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OW/NER'S MANUAL March 1980 FORM: OM-340H Effective With Sorlal No. HK321292 MODEL 330P ‘320A/BP 330A/BP MILLER ELECTRIC MFG. CO. ‘718 §. BOUNDS ST. P.0. Box 1078 ‘APPLETON, WI 54912 USA Nwisa CODE NO. 4579 LIMITED WARRANTY EFFECTIVE: JUNE 1, 1979 “This wavtonty supersedes 28 previous MILLER warranties ond ox Clive with no other guarantees or warranties exoressad or implied LIMITED WARRANTY .Subject tothe terms and conditions hereol, Miler lectic Mfg. Co., Apoleton, Wisconsin warrants to is Distributor Dealer that af now and unused Equipment furrishod by Miler is tr from dofect in workmanship and materiel 38 ofthe time an pace of devery by Miler. No war ronty ie made by Miller wth respect to eneinas, wade ae ossories ot other items martatuted by others. Such ‘engines, trade aocescrias and other ite ao Sold wabject tO the wariantiee oftheir texpactive manaifacturers, # any ~All ‘engines ore waranted by heir manufacturer fer One year from Sate of orignal purchase Except as specie below, Miler’s warranty does not apply te comport goal ua eo ee an 0 1 such 95 spot welder tps, relay anc contactor points, MiLLERMATIC parts that coms in contact wth the welding ‘ite including nozles and nozzle insulators whore fare dace rot easut from datect in workmanship or matral Miler shall be required to honor warranty claims on war: ‘anted Equipment in the ovent of tailue resulting from a tact ‘eh the folowang pesods tom the date of davery of Equi ‘ent tothe orginal use: 1. Arowoldors, power sourcoe and components .. 1 year 2. Original mab power rectiirs Byeats {labor 1 year ony) 3. All welding guns and feeder/guns 0 dys 2. alvotnertitermatc Foooes 1 yeor 5, Replacement or rassir arts, exclusive of labor . 60 deys 8. Batteros. Bmonths ‘provided that Miler is note in writing within tity (30) ays ‘Of the date of such fare [As a mater of ganoal potey only, Miler may honor cis sulted by the onal uber within tho foregoing penode. {tho e550 of Mis brach of waranty 6 any other duty with respct to tho quay of sry goods, the exclusive rene therfore wall be, at Wiles option (1 rapa or 2 rplacemant fr, where authoreed in wring by Miler it appropiate cases, (3) the reasonable cost of ropa or replcornent st an authored Mer servos station o 8 payment of or ered forte purchase price (se reasonable doprecgnon basod upon sctual ues upon. ‘atm ofthe goods at Customer’ isk and exieoe, Upon recat ‘ot notice of apparent defect or far, Mitr sha ns! the anton the waranty dam procadures tobe folowed. ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY NOT PROVIDED HEREIN ANO [ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY, GUARANTY OR REPRESENTA TION 'AS. TO PERFORMANCE, AND ANY REMEDY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT WHICH, GUT FOR THIS PROVISION, MIGHT ARISE BY IMPLICATION, OPERATION OF LAW, ‘CUSTOM OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING, INCLUDING. ‘ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY MILLER IS EX. CLUDED AND DISCLAIMED BY MILLER. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED BY MILLER IN WRITING, MILLER PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED. FOR ULTIMATE PURCHASE BY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL USERS AND FOR OPERATION BY PERSONS TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED INTHE USE AND MAINTENANCE OF WELDING EQUIPMENT AND NOT FOR CONSUMERS OR ‘CONSUMER USE. MILLER’ WARRANTIES DO NOT EXTEND TO, AND NO RESELLER IS AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND MILLER'S WARRANTIES TO, ANY CONSUMER. ERRATA SHEET ‘After this manual was printed, refinements in equipment design occurred, This sheet lists exceptions to data appearing later in : \ ete AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2 - INTRODUCTION Amend Figure 2-1. Specifications i iatecias