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NO. MATRIKULASI : 971202036303001

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Drawbacks of Social Media


- Drawbacks of Social Media according to the scheme of scams money in Malaysia

- Getting a social network or reusing a social network will offer people a lot of
benefits, but it’s not just sunshine and roses, because anything in life can have its benefits
and drawbacks.

I. The number of victims of online scams is increasing day by day

A. Country was shocked by the arrest of one of the scammers who are active in our
country, namely the Macau scam

II. Another cybercrime involving money that is also prevalent in Malaysia is the investment

A. Forex stands for foreign exchange. It is the largest financial market that
determines the price and exchange rate for every currency in the world

III. The way to identify fraudulent schemes that exist in Malaysia

IV. The fraudulent syndicate that also occurs in our country is to gain sympathy by using
pictures of abandoned children to collect funds from the public

V. The ways to protect yourself from falling into a scam

VI. In conclusion, I agree that the use of social media brings more disadvantages than pros.
This is because the influence of social media can contribute to crime rates such as fraud
schemes that cause many victims to lose thousands of savings. However, there are also
benefits of using social media such as easy to get information

Communication is essential in our life. One of the key skills that people have is the
ability to communicate clearly and efficiently. The use of software can be a fantastic
opportunity for individuals to communicate and minimizing time. But technology without the
interface may have implications of reducing person-to-person contact. Communication
technology has progressed quickly today. Besides, people now have a chance to share what
they want via social media platforms. But the same applies to social media, most people
appreciate as one of the greatest technologies and others seem to take it as a negative effect
on culture as a whole. Getting a social network or reusing a social network will offer people a
lot of benefits, but it’s not just sunshine and roses, because anything in life can have its
benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, I agree with the above statement that the use of social
media is more cons than good. This is because there are several scam schemes by other well-
known Malaysians that cause many victims to save thousands. Statistical information from
the Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCert) website in 2019, a total of
10,699 cybercrime cases was recorded last year and the number increased by 25.6 percent last
year to more than 7,962 cases. According to a computer scientist, Prof Dr. Norita Md
Norwawi in the Sinar Harian newspaper on June 9, 2019, the total cybercrime statistics are
very worrying which uses a loss of tens of thousands of Ringgits from the victims. This
makes it even worse to see victims at risk of being involved in social problems and other
crimes such as the collapse of the household, Ah Long loans, violent crimes to the point of
murder. It is clear here that the problem of the disadvantages of social media is becoming
more and more common in our society.

The first argument in support of the above statement is that the number of
victims of online scams is increasing day by day. Recently, our country was shocked by the
arrest of one of the scammers who are active in our country, namely the Macau scam. Macau
scam is a syndicate that offers lucky draw services, kidnappings, and ransom claims, spoofing
police officers or government agencies, as well as spoofing officers of national banks or
commercial banks. Macau scam masterminded by Taiwan and China syndicates using
international lines from Hong Kong and locally, spoofing is a Macau scam technique in
which callers communicate using the Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) platform to allow
callers to place any phone number to deceive recipients that the caller is of the numbers on
the screen. Local bank accounts will be used to collect money from the victims which will be
obtained by withdrawing in cash. According to police statistics, there were 28,508 cases of
scams and 18,130 accounts opened involving RM2.5 billion in 2019 alone. More than 80,000

individual donkey accounts that allow syndicates to use it for online fraudulent activities are
detected from 2019 to October 2020. Usually, the target group for this syndicate is the zero-
knowledge group such as the elderly. This syndicate will disguise itself as any government
agency such as from the court or police to continue the process of transferring money
transactions. Among the reasons, this syndicate uses are summonses and unpaid debt
repayment rates. The victim's personal information is obtained from any easily available
source such as on social media or the sale and purchase of personal data from any
irresponsible party. The victim's phone number, full name, and identity card number are
important personal information to continue their syndicate.

Next, another cybercrime involving money that is also prevalent in Malaysia is

the investment scheme. According to the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) in 2020, apart
from gold, the hot scams in Malaysia include digital currency investments, forex, and get rich
quick schemes that are still contagious. In 2019 alone, a total of 974,301 individuals suffered
losses reaching RM3.8 billion dues to these fraudulent schemes. In fact, in Malaysia, there
are laws governing investment activities and even monitored by the Companies Commission
of Malaysia (SSM). But financial fraud still grows like a mushroom after rain. Forex stands
for foreign exchange. It is the largest financial market that determines the price and exchange
rate for every currency in the world. In this market, consumers buy and sell currencies as
assets by exchanging them with each other. The International Exchange Market, unlike other
financial markets, has no location for all financial transactions. This is because the Forex
market is not defined as a place or building. Instead, it is a stream of several networks built
from all its participants, named liquidity providers such as banks and financial institutions, as
well as brokers and retail traders. Investors make a profit through forex trading or currency
buying activities. For example, say you go to a money changer to convert Ringgit to USD.
The exchange rate at that time was RM4.00 for USD1.00. So, you pay RM400 to earn
USD100. A few months ago, our Ringgit reached RM4.20 for USD1.00. If you go to change
USD100, you will get RM420 back and earn RM20. Often, these currency buying activities
are carried out online through trading platforms such as Copy Trade. And because the forex
market is active 24 hours a day, we need a forex broker as an investment company to handle
our trading activities like buying or sell money. These forex brokers will always give advice
when the time is right to invest. This is where fraud can occur. Let's say 10 investors use the
services of the broker and each investor has to pay RM100 a week. These investors are
divided into two groups which are Groups A and B. After that, this broker will tell Group A

based on his market analysis that the forex market will increase, so have to buy. While Group
B, he will advise that the forex market will decline, so it has to be sold. Look, the market is
declining and Group B is profitable while Group A is at a loss and no longer wants to use this
brokerage service. However, this scammer did not lose because he had received a service
payment of RM 1,000 from both groups. Unfortunately, his deception did not stop here.
Because Group B is profitable and has more trust in this broker, he will convince the
members of the group to attract more contacts or family members to use his brokerage
services. The new members are used to replace the outgoing Group A members. That is the
cycle. There have been many cases where forex brokers cheated investors' money by giving
unsavoury advice or promising multiple returns. However, after the investor deposited the
money and suffered a loss, the broker disappeared. For example, in May 2018, a fraudster
with the title of Datuk who owns the forex company GWGFX was successfully caught after
cheating for RM13.9 million. A total of 23 police reports were lodged against him by local

Therefore, the way to identify fraudulent schemes that exist in Malaysia is they don’t
have a license from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). Under the Financial Services Act 2013
(Financial Services Act or FSA 2013), it is an offense for any individual. If you are in doubt
as to whether a company is registered and licensed or not, report directly to BNM. Next, non-
direct investment is one of the features of fraudulent schemes. No matter which method is
used by scammers like seminars, phone calls, WhatsApp, or face-to-face, they all promise
high returns. Any investment must use the concept of High Risk and High Return which is if
you want a high return, you have to take the high risk. The alternative is a small investment.
As the elders say, if you are afraid of being tossed by the waves, do not live by the beach.
Besides, the next way to identify they are a scheme is they do not have an investment account
trustee. No matter what form of investment it is, for example, real estate, gold, unit trusts,
everything requires the trustee of the investment money. This trustee is a representative who
looks after the interests of the unit holders or investors. Any investment received or fees
charged will be handled by the trustee. The owners of investment companies cannot use the
money we have invested at will. The easiest way to find out if a trustee is legitimate or not,
they often have a Trust Deed. So, before making any investment, ask to show the trust
document as proof first. If in doubt, contact the Securities Commission Malaysia (SSM) for
confirmation. Furthermore, being able to make a big profit is one of the features of a
fraudulent scheme. According to BNM, fraudulent schemes often promise far higher returns

than those offered by licensed financial institutions. Also, investors may not be given any
copies of the transaction documents, including the agreement documents with the investment
company. The last feature to identify fraudulent schemes is that it is difficult to submit
investment documents. This is common in gold investment scams. Before investing, you
should first request the following documents: License for mining, letter of agreement
between factory and mine for supply and processing of gold, mining documents showing the
location of mines, depth allowed for mining as well as depth dug and investment company
tax documents to obtain assayer approval.

