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Question 1
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a
year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to
do this.

Question 2
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a
foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
more than
Question 3
Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.
Question 1
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do
Sentence 1- Give a general statement + Paraphrase question
Sentence 2- Outline sentence
Body First, ...
Second, ....
Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages) [2-3] ...
Sentence 3- Topic sentence (Advantage 1) Finally, ...

Sentence 4- Explain how this is an advantage (supporting sentences)

Sentence 5- Example
cohesive device / linking word
Sentence 6- Topic sentence (Advantage 2)
Sentence 7- Explain how this is an advantage (supporting sentences)
Sentence 8- Example
Transitional sentence
Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages) [2-3]
Sentence 9- Topic sentence (Disadvantage 1)
Sentence 10- Explain how this is a disadvantage (supporting sentences)
Sentence 11- Example
cohesive device / linking word
Sentence 12- Topic sentence (Disadvantage 2)
Sentence 13- Explain how this is a disadvantage (supporting sentences)
Sentence 14- Example
Sentence 15- Summary of main points
Question 2
Research shows that business meetings, discussions and training are
happening online nowadays.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Sentence 1- General statement + Paraphrase question
Sentence 2- Thesis statement (state which one outweighs the other)
Sentence 3- Outline sentence
Body Paragraph 1 (Stronger Side) [2-3] + --

Sentence 4- Topic Sentence 1

Sentence 5- Explain why it is strong (supporting sentences)
Sentence 6- Example
linking devices
Sentence 7- Topic Sentence 2
Sentence 8- Explain why it is strong (supporting sentences)
Sentence 9- Example
Transitional device
Body Paragraph 2 (Weaker Side) [1-2] +

Sentence 10- Topic Sentence

Sentence 11- Explain why it is not strong (supporting sentences)
Sentence 12- Example
Sentence 13- Summary of main points and restate position (which one outweigh
which one).
Question 3
Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.
Sentence 1- Paraphrase question
Sentence 2- Thesis statement (your opinion)
Sentence 3- Outline sentence
Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages)
Sentence 4- Topic Sentence
linking words
Sentence 5- Explain (supporting sentences) cohesive devices

Sentence 6- Example
Tranistional device
Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages)
Sentence 7- Topic Sentence
Sentence 8- Explain (supporting sentences)
Sentence 9- Example
Sentence 12 – Summary of main points. In my opinion, the Internet gives people
more benefits than the drawbacks it may bring about.

From my point of view, .....

From my perspective, ......

Question 1
In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel
for a year between finishing high school and starting university
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who
decided to do this.
Nowadays it is a trend in some countries that the young people travel
before they start the university studies. Travelling to other countries is not a
barrier for the rich students as they have enough money to spend. There are
many merits and demerits for young people who decide to do this.
One of the first benefits is that students can fill the time gap between
finishing high school and starting university studies. They do not have to simply
sit at home; they can go out into the real world to have contact with people
Another plus point is that ...
around them and increase their communication skill. Secondly, people can work
after their high school and earn money for their higher studies so that there will
An additional positive aspect is that ....
not be any burden for their parents. Moreover, working or travelling help young
people to face the realities of life and they will be prepared to manage the
Last but not least, .....
obstacles in their future life. In addition to this, work and travel make young
people independent for their future university studies. As a result, they will
become self-confident and it increases their self-esteem.
transitional sentence
On the contrary, there are some disadvantages too. Sometimes gap-taking
students will find it hard to return to their academic studies as they are attracted
to the interesting reality out in the society. Another drawback is that they may
lack their interest in studies since working and travelling bring them more
practical and useful benefits than theoretical lessons in the classroom.
When we weigh both sides, the advantages are more. From the above
reasons, in my opinion, countries should encourage their young people to work
or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
(280 words)
... As presented above, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks
Business conferences and training is taking place more and more on online
platforms, replacing the traditional face-to-face communication and information
exchange. Although this ..........
trend has certain advantages, its disadvantages are
much more considerable.
There are some minor advantages to switching their training activities and
business discussions to the online mode. Firstly, this offers staff increased
flexibility and full control of their timetable.. This leads to diminishing the
unnecessary high stress levels and thus boost their work productivity. For
instance, working mothers find this incredibly helpful for them to multitask
between rearing their children and joining meetings to keep abreast of
developments in the company. Secondly, this online mode of operation could
help companies save money by not having to pay for electricity bill, printed
documents or equipment for carrying out the meeting or training procedures,
for instance.
On the other hand, this option has two major drawbacks. Firstly,
communication via the internet can be a hindrance as there might be failures in
the flow of information. For example, in Vietnam, not many people can afford
high-speed internet connection, and as a consequence, lagging connection or
computer crashing can cause disruptions, reducing the comprehension among
meeting or training participants. In addition, there is little room for practice and
the lack of direct guidance also prevents people from fully grasping the skills. It
would be less productive because employees receiving training cannot apply
what they are taught on the internet, or can be clumsy in their actual
performance since there is no one to show them whether they are doing it the
right way as reality is sometimes completely different from theory.
In conclusion, despite some benefits of staying at home and participating in
discussions or training sessions, the drawbacks far outweigh such benefits.
(WC: 292)