PE emcee tecie oe uate Sete eet swott | 505 Ooty Gre [runstonne | mana [rungenrar] tele] ac w be [OP] Av ou] SPOT | We | ow Tier | 8h) sp ae ere =] me | fe | ee] me |e] was | ol ofa] m [nal ws ae ol Bi | Be | ee | oe | tas ee wo | 300 aoais | asso | team | wiez | coac | no| o saa | 22 [ve | Won -220/2 | eo0| eso ele, Les [eel oe kl ex “[ eae AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3 ~ INSTALLATION ‘Amend Table 3-1. Input Conductor And Fuse Size es Input Wir Size AWG" | Fuse Sie in Apres Modei | 200v | 230v | a6ov | S75v | 200v| 200 | No.4 | No.4 | No.8 | No. 10) Amp | (No. 8) | (No. 8) | (No. 8)| (No. 8) lasov[575V 160 | 125 | 70 | 60 300 | No.2 | No.2 | No.6 | No.8] 9, are [RO ao: 8 [Ae 8] ao: 8] 2] 12 | s | 7 ‘input conductor sizes are based on allowable ampacities of insulated copper conductors, having a temperature rating of 75°C, with not more than three conductors in a raceway or cable, Numbers in () are equipment ground conductor sizes. ‘Amend Figure 3.3. input Voltage Jumper Link Artangerent | 200 VOLTS 230 VOLTS 460 VOLTS a, Aide fad 3, ] i Jue [20 [am | ao | so do |i | 4 [vo [20 [30 [a0 |e | 220! am fuo [vo [2m |e 40 [ao | $50 | 2279 ROH URais eure Bes Sie mathe ae ae REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL CONNECTIONS (Figure «1 ‘The REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL receptecte provides» Junetion point for connecting a Remove Amperage Control to the amatrage contol elveltry in the welding power Soares. ‘To connect a Remote Amperage Control o tha REMOTE. AMPERAGE CONTROL receptoce, inca” the thr lug from the Remote Amperage Control into the ree ‘To lock the plug in the roceptacte rotate the plug as far ast dri turn ins eloceuvise direction, 3-8. GONTACTOR CONTROL CONNECTIONS (Figure 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. ‘The CON“ACTOR CONTROL receptocle, located on the front bans! of the welding power source, provides junction point Tor connecting 2 Remote Contactor Control to the ontector control creutry inthe wolding power route normal contactor control connactions aro to b2 made, (armel being wien the remote comector costal swateh nage. thecontactor'wen closed and decenergies the ontector when opened) & maintained contact swatch should be use for a remote soatector control suiten. Thi type Of ontector sontrol ts the only type thet can be obtained on the Base Nea (On Water and Gas Models and models with options! spat ‘Taner conacsted for momentory contact aultch operation, © momentary contect switch should be used for ‘contact Control, When thi setup 2 asia, the contator sil dome feo whonovor the are & broken On models with optional Spot Timer coanected for spot ‘wsidina operation, a momentary contast snitch should be ‘iad the remote coatactor contral sweh. Closing the momentary contact swatch tn ths operation wil energie the contactor snd tart the Spat Weld er at soon a am are Intetaa. To connect the Flamote Contactor Contol to the CON: TACTOR CONTROL receptecle, Insert the tworpole. plug from the Femate Contactor Control into the CONTACTOR CONTROL receptacle. To lock the plup in the teenie, rotate the lug ot for at It will wan in a slockmi Grection WATER VALVE CONNECTIONS (Gas_and Wator Models and Models With Optional Spot Panat Only) (Figure 4-2) [A valve is provided in order to contral_on and of flow of fnotant 0 the lect holder. The WATER valve Input end Dutt comections both hove ete hand treading. Ensure ‘hot the hese from the water source is ettachad to the ow fnsction Os tnt WATER vake labeled IN. The wotor hose tion on the WATER valve laud OUT. If 2 Coslant Purp i 0 be used and the Geotant Pump 's hot equloped with 3 by-pass netairk, dp not make onnactions from the Goalant Pump to the WATER ain bat rather connect the Coolant Pump aitacty 0 {ho electrode holder weter hoses Failure to. comoly Fray. eesult_in damage to