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1. How do you make decisions?

In the webinar when making decisions we need to consider the “P.R.A.Y” acronym in
making a decision. In the discussion, it was stated that P.R.A.Y stands for pause, ready,
acknowledge, and yield. The pause talks about how we take a stop and think properly. It is
through taking a pause is where we would be able to calm ourselves in times of making a

In ready, it talks about how we manage our fears in life. It entails that we need to brace
ourselves for the consequences and the possible outcomes of our decisions. Next is
acknowledge, which means that we need to be aware that we need support from others and
that our friends, teachers, and family helps us in our decision-making in life. Lastly is the Yield,
which means taking action on the things we needed to do, helping us carry out the decisions we

2. What insights have you learned from the topic?

During the discussion, have learned a lot of things that had helped me reflect on every
decision I have made. In the webinar, discussed I learned how to be a strong person and how to
take courage. I have learned also that despite the fear and difficulties we experience in life,
having courage would help us overcome all of them. In the webinar, I learned that I lacked the
courage as I am always running away from all the horrors that life has to offer.

I have also learned different types of courage that we need to apply in life such as
having physical courage to overcome all the pain induced in life whether it be a needle inserted
in our arm because of the requirements of our course. I have learned that we need to have
emotional courage that would help us move forward despite the harsh words we receive in our
life. Lastly, I have learned to have moral courage that would help me take action on the right
decisions in life.

3. How will you apply the teachings from the webinar in making a decision?

I can apply the teachings from the webinar by applying the PRAY method in my life as a
student and as a person when making decisions. In my current situation, I have experienced
many hardships, obstacles, and also depression, but having a sense of awareness towards our
actions would help us understand the outcome of our decisions.
I can apply it by valuing the essence and meaning of courage in life. It is because
valuing courage would help me understand that life is hard but if we have courage we would be
able to overcome every obstacle. Lastly, valuing courage, it would help me inspire others to
become responsible in making their own decisions that would help them choose the right path.

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