Which is the basic root of the word yoga ?
A. ‘|¢é…’ B. ‘²¢ïx¢’
C. ‘²é…’ D. None of the given
3. Yoga means to restrain ...........
A. Feelings B. Senses
C. Thoughts of the mind D. Mental abilities
4. On what does efficiency of the nervous system depend ?
A. Efficiency of the brain B. Flexibility of the spine
C. Thoughts of the mind D. Mental abilities
5. Which is the excellecnt gift presented to the world by ancient India ?
A. Non-violence B. Discipline
C. Yoga D. Revelation of God
6. For what have the words ‘ever new science’ been used ?
A. For yoga B. For the Ramayana
C. For physical education D. for the Mahabharata
7. The United Nations has declared 21st June as .............
A. World Population Day B. World Vegetarianism Day
C. World Literacy Day D. International Yoga Day
8. Which is the world’s oldest literature ?
(A) The Vedas, the Upanishads etc. (B) Vaastu Shastra
(C) Astrology (D) Botany
9. How many Darshan Traditions (System of Philosophy) are described in the Vedas?
(A) Four (B) Six
(C) Five (D) Eight
10. Which of the following Darshan Traditions (System of Philosophy) is not seen in
the Vedas ?
(A) Sankhya (B) Poorva Meemansa
(C) Dakshin Meemansa (D) Uttar Meemansa
11. In how many steps has Maharshi Patanjali described yoga and thereby shown the
utility of yoga ?
(A) Five (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Eight


12. By which name are the first five steps of Ashtanga yoga ?
(A) External (B) Extrovert
(C) Internal (D) Conscience
13. How much types of asanas are there according to their benefits ?
(A) Five (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Eight
14. What do internal organs of the body get naturally through yogasanas ?
(A) Massage (B) Stability
(C) Peace (D) Tension
15. Which step is not Niyam ?
(A) Contemplation of God (B) Purity
(C) Non-violence (D) Austerity
16. Which step is not Yama ?
(A) Celibacy (B) Non-possession
(C) Exercise (D) Non-violence
17. Which step of Ashtanga yoga is pranayama ?
(A) Second (B) Fourth
(C) Third (D) Fifth
18. In how many stages is pranayama distributed ?
(A) Three (B) Five
(C) Two (D) Eight
19. What is the action of exhaling known as ?
(A) Poorak (B) Internal Kumbhak
(C) External Kumbhak (D) Rechak
20. Which mudra is used in pranayama ?
(A) Shoonya mudra (B) Gnan mudra
(C) Pranav mudra (D) Viprtikarani mudra
21. What gives life to all the creatures on Earth ?
(A) Mankind (B) The sea
(C) The Sun (D) The Moon
22. Of which God is the Sun God considered to be an incarnation ?
(A) Shri Krishna (B) Shri Shankara
(C) Shri Vishnu (D) Shir Ganesha
23. Which is the main source of all energies ?
(A) The Moon (B) The mountain
(C) The sea (D) The Sun
24. Of which processes is the Surya Namaskar a combination ?
(A) Yogasana and pranayama (B) Yogasana and yoga
(C) Yogasana and the body (D) Yogasana and Samadhi
25. What type of exercise is Surya Namaskar known as ?
(A) Physical (B) Divine
(C) Complete (D) Mental