the Coolant Purp due to fxcessve back pressure when the WATER vale Is ‘owe | SHIELDING GAS VALVE CONNECTIONS (Gas and ‘Wator Models and Models With Optional Spot Pane! Only} (Figure 4-2) A avo tz provided Ia order to conteol on anc off How of {hiding go to tha electrode algae. The nd outpet connections both have right hen tending. Ensure that she hose from the shielding gas sour tatteched to the comection on the GAS valve labsied IN. Toe shelding ‘get hose trom the wectrode holder mst aitached t9 onneetior on the GAS valve labeled OUT. PANEL CONNECTIONS (Gas and Water Modots and Modols With Optional Spot Panel Only) (Figure 3-4) Maintained Contact Switch Operation Whonover tie dasved to start and stop the waiding re by Fespectivel, closing nd opening. tha, emote Contactor Gontrol snitch, 3’mainteined contact type aaitch must bt ‘Sed the Remote Contactor Gantrol stitch and the lomper Tinks ‘on terminal step 1 mut be pos'tioned 28 shown in section A of Figura 3:8 ‘When woldng inthis fashion, closing the Remote Contactor Contal sertch vl provide weld current, high trequaney. 990 orgiza thy. Gas and Water valves theraby causing thieising (22 and coolant to low, All of these Keme remain sctive om.240 Page 15 (high frequoney val remain any it the HIGH-FREQUENCY mites ten the CONTINUOUS position) for as long as the Remote Contactor Contra! snitch is closed. Opeaing the Remote Contactor Control atch shuts off the weld eurcent fd high frequaney and sieo sears the pestow mor B, Momentary Contact Switch Operation Wher the jumper links on torminal tip 1T are pestloned as frown in section B of Figure 2-4.'2 momontary contact Duiteh must be” uted ar the. Remote ‘Concactor Control Snitch. The momentary eontoct switch aged bo closed Only {ng enough to initiate the are and than it may be Floste, ‘To break the ar whan welding in this manner, itis necesary {pull the electrode Nolder way rom the workpiece. High Frequoney it presant and tho Gat and W Jd permit shielding ges and coolant to flow a Remote Contactor Control saith 's closed when utilizing rare frbroken oy pulling the Fgh Frequoncy are cut off andthe Post low Timar starts. C. Optional Spot Panel Operation ‘To utilize the Spot Weld Timer, postion the jumper Hinks on turminat strip Tae shown in aseion © of Figure 3-4. When Uitzing the’ Spor Wad Timer, a momentary contact sth rust be ured as the Femote Contactor Control suite Upon closure of the Remote Contsctor Gontral switch the ‘operator may procead with euablishing anare. As soon ak ‘te i sroee, the Spot Wale Timor begins ining out Also ‘Spon closure of the Romote Contactor Control switch the ‘Gos and Water valves enaegize and petit shina ges end Coolant to low ana High Feequoncy Iepresant. Once a se Steblshed, the Remote. Conteator Control suitch may be feleosed es the weld current, high frequoney, and Gas and ‘ister vaves il a bo on uni the time allotted on the Sot Wald) Timer ‘his slapsed. When ‘the Spot Weld Timer has {ied out ld current and high frequency are cutoff and the Post low Timer stars Momentary Contact ‘Sateen Operation ~ oN Optional Spot Panel Operation o-901 019-138 Figure 34, Terminal Strip 1T Location And Jumper Link Arrangement 3-9, FULLWAVE/HALF-WAVE BALANCE (Figure 3-5) Pope 16 {Gos Tungstan-Are Welding (GTAW) of magnesium end alu: frinur Ts commonly dane ith ne welingeurreat In theory, Fall of the foal numberof electrons inthe welding cuter ‘woul flow from the tungaten ta tho work ond the other Mal utd flow from the work back ina the tungsten, In practice, however, this condition dows at ezeur when Gas ‘Tungsten Are Weiding (G TAN) lsbeing done on oxisecorming ‘haters auch se luminum or mogresium. The oxides nthe Surface of the matel make fear forthe walding current to pes fram tungsten to workpiece than it the epposte eres ‘This unbalancing of the ac walding current can cause pro Bom inextver eassn Some of the ruts which May ‘sneauntared ora 1 Poor eoaning action, 2, Porat, 8. Fluctuation inthe ore. Uneven wee penetration. tf Important to comembor that diffrent alloys of chum num or mapresium may reoct eiffrenty end thet vacations bf temperatura or tachnigue play an important pat. Generel: {y spoating, problems aud by rectification my ba correct. 2 with this wolding power source by changing aver to the hath ave circ The unit is shipped connactad to the follweve circuit. To henge tthe nat vawe elu, proctnd a flows Pacng the POWER auitch in the OFF position does hot rameve. power from all of the etn power Iouce. ermal eroutry, Completely terminate al Sosvical sower to the welding ponar squrce Dy Enpoying. “machinery lockout procedures” before Stamping any inspoenion or work on the tide of the Unie i the welding powar Sour Te connected 1 8 ‘tconnect witch, padlock tho switeh In en open boston. If connected to a fus9 box, ramove the fuse nd pagiaek the cover Inthe closed position. 1 the init" connected, toa. eiouit breaker, or other Teconnecting Seve without locking fclites, tae Sed tag to the device toinara others thatthe circuit Isang morked on. 4. Rompe the lat aa pana ane lacatetemiaal slo TES. Seo Figue 35 2, Discoanect wire No. 27 Brard No, 68a terminal ©. terminal A, No, 6 at terminal 23 Connect wie No. 86 to termi A. 4. Contest wite No. 27 to terminal 8 5, Conssst ware No. 87 to terminal C 6 Repo side pan re9or ora2 Figure 35, Terminal Strip TES Location Acjoe selector SECTION 4- FUNCTION OF CONTROLS ee Power Switch ago 013.08 Figure 4-1. Upper Control Panet ‘looting the exect amperage desired within the range ba 1, POWER SWITCH (Figure 4-1) Piecing the POWER sitchin the ON position energizes the ‘Welding Bower source fan and control creutry sn plaest the Welding power source In» redysto-ed status. Pielng the POWER Switch in the OFF poston shuts the walding poner rourse down, Pacing the POWER switch in the OFF position dows fot remove, power from ‘all Gi the ‘weking poet foures intocnl eicutey. Completely terminates Ploctre power to. te welding powor source by ploving’ "machinery lockout procedures” beton Sttempting any inapection or work on the side of the “nit ie the wlaing power source coangeted to 8 ‘Stvonneet_siteh, poe the suteh in an Open ponition. If eonnscted toa fuse box, remove the fuses find padioek tha cover in the cloed gositon, H she lint it connasted to. eieuit breaker, oF other tsconnosting covien without locking faite, attach {rod tap ta the devicn to warn others thatthe ove Is boing worked on. 2, RANGE SWITCH (Figure 4-1) “The Range switch provides the capability of selecting from trea coarsa amperage renget. The amparage range ot gach tniteh position ie dlplayed on the weeluing power source ‘Romeplate. The ronge which i on the lot the low amperage anger the range in the mle the medium range, and the ‘ange’ on the Fight the igh ranges the amperage died ‘ould fll in. tho overtopping area OF two ranges, iti Fe ommended thot the tower of the two fengee bo Used, os better resolution of fine amperage edlustment is obtained in thw loner range, ‘Do not change the postion of the lange suitch while ‘elding or under fed as this wl eause tha contacts of the such to are. Arcing gross the contacts wal eause the contacte to beeomo pitted and thereby eventually pcbcome ner 1 3, AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT CONTROL (Figure 4.1) ‘The AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT control, locatod on the Upper center portion of the front panel, proves means oF “4 +8. ‘Coed. Hotiting the control iam clockwise divecton wi Trergese the amperage ut rcrean ot ne anpenace apustwenr Control aro of the continuous contact type, thee ‘making t possible to edt the amperage Outbut wile twang A ‘The sola wounding the AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT Control is callrated in percentage and. should not be Imisconsttusd ash miparageor voltae reading. AC/DC SELECTOR ~ POLARITY SWITCH (Figure 4:1) ‘The AC/DZ Selector - Polarity suiteh provides 9 means of Selecting ether a, dc straight or de averse polrity without ‘changing the secondary eabie connactions Placing the switch fully tothe sight provides OC STRAIGHT polorty: fully 1 the left provides DC REVERSE polarity: {he center postion provides AC weld current Do. nor change the postion of the AC/DC Seector- Polanty swteh ihe wnicing of under load 2s tis ‘ll cols tha contacts of the switch to ofc, Arcing ‘eros the contacts wil cause th REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL RECEPTACLE & ‘SWITCH (Figure 41) Wt 9 Remote Amperage Control is to be used, make Connections trom the. Hamata. Amperage Conwal 10 the EMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL rvopede ay Intrcted Ingestion, When remote contral of the amperage f devire, place the EMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL switen in the REMOTE postion, Likeniae, i @ Remote Ampersps Control not to Beuritzed tne swith must be in the STANDARD postion. Winen in fie STANDARD position, only the AMPERAGE ADJUSTENT control on the Iron panel wil control the ‘omperege, (01340 Page 17 Page 18 When a Remate Amperage Control is boing used, it should bo ated that the Remote Amperage Coral is functioning 2&3 fine amperage adjustment for the APERAGE ADJUST: MENT contrat tetung on. the welding power source. For examples If the AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT control om the tosiding ower souree ts abt at the midrange postion, the Romota Amparage Canto! provides (trom the min. to max poritons) tine amperage adjustment of one half of the (welding power source output for the current range saected By means of the Remote switch i ull adjusoment trough Ute of the Remote Amperage Contol of the current range folocted it desired, the AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT contral fon the welding power suree most be aet ot the maximum START ADJUSTMENT (Figure 4-1 & 4:2) ‘The Start Adjusiment facility in this welding power source peemits the operator to ralect an amperage setting for sce Initiation whieh afferent from the setting of the AMPER. [AGE ADJUSTMENT control, Attor ore initiation, the wld urtent wil 99 to the sottng of the AMPERAGE ADJUST: MENT contra! ar Remote Amperage Control ured Start Circuit Switch ‘A two position toggle seiteh, located next 10 the gus vale 00 ‘the towor trant control Ana, 1s provided to. determine whether or not the stert eeu wil ba funetional. Placing START CIRCUIT suetch to the IN position wil make START AOJUSTAENT conwal on ‘the upper {ont bs ‘parse. Te OUT postion will mak ‘Yo the setting Of tha AMPERAGE ‘ADJUSTMENT control or Rlamoie Amperage Control I std Start Adjustment Controt ‘The START ADIUSTMENT control prove tne aperaae “Election within the Minimum to maximum copebiltcs cf fo After are letiaton, set up oF daa to the satting of ISTMENT eontral or Remote Amper: cig amperane the AMPERAGE Al fans Contrl used. PRIMARY OVERLOAD CIRCUIT BREAKER (Fig- ure 4-1) 4-8. ‘The PRINARY OVERLOAD Circuit Breaker provides pro- tection against overloading at the waising povrer source 1a the evantof 2 continued overload ox abnormal primary cur ent drann, 9 currant transformer lected in the parry ‘input lines'to the moin transformer) detects this overoad cancion and causes the circuit breaker To open, The tote ontnte of the ewreuit breaker ave connetod in series with the primary contactor coil of tho wolding power souree ‘Thus the current transformer detocts an overlond cond! ion, the apeniog or tripping af the circuit breaker couses the Daimary eomucter te open trey suspending wuld current Sutput, Toe Circuit Brasker mast be portioned to|ON before the primary contactor of