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Welcome to


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5. Write Yo!. Topic Se.tffi
A ko$ y6,lqic 6 a F&r

8. Beadtu n* Fq€p& 6 rcS agdn Bnd ffi€ tu

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C. Wdb the topic satence of your pa€gmph.

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6. \Yrile Yo$ Body Seri€n€s

A. Read themod6l paragrr0h on pagoS0again and lomplerefiechsd,

W,ir:nqruro.Oupetro45 BodI\.,-tr-.ur'na'n6d D-dq, Fr

tr:.rj. r. eyrcll io!$

Whal is lhe besl pa( oi :n. r. e :..1'-.": 1t ln. ro-i : iiil rh.". 3..i!nm rc ro.l

%;Hffi ideasw,tha p*,tn*r"|t',

,,:. ,' StUdAnt${ollow the slep-by.-stEp:gUide for writing the topie ,.
:,..,,:',,ggn *uce,
the body sentense$ aRd thg-clCIsing*entenee,: :

trrme*lse. rit8mg.,Seta&$m, ' ., : .

$tudents'praclicc.identifying delaits in ttie nnode| paragreph. i

Students practice writing details for the given ideas.
I Strategy 1: Practice Writing Longer Sentences
A key to fluent writing is using a variety of sentences. A paragraph with short
sentences one after another would soon be boring and sound choppy. lt is
important for students to practice writing sentences of different length and structure.
Students should practice adding various adverbial phrases, making compound
sentences with coordinating conjunctions, and making complex sentences using
subordinating conjunctions.

r Activities for Writing Longer Sentences

3, Praclice Writing Longer S€ntences

A, Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices. i

'oriheno.r . xsilad .{orlheslmms .iirhe*r{er .i'...".> ln Activity 3A, students practice

adding adverbial phrases such as
prepositional phrases, to-infinitives,
and present participial phrases.

B. Choos and complete the sntence using wrrer. Oiscu$ your choices.

. Dlay.ul:ide ' I gc 10 conce(s , I qo 10 bd l.-.-.-r ln Activity 38, students practice making

compound sentences with coordinating
l.lwearmysandals . {h€nlheweath€risio!
conjunctions such as and, but, for or, nor,
2 usJally wea'my favorte drss
so, andyef. Students also practice making

3-lalwayswearawoolhal . -
complex sentences with subordinating
a. I have to wear my school unilo r
conjunctions such as aftef as, because,
5. I always wear ry soft pajans
before, if, so that, until, when, whenever.
6. I like io wear my jeans
why, where, and while.
I Strategy 2= Practice Writing Details
Details make writing interesting and worth reading. Readers can
visualize and understand the writing better when the ideas are
further described with details such as facts; examples, and
personal thoughts or feelings.


I have three goals this summer. I have three goals this summer. My first goal is to
My first goal is to learn how to learn how to play tennis. I am going to sign up for
play tennis. My second goal is to tennis lessons at the YMCA with my friends. The
read ten books before the lessons will be three times a week. My second goal is
summer is over. My third goal is to read ten books before the summer is over. I am
to keep my desk clean. going to visit the city library and check out books
every week. I have already made the list of the books
I want to read. My third goal is to keep my desk

clean. My desk is usually very messy with piles of

things. This summel I am going to put away my
things right away.

r Aetivities fsr Writing Details

""'> ln Activity 44, students practice identifying

the details that further describe the ideas in
the model paragraph.

B. Choos md wite the details:l$e id€:r{1k: ydl:m *nisc 4

. &! *hool rs no1 ,ar tom my hous. . I h6!e w.ndcdl ,a.hss an.l ni.nds lhore
ln Activity 4B, students practice writing details
, llike ieafirg doe a rinrals and pl*ils. . n istun 10 da ltle {16ffi p}pdimfls
r . lt lakes ofl, fae strLt*. . Thcrea€ nany iur cb$s for the given ideas. This will prepare them for
writing details for their ideas when they write
their own paragraphs.

2- I Mklo $h@l dry &y.


3. I llkegoing to schml vry

1. what is a Paragraph?
' A paragraph is a group of sentences which tells about one main idea. There
.. ..,,,t6, a:paragraph.:rthe. tqp c
rsdntencBi; tfte b'ody.sentendes and
the closing sentence.

Q fn" topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph.

ffi fn" b*dy =cr:t*fi**s describe the main idea.
f,f, fn" closing sentence adds one last thought to the main idea.

2, Sample Paragraph

Winter Fun

I like winter because I can do many fun things

with the snow. tlnc *f r::v l*v*rit* *ctivitie* i*
r::;":"king * s:e*wrr?asr r.r'iti: m_-v fr'i*r:du. \&k gr*t
t*gcli:er in tiee r:eigh?:r:r?:*r:el pr*"rk rvh*s:*ver jt
=+?1*1vs" X4i* a:;*3q* th* $tr1$w31r&rt's [:*r.1-1, r'*:ai.i-1,, ]m6'
an* *e**::ei* ir, cq.iii: *" ]::nt. gl*:,'**" *ti*ks *"s1* a
farr.]-t. i *1=* *a:j*--r,. g*i*e siccliiin* r"*'it}: rc:3"
f:'i*n*-q. 1&+ g* =ol* ri'*:v:r rli* ]:iJT im thEr
m*:ighi:i:rhr:*d. }€*st *f aii. il l*v*: our tmir:ii-v ski
f,rip. \'Y* gr: ski:::g c1r*]:3,'wiyrt*r. h,tv par*r:ls Xik{r
t* ski. n*C ? *nj*.1, -qr:*w1:*ardi;rg- v*rirh rnr'furr * r*r.
I h*pe we have a tr*t cf sncw this winter, and I
can't wait.

l";":+rriir.f i;f ii
i;':-;3;r*r't;i;t in
* fu}*ic-: ld** l Topic Sentence )
:,'t...:,t.,::.....,,.- . ...

Main ldea I like winter because I can do many fun things with the snow.

+ G=pp**ere6',$e$*p*w,,es:* **€=il*; *o*y S*nten*es ]

Supporting ldea Details
?. One of my favorite activities ?a We get together in the neighborhood park whenever
is making a snowman with it snows.
my friends.
?S We make the snowman's body really big and decorate
it with a hat, gloves, sticks and a carrot.

P. I also enjoy going sledding

with my friends.
g We go sledding down the hill in the neighborhood.

3, Most of all, I love our family 3a We go skiing winter.

skitrip. "r"ry
S& My parents like to ski, and I enjoy snowboarding with
my brother.


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*/ 1 ,'
Pqrt I
lAm Special! 12

My Favorite Thing 18


Good Things about My House 30

A Day in School 36

My Usual Sundays 42

My Favorite Restaurant 48

My Birthday 54

1'm ready to r.urite

rnY stories.
I hope You ar€ too.
'i" Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

There is f$o One Like Me!

I look in the mirror, and I say to myself, "I am very

special." No one in the world is just like me. I am 148 cm

taIl. I have brown eyes and short brown hair. I run


marathons. I ran a 5 km marathon with my dad last month.


I am a good listener. My friends always come to me when

they have problems. I can train dogs. I trained my dog to
do some tricks. My dog can sing, ro11 over, and shake

hands. My dog thinks I am very, very special too. Right, _-..

/tl ---- -*---9
Barney? d'' g (lrsitiil
{;l t;,: t'*u'4*
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2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What can you do? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

inline skate play basketball play the clarinet play the drums play the violin snowboard

1. I can

2. I can

5. I can

6. I can

B. What is specialabout you? Match and write the letter.

1. I am veryfunny. --.9'
a. I never catch a cold in winter.
2. I am very happy.
b. Learning someihing new is fun.
3. I am very friendly.
c. I always study hard for tests.

4.1 am very healthy. d. I can draw and write stories.

e. I smile a lot. Nothing worries me.

5, am very
cleative- -
f. I get along with my friends well.
6. I am a hard-working student.
g. I can always make my friends laugh.

7 . I am always curious about new things.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. every Sunday . some day . for rfly family


; . last year . after school . on rrly MP3 player

1. I have all kinds of music on my MP3 player

2. I like cooking. I love to make special food

3. I go hiking with my family

4. I love video games. I want to be a pro gamer __

5. I can do taekwondo. I earned a black belt

6. I play baseball with my friends

B. Gombine the sentences using and. Discuss your sentences.

1. I have blue eyes. I have long straight hair.

f hove blue eyes and long stroight hoir.

2. I have a pet turtle at home. I have a pet snake at home.

3. I love to ski in winter. I love to snowboard in winter.

4. I always do my homework. I always get good grades.

5. I can sing well. I can act well. I can dance well.

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 12 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a.l trained my dog to do some tricks.

b. My dog can sing, roll over, and shake hands.

c.l ran a 5 km marathon with my dad last month.


1. I run marathons. C

2.l'am a good listener.