Most of these money fraud syndicates use social media as a platform to implement
syndicates because the people of today are more likely to believe without questioning the
truth first. The fraudulent syndicate that also occurs in our country is to gain sympathy by
using pictures of abandoned children to collect funds from the public. Not only that, but
irresponsible individuals also disguised themselves by putting the account number as if it
belonged to the guardian of the child involved. An example of a case that has happened is an
impersonator who uses Facebook under the name Harian Metro Online MY asking for a
quick donation of RM1 to help Muhammad Saifullah Muhammad Danial who has a brain
tumour and failure to control the main nerve. The account owner also said that the cost of
treatment for the child is RM54,000 including daily cost and special formula milk. Following
that, a man believed to be a family member of the child involved uploaded a post via his FB
asking that the public not be fooled by the tactic. In the submission, they informed that the
scammer misused the picture of his son to collect funds with an account given to someone
else instead of the father of the child. Meanwhile, Harian Metro Group Editor, Tuan Mohd
Asri Tuan Hussein said, HM has never operated or used the Harian Metro Online MY FB
page to display current news. According to him, this newspaper instead uses a Facebook page
in the name of Harian Metro which has its own FB certificate. A check found that Harian
Metro Online was still uploading pictures of the children involved and this FB had done the
same to ask for funds to help a child with a broken heart in 2017.

Futhermore, one of the ways to protect yourself from falling into a scam is to use the
app to identify and block online. With the help of increasingly advanced technology, you can
filter out unfamiliar calls first such as using the True Caller app to identify where calls are
coming from and block calls to prevent you from becoming a victim of fraud cases. Also, do

not share personal information on social media sites. Personal information such as bank
account number, online banking password, CVV code on the bank card, and TAC number
you need to keep for personal use only. If the irresponsible party asks for your personal
information, you better end the call or interaction. Also, if there are any concerns with
website apps or unknown numbers, immediately visit Bank Negara Malaysia's official portal
for the latest and most up-to-date information on financial fraud. If website apps or numbers
are blacklisted for financial fraud, immediately file a police report so that action can be taken
immediately. Next, do not download any applications if you are asked to do so for fear of
containing malware or spyware that may reveal your personal details. Make sure the
application is an official application from the company especially involving finance.

In conclusion, I agree that the use of social media brings more disadvantages than
pros. This is because the influence of social media can contribute to crime rates such as fraud
schemes that cause many victims to lose thousands of savings. However, there are also
benefits of using social media such as easy to get information. The use of social media
through the internet has an impact on the lifestyle of Malaysian society. Therefore, parents
need to play an important role to avoid the adverse effects of its use as prevention is better
than cure. Besides, the community needs to have the discipline and resilience to change the
way of life by using the social site for good use and beneficial activities to improve the
efficiency of the community mind to be the first-class mind. Therefore, always be careful
when using social media so as not to get caught up in cybercrime. The community also needs
to ensure that the use of social media can be balanced without any manipulation in the life of
the community in Malaysia. The use of this social media in a world without borders whether
it brings good or bad the answer lies with the social media users themselves. It is the
responsibility of every user to use social media prudently and not misuse the available
technology facilities. If the use of social media is not used prudently, the medium is just a
tool that can add to the problem.

The use of this social site is detrimental to teenagers. However, the negative impact
that exists should be given serious attention by the authorities to take appropriate action
against irresponsible social websites. In this regard, the government plays an important role
in educating moral values and ethics using social media platforms to be free from negative
elements and fraud. This is very important to cultivate public awareness to use social media
as well as possible and restrict the dissemination of content that contains money fraud and

prejudice against race, religion, gender, sexuality or violence. As rational human beings, we
certainly need to fend off every bad thing.











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