26. How many positions of Surya Namaskar are there ?

(A) 12 (B) 10
(C) 8 (D) 4
27. Which asana should be done after Yogic exercises and before starting Surya
Namaskar ?
(A) Makarasana (B) Shavasana
(C) Sarpasana (D) Gyanasana
28. Which asana should be done in the end after doing Surya Namaskar ?
(A) Trikonasana (B) Tadasana
(C) Katichakrasana (D) Shavasana
29. Which mantra should be uttered before starting the first position of Surya Namaskar?
(A) ‘ú Ú±²ï Ý}¢: J’ (B) ‘ú |¢¢Ý±ï Ý}¢: J’
(C) ‘ ú ç}¢~¢¢² Ý}¢:J’ (D) ‘ú „ê²¢ü² Ý}¢:J’
30. What benefit does one gain by doing the first position of Surya Namaskar ?
(A) Diseases of the stomach and cured (B) Brightness of the eyes increases
(C) Self-confidence increases (D) Fat around the waist decreases
31. In which asana does the body get the shape of a lotus ?
(A) Bhadrasana (B) Shavasana
(C) Padmasana (D) Gomukhasana
32. In which asana does the body get the shape of a bow ?
(A) Tadasana (B) Dhanurasana
(C) Bhadrasana (D) Uttampadasana
33. Where is the shapeof ‘Gomukh’ (face of a cow) formed while doing Gomukhasana ?
(A) Behind the back (B) Near the shoulder
(C) Near both the knees (D) Near the waist
34. Which asana is performed while lying on the back ?
(A) Makarasana (B) Shavasana
(C) Dhanurasana (D) Gomukhasana
35. Which asana is performed in a standing position ?
(A) Tadasana (B) Bhadrasana
(C) Gomukhasana (D) Makarasana
36. Which asana is performed in a sitting position ?
(A) Shavasana (B) Makarasana
(C) Tadasana (D) Padmasana
37. Which asana is performed while lying on the stomach ?
(A) Gomukhastasana (B) Dhanurasana
(C) Tadasana (D) Padmasana
38. In which asana does the body get the shape of a butterfly ?
(A) Padahastasana (B) Poorna Titli asana
(C) Shavasana (D) Padmasana


39. Which vice (Guna) is destroyed by performing asanas ?

(A) Tamo Guna (B) Sattva Guna
(C) Rajo Guna (D) Tattva Guna
40. For which asana should the backs of both the heels be made to touch the navel ?
(A) Tadasana (B) Padmasana
(C) Shavasana (D) Bhadrasana
41. What should be healthy for physical and mental health ?
(A) The body (B) The mind
(C) The body and the mind (D) None of the given
42. How many levels of health are there ?
(A) Four (B) Five
(C) Six (D) Seven
43. On which health is being happy in other’s happiness and sad in their sorrow based?
(A) Social (B) Mental
(C) Physical (D) None of the given
44. Which test is conducted to check the jumping capacity of a player ?
(A) Standing broad jump (B) Straight high jump
(C) Shuttle run (D) 800 m race
45. Which test is conducted to check the explosive capacity of a player’s legs ?
(A) 800 m race (B) Standing broad jump
(C) Throw ball (D) Straight high jump
46. What is the invaluable resource of the nation ?
(A) Jungle resource (B) Human resource
(C) Mineral resource (D) Water resource
47. On whom does the progress of the nation depend ?
(A) On the knowledge of its citizens (B) On the thought processes of its citizens
(C) On the prosperity of its citizens (D) On the health of its citizens
48. Who plays a foundation role in the building up of students health ?
(A) Teachers (B) Friends
(C) Parents (D) Neighbours
49. Who said, “Those who are suffering from disease should be aware of it and maintain
their health.” ?
(A) Ayurvedacharya Sushruta (B) Swami Ramdevji Maharaj
(C) Raman Maharshi (D) Maharshi Patanjali
50. Who has given the most used and accepted definition of health in the world ?
(A) World Human Rights Peace Organization
(B) World Peace Organization (C) World Health Organization
(D) World Nuclear Peace Organization
51. What is an event that happens suddenly known as ?
(A) Cyclone (B) Accident
(C) Earthquake (D) Tsunami


52. What did people in ancient times do to spend their free time or for their entertainment?
(A) Go for a picnic or tour (B) Listen to stories
(C) Sing songs in praise of God (D) Participate in sports
53. When players do no know the proper skills how does their game become ?
(A) Uninteresting (B) Lame
(C) Dangerous (D) Easy
54. In which environment are results of sports or competitions favourable ?
(A) Pleasant (B) Humid
(C) Very cold (D) Very hot
55. Which of the following is not a reason for the cause of accidents ?
(A) The layout of the ground (B) Tools used in sports
(C) Proper coaching (D) Weather
56. In which sport do players of rival teams keep on colliding against each other ?
(A) Badminton (B) High jump
(C) Volleyball (D) Football
57. How can accidents happening due to ground (or field) be stopped ?
(A) By maintaining the ground regularly
(B) By using appropriate tools for various sports
(C) By gaining mastery over the skills of the game
(D) Putting in effort according to one’s strength
58. Which of the following methods is not useful in controlling accidents ?
(A) A player’s costume (kit) (B) Eating at the proper time
(C) Mastering the skills of the sport (D) Working according to one’s strength
59. In order to stop bleeding from an artery of the hand where should pressure be
applied ?
(A) Near the triceps (muscle) (B) Near the bone of the neck
(C) Near the biceps (muscle) (D) On the upper side of the wound
60. Which solution should be started (as a drip) in case of dehydration ?
(A) Salt (B) Sugar
(C) Lemon (D) ORS
61. In case of a honey-bee sting, what should be rubbed on the affected part ?
(A) Ice (B) Tincturre iodine
(C) Cloth soaked in hot water (D) Tincture benzoin
62. In case of fracture what should be applied while tying a bandage ?
(A) A solution (B) A splint
(C) An antiseptic (D) A thick cloth
63. What care will you take in case of snake-bite ?
(A) Give rest to the patient (B) Let the patient sleep
(C) Not let the patient sleep
(D) Make arrangments for medical treatment