3. I can train dogs.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

, . I don't use paper cups. . I am the family photographer,

, . I read 10 books last week. ' The Central Library is my favorite place, ll

, . I always carry my camera with me, . I recycle bottles and cans,

1. I love to read.


2. I love to take pictures.


3. I worry about our Earth.


4. I try to save energy.

5. Wfite YOUf TOpiC SentgnCg rhetopicsentencetellsthemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. How do you feel about yourself?

2. What do you look like?

3. What makes you special? What can you do? What talents do you have?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 12 againand write the topic sentence.

I look in the mirror

G. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentence: describe the main idea,

A. Read the model paragraph on page 12 again and complete the chart.

-. Writing Guide Questions Body sentences

ii; fu;i P;;tr;ph
iWhat do you look like?

",What rnakes you special? f run morothons.

What can you do?
What talents do you have?
Write 3 things and explain. I om o good listener.

I can troin dogs.

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body sentences .f i;;; P;ri;;th

.'What do y,ou look like?

"What makes you special?,

What can you do?
What talents do you have?
Write 3 things and explain.

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 12 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Step 1 Title , Wlite the title of your paragraph.

Step2 Topic Sentence : Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
step3 Body Sentences . Use
!!e ghal i! A:J1vr.ty 0e and wrlte them,

slen 4 llgslng se_!Plc,: Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My Favorite Flyer
My favorite thing is my model airplane.
I made it myself. It is just made of Styrofoam, but it can
really fly. It has a propeller and a rubber band. If I turn
the propeller, it winds up the rubber band. When I let
the rubber band go, it makes the propeller spin. Then,
my model plane can really fly through the air. I play

with my model plane in the park. I don't want it to fly

too far away. I don't want to ever lose it. It's always fun
playing with my model plane.
2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is your favorite thing? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

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m e 1. My favorite thing is my

2. I like my very much.

3. Mv is the best thing I have.

GT 4. My favorite thing is my


5. I like my *_ *_,-*
6. My favorite thing is my
__:* the best.

B. What do you do with your favcrite thing? Choose and complete the sentence.

,,,..,.,.-.flde ffiy bike, do text messaglng take pictures

-1., .' :':lig{g6 dg'-musie play:r.aeing game$ complete a puzzlo

1. I like to on my game player.

2.1 on my MP3 player. I love rock and roll.

3. ltake my camera everywhere, and I of everything.

4. I like my cell phone. I can with my friends.

5. I * to school every day.

6. I like doing jigsaw puzzles. lt doesn't take long to __ *-._

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

;,+i;riiii-q *roa.;
. through the air . . on my blog
, in the classroom $
;i . on my birlhday . in the park . oroUfld the neighborhood #
i1114151fitl-:{1!.!F.111it+e+t*. - :i}*'Ltr'19ry1lrEi?t€11:

1. My model plane can really fly through the oir

2.l.tly my model plane

3. My friends and I ride our bikes

4. I don't use my cell phone

5. I got my MP3 player

6. I upload my pictures

B. Combine the sentences using but. Discuss your sentences.

1. lt is just made of Styrofoam. lt can really fly.

ft is just mode of Styrofoom, but it con really fly.

2. The' jigsaw puzzle has 200 pieces. lt only takes me one hour to complete it.

3. I love my game player. I don't play with it all the time.

4. We don't call on the phone. We do text messaging every day.

5. My camera is old. lt takes good pictures.

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 18 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. I don't want to ever lose it. ,:


b. I don't want it to fly too far away. ll

c. lf I turn the propeller, it winds up the rubber band. .;


d. Then, my model plane can really fly through the air. i

e. When I let the rubber band go, it makes the propeller spin.

1. lt has a propeller and a rubber band.

2. I play with niy model plane in the park.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. The puzzle has 300 pieces. . I take a lot of pictures every day. i
. I do text messaging with my friends. . I upload good pictures on my blog. l
. lt took me 3 hours to complete it. . Text messaging is more fun than talking on the phone. i

1. My favorite thing is myl cell
2. I got the jigsaw puzzle on
my birthday. 7b

3. I like my digital camera very 3*

much. 3b

4. I got my bike two years ago.

5. Write Your Topic Sentence The topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your favorite thing?

2. What does it look like? What is it made of?

3. What do you do with it?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 18 again and write the topic sentence.

My favorite thing

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 18 again and complete the chart.

" HoW did you get it?

*What does it look like? It is just mode of Styrofoom, but it con reolly f ly.
What is it made of? ,

!t.hgs- 9 p-rgpgl.le1gnd .a 1ylpgr b-o1{,

What does it do?
'What do you do with it?
Why is it special?
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.

I ploy with my model plone in the pork.

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

"'How did you get it?

"What does it look like?

What is it made,of? riri,' . l

What does it do?

What do you do with it?
Why is it sReCialt
Write 2 ol, S,things and explain.

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 18 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Write the title of your paragraph.

Step2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.

StepS BodySentences
Step4 Closing Sentence Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it,
Step5 Revise and Edit l
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My Cool Sandals

I have a pair of sandals, and I

like to wear them in the summer.
My sandals are brown and made of
rubber. Each sandal has a sole with
straps over the top and around the
ankle. The bottoms are flat and don't have

a heel. I got my sandals last year at Wonder Shoes. I

wear my sandals when the weather is hot. I always
wear them without socks. I wear my sandals to school,

to the library, and to the swimming pool. Sandals are

gteat for the summer because my feet can stay cool and
2. Practice Vocabulary

A. $rhatdo you'like to wear? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

'or ,winter jacket -- t'
jeans hooded sweat5hirl sneakers blouse: ,pai4rna$,*,.,,,

& "fi

€ 1. ! have a . I like to wear it every day.

2. These are my . I wear them to school.

e 3. This is my . I wear it when it's cold.

4. I have many pairs of - . I like them.

5. This is my . I wear it to conoerts.

6. These are perfect for sleeping.

B. What doesyour favorite clothing look:like? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

# ffi

fur collar
i=P* )

1. My winter jacket has a -*_*__._.*, and it is very warm.

2.My pajamas are made of soft . They are comfortable.

3. My jeans have many _*_._.__ I can put many things in them.

4. My sneakers are black, and they have red

5. My blouse is pretty. lt has on the front.

6. My hooded sweatshirt is gray, and it has a on the front.

7. Jeans are made of . They are strong.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

r. i t -

I. . on the front week . Iast . for the summer . winter

in the *:
,,: d:

$ 1ffi . on cold days . to school . ?roUr-rd the neck . on the back g

1. Sandals are great for the summer

2.My T-shirt has a large print

3. I always wear a wool hat

4. I got a new pair of shoes

5. I like to wear my long boots

6. My blouse has ruffles

7. My jacket has my favorite baseball team logo

8. I usually wear my sneakers

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when. Discuss your choices.
,.€ffi .-€.# <+l..elEa.r.-..1 -,.

. I play outside
. . I go to concefts ' .l go to bed !- le

'#tuf: .
$.i the weather is hot
/ . it's cold outside / .l go to school lii

1. I wear my sandals when the weather is hot

2. I usually wear my favorite dress

3. I always wear a wool hat

4. I have to wear my school uniform

5. I always wear my soft pajamas

6. I like to wear my jeans

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 24 again. Match the idea with the details and write the Ietters.

a. I always wear them without socks,

b. The bottoms are flat and don't have a heel.

c. Each sandal has a sole with straps over the top and around the ankle.

d. I wear my sandals to school, to the library and to the swimming pool.

1. My sandals are brown and made of rubber.

2.1wear my sandals when the weather is hot.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. lt has ruffles around the neck. . lt is lightweight, but it is warm.

. I wear them to school. . lt is very pretty,
. lt is great when the weather is cold. . I also wear them when I play.

ldea Details

i t. I wear jeans every day.

3. I like to wear my winter jacket.

4. I have a pair of winter boots.

5. Write Your Topic Sentence The topic sentenee tells the main idea of the paragraph

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What do you like to wear?

2. What does it look like?

3. When and where do you wear it?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 24 again and write the topic sentence.

f hove o poir of sondols,

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 24 again and complete the chart.

- What does it look like? My scn_dgls gre broryn o1d mgle o-f rqb_bgq,

*When did you get it?

r,,When and where do you wear it? I ryegf qly lgndglg when.thg ryeathgr lp hgt,
What do, you d6in,it? -
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions ] Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

*What does,it look like?

'"When did you get it?

*When and where do you wear it?

What do you do in it?

7, Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 24 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8, Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the paragraph.

Our Family Room

The great thing about my house is that there is a large fami!)r room.

We have a TV, a long brown sofa and a comfortable armchair. There is

also a big table. My family spends most of the time in the family room

when everyone is home. My dad is

usually in the armchair reading -:::--*^*
the newspaper. My mom likes
to relax on the sofa while my li:,:,:
I l,:1::1i
brother and I play a game. -"r.:.1
Of course our dog, Barney,
is always there sitting next

to me. I feel happy and safe

when I am with my family in ,a:::rr't i::t i:,t,iti:i::i. tir::i:i!

the family room.

