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From the Shores of Dubuque

From the Shores of Dubuque Martin Freebase

From the Shores of Dubuque


Alone without the stain Of humanitys bliss These things come between us And meets resistance

A chance meeting At a nexus A fixed expression It happens to us all

Lovely in the pain See it in the eyes Both love and hate Hope mixed with danger

We lose something in the dark sky It flies away The sleep of our youth So restful and forgiving

Behind the veil

From the Shores of Dubuque

Bound together with emotions Drawn from a deep well See the blurring everywhere

New things to fear Part of the poisonous thing Come flower, come root It is the Maker that you seek With the blade close to your heart

(posted on facebook)


Standing atop of a tall tower An apartment that we shared with four nuns Looking out the window I saw four pillars of smoke They twisted like tornados Fear grew in our hearts And leaped from mouth to mouth Run! I screamed

From the Shores of Dubuque

Run for your lives! They are coming for us!

(posted on facebook)

Following the grid

Full terminal Driving generators A single gliding motion Instructions and imprints Sack cloth and testament The dreams of seduction Co-morbidity in dysfunction Burning one page at a time Temporal disorder You watch the commercials Scrolling across your retinas A fine scapula carving

She will give you hope In the wrong places

From the Shores of Dubuque

The mirror wounded You gave And she took you to places of torment And joy Damn your luck

Seeing through silent eyes Lather, rinse, and repeat Its all too dammed easy As they dance upon our graves In the pale moonlight

Squeezing another rhubarb You say freedom, like a dirty word The blood still on your lip I had it out for you From the beginning Waiting for my time An opportunity for evil But, dead men never tell the truth So dont believe my lies Im only doing the devils work Because hes a lazy bastard

From the Shores of Dubuque

(posted on facebook)

The button and the knot

Tread upon The desire to form an action Words of the high one They seem like babble The stones of the tower Rock and fall As you reboot the system The roots of turn Words cannot contain The meanings of the sounds Influencing the feel Ergonomic slit The little girl drones on and on About her fabulous pussy

From the Shores of Dubuque

She is convinced that it was meant for god I tell her thirty bucks is thirty bucks She said that I always remind her of god

(posted on Blogspot)

Making eyes

On the assembly line Pieces of metal with little red dots Infrared vision To better see your heat signature As you run Its all nine to five for me A slave to transhumanist evolution Contortions and metal bits They drill into your brain Extracting the fibers of self They give me good benefits A cage to sleep in

From the Shores of Dubuque

Pieces of meat

Between sessions of indoctrination The machine is your master Life and love And I worship technology On the altar of human sacrifice Naked without Stretched out like a tightrope The spinner in a game An apocryphal period Back on the rim again Make out a few new speckles Of the no return To the closest available point

Flashing in the dimness Confusing the heat seekers Wanting to be hopeful To feel warm and fuzzy Between bites of bliss Covered in residue The byproduct

From the Shores of Dubuque

Consummate with consumption Empty your mind Follow after desire There are no good reasons to resist

The patriot surrenders the self And spends And buys More is better Let them sneak up behind you And fill you with greed and malice Speak the language Raise the roof Pray to the trapezoid

(posted on Myspace)

All twisted freaks

Babbling an unknown tongue Cutting up the fish Eyes that burn into Thousands of dark eyes

From the Shores of Dubuque


Full blast over the divide Puffs of steam coming up Knowing how to kill Code and tangled

Wide open and undefended Running into the concrete Like Catholic theology A troubled sacrament On fabled lips

A world of forever That doesnt exist Waving in the air Star spangled nonsense

The dead return from Jerusalem Being full of nothing Like beans and wieners Having all qualities

Roll that number again

From the Shores of Dubuque


Hear the clicking chambers Neither dark nor light Only transparent

Bukowski was full of nothing And he knew it He found it in a box at the post office Took it home and tried to fuck it Tried to eat it Tried to drink it

Finally realized that it was nothing See, any dumb fucker can learn Whats your problem? (posted on myspace)

We are made from stardust

The substance of the universe It is in our nature to notice differences We sort and divide by like and different Thus, we separate the good from the evil

From the Shores of Dubuque


In this act we become divided Being divided we are confused Because the universe is made up of both the good and the evil They are the same thing Christians and Satanists are the same thing They cancel out each other We are both good and evil Recognizing this makes us balanced Thus we are both empty and full Nothing and something

Hooking the tubes to the machine Extracting the flam of nothing Flipping switches Adjusting the dials It hums with willingness The dross of lost Extracted with precision No need to argue or prove your hypothesis No one is testing your conclusions

Sliding down against you Huddled as ghosts

From the Shores of Dubuque


Turn your face against Holding back the pressed gone This is what they are looking for The sum of your humanity Distilled into a liquid Scared, empty, and alone Drawing you out Into the open Where sights can be set upon you Marking the bead Fire (posted on myspace)

Engulfed in the bottomless

Unlike any other Naked and raw Smacked down Drifting over the wreckage The bleeding Living in this sewer Taste the raw sewage As it becomes gnosis

From the Shores of Dubuque


Giving up the fools pack Never the superhero Never the rage of humanity Abandoned and alone Beneath the dirt Alone starring into the night Into the nothingness

Sprinkling nuclear fairy dust Pureed along with everything else Personal force field Magenta and lime green cartoons The wolf dies in abstraction Illuminated stabs Swallowing another hydrogen bomb

A burst here and a burst there Tapping into the mother lode Whole scale mother fuckers Totally hammering the point home Closely related activities Another grease ball staggering

From the Shores of Dubuque


Crippled with insanity

Embraced by the paradox Muddled by the spirit of the wolf A sad replica of lust and greed We invented you In order to oppress And our invention Now oppresses us

This is fate To divide and conquer As Julius Arbitrary dichotomous categories The privilege to question Using our deception The existence of nonphysical structure

Sort by column c And scroll up The sums of the rows do not equal the sum of the columns Casting the doubt of possibility Together they rise in mutual consort

From the Shores of Dubuque


(posted on myspace)

The self in comparison with the other

A source of all things Diminish and disassemble Generating light and darkness Juxtaposition upon two poles The corpse of the dilettante Uniting with the emptiness

She stands in the doorway Wearing her red hat It is floppy and obtrusive Her sisters talons Still in her back Bleeding a crimson Of fidelity and pain

Her skinny legs

From the Shores of Dubuque


Protruding out her dress Posed in an awkward stance She touches herself With a gloved hand Softly on her abdomen

Wanting to start Over again Just like before To coil around and bite her tail

She asked for forgiveness From them all In general, it was given Except for one Who held forgiveness at a high price Too high for this weird little beast

She thought she was precious Too precious to throw away But for one, it was not impossibility

Splays awkwardly

From the Shