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Good morning praised be the Lord everyone my name is Dylan and I am with my Friend Samuel.

Toda we continue talking about L a Virgen del Carmen:

Dylan: "La Virgen del Carmen is a Marian devotion revered in the Catholic Church. Her full
name is Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and she is considered the patroness and protector of
the Carmel, a religious order known as the Carmelites.

Devotion to the Virgen del Carmen has its origins in the 13th century on Mount Carmel, a
mountain range located in Israel near the city of Haifa. There, a group of hermits
established a community dedicated to prayer and contemplation. It is believed that these
hermits took the Virgin Mary as their patroness and model of spiritual life.

According to tradition, during the time of the hermits on Mount Carmel, the Virgin Mary
appeared to them and gave them the scapular of Carmen, a small garment worn around the
neck symbolizing Mary's maternal protection. The scapular became an important symbol
for the Carmelites and devotees of the Virgen del Carmen in general.

Samuel: Throughout the centuries, devotion to the Virgen del Carmen spread worldwide
and became a very popular Marian devotion. The Carmelites, as a religious order, have a
deep veneration and devotion to the Virgen del Carmen. She is considered their mother and
spiritual protector, and the Carmelites find in her an example of contemplative life, humility,
and total surrender to God.

The Virgen del Carmen is significant to the Carmelites because she represents the values
and spirituality of their order. Additionally, the scapular of Carmen is a distinctive sign of
belonging to the Carmelite family and is considered a sign of protection and commitment
to the Christian life.

I hope this information has been helpful to you. Thank you for your attention have a good
day everyone.
En el cielo brilla una estrella,
luminosa y tan bella,
es la Virgen del Carmen,
la madre que todos aclaman.

Con su manto azul celeste,

nos protege y nos sostiene,
es refugio en tiempos de tempestad,
y consuelo en la adversidad.

Virgen del Carmen, dulce guía,

en tus brazos encontramos alegría,
con amor y paciencia nos cobijas,
y nuestras penas alivias.

Eres faro en nuestra existencia,

compañera en nuestra travesía,
nos inspiras a ser mejores cada día,
con tu gracia y sabiduría.

Con humildad y devoción,

te honramos con nuestro corazón,
pues eres madre de toda creación,
y protectora de nuestra redención.

Virgen del Carmen, estrella radiante,

intercede por nosotros ante el Padre amante,
cúbrenos con tu manto sagrado,
y guíanos por el sendero iluminado.

Oh, Virgen del Carmen, madre tierna,

a ti nuestra devoción se eterniza,
tus bendiciones derrama sobre el mundo entero,
y concede a tus hijos el amor verdadero.

En tus manos confiamos nuestra vida,

bajo tu amparo, no hay herida,
Virgen del Carmen, madre querida,
en tus brazos encontramos paz y vida.

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