B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

1. What does Ryan like about his house?

2. What does his family do there?

3. How does Ryan feel there?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A.:,yUfi is,fbdi.hmse like? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

bedroom study backyard living room kitchen bathrooms

1. My house has a big

ffi 2. We have a

3. I have my own

4. There is a large

5. We have a

6. There are two

3, Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

*$AS#r"9S#l il::lirt:i:!:iii*ljlr:ir:iirif l,iti.l.{rili::jirg!:ni)f

$ . in my dad's study . with our homework . in the evening . in the backyard el


i _ . after dinner " in the living room . in the bathroom . in the kitchen

1. Our family room gets crowded

2.My brother and I like to play basketball

3. There are many books

4. After dinner, Mom helps us

5. My mom bakes delicious cookies

6. We like listening to Dad's stories

7. We rent a DVD and watch it together

8. I give my dog a bath

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence using while. Discuss your choices.

j . we eat dinner . I practice the piano . we play basketball in the backyard i+



'i . he takes a shower . Mom makes dinner . my brother and I play a board game

1. My mom likes to relax on the sofa

2. We do our homework at the dining table

3. We talk about our day

4. My brother always sings

5. Our dog runs with us

6. My sister likes to watch

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 30 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

b. My dad is usually in the armchair reading the newspaper.

c. Of course our dog, Barney, is always there sitting next to me.

d. We have a TV, a long brown sofa and a comfortable armchair.

e. My mom likes to relax on the sofa while my brother and I play a game.

1. The great thing about my house is that there is a large family room.

2.My family spends most of the time in the family room when everyone is home.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. Sometimes I like to be alone. . We have a ry a computer, a sofa, and a table.

. My family likes to be together there. . I like a quiet place when I read.
. We like to talk to Mom while she cooks. . We help her cook too.

1. I am glad I have my own

2. We like to spend time in the

3. There is a large family room.


4. We have a big backyard. 4a

5. Wfite YOUf liOpiC SentenCg rhetopicsentencetettsrhemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

'1. What is the best place in your house?

2. What can you see there?

3. What does your family do there?

B, Read the model paragraph on page 30 again and write the topic sentence.

The great thing obout my house

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 30 again and complete the chart.

Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

My fqmily !pe!$ most 9{ Jhe lime in the fqmily f.gom

whgl 9v ?:r)/ o-qe is. f o-mg,

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

'' What can you see there?

I "What do you do there?

What does your family do?
Write 3 or 4 things and explain.

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 30 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Stepl n,e
Step2 Topie Sentence : Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.

!1"e9 ,199v !9nt9n9g_: , t]:9 thg chart in Activity 68 and wlite !h9m,
$?!1 qbs!-s_s-en!9nce i 9:" !h9 glrt i!4_",tir,lY 18 Td YlF it:
:l:l!- -Edjt_ ,
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My School Life
I go to Durant Elementary School. I take the
school bus with my brother every morning. My school

starts at 8:10 and ends at 3:30. There are usually four

classes in the morning and two classes in the

afternoon. My favorite class is reading. We can go to

the school library and read any books we want. We can
take books home too. Art is also a fun class. I enjoy
drawing and painting. I like going to school because I
have wonderful friends and teachers there.

B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

1. What school does Ryan go toi)

2. How many classes does Ryan have?

3. What is his favorite class? Why?

, .,.. . t.,.,..;,t.1...1.;.,,..,...,.

4. Why does Ryan like his school?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What classes do you like? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

*-I a

rnath . English

1. I like class. I enjoy drawing and painting.

2. My favorite class is . We are studying about space this month.

3. class is so much fun. I like learning a new language.

4. is easy for me. I am good at multiplication.

5. like class a lot. We are practicidg jumping rope this week.

6. like class. My teacher plays the guitar, and we sing along.

B. lilhatisycnr,:schocl'1ifelike' Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

starts at 8:30 ' walk to school eats hot lunch

eat brealdast have soccer practice

1. My school is near my house. I _*: every day.

2.My school in the morning and ends at 3:30.

3_l from Monday to Friday.

4. lalways before I go to school.

5. We don't bring packed lunch. Everyone in the cafeteria.

6. We in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.

7. I am on the school soccer team. I after school.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

J,;li:i$s!# trifi,$.6#dr4ed*{S-{*:6hsie#. ?.

W . this month . after lunch ' with my brother . to school

i& ,...-..-.,-.,.... .. ....

$ . in science class . after school . in music class . in the morning ffi &l

1. I take the school bus every mornrng.

2. ln gym class, we are practicing volleyball

3. I ride my bike every day.

4. We go out and play

5. There are four classes

6. I enjoy singing

7. I like learning about our Earth

8. I have soccer practice

B. Choose and complete the sentence using because. Discuss your choices.

. I have to get up early . I have wonderful friends and teachers there

. my school is near my house . I can run around with my friends
. there is play time after lunch . I want to get good grades

1. I like going to school

2. I like gym class

3. I go to sleep early

4. I study hard every day

5. We like lunch time

6. I walk to school
4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 36 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. I enjoy drawing and painting.

b. We can take books home too.
c. We can go to the school library and read any books we want.

d. There are usually four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.


1. My school starts at 8:10 and ends at 3:30.

2.My favorite class is reading.

3. Art is also a fun class.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. My school is not far from my house. . I have wonderful teachers and friends there,
. I like learning about animals and plants. . lt is fun to do little science experiments.
. lt takes only five minutes. . There are many fun classes.

ldea Details
1. My favorite class is science.


i' 2.1 walk to school every day. zc


4. I like gym class.

5. Write Your Topic Sentence The topic sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What school do you go to? How do you go to school?

2. How many classes do you have? What classes do you like? Why?

3. How do you feel about your school?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 36 again and write the topic sentence.


C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 36 again and complete the chart. _

.=r Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

" How do you go to school?

* When does it start and end? My school sforts ot 8:10 ond ends of 3:30.
How many classes are there?

* What classes do you like?

Write about two classes and

Art is olso o fun class.

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

j -'How do you go to school?

* When does it start and end?

How many classes are there?

*What classes do you like?

Write about two classes and

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 36 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Gomplete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 11'1 and complete your paragraph.

Step 1 Title Write the title of your paragraph.

Step2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it,
Step3 Body Sentences ; Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.
Step4 Closing Sentence Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit Read your paragraph and make necessary changes.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

Sunday Fun
I love Sundays because there is no
school. In the morning, I usually get up

late. After breakfast, I stay in my

roorn and read comic books. tt,r" (fr
action stories like Iron Man and Spiderrnan. In the

afternoon, I usuaily go to the park with my friends.

We like to play basketball there. When the weather is hot,

we jump into the swimming pool after the game. Before

dinner, I watch cartoons on TV with my brother. Then I
get ready for school the next day. Sundays aiways seem

so short, and I wish they were longer.

iscuss the questions about the paragraph.

Why,does Ryan like SundayS?

Wnit OoOs,Byan.dq after,breakfast?

What,,doe Ryah,'d.o,i.n,,the atternoon?l

Whatrdoes FlVan, o,lp'ttle,.evening?.,'l

2. Praclice Vocabulary

A. What do you do on Sundays? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

watch W read a book clean my room go to the park go to the movies go out for dinner

1.1 in the morning.

2.1 in the morning.

3. We in the afternoon.

4. We in the afternoon.

5. We in the evening.

6. We in the evening.

B. What else do you do on Sundays? Circle and complete the sentence a-bout yourself.

1. I ge@ earlyon Sundays.

2. I i-take-aGhowe@ in the morning on Sundays.

3. There [lg-J_jJfI homework to do on Sundays.

+. t i,p!gy_ _1,_99$p_Lgy_] with my friends on Sundays.

-i-do-ntigo shopping
5. We Ig" I on Sundays.

6. We | _r_tg!!__I don ! y!s! ] our grandma on Sundays.

7. We i eat out / don't eat out I on Sundays.

e. t l_!C-Lp_]:g9g_i"n my mom clean the house.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence about yourself. Discuss your choices.

,* dlways
^h.,^. ,^ usually
,^, ,^n. ,
^^-^+r*^^ never f

1. t go to the park with my friends.

2.1 get up early on Sunday mornings.

3. We visit our grandparents on Sundays.

4. We go out for dinner on Sundays.

5. We do our homework on Sundays.

6. I watch cartoons on Sundays.

7. Sundays seem so short to me.

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

5-G j".f&':ri"%_!L++;. r.":+.:.F .*::'#j:j%*

€ W . with my brother . at the park . on Sunda5r mornings . after the ball game i
t . on Sunday nights ' in my room . at the mall . with my friends online i

1. ! usually get up late

2.1play basketball with my friends

3. We jump into the swimming pool

4. lwatch cartoons on W

5. I usually go to bed early

6. We sometimes go shopping _
7. Before dinner, I sometimes chat

8. After breakfast, I read comic books

4. Practice llllriting Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 2again.Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. We like to play basketball there.

