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Dimas: I am dimas surya nugraha with nim 1713422044 I will conduct an interview with a resource

person named Anneke Arifidanti Kartika using the zoom platform on Sunday the 4th at 7 pm

Our resource person worked in a public sector company, namely PT Waskita Beton, the length of
time the resource person worked was approximately 8 years in the quality control division

Student: Good afternoon, ma'am! I was doing an interview assignment for our course. Are you
willing to answer some questions related to your work experience?

ANNE: Sure, I'm happy to help. Please feel free to ask questions.

Student: Okay, thank you. First of all, I want to know what is the specific reason that prompted you
to choose to work in this company or choose the profession you are currently living?

ANNE: I chose to work for this company because they have a very good reputation in the industry.
In addition, I am interested in the company's vision and mission that are in line with my personal
values. The opportunity to continue learning and improving, as well as facing exciting challenges,
is also the main reason I chose this place.

Student: Interesting! Is this your first place to work or have you worked elsewhere before? If so,
what was your reason for choosing to move or why did you choose to stay at this company?

ANNE: I had previously worked in another company before joining this company. At that time, I
was looking for new opportunities that could provide better challenges and career growth.
However, after joining this company, I felt that the conducive working environment and the
opportunity to make a significant contribution made me decide to stay.

Student: Good. Now, can you explain the job description or the main responsibilities you work on
in this place?

ANNE: Sure. As a professional in this company, my main tasks include Quality control, product
development, project management, and cross-departmental cooperation. I also have
responsibilities in managing the team and interacting with clients and business partners. Overall,
my role is critical in ensuring the company's success in achieving its business goals.

Student: Sounds interesting! Were there any interesting things or challenges you faced during this
ANNE: Yes, of course there is. Dynamic and competitive work environments often present
challenges that demand creativity and innovation. The company is in an ever-evolving industry, so
I need to be able to adapt quickly to the changes that occur. In addition, working with diverse
teams and collaborating with various departments also presents its own challenges in maintaining
effective coordination and communication.

Student: Very interesting. From your experience, is there any message or advice you would like to
convey about what you can prepare for the job where you work now?

ANNE: The most important thing is to have relevant knowledge and skills in your field of interest.
However, in addition, having a positive attitude, the ability to adapt quickly, and the willingness to
continue learning are also very important. Building a good network and relationships with
colleagues and developing effective communication skills will also go a long way.

Student: Thank you for the interview and explanation you provided. Based on our conversation, I
really appreciate the motivation and reasons that drive you to work for this company. The job
description you live also sounds interesting and challenging. However, I have different thoughts
and plans from yours.

ANNE: Of course, everyone has their own path. What are your plans after graduating from

Student: I have a strong interest in the field of public sector and accounting. I plan to find a job in a
public sector company focused on innovation. In addition, I also want to continue my education by
joining a master's program in the same field.

ANNE: That was a good plan! I respect your choice and wish you success in achieving your goals.
Every step you take, make sure to keep your knowledge and skills updated to stay relevant in the
ever-evolving world of work.

Student: Thank you for your encouragement and advice. I will prepare myself well for the
challenges in the future and keep learning.

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