64. How should a patient be made to lie down in Schafer method of artificial respiration?
(A) On the back (B) On the stomach (inverted)
(C) On the side (D) Should not lie down
65. A government ambulance of which number should be arranged to shift an accident
victim to a hospital ?
(A) 110 (B) 109
(C) 108 (D) 101
66. What is the first thing to be done in case a person has fainted due to an accident?
(A) His clothes should be loosened
(B) Open the doors and windows of the house
(C) Close the doors and windows of the house
(D) Rub the soles of the feet with a balm.
67. Which injection should be taken without fall after cleaning and bandaging the area
of the body that is wounded by a cut ?
(A) Antibiotic (B) Pain-killer
(C) Glucose (D) Tetanus
68. Which word is used as a synonym of the word ‘Vyayam’ in present times ?
(A) Sports (B) Athletics
(C) Exercise (D) Body mechanics
69. Which is the important tool to know the effects that happen on the body system?
(A) Exercise (B) Energy power
(C) Chemical reaction (D) Work pressure
70. Which is a light exercise ?
(A) Running (B) Slow walking
(C) Playing Kabaddi (D) High Jump
71. What is the normal capacity of the lungs for taking in oxygen in a minute ?
(A) 210 ml (B) 225 ml
(C) 250 ml (D) 275 ml
72. What is the normal capacity of the lungs for throwing out carbon dioxide in a
minute ?
(A) 180 ml (B) 195 ml
(C) 205 ml (D) 215 ml
73. Which is a heavy exercise ?
(A) Jogging (B) Fast cycling
(C) Running (D) Swimming slowly
74. What is the energy produced in the presence of oxygen known as ?
(A) Aerobic energy (B) Chemical energy
(C) Anaerobic energy (D) Great energy
75. What is the energy produced in the absence of oxygen known as ?
(A) Light energy (B) Carbon energy
(C) Anaerobic energy (D) Aerobic energy


76. By how many per cent does the aerobic energy of a person who exercises for long
periods of time increase ?
(A) 28% (B) 18%
(C) 20% (D) 12%
77. By how man per cent does the aerobic energy of a person who exercises for long
periods of time increase ?
(A) 24% (B) 28%
(C) 30% (D) 38%
78. Which of the following running types is not included in sprint running ?
(A) 100 m running (B) 200 m running
(C) 1500 running (D) 400 m running
79. How many ways of crossing the Finish line are there ?
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four
80. Which type of start is wrong in the crouch type of start ?
(A) Bullet or bunch start (B) Medium start
(C) Elongated start (D) Standing start
81. Where is the starting block fixed ?
(A) On the starting line (B) Behind the starting line
(C) Touching the starting line (D) Beyond the starting line in his own lane
82. What is the name of that part of an athlete’s body between the shoulder and the
waist (except hands) ?
(A) Trunk (B) Torso
(C) Abdomen (D) Stomach
83. How many running strides are divided in the sprint running ?
(A) Two (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Five
84. Which type of sprint running stride is wrong ?
(A) The starting strides (B) The medium strides
(C) The transitional strides (D) The top speed strides
85. Which of the following methods of crossing the Finish line is wrong ?
(A) Run through (B) Lunge finish
(C) Turn finish (D) Jump finish
86. Where should the runner focus his eyesight while running ?
(A) On the spectators (B) On his competitors
(C) Behind (D) Straight in his own lane
87. In which shape does the competitor fix his fingers and thumb behind his own
starting line in medium start ?
(A) U (B) A
(C) V (D) 


88. What did our ancestors i.e. primitive man, do to search for food, for entertainment
and for their own protection ?
(A) Eating, living and sleeping (B) Running, jumping and throwing
(C) Dancing, jumping and having fun
(D) Climbing trees, getting down and eating fruits
89. How many metres long is the approach run used for Long Jump ?
(A) 30 m (B) 40 m
(C) 45 m (D) 55 m
90. What is the width of the approach run used for Long Jump ?
(A) 2.22 m (B) 1.22 m
(C) 2.00 m (D) 3.00 m
91. What is the width of the pit used for Long Jump ?
(A) 2.25 m (B) 2.50 m
(C) 2.75 m (D) 3.00 m
92. What is the length of the take-off board ?
(A) 1.12 m (B) 1.22 m
(C) 1.32 m (D) 1.42 m
93. What is the width of the take-off board ?
(A) 15 cm (B) 20 cm
(C) 25 cm (D) 30 cm
94. What is the thickness of the take-off board ?
(A) 5 cm (B) 7.5 cm
(C) 10 cm (D) 12.5 cm
95. How much distance must be kept between the edge of the take-off board facing
the pit and the edge of the pit facing the take-off board ?
(A) 1.25 m (B) 1.00 m
(C) 1.20 m (D) 1.10 m
96. How is the take-off board buried in the ground ?
(A) Below the surface of the ground
(B) Above the surface of the ground
(C) Parallel to the surface of the ground
(D) At right angle the surface of the ground.
97. Into how many actions is the whole action of Long Jump divided ?
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four
98. What is the diameter of the circle of Shot put ?
(A) 2.145 m (B) 2.135 m
(C) 1.145 m (d) 2.155 m
99. What is the angle of ‘throwing sector’ in Shot put ?
(A) 33.92o (B) 34.92o
(C) 35.92o (D) 36.92o


100. What is the length of the stop-board in Shot put ?

(A) 1.15 m (B) 2.22 m
(C) 2.00 m (D) 3.00 m
101. Where is the shot kept while taking a stance in Shot put ?
(A) In the palm away from the shoulder
(B) Away from the shoulder on the tips of the fingers and thumb
(C) With the support of the fingers and thumb on the chin near the neck
(D) On the palm and under the shoulder
102. At what angle is the shot thrown in Shot put ?
(A) 30o to 44o (B) 40o to 45o
(C) 45o to 50o (D) 50o to 55o
103. What is the height of the Shot put ring ?
(A) 5.6 cm (B) 6.6 cm
(C) 7.6 cm (D) 8.6 cm
104. What is the thickness of the Shot put ring ?
(A) 4 mm (B) 5 mm
(C) 6 mm (D) 7 mm
105. What is the colour of the iron ring used in Shot put ?
(A) Orange (B) Green
(C) Purple (D) White
106. What is the height of the stop-board in Shot put ?
(A) 8 cm (B) 90 mm
(C) 10 cm (D) 110 mm
107. How many players are there in one team of Kabaddi ?
(A) 5 (B) 7
(C) 10 (D) 12
108. What shoudl be the maximum weight of the players of the boys’ team in the age
group below 17 years ?
(A) 57 kg (B) 53 kg
(C) 51 kg (D) 48 kg
109. How many points are given for a loan in the game of Kabaddi ?
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
110. Of which people is Kabaddi originally a game ?
(A) Tibetan (B) Sri Lankan
(C) Indian (D) Bhutanese
111. In which of the following countries is Kabaddi not famous ?
(A) Japan (B) France
(C) Bangladesh (D) Malaysia
112. Years ago, by which name was the game of Kabaddi played in the eastern part of
India ?
(A) Hu...du...du (B) Chedu...gudu
(C) Hu...tu...tu (D) ‘Kaun Bada’
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113. Which of the following is not one of the methods in which Kabaddi was played in
the initial years ?
(A) Dead method (B) Immortal method
(C) Living method (D) Live method
114. The contribution of which state is great in making Kabaddi a national level sport
in India ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Maharashtra
(C) Gujarat (D) Punjab
115. The Olympic games held in which city progagated the sport of Kabaddi for the first
time ?
(A) Berlin (B) Moscow
(C) Beijing (D) Delhi
116. Which institution was the first to frame rules for Kho-Kho ?
(A) North Gymkhana (B) East Gymkhana
(C) South Gymkhana (D) West Gymkhana
117. How many players can sit in the squares in a game of Kho-Kho ?
(A) Five (B) Eight
(C) Seven (D) Four
118. Which rule does not apply in the rectangle in the game of Kho-Kho ?
(A) Changing the hands (B) Changing the back
(C) Changing the face (D) Changing the feet
119. How many intervals are there Double chain ?
(A) Four (B) Three
(C) Two (D) Five
120. How many runners enter into the ground in a game of Kho-Kho ?
(A) Seven (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Six
121. How does a runner run between two posts in a Single chain ?
(A) Round (B) Square
(C) Serpentine (D) Straight line
122. How many wooden posts are required in a game of Kho-Kho ?
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) Four
123. In which state was the game of Kho-Kho very famous in ancient India ?
(A) Punjab (B) Bihar
(C) Gujarati (D) Maharashtra
124. By which name was the game of Kho-Kho very known in ancient times ?
(A) Chiroid (B) Kilnit
(C) Mile-it (D) Juni-let
125. Which districts of Gujarat have a good hold on the game of Kho-kho ?
(A) Kheda, Patan and Kutch (B) Jamnagar, Rajkot and Surat
(C) Kheda, Panchmahal, Kutch (D) Navsari, Ahmedabad, Panchmahal