,,,,,.,',i.1a;,.',;;,:.,;;;:,: ,',,;;;.. b. I love action stories like lron Man and Spiderman.
.:'....1r.t'.I.r.:.,.'t':, c. After breakfast, I stay in my room and read comic books.

d. When the weather is hot, we jump into the swimming pool after the game.

ldea Details

1. ln the morning, I usually get up late.

2. In the afterndon, I usually go to the park with my friends.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. We ride our bikes around the park. . We can take a nap in the afiernoon.
. We sometimes play badminton. . We can rent a DVD and watch it together. i:

. We play with our dog. . We watch the ducks in the pond. .


ldea ii Details

1. My brother and I play in the 1a


2. We go to the park in the


3. We can relax at home on

4.1 am a little busy on

5. Wfitg YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCe rhetopicsenteneetellsthemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. How do you feel about Sundays?

2. What do you do on Sunday mornings?

3. What do you do on Sunday afternoons? How about Sunday evenings?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 42 againand write the topic sentence.

f love

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 42again and complete the chart.

:, Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

-What do you do in the morning? rl the mollilg, I qsyglfy eef yp !o!-e.

"What do you do in the In lhg gftgr:!gg!, I usuqtly go to the poqk with my friends.

"What do you do in the evening? Before dinngl, L wotch co1!o9ns on TV with my blofher,
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions

'" What do you do in the morning?

=What do you do in the


" What do you do in the evening?

,,, i


7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 42again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Gomplete Your Paragraph

9]:19 Bglv s_enJ3ng:s i Y:g l!: gl?"tl,lgtjyitv,la- 10

write them,

i3tl 9P:ilg *r!:l,c? . u* l!_: :hart in Activity 7B and wri!91t,

stepS Revise and Edit Read your paragraph and makenecessary changes
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

Restaurant for Kids

My favorite restaurant is
called Eat 'N' Play. It is a fun

restaurant for children. My

friends and I usually have
birthday parties and special
celebrations there. They have

a wonderful menu for children.

They serve all kinds of pizza,

hamburgers, sandwiches, french fries, fried chicken, and desserts. I like their
pizza the best. I like this restaurant because there are many fun things to do.

They have a lot of video games, toys, and slides. We can eat and have fun too.
I am having a birthday party there this Saturday, and I can't wait!
2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What kind b{ Look, choose and complete the sentence.

family style restaurant buffet restauranf fast-food'restaurant barbeque restaurant

1. lt is a . __*_
We order food at the counter.

2. ltisa
We take our plates and serve ourselves.

w 3. ltisa
A waiter comes and takes our order.

ffi 4. ltisa
We grill meat and vegetables at our table.

B. Whatfood da they serve at the restauraht? Choose and complete the sentence.


dimsum bulgogi french fries sushi

1. lt is a Japanese restaurant. They serve sashimi, _.**.*. *, and u-dong.

2. lt is a Korean restaurant. They serve galbi, _ _._, and bibimbop.

3. lt is an ltalian restaurant. They serve pizza, *._*.*._, and risotto.

4. lt is a Chinese restaurant. They serve fried rice, _*.****, and Peking duck.

5. lt is a fast food restaurant. They have hamburgers, .

-*.*, and fried chicken.
3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. on the weekend . for kids . on the menu -ti
. at the counter " after the meal . at the restaurant 1:

i,l:rilPilil,.lt Pi:ai.€-1:?::1l1jkr$l:l*ir$iiiqrl iBlti*l:ii!-1i]Ifl:?l!tli$!I"qgfj:*

1. Children like this restaurant. lt is a fun restaurant

2. They serve a lot of food. They have all kinds of food

3. My friend will have a bifthday party

4. At a fast food restaurant, we order our food

5. We sometimes go out to eat

6. They serve free ice cream

B. Choose and complete the sentence using because or and. Discuss your choices.
. they also have a play area ' it is my favorite restaurant . there are many fun things to do

1. I like this restaurant

2. They have good food,

3. My mom takes me there

r,lri*;i{;i* ;gdta&drli- i. },-j r: ? {.i1,.:1. .. 1 |r:,L .i.-.

ii " it is a perfect place for kids . my favorite is the apple pie . we can eat and have fun too 7.

4. They have many desserts,

5. lt is a great restaurant

6. We have birthday parties there

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 48 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

, a. I like Iheir pizzathe best. .

, :;;,.,: r..'..': c. They have a lot of video games, toys, and slides. ..

''i1 d. My friends and I usually have birthday parties and special celebrations there. ;
' ' :: :
":''".''' ^ -;^,,
e. They serve ^, r,i^...^
^^^,^ all kinds of^{ pizza,
^i--^ h^,_r-\,,^^"^ ^^^^,^,i^r.\^^ +v
hamburgers, sandwiches, french fries, fried chicken,
and desserts. .


1. lt is a fun restaurant for children.

2. They have a wonderful menu for children.

3. I like this restaurant because there are many fun things to do.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. We like Korean grilled meat like bulgogi. . We have to make reservations.

. . We can choose ice cream, pie or cake. . I like their cheese cake best.
. lt's always crowded on the weekends. . lt is fun to grill meat at the table.


; 1. We like going to the Korean

I barbeque restaurant.

2. The restaurant has good

desserts. 2h

3. The restaurant is very 3a


4. I like eating out at an ltalian 4a

5. Wfite YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCg rhetopicsentencetellsthemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your or your family's favorite restaurant?

2. What do you like about that restaurant?

3. What kind of food do they serve?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 48 again and write the topic sentence.

My fovorite restouront

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 48 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions

* What kind of restaurant is it? ft is o fun restouront for children.
When and with whom do you
go there?

* What food do they serve? They hove o wonderful menu for children.

-What do you like about the I like this resJo.qrglt bgcouse there ore mony fun

things to do.
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing 6uide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

*What kind of restaurant is it?
When and with whom do you
go there?

=,What food do they serve?

"What do you like about the


7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 48 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

ffi ffiffiffiffire#m

$. Warr:t up

,4. Talk abourt the pictures and read the paragraph.

tuEp ffi*s€ ffiErek#mpa ffiw*r

Last Saturday was my 10th birthday, and it
was the best birthday ever. In the morning,

I had a good surprise. When I rvoke up, I saw

Mom, Dad and m5, lcrother standing around my

bed. They were holding a birthday cake, and

they sang "Happy Birthday." They also gave me . -.t:.i r ,

the funniest birthdal'cald. In the afternoon, I

had a birthday party with my friencls. It rn'as at

a restaurant f,or kids. Ai1 my friends came. and we had such

a good time eating and playing together. I was realiy happy.

It was indeed the l-rest birthdav ever.

€i:.gtr''.:. * .

-&+ _
.aI -:
:ffi- -,
B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph. ry' ,,: .-:--
rt . : i.-,l
':r i i,..;i
1. When was Ryan's birthday? r Itll"ll .,
',,. ii
:.t'r,:.lif j

2. What did Ryan get in the morning?

3. Where was Ryan in the afternoon?

,!3: ""r.::5i4,1
,,...:tjr:.,,'ri.r'. ;.i.31,r,,:i
!l:::.,.. :i,.il!,i. . :i

.:;:rd:tir::.t::: rr:l

, ,,t::,:::..
::,.,... :r.. i: ,:
2. Practice Vocabulary



0 ,€ -d
\ *apej
-'t*tn*' I
\ i
, \V : 2.My brother made a birthday for me.

6 ,ffi 3. We had a special birthday in the morning.

4. My mom decorated the room with many

5. All my friends came to my birthday __

6. My friends gave me a lot of _

B. What happened on your birthdaf Choose and complete the sentence.

-h-ought Went,CIUt::: gave

1. t the candles, and we ate the cake.

2. We to eat at my favorite restaurant.

3. My dad me a new bike on my birthday.

4.1 all my friends to my birthday party.

5. My family me a surprise birthday party.

6. When I entered the room, everyone , "Happy Birthday!"

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. standihg around my bed . doing card tricks

. playing with my friends . baking cookies
. eating and playing together . opening the presents

1. I saw Mom, Dad and my brother _ with a cake.

2.My mom spent the morning

3. We saw the magician

4. I spent the whole day

5. My friends watched me

6. We had such a nice time

B. Choose and complete the sentence using and. Discuss your choices.

: 2 . they gave me many presents S*-. we set the table and chairs
-: ,t. it was the best birthday ever

6 . wa played a lot of games

l, , . we went to the movies in the afternoon

1 . Last Saturday was my 1Otn birthday,

2. I invited all my friends,

3. We had a small party in the morning,

4. They sang "Happy Birthday,"

5. We decorated the room,

6. We went to the game room,

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 54 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. lt was at a restaurant for kids.

b. They also gave me the funniest birthday card.
,l: , :.: :..
,riftiffi,.. c. They were holding a birthday cake, and they sang "Happy Birlhday."

d. When I woke up, I saw Mom, Dad and my brother standing around my bed.
e. All my friends came, and we had such a good time eating and playing together.