tho welding power rouree can be ‘ergized Ifthe Civeut Brooker should open or tp, must bbernvaly coset HIGH-FREQUENCY SWITCH (Figure 4-1) Ernare ta te HIGH FREQUENCY suitor fein the OFF rosition store partormng Shielded Mata-Are Welding (SMAW. The attempted ure of high te "quency to establish nave wi atic electrode could ‘duse to 1c to form betnn the electrode holder 8nd the cperatar, which covle enut in teioue ir oneal ‘The HIGH-FREQUENCY sult, located on the usper front panel, provides thrae postions which detormine whether tno igh feoquoney wil bo on or ot Start Position hon in the START position, high frequency is present at ‘he woking electrode Unt he aes ntlated. Once an are ‘rtobfahod, gad oven though the Remote Contactor Comal SSnteh ie cloned, tho high Teguancy is deanergeed. High Treaueney Is rasent again only after the are is broken an Continuous Position When the HIGH-FREQUENCY switch is inthe CONTIN: UOUS ‘postion, righ frequency wll be present whanovar Wold eurent ie auaiable et the output terminals ‘intensity start Cioutt Swit ‘TAg01 013.68 Figure 42. Lower Front Control Panel ©. Off Position High fequeney is not available when in the OFF position, even ifthe comastors energeled. This position must bn used ‘ohen performing Shilded feta Are Welding (SHAW). 4-9, CONTACTOR CONTROL SWITCH (Figure 4-1) 9 Remote Contactor Control is used, make connections to the CONTACTOR CONTROL, receptacle ay iutracted in Seetion 3:5 and place tho CONTACTOR CONTROL eaitey in tio REMOTE potion. Wa Remow Contector Conta! Is not used, place the CONTACTOR CONTROL witch la the STANDARD por 4-10, WATER-GAS POST-FLOW TIMER (Figure 4.2) ‘An adjustabie 0 0 60 second Water-Gat Post Flow Timer, located an the canter portion of the lower tant panel Provided for controling the period of time during which Shielding ges and wator (ote) i blownd 40 Mow after Tho sre teoxtiogulshe. To select the desired portion of the maximum 60 second postow period avalae, rotate the adjust stop aro” {he timer nt the appropriate sting fe ebtaine. ‘Ae 2000 9s the arc hat been extinguished, the Post-Flow Timer bogins to time aut tho selacted period of porifion Lime. Once the timar has mod out. tie gat and watr valve lowe thoreny cutting off shielding ger and water flow. The timer thon automaticly rests and it reedy for another weld eyele : 4411, HIGH-FREQUENCY INTENSITY CONTROL (Fix ure 4.21 {A High-Frequency Intensity contol Is provided on the lower front. pane! for contraling. the amplitude of the high ‘requoncy. Rotatiog the contra ina clockwbse diction wil Ieraate tho intanity of the high fraqueney. NOTE ‘As the high‘trequency Intensity is inereased, the pos itbilty af causing interfarence with toca redo and clevion cecsluars also inereases It ib recommenda that the High-Frecueney Intensity contol beset at low # portion ss practic! while stil malnteiing ‘Siistactory welding operation inorder fo avd such pintceere. 1 4-12, BALANCING RESISTOR SWITCH (Figure 4.2) ‘The Balancing Resistor switch places the proper resistance in the welling power. source fcesary. to. prove. plopst ‘welding ehracterstics for either Shiidd Metal Welding {SMA or Gos Turgsan-Are Welding (GTAW), Wihen Shielded Motsl-Are Welding (SMAW) i performed, the farm of the Balancing Resistor switch must be in. te METALLIC (up) ooxtion, When performing Gas Tungsten ‘te Wsiding (STAI), tho ate of the Eaten emust ein the IG (down! postion. 