Computers are becoming an essential part of education.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.
Information technology is becoming a ubiquitous part of learning. This
essay will show that this is a welcome development and can enhance educational
practice. It will first suggest that the instant availability of huge amounts of
information is the primary advantage, followed by a discussion of how it can
sometimes lead to plagiarism.
The main benefit computers bring to learners is easy access to vast
amounts resources. Learners were once limited to the books they had and the
knowledge of their teacher, now they can learn about anything they choose at
the touch of a button. Google is a prime example, because it allows people to
easily search for whatever they are looking for quickly and accurately.
One possible drawback is that using the internet to complete academic
work can sometimes lead to pupils copying articles from the internet. As a result,
students do not have to think about their tasks and learn very little. The Sunday
Times recently reported that 72% of college graduates in the UK admitted to
copying and pasting Wikipedia articles at least once.
Overall, it is a very positive development because most students will take
advantage of the power of the information superhighway to enhance their
studies, rather than using it to cheat. For example, in 2005 Cambridge University
found that students who regularly used a computer were 26% more likely to get
a first-class degree than those who did not.
In conclusion, the web has provided a gateway to knowledge unlike
anything seen before and although it can sometimes lead to a few taking the easy
route and plagiarising, it is a very positive step in the evolution of education.
(278 words)

In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a

year between finishing high school and starting university studies.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided
to do this.
In some countries, working or travelling for a year before pursuing
university studies is becoming increasingly popular among young students after
completing their high school studies. This essay will discuss both the benefits
and drawbacks of this trend.
One of the benefit of taking a gap year is that working after high school
enables students to gain valuable work experience which can propel their
career. When students work or travel, they find great opportunities to interact
with people from different walks of life and tackle various life situations. Such
experiences help them overcome the inevitable challenges they are supposed to
face when they start working later. For instance, several studies have proven
that students with prior work experience have a greater chance of growing fast
in their career. Obviously, there are several benefits to taking a gap year after
high school.
On the other hand, working or traveling after the completion of high school
leads to a year gap and breaks the rhythm of studies. Some students may find
working more important or interesting when they start earning. Eventually, they
will give less importance to their studies. Unfortunately, this hurts their career
prospects. Without good academic qualifications, it is nearly impossible to find a
good job or build a successful career. Needless to say, the gap year can seriously
affect the career prospects of students who lose their focus on studies.
In conclusion, there are both merits and demerits to taking a year gap after
high school. This can be beneficial for students who resume their studies with
renewed vigor after the break. However, it is detrimental for those who fail to
continue their studies.
(275 words)

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