1. ln the morning, I had a good surprise.

2. ln the afternoon, I had a birthday party with my friends.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. We watched Transformers. " Everyone enjoyed the movie.

. I invited all my friends to the party, . The food was good, and we had a good time.
. lt was a e OuOOV-
. lt was 3 months old and had spots.


1. I had a birthday party at a lfr

restaurant. trJ

2. I got a cool present from my ?*


3. We went to the movies after
the party.

4. Last Sunday was a very 4a

special day for me. 4t3

5. Wfitg YOUf TOpiC SentgnCg rhetonlcsentenfetellsthemainideaortheparasraph

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. When was your best bifthday?

2. What did your family do to make it special?

3. How did you feel on your birthday?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 54 again and write the topic sentence.

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Seniences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 54 again and complete the chart.

i '-. Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

', What happened in the morning

or afternoon?
What did you or people do to
make it special?

'What happened in the afternoon

or evening?
What did you or people do to
make it special?
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

What happened in the morning

or afternoon?
What did you or people do to
make it special?

I "What happened in the afternoon

or evening?
What did you or people do to
I make it special?

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentenee adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 54 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Gomplete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

:E?l-:Illl"- - .i ry,'tt-91!:!tg-qlv:-,1p3l39t3-?!:

step4 closingsentence
- !::-l!:?_!,{il-t"liy'1y11-q9_yif_l!_
Unit Ll How to Make a Snack 52

Unit $ {,E My Favorite Relative 68

Unit :. l: lVIy Neighbors 74

,, ,. ;.
My l\leighborhood Park Bo

Unit :
An lnvitation Letter 86

lJnitlr f'+, A FamilyTrip ez

Unit .,
A FUnTV Show 98

Unit :..
An Important Holiday fiA
1, Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

Octopus Sandwich

You need a hot dog, a piece of cheese and a hamburger bun to make
it. First, cut a hot dog into eight long strips. Next, boil the hot dog
strips until they curl. Then, put a piece of cheese on one half of the
hamburger bun and place the ends of the hot dog strips on the bun.
Finally, cover the sandwich
with the other half of the
hamburger bun. I like this
yummy sandwich, and
I think you will like it too.
2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What do you need to rnake a snack? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

peanuthut-ter ''. banaqq. ieg,'creant , i,' :'rapplg

t ileel { !:vtetl1 :L-"ltv ef_"9!tql

You need , jelly and crackers.

2. :Peanut butter and banana sandwich I

You need bread, peanut butter and a

3. iFruit and yogurt .

You need plain yogurt, a strawberry, an and a banana.

4. iMilkshake

You need milk and

B. What do you do to make a snack? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

cut :,spread '


1. peanut butter on a cracker.

2. ice cream and milk in the blender.


B @ 1:,-:*-,
@' 3. ,_ a cherry on a piece of cake.
# 4. the sandwich in half.

tc{ 5. the eggs for 15 minutes.

3 6. some sugar.
3. Practice l/Vriting Longer Sentences

A. Look, choose and complete the sentence.

. in the bowl " in the dessert dish . with your friends

. on the cookie crumbs . on the ice cream " on the top

How to Make Oreo lce Cream Snack

6"* ^a
ry ms

,,,.,i:t' {
o €.&
/.--€t ,dr
1. First, crush some Oreo cookies

2. Next, put half of the cookie crumbs

3. After that, put three scoops of ice cream

4. Then, put the other half of the cookie crumbs

5. Finally, pour some chocolate syrup

6. Enjoy your Oreo ice cream snack

B. Choose and complete the sentence using until.

. it is firm . they curl . it is smooth and creamy " they are golden-brown

1. Boil the hot dog strips

2. Bake the cookies

3. Blend the ice cream and milk

4. Freeze the mixture

. -.&.f, rt

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Flow do ycu make a mini pizza? Ghoose and write.

, sprinkle some shredded mozzarella cheese

' bake it in the oven for about 10 minutes

. take a piece of bread and spread pizza sauce on it

' add some sausage or ham

This is how to make o mini pizza.

All you need is bread, mozzarella cheese, ond sousoge or hom.





Now you con enjoy this delicious snock.

B. How do you make an ice eream sandwich? Choose and write.

. put in a scoop of ice cream between the cookies

. wrap it in foil and keep it in the freezer for 2 hours
. take out two chocolate chip cookies and your favorite ice cream

f wont fo shore how to moke a wonderful ic-e cream sondwich.

You need two chocolote chip cookies .apd your f avorite ice cream.




Now take ft out from the f reezer ond anjoy it.

lLif.ElEEr!ffi i+rsEHr.*grff ?;@
5. Wfitg YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCg rhetopicsen:en(eterlslhemalnideaorthep:,us:,ph:

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What snack do you know how to make?

2. What do you need to make it?

3. How do you make it?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 62 again and write the topic sentence.

I wont to shore

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences fhe body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 62 again and complete the chart.

i-., *r,atng Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

4':What,:dror yqu. need?

" What do you,dOlfir,st? First,

- What do you do next? Next,

"What,do-you do then?

*What dQ you do last?

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.
Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of iori P;;;;;"ph

What do you need?

do you do first?

"'What do you do next?

. What do you do then?

": What do you do last?

7, Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentenee adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 62 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph,

in'" : Write the title of your paragraph.

step2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 BodySentences , Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.

Step4 Glosing Sentence Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
StepS Revise and Edit Read vgur parasraph and make
1999::ary 9,!1l,gg:

Ite Relative
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My Wonderful Grandma
My favorite relative is my grandma. She lives
far away in the country. My grandma has gray
hair and wears glasses. She has a beautiful smile.
Her smile makes me happy. She always bakes me
cookies when I visit her. Her peanut butter

cookies are the best. She is also a good storyteller.

She is funny and usually tells me fun stories, but

sometimes she tells scary stories too. I like visiting my

grandma on the weekend, and time flies when I am with her.

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What does she or he look like? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

a'hgautiful'stTtilg rjr:"
'r. ::j:j:jbluejgans glasses
cudy hair grqyhair straight hair wavy haif

1. She has

2. He wears

"fr 3. She has

e €k
R @
4. He wears

g€€ 5. She has

6. He has

7. She has

8. He wears

B. What is she or he like? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

brave fUnnY,, rr''kinel " : ShY smart talented

1. Sam is . He is good at math and science.

2. Jessica is very She can sing, dance and play music.

3. My grandma is _*__*. She likes helping other people.

4. My cousin is . She likes to play alone.

5. My uncle is . He goes rock climbing every weekend.

6. My grandpa is **__* He tells me great jokes.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

.ahug . delicious cookies . great stories . with my homework

ffi . time with her . my grandma ' to her stories . with my cousins

1. She bakes me

2. She helps me

3. She gives me

4. She tells me

5. I like visiting

6. I like listening

7. I like to play

8. I like to spend

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when. Discuss your choices.
. she plays with her dog . she smiles . she comes #,

. I visit her on weekends . I tell her about my school gr

1. She is pretty

2. She listens carefully

3. She is happy

4. She gives me a hug

5. She brings her homemade cookies

6. She cheers me up
4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 68 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters,

a. Her peanut butter cookies are the best.

b. Her smile makes me happy.
c. She is funny and usually tells me fun stories, but sometimes she tells scary stories
too. I


; l. She has a beautiful smile.

2. She always bakes me cookies when I visit her.

i S. She is also a good storyteller.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

, . He reads at least five books a week. . He shows me around his garden when I visit him.
, He grows many different flowers and trees. ' We sometimes take our dogs for a wdk together.
i . We sometimes play hide-and-seek. . He usually borrows the books from the library.

1. I like playing with my
cousins. '?b

2.My grandpa has 2a


3. My uncle likes reading. 3a


4. My cousin is talented. 4a 1

4h *
5. tfUfitg YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCg .
rhetlnicsentencetlllsthemainideaortheparasraph. l

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Who is your favorite relative?

2. Where does she or he live? What does she or he look like?

3. What does she or he do? What does she or he like doing?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 68 again and write the topic sentence.

), My fovorit e relotive

G. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 68 again and complete the chart.

Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

My_g1gldmo Ig gtgy- lgif g4,fo1_s efoglgs,

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

"Where does she or he live?

* What does she or he look like?

" What does she or he do?

What does she or he like doing?
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.

7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought

A. Read the model paragraph on page 68 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Step 1 Title j Write the title of your paragraph.

Step2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
s19_os, egoy s:lJ9l9.: Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.

!leo+ clo1i19 sgnlg19" Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit
1. llUarrn up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My Neighbors
My neighbors are very friendly people. They are
all different, but they are all interesting. The Johnson
family lives next door. Mr. Johnson is a school teacher.
He teaches science. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have two

boys and a cat. My brother and I play with them in

the backyard after schooi. Mr. and Mrs. Weber live

across from my house. They are very kind. They

always treat me and my brother like their own grandsons. Sometimes

they come and baby-sit us when my parents go out at night. I am

very lucky to have neighbors like mine.

B. Discuss the guestions about the paragraph.

1. What are Ryan's neighbors like?

2. Who lives next door to Ryan's house?

3. Who lives across from Ryan's house?

A. Who lives in your neighborhood? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

abOV*,, ,. r' ,' , :&C;OSS bgtOW :: fiOXt

1. My best friend, Ken, lives door.

2. Ms. Weber lives from my house.

3. Mr. Kent lives my apartment.

4. Tom and Mary live my apartment.

B. What are your neighbors like? Choose and complete the sentence.

" ..&ftFloyihg,,,, etlrbus .,rich friendly, noisy ,, fun hetp-fut

1. I like playing with Tom. He is a lot of

2. Ms. Jones always smiles when she sees me. She is very

3. They are neighbors. They always come and help.

4. Mrs. Gomez is about everything. She always asks many questions.

5. My neighbor's dog barks every night. lt is

6. My next door neighbor is ___**_._ He buys a new car every year.

7. The boy next door is He cries all the time.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence.

j . to baby-sit me and my brother . to have a backyard . to have neighbors like mine l

1. I am very lucky They are good people.

2. Mrs. Jones is happy . She likes us.

3. Mr. Kent feels lucky . He made a garden there.

ri . to live in our neighborhood . to be their neighbors . to live below our apartment ' j :.

4. We are glad . They are such nice people.

5. Mr. Smith is happy . We are quiet neighbors.

6. We feel lucky . We have fun block parties.

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when. Discuss your choices.

. Christmas time comes . someone is ill in our neighborhood

. my parents go out at night . our neighbor is fixing the house

. we have a barbeque party " someone needs help

1. They come and baby-sit us

2.My father goes and helps

3. We go and visit

4. We exchange Christmas cards

5. We invite our neighbors

6. We offer support
4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 74 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

, a. They are very kind.

b. He teaches science.
,, ,:',',, ,,:a,:'
'. c. My brother and I play with them in the backyard after school.
i, d. They always treat me and my brother like their own grandsons.
: :';"::' :' e. Sometimes they come and baby-sit us when my parents go out at night.
t. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have two boys and a cat.
g. Mr. Johnson is a school teacher.

1. The Johnson family lives next door.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Weber live across from my house.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. They ltve across from us. . He and I do everything together.

r . She sometimes baby-sits us. . We like her very much.
. He is my best frield,


1. Mrs. Davis lives above our

2. Mike is my next door 2e

neighbor. ?h

3. We have new neighbors. 3a


4. I feel lucky to live in my 4a

neighborhood. 4b
5. Wfite YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCe rhetopicsentencetellsthemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. How are your neighbors?

2. Who lives next door? Who lives across from your house? What are they like?

3. Who lives above or below your apartment? What are they like?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 74 againand write the topic sentence.

My neighbors are

G. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 74 again and complete the chart.

--; Writing Guide Quegtions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

*Who lives next door? rhg {olp_91 fgmily lfv?: Wf! doo-1,

What aie they like?

,,Who is across from you? Mr. ond Mrs. Weber live ocross f rom my house.
Who is:above or below your
apaftment? '
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

gody Sentences of Your Paragraph


Writing Guide Questions ll

Who lives next door?
What are they like?

-Who is across from you?

Who is above or below your
What are they like?

7, Write Your Closing $entence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 74 again and write the closing sentence.


B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

<\ vout Closing sentenc:l


8. Gomplete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Stepl Title Write the title of your paragraph.


ffi ffimH fu*rfu*m# ffimrk

3 - Wanrm ulp

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.


Perry Park is in my neighborhood, and it has

many fun things to do. There is a large ball field.

We can play baseball there after school. There

are two tennis courts. My parents often play

tennis there. The park also has a basketball

court and a volleyball court. It is fun to play
basketball with my friends on Sundays. The best part

of the park is that there is a swimming poo1. We can jump into

the pool after we play hard. I think Perry Park is a wonderful

place for neighbors to get together and have fun.

B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

' /'l-. 1. Where is Perry Park?

'd" L-. -
2. What is in the park?
'\'i i J,I
"'!. "1

\"-{'" 3. What is the best part of the park?..-.

':1 ':-
2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is in the park? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

soccer field fountain basketballeourt pond,

playground jogging,track picnic area swimming pool

1. There is a

2. There is a

3. There is a water

reE 4. There is a

5. There is a

6. There is a

7. There is a beautiful

8. There is an outdoor

B. What do people do at the park? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

ride go jogging , jump : have play

1. Many people at the park because there is a good jogging track.

2. I like to basketball with my friends at the park.

3. ln the summer, my neighbors *_ a picnic together at the picnic area.

4. My mom likes to ducks around the pond.

5. The park is a good place to a bike.

6. On a hot day, children into the swimming pool.

3. Practice lltlriting Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

'^..- ::4.: . :";. ., . ,.,.
"- ",, i-,+^,r,-ru;
i .togo

.toeat fl;

1. There are many fun things in the park.

2. The park is a wondedul place on Sundays.

3. There is a lot of good food at the picnic.

_i.; a :;: ;=_:;:-::i=+ "- . .

.: . to go walking . to have a picnic . to play basketball g

,. *l

4. lt is fun with my friends in the park.

5. lt is great with our neighbors in the summer.

6. lt is relaxing with my dog in the park.

B. Choose and complete the sentence using after. Discuss your choices.
-au.p+.*_-rti*,t.*r]:r]l+j@ ,.+e+rpr j.rq.,,-'..]l:l.d5q:.
.! {,
j., . we play basketball . they come home from work

. we play hard . we ride our bikes

,g 1'.
. we eat an early' dinner . I finish my homework *

1. We can jump into the pool

2. I usually go bike riding with my friends

3. Sometimes my mom and dad take us to the park

4. We usually have ice cream

5. Many people go jogging in the park

6. We all go home for dinner

4, Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 80 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. My parents often play tennis there.

b. We can play baseball there after school.
c. We can jump into the pool after we play hard.
d. lt is fun to play basketball with my friends on Sundays.


i t. There is a large ball field.

2. There are two tennis courts.

, 3. The park also has a basketball court and a volleyball couft.

i 4. The best part of the park is that there is a swimming pool.

B. Choose and write the detaib of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. lt is my little brother's favorite place, . There are many fun things to do in the park.
. I often go swimming there with my friends. . There is a high diving board.
. He loves everything on the playground,......
= : lt i:..1s::? so.wlth mv f i,?n9..r_:
. .,

ldea Details

1. Central Park is in my 1a






4. There is a soccer field in the

5. Wfitg YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCe rhetolicseT""**]1.:l"mainideao-rtheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. ls there a park in your neighborhood? Does it have a name?

2. What is in the park? What do people do there?

3. What is the best part of the park?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 80 again and write the topic sentence.

Perry Park is

G. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 80 again and complete the chart.
Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

;what is in the'pal'k.,,ih'yo.uf.,:, .,..,. -

What do people do there?
: Write 3 things and explain.

The pork olso hos o bosketboll court ond o volleyboll court.

"What is the best part of the The best port of the pork is thot there is o swimming pool.
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

What is in the park in your

What do people dothere?'
Write 3 things and explain.

=What is the best part of the


7, Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 80 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Step 1 Title
step2 Topic Sentence i Use the chart in Activity SC and write it.
step3 BodySentences I Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.
Step4 Closing Sentence i Use the chart in Activity 7B and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit i Read your paragraph and make necessary changes.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the letter.

December 2

Dear Aunt Helen'

at my school' It is
like to invite you to Fun Play Night
I would
going to perform CharLottels
auditorium' My class is
The play willbe
to play the pig' Wilbur'
night, and I am going if
very happy
we are practicing hard everY day' I wiil be
you there'
can come and enjoy
the play' I hope to see

Love alwaYs'

B..Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

1. Who is Ryan inviting?

2. What is the event? When is it? Where is it?

3. What will Ryan do at the event?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is the event? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

play festival birthday party talent show

1. I would like to invite you to my school 2. I would like to invite you to my school

3. I would like to invite you to my school 4. I would like to invite you to my

B. What will happen at the eyent? Choose and complete the sentence.
dress up sell perform watch play sing

1. I am going to Romeo in Romeo and Juliet.

2. I am going to _: -.__ _ _- - as Peter Pan in the school parade.

3. We are going to .__ *._._ _ __ and dance in the talent show.

4. My class is going to Charlotte's Web.

6. We are going to ._ -" _ _ - a magic show on my birthday.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

;,. . in autumn . in the school auditorium . next week . at 10 o'clock


j . in the morning . in the afternoon . September 12th . on Tuesday *

1. The play will staft at 7 o'clock

2. There will be a party in my class

3. The play.will end at night.

4.My school festival is , on October 27th.

5. The school festival is on Sunday,

6. The talent show is next week.

7. The parade is at 10 o'clock

8. The singing contest is at 2 o'clock

B. Choose and complete the sentence using lf. Discuss your choices.

1. I will be very happy

2. We will not have a parade

3. There will be a lot people

4. You might not have a seat

5. You can volunteer

6. I will be sad
4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 86 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. lt is next Saturday, on December 1 1th.

b. I will be very happy if you can come and enjoy the play.
c. lt will start at 7:00 in the school auditorium.
d. The play will be great, and we are practicing hard every day.


1. I would like to invite you to Fun Play Night at my school.

2. My class is going to perform Charlotte's Web that night,

and I am going to play the pig, Wilbur.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. My team will be the first on the stage. . I am going to sing, and my friends will break dance.
. lt is next Friday, on September 'lOth. . I am going to dress up as Snow White.
. Every class will be in the parade. . lt will start at 9 o'clock and end at 5 o'clock.


1. I would like to invite you to la

my school festival.


2. There will be a school 2a

parade in the morning.

3. There will be a singing

contest in the afternoon.

4. There will be a lot of fun

things at the festival.
5. Write Your Greeting The greeting of a letter tells who you are writing to.

A. Choose your topic and discuss it with a partner.

1. What is the event? Where is it? When is it?

2. Who do you want to invite to the event?

3. What will happen at the event?

B. Read the model invitation letter on page 86 again and write the greeting.

C. Write the greeting of your invitation letter.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body of a letter tells what you are writing about.

A. Read the model invitation letter on page 86 again and complete the chart.

I -. , Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model lnvitation Letter


I " What is the event?


" When and where will it happen?

"'What will happen at the event? My closs is going to perform Charlotfe's Web that

What willyou do?

Write 2 or 3 things and explain.
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your invitation letter and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions

'What is the event?

When and where will it happen?

'What will happen at the event?

What willyou do?
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.

7, Write Your Closing Write a closing such as, "Love always," "Cheers," "5incerely," or "Talk soon."

A. Read the model invitation letter on page 86 again and write the closing.

B. Write the closing of your invitation letter.

8. Complete Your Letter

>> Complete your invitation letter.

the date.
the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

Vacation on an lsland
Last summer my family went to Hilton Head
Island on vacation. It is a small resort island.
We stayed in a nice hotel for a week. Our

hotel was near the ocean. Every day we

went to the beach. We sunbathed and built

sand castles there. We also learned how to

snorkel. We enjoyed watching many colorful fishes swimming

freely in the water. On the last day, we wanted to see the whole
island. We rented bikes and went biking around the island. We

had such a great time, and I hope we go back there again soon.

B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

1. Where did Ryan's family go on vacation?

2. What did they do at the beach?

3. What did they do on the last day?

2. Practice Yocabulary

A. Where did you go with your familf Look, choose and complete the sentence.
Iake etty skiresort . :mountqin ,, , amilssment part< ,..,, tQsort,island.

ruryW;;";"::,: ffi,.",.-
.s +l
3. We went to Maui. lt is a

4. We went to Tahoe. lt is a

5. We went to New York. lt is an exciting

6. We went to Pikes Peak. lt is a famous

B. What did you do there? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

went hiking rode went swimming went fishing stayed toured

1. We up to the top of the mountain.

2. We on a boat. We caught a big fish.

3. We at the beach.

4. We the city on a double-decker bus.

5. We many exciting rides at the amusement park.

6. We in a cabin by the lake.

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence.

l' ;: 4, al Ha ) i,: *. ! n il; *

j. . to get a souvenir . to come back home . to get a good suntan I :i.

1. We wanted Mom bought us a set of postcards.

2. We wanted . We went to the beach every day.

3. We didn't want We wanted to stay there forever!

. hiking up the mountain . sleeping in the tent . trying different food

4. We enjoyed It was all delicious.

5. We enjoyed . The view at the top was great!

6, We didn't enjoy . lt was uncomfortable.

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence using and. Discuss your choices.
,t&:!i:!::Ur:!t!,.i!i*4..!":!rij)-,1:tr 1i..:rni...r";::tlt.:t,l*1-i:+n:iii;ia:if,ii:ii:lir:+i:i+i:rl1:ir- i7: : ?: -. ,

i . built a camp fire . screamed at the top of our lungs I


. built sand castles at the beach . saw great paintings i


a,i ' went biking around the island . skied down the steep i'
slope i il

1. We rented bikes

2. We sunbathed

3. We took the ski lift up

4. We set up the tent

5. We went to the city art museum

6. We went on a roller coaster

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 92 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. Our hotel was near the ocean.

b. We also learned how to snorkel.
c. We sunbathed and built sand castles there.

d. We rented bikes and went biking around the island,

e. We enjoyed watching many colorful fishes swimming freely in the water.


1. We stayed in a nice hotel for a week.

', 2.Every day, we went to the beach.

3. On the last day, we wanted to see the whole island.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. My favorite ride was Space Mountain. . Disneyland is in California. l.

. The hotel was right next to Disneyland. " Our room was decorated with Disneyland characters. ,,

a, . lt is a world-famous amusement park. ' My brother liked the bumper cars. .

ldea Details
1. My family went to
Disneyland on vacation.

2. We stayed in the Disneyland ?a


3. We rode many exciting rides 3*


there. t

4. We took a lot pictures with


Disney characters.
5. Wfite YOUf TOpiC SentenCg rhetonksentencetensrhemainideaortheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Where did your family go on a trip last year?

2. What kind of place is it?

3. Where did you stay? What did you do?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 92 again and write the topic sentence.

Lost summer my fomi

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences fhe body sentences describe the main idea

A. Read the model paragraph on page 92 again and complete the chart.

, Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

*What kind of place is it? r,t is q imoll resqrt is-lqnd,

Where did you stay?

Every doy we wzint 19 the !eo9!,

"What did you do there?
Write 3 things and explain.

W_g- olSo leornEd.hpw tq Snprksl.

On the lost doy, wq wgpt_ed tq Spq lfre rylol.e islqnd,

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

"What kind of place is it?

Where did you stay?

"What did you do there?

Write 3 things and explain.

7. Write Your Closing Sentence r The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 92 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

Step 1 Title : Write the tifle of your paragraph.

ll.o? Sentence
Topic Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
StepS Body Sentences : Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.

9i:o.4 99'itg l'l!:1,.: i V."?_t!g !l*ll1 1ctyitv il3td *litgil_

Step5 Revise and Edit
1. Warrn up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

My Favorite TV Show
My favorite TV show is The Sutte Life oJ Zack and

CnrA.It is a sitcom. I can watch it every Wednesday at

5:30 on the Disney Channel. The main characters are

the twin brothers, Zack and Cory. They are 11 years

old, and they live with their mom at the Tipton Hotel
in Boston. Their mom is a professional singer, and she sings at the
hotel. The two boys have a lot of fun with the people in the hotel.
It is fun to watch them having a g::eat time. The hotel is like their

playground. I wish my brother and I could live in a hotel too.

-;*h:r\ "\_\_
B'Discuss the question$ about'the paragraph.

ti 2. When and,rwhich channe[,is it on?
' 1I
JI 3. Who are t'he main characterS?
*-*** '' " :' ,'
4-Wh,at,are the,y liftg? : '
2. Practice Vocabulary

l/Uhat isthe show like? What is the show aboul? Ghoose and complete the sentence.
+sit*otn...:'*mr+con'. gr.uti how , p'Quir*how,."

1. Tom and Jerry is a classic *--- on television.

Tom and Jerry each other around the house.

2. American ldolis a very popular music

Ordinary people can stars through the show.

3. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire is a television

The players a lot of cash if they answer 15 questions.


4. Muhan Dojeon is a famous Korean

Six co-hosts face a funny and impossible each week.

5.The Suife Lifeof ZackandCory isapopular

It features a different _ every week.

6. Music Bank is my favorite

It presents songs on the weekly

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

fr . playing silly games . answering difficult questions . traveling together

1. They have a lot of fun on a spaceship.

2. They sometimes have hard time

3. lt is fun to watch the characters

'a 3

fir; . on Saturday mornings . on the show ' on channel 7 W

isi.ini+l{{+-}!jry}r,3ryCtl ffip.rser&*.$Wrvry**ryg. Eeltll*i.l

4. lwatch the show every Sunday

5. I can watch the show

6. The singers do their best to stay

B. Choose and complete the sentence using and. Discuss your choices.

. she sings at the hotel . Jerry is a small brown house mouse

. sometimes they have a special guest . they live with their mom at the Tipton Hotel
. I can watch it every Sunday . it became very popular among teenagers

1. They are 11 years old,

2. Their mom is a professional singer,

3. Tom is a Russian Blue cat,

4. There are six people on the show,

5. lt is my favorite quiz show,

6. The music show started in 2005,

4. Practice tfVriting Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 98 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. lt is a sitcom.
b. The hotel is like their playground.

c. lt is fun to watch them having a great time.

d. Their mom is a professional singer, and she sings at the hotel.
e. I can watch it every Wednesday at 5:30 on the Disney Channel.
f. They are 11 years old, and they live with their mom at the Tipton Hotel in Boston.


i 1. My favorite W show is Ihe Suite Life of Zack and Cory.