413, AUTOMATICMANUAL WELD. SWITCH (Figur 4-3) (Models With Optional Spot Panol Only) ‘ongaeis witn Sptionst ‘Seat Panel Oniy) = contac Figure 43, Automatic Manual Weld Switch TA901 013.58 ana, 418, 416, The AUTOMATICMANUAL WELD switch determines ‘nhather the Spot Weld. Timer or the Hemote Contactor Control gotare the pari of tne curing ich wal current fe svaiablo when tho jumper Tink on terminal sip. 1T Is Connected tor spot ponel operation, Wihan in the AUTOMATIC postion th time of the weld is Setormined by the Spor Weld Timer hon i the MANUAL position, the weld time it governed by the Remote Contstor Conta ‘SPOT WELD TIMER (Figure 4-2) (Optional) ‘The Soot Weld Timer provides a means of selecting the exset prio of time that meld currant is aaable when spot weal Inge being performed For the Spot Weld Timer to bo funetional tho WELD ivetch nuit be in the AUTOMATIC poston ond the jumper Tink on termine! strip TT must be connact forspotpane operation LL ‘The Spot Weld Timer begins to time out and provides wold Currant Soon aa ae i Initiated. Whan the timo set on the Spot Wold Timer nas elapsed, weld current ts euro! and the Pott Flo Timar i sterted DUTY CYCLE (Figure 4.4) ‘The duty cycle of a welding powor source i the percentage t's ten minute peviod that a welding paver source can safely te operatad at @ ven ovtpct. This welding power soutoe it ‘ated at 60 porcent uty cyelo. This moans that te wording Dower soulee can be safely epwrated at feted load for six ‘inte out of every ten, During th remalning four minutes, Srapores ary daoreased, tho duty eyele wll Increate. Figur ‘42 grabies the operator to dotormie Une sa output of the welding poner source et vorious duty evetes PORTANT Exowading the Inccated duty eyete yl emuse the ‘wolding power ‘urea to. ovorhaat they eousing ‘damage tothe welding power so 2.90 019.4 Figure 4-4. Duty Cycle Chart VOLT-AMPERE CURVE (Figure 4:5, 4-6, & 4-7) “The voltannere curve shows the outout voltage available at {ny aiven outout current witha the lie ofthe risiour fn) maxtrum AMPESAGE ADJUSTIAENT contrl seting iad volge if predatarmiaad to loge epee. by ae horacernts, Wen the use of the voltampere convey It Bonible to determine the emperege requwed for 2 specific OM.340 Page 19 lod voltage. With rofarenco to the voltampera cura, the voltmeter will indicate the voitge st the output terminals, Ccrve shows the mexirium end minimum sottings of the but not reeatsanly the actual voltage at tha welding re (us GMIPERAGE ROJUSTMENT control only. Curves of other tion, et), The ameter fSttings wl fll between the maxumur and minimum es 4.17, METERS (Optional) 4-18, 115 VOLTS AC RECEPTACLE (Figure 4-3) “This cuplee receptacle ls tocatad under the front access door “This welding power source ean be aquinped with meters. tn the laner front pana, Up to 2 eva of 15 vats, 60 Hertz The matere monitor the woiding operation. They ore. not tloctncal power 1 pvsldbe' at thie recoptala for operating Inanded for exact currant or vakoae measurements. These Sccessory aauipment, et ‘meters are internally connected fo the ouput terran, The 200 AMP MODEL, 300 AMP MODEL oso Wo 150200250 300 350 400 0 Wed 200 300400 s00 600 AC AMPERES EB.901 o19-14 - 6.901 098.14 Figure 45, AC Gas Tungsten-Are Volt-Ampere Curves % % * 200 AMP MODEL © 200 AMP MODEL “ e be ? oy Ae oe f » 1 EY i an ta i00 1802007350 ge aE TO as on ea sne aco 300909 Eadtecroal £8-901 013-20, ee £8901 094.20, Figure 4.6, AC Shielded Metal-Arc Volt-Ampere Curvos 200 AMP MODEL ‘300 AMP MODEL 0 30” 109 150 700 250300 350 400 450, © e200” 900409 500600700 De AMPaREs De AMPERES £0.901 013.08 8.901 03838, Figure 4.7. DC Shielded Metal-Are & Gas Tungsten-Are Volt-Ampere Cun Page 20 ——— es SECTION 5 - SEQUENCE OF OPERATION 6-1. INever, under any circumstances, operate the weldlog owe’ source with any portion of the cuter enclosure Femoved.” in aduiton 0 boing 2 haeard, improper poling may result im damage fo tha walding Wane former and she welding power source components Warranty 1 vo it'the walding power source fs opers: clay parton ofthe ctr encaun OnaneG GAS TUNGSTEN-ARC WELDING (GTAW) 1, Make all necessry connections as instructed In Soc- tian 3. 2 onneet the jumper tink on terminal trip 77 for thor momentary or matntalned sits operation. 