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NESA home > Kindergarten – Year 10 > Learning areas > Creative Arts > Drama 7–10

Drama 7–10 Syllabus (2003)

The study of drama enables young people to develop an interest in and enjoyment of investigating and enacting a wide range of theatrical forms, styles and acting methods. Through critical
reflection and acquiring understanding, knowledge and skills, students respond to the ideas and dramatic works of others by creatively and collaboratively developing their own ideas into
dramatic action for performance.

The Drama Years 7–10 syllabus includes Life Skills outcomes and content for students with special education needs.

Read the full Drama 7–10 course description.



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(PDF, 56 pages, 280 KB)

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(Word, 56 pages, 798 KB)

Drama 7–10 Syllabus (2003) PDF Drama 7–10 Syllabus (2003) Word

Assessment support and advice

Course performance descriptors  Advice on assessment 

Common grade scale  Awarding grades 

Support materials

Advice on programming

Drama 7–10 (2003) Advice on Programming and Assessment Drama 7–10 (PDF, 48 pages, 238 KB)

Drama 7–10 (2003) Stage 5 Life Skills Outcomes Worksheet (Word, 1 page, 34 KB)

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