2. The main characters are the twin brothers, Zack and Cory

I g. The two boys have a lot of fun with the people in the hotel.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea.

, tt is a TV cartoon series.
They have to fight the Fire nation for the world peace.
. ," is the Avatar. .l can watch it on Nickelodeon.
, .
' They travel together on a flying ox. . He can control water, earth, fire and air,

ldea Details

1. My favorite TV show is
Avatar: The Last Airbender.

2. The main character is Aang,

the air bender.

, 3. The story is about Aang and

, his friends having adventures
5. Wfite YOUf fiOpiC SgntgnCe ,, lh:ton1.i"":"i-1",.r!th"majnillaoftheolrloraoh,

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your favorite TV show?

2. What kind of show is it? Who are the main characters?

3. What do you like about the show?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 98 again and write the topic sentence.

) My fovorite TV show is

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 98 again and complete the chart.

Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

Body Sentences of Your Paragraph

"'What kind of show is it?

When and which channel is it on?

*Who are the main characters?
Who else is on the show?
What is the show about?

=What do you like about the t

,:, ?
show? *


7. Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought,

A. Read the model paragraph on page 98 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

1. Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the paragraph.

Arbor Day
Arbor Day is a holiday about trees. It is celebrated on
the last Friday in April in the United States. On this day,

we plant trees and take care of them everywhere. We plant

trees in our backyards, on hilltops, and in forests. We also

learn why trees are important. They grve us so many good

things like fruit, shelter, shade, and fresh air. Every year
on Arbor Day, my family goes to our neighborhood park

and helps plant trees there. Trees are important in our

lives. Surely, Arbor Day is a very important day.

B. Discuss the questions about the paragraph.

1. When is Arbor Day in the USA?

2. What is this day about?

3. What do people do on this day?

4. Why does Ryan think it is an important day?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is an important holiday in your country? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

1. is an impoftant family holiday in Korea.

It is on January 1"1.

2. is a special day for teachers.

It is the first Tuesday of May in the USA.

3. is an important holiday in the USA.

It is on July 4th

4. lnternational is a special day for children.

It is on June 1"t

5. is a holiday about trees.

It is on the last Friday in April in the USA.

B. How do people celebrate the daf Ghoose and complete the sentence.


1. On Teacher's Day, we bring


for our teachers to show our thanks.


2. We start and celebrate New Year's Day with at midnight.

3. We put up our national everywhere on lndependence Day.

4. We plant and take care of them on Arbor Day.

5. There are many fun for children on Children's Day.

3. Practice lf$riting Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. like in the backyards and in the forests . like stuffed animals, board games, and books
. like fruit, shelter, shade, and fresh air . like roasted ham, baked potatoes, and apple pie
. like a parade and a magic show

1. Trees give us many good things

2. We get a lot of presents

3. We plant trees everywhere

4. There are many delicious dishes

5. We do many things

6. They have fun activities

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence using tf. Discuss your choices.
. the weather is good . we give her a surprise parly . we have a lot of snow ;

1. I will be happy on Christmas.

2. We will have an lndependence Day picnic at the park

3. Our teacher will be happy

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. we don't get any presents . we show our thanks

,it -,]*i:.rylE5 *l

4. lt doesn't seem like a real New Year celebration

5. We will be disappointed

6. My mom will be happy

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model paragraph on page 104 again, Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. We plant trees in our backyards, on hilltops, and in forests.

b. lt is celebrated on the last Friday in April in the United States.

c. They give us so many good things like fruit, shelter, shade, and fresh air,

ldea Details

1. Arbor Day is a holiday about trees.

2. On this day, we plant trees and take care of them everywhere.

3. We also learn why trees are important.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. We always make breakfast for Mom. . We bring it to her bed when she wakes up.
. lt is on the second Sunday in May in the U.S. . My dad always prepares a special present.
. My sister and I usually make the card. " lt is a day to show our thanks to our mothers.


1. Mother's Day is a special
day for all mothers. lb

2. There is one thing that we ?a

always do for Mom. 2b

3. We also give Mom a card
and a present. 3b

4. This year we will do

something different.
5, Wfitg YOUf TOpiC SgntgnCe rhetopicsentencetellsthemainideaoftheparasraph.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is an important or special holiday in your country?

2. When is it?

3. What do you do on that day?

B. Read the model paragraph on page 104 again and write the topic sentence.

Arbor Doy is

C. Write the topic sentence of your paragraph.

6. Write Your Body Sentences The body sentences describe the main idea.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 104 again and complete the chart.

': '1: Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences of the Model Paragraph

r "When is the holiday celebrated?

r -What do people do on this day? on.!f is- {gy t.w.?_ plalt tlges- ald.tofe carg 9l f liem
How do you celebrate it?
.e;v9ryw\e-1e,... ..
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.

We olso leorn why trees ore importont.

'What does your family do on

this day every year?
B. Make a plan for the body sentences of your paragraph and complete the chart.

r,: Writing Guide Questions Body Sentences ofYour Paragraph

*When is the holiday celebrated?

,"What do people do on this day?

How do you celebrate it?

Write 2 or Sthings and explain.

.What does your family do on

this day every year?

7, Write Your Closing Sentence The closing sentence adds one last thought.

A. Read the model paragraph on page 104 again and write the closing sentence.

B. How do you feel about your topic? Write the closing sentence of your paragraph.

8. Complete Your Paragraph

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 111 and complete your paragraph.

siep 1 Title I Wrlte the title of your paragraph

Step2 Topic Sentence i Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 BodySentences Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.

-sl"r 1 9r":its_ 9:1lT-': : Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.

", 9l:t.5 l".yi-::_.:.ld-I9il, 1RT9-v_o,ylTa'3-qlTl,a9.T3[g11 ":"39",111-s_"-:i

>> Follow the steps and complete your paragraph.
Step 1 Title Write the title of your paragraph

Step 2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it

Step3 Body Sentencei Use the chart in Activity 68 and write them.
')4 :
Step 4 Glosing Sentence Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it. ! | -:..

i. jr'i
step 5 Revist ina eUii Read your paragraph and make necessary changes. ir E
, ii€


V{rite the ritle here, i

Y*ur ygp-i, 8!!S!!S rIyY !:g:S

Conrinue wtyr_ggvf_ W 5enfefide5,


Unitl' Namel Datel

>> Follow the steps and complete your paragraph.

Step'l Title Write the tltle of your paragraph.

Step 2 Topic Sentence Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it

SteB3 BodySentences
Step 4 Closing Sentence Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.

Step5 Revise and Edit

photocopiable o e-future 20t 0

How to Expository . food ingredients . prepositional phrases with rn, on, and with

Make a Snack Paragraph . action verbs related to cooking . complex sentences with until

My Favorite Descriptive . nouns describing people . object compliments

Helative Paragraph . adjectives describing personality . complex sentences wilh when

. prepositions for locations

Descriptlve . to-infinitives
My Neighhors . adjectives describing people and
Paragraph . complex sentences wilh when

My Neighborhood Descriptive - places in a park . to-infinitives

Park Paragraph . activities in a park . complex sentences wilh after

. prepositional phrases related to time and

Personal . special school events
An lnvitaticn Letter places
Letter . special school activities
. complex sentences with if

. to-infinitives
A Family Trip . gerunds
. connecting phrases wilh and


. present participial phrases

Descriptive . types of TV shows
A Fun TV Show . prepositional phrases with on
Paragraph . words related to TV shows
. compound sentences with and

An lrnportant Expository . celebrations . giving examples with like

Holiday Paragraph . words related to celebrations . complex sentences wlth il
cohesive par,agraph that includes a topic sentence, body, and a closing sentence. ln
books 2 and 3, students expand therr ideas and develop their writing rnto multi-paragraph
essays. Paragraph and essay writing is guided through a comprehensive step-by-step
approach with the use o{ model essays. The series covers a wide range of tnteresting
topics so that students can practice and develop various writing skills along the way.

, ffig f,Fatu.res ":
rP' lnteresting Writing Topics
*, Useful Vocabulary in Meaningful Chunks
* Activities for Writing Longer and More Cohesive Sentences
t Activities for Writing ldeas and Details
'* Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Paragraph and Essay Writing

a Student Book 1 2 3
-l Teacher's Manual 1 2 3

,: Visit
for downloadable resources;
MP3 files, worksheets, and
answer keys.

For young EFL beginners, be sure to pick up My First Writing!

i i . uL .l

rsBN 978-89-5635-460-6

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