850 fection A ond. 8 of Figure 2-4. (This step does not ‘spply to base modes} 8. Place the CONTACTOR CONTROL switch in the REMOTE postion, 4, Place the AC/DC Selector = Polarity switon in the dosied position. 8. Ita Remote Amperage Control i not to be used, place the REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL switeh in the STANDARD position, 1 a Remote Amparage Control Sto. be used, piece the REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL Siviteh in the REMOTE postion. 1, Place the Range site inthe sired position 7. Rowe the AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT contol to {he desiad setting. 8, Place the START CIRCUIT owiten in. the desired Dostion. I this snitch Is positionad to IN, rotate tho BRANT ADJUSTMENT conert tothe desiod setting. 9, Plo the HIGH-FREQUENCY switch in the START 2P CONTINUOUS positon and rotste the HIGH. FREQUENCY Intensity control fo the desired setting. 10, Plce the Balencing Resitor witch in tho TIG position. 11 Sat the PortFlow Timer forthe desired time. 12, For a6 GTAW conneet for fullaswve or hallave ‘Operation as incructod in Section 39. 13, Ensure that the PRIMARY OVERLOAD Circuit, Breaker isin tha ON position, 14, Turn on the shielding go tthe shielding gos containor And coalant a the coolant souree, 15, Place the POWER switch inthe ON postion, Prior to waldig, It ic imparative that proper protective clothing felding coat and gloves) and eye protection {Glasses afar voting Relmet! be put on. Failure to comply may result In serlous and ever permanart boat damage el 16. Commence welding GAS TUNGSTEN-ARC SPOT WELDING (Models With Optional Spot Panel Only) 1, Make all necessary connections at instcted in Sao tion 2. 2. Connect the Jumper link on terminal strip 1T for spot ‘panel operation, Seo tection © of Figure 3-4 5-3. SHIELDED METAL.ARC WELDING (Figure 51) 3. Place the CONTACTOR CONTROL switeh in tho REMOTE postion 4. Plaga the ACIDE Selector - Polarity switch ln the Seared postion, 5. If» Remote Amperage Control i not to be usd, place the REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL snitch in the STANDARD position, I's Remote Amperage Control it) be wend, place the REMOTE AMPERAGE CONTROL Sonten in the REMOTE postion, 6, Place the Range site in the desired poston. 7. Rote the AMPERAGE ADJUSTMENT contro! to the desired soting. 8, Pct the START CIRCUIT switch in. the dived Boston Af this snitch s positioned to IN, rotate tho START ADJUSTMENT control to the desired setting, Place the HIGH-FREQUENCY switch in the START ‘oF CONTINUOUS Position end rotate the HIGH: FREQUENCY Intensity contol to the desired setting, 10. lacs the Blancing Resistor switch in the TIC 11, Play the WELD switch in the AUTOMATIC position. 12, Sat she Spot Weld Timer for the de 13, Set he Post low Timer for the desired tr 14, For se GTAW connect for fulave oF halfwave ‘peat at instruct i Section 3: 16, Ensure that the PRIMARY OVERLOAD Circuit Breaker i inthe ON position. 16, Turn on the shielding gus at the shiolding gas container And boolant atthe soolant s0ures. 17. Pace the POWER sitchin the ON position. Prior te welding, its imperative that proper protective athiny lwalding coat and gloves) and eye protection {gener andor welding heim) be put en. Faire 0 comply may renal Im serfous snd even poemament ‘ealy damage. el 18, Conmence wokilag, (smaw) ‘Ensure thet the HIGH-FREQUENCY switch is tnt GFF ‘fostion before performing Shielded Metal Arc Watsing ISMAW!, “The sttomptad "Use ‘of high frequency to seabiin an are with a stk euctrode “o form between the electrode or, which ould rast In eevious Lies. 1 1, Mate ail necessary connections as instructed in See tion 2. On all models excapt the best, connect the jumpar Tink-on torminal strip 1T to the configuration shovm Invection Af Figure 24, 3. Flaw the CONTACTOR CONTROL switch in STANDARD position (0M 340 Pepe 21

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