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126. What is the special defending player known as in Volleyball ?

(A) Smasher (B) Blocker
(C) Libero (D) Captain
127. What is the distance of the attack line from the centre line in Volleyball ?
(A) 5 m (B) 6 m
(C) 3 m (D) 8 m
128. How many subsittute players are there in the game of Volleyball ?
(A) 5 (B) 6
(C) 3 (D) 4
129. In how many turns can a player reach the ball to the opposite team ?
(A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 1
130. What is the height of the net in women’s Volleyball ?
(A) 2.42 m (B) 1.24 m
(C) 2.24 m (D) 2.30 m
131. When was the game of Volleyball played for the first time ?
(A) In 1890 (B) In 1895
(C) In 1900 (D) In 1905
132. By which name was the game of Volleyball first played ?
(A) Intonet (B) Kinsonet
(C) Sintonet (D) Mintonet
133. What is the skill by which the ball in kept in the air at all times known as ?
(A) Molly (B) Volley
(C) Bully (D) Jolly
134. When was the ‘Volleyball Federation of India’ established ?
(A) In 1951 (B) In 1961
(C) In 1971 (D) In 1981
135. When was the first national championship for women organised ?
(A) In 1950 (B) In 1953
(C) In 1955 (D) In 1961
136. In which country did the game of Cricket begin ?
(A) India (B) New Zealand
(C) England (D) Australia
137. What is the distance between the wickets in a game of Cricket ?
(A) 20.12 m (B) 21.12 m
(C) 22.12 m (D) 23.12 m
138. What is the maximum length of a bat in the game of Cricket ?
(A) 90.5 cm (B) 92.5 cm
(C) 94.5 cm (D) 96.5 cm
139. What should be the height of the stumps from the ground in the game of Cricket ?
(A) 70.12 cm (B) 71.12 cm
(C) 72.12 cm (D) 73.12 cm
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140. How many balls are there in an over in the game of Cricket ?
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 7
141. How many overs does each team play in a one-day International Cricket match ?
(A) 20 (B) 30
(C) 40 (D) 50
142. Which of the following games has been presented by the people of England to the
world ?
(A) Basketball (B) Volleyball
(C) Karate (D) Hockey
143. Which of the following games has been popularized by the people of England in
the world ?
(A) Boxing (B) Cricket
(C) Volleyball (D) Badminton
144. Which of the following games has not been given to the world by England ?
(A) Cricket (B) Football
(C) Volleyball (D) Hockey
145. Around which year did the English start playing Cricket in a technical manner ?
(A) 1700 (B) 1750
(C) 1800 (D) 1850


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