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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City 2200
Telefax No.: (047) 602-7175 loc 322

Evangelista, Rica-Anne, L. GEC09 - A#2


Reflection Paper on the Film "Jose Rizal" Starring Cesar Montano

Dr. Jose Rizal, a national hero of the Philippines, is widely revered for his

unwavering dedication to social reform, intellectual brilliance, and ultimate sacrifice for

his country. The film "Jose Rizal," starring Cesar Montano, brings his life and martyrdom

to the silver screen, offering a powerful portrayal that resonates with audiences and

underscores the significance of his legacy.

Dr. Jose Rizal holds a pivotal place in Philippine history as a symbol of resistance

against colonial oppression. To better understand the importance of the film, it is crucial

to provide some context about Rizal himself. Born in 1861, Rizal emerged as a

prominent advocate for Philippine independence during the late 19th century. His

influential writings, such as his novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo,"

exposed the injustices of Spanish colonial rule and ignited a spirit of nationalism among


The film "Jose Rizal" encapsulates the major events and themes of Rizal's life,

offering viewers a closer look at his journey and the circumstances that led to his

martyrdom. The film showcases Rizal's intellectual brilliance, his passion for social

change, and his relentless pursuit of justice. It depicts his struggles against the

oppressive Spanish regime and the intense emotions that followed his execution on

December 30, 1896.

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City 2200
Telefax No.: (047) 602-7175 loc 322

What makes the film truly compelling is its portrayal of Rizal's character and the

societal context in which he lived. Through captivating scenes, powerful performances,

and thought-provoking directorial choices, the film effectively captures Rizal's

motivations and the challenges he faced. The audience witnesses Rizal's unwavering

commitment to social reform, his fervent belief in the power of education and

intellectual enlightenment, and his ability to communicate his ideas with clarity and


However, the significance of Rizal's life and martyrdom extends beyond

Philippine history. His struggles and ideals resonate with broader themes of social

justice, human rights, and the pursuit of freedom worldwide. Rizal's courage in

challenging oppressive systems serves as an inspiration for individuals fighting for

equality and liberation in different parts of the world. His story reminds us that the fight

for justice knows no boundaries and requires unwavering dedication and sacrifice.

As a student pursuing a BA in Communication, the film "Jose Rizal" deeply

resonated with me on a personal level. The power of effective communication, as

exemplified by Rizal's writings and speeches, stood out to me as a transformative force

in shaping societies. Witnessing Rizal's ability to galvanize public opinion and mobilize

support through his words emphasized the responsibility I bear as a future

Republic of the Philippines
City of Olongapo
Olongapo City Sports Complex, Donor St., East Tapinac, Olongapo City 2200
Telefax No.: (047) 602-7175 loc 322

The film inspired me to reflect on my own role as a future communicator and the

potential impact I can make in addressing social issues, advocating for justice, and

fostering meaningful dialogue. Like Rizal, I aim to develop my communication skills to

convey messages accurately, ethically, and persuasively. I see myself as an agent of

positive change, utilizing effective communication to amplify voices, promote

understanding, and contribute to the betterment of society.

In conclusion, the film "Jose Rizal," starring Cesar Montano, provides a poignant

portrayal of Dr. Jose Rizal's life and martyrdom, capturing the essence of his struggle

for independence and social justice. By contextualizing Rizal's significance, summarizing

the film's major events and themes, analyzing its portrayal of Rizal, connecting his story

to broader themes, and reflecting on personal insights, the film serves as a powerful

reminder of the transformative potential of effective communication and its role in

shaping societies. Through the lessons learned from Rizal's story, I am motivated to

pursue my studies in communication with a strong commitment to contributing

positively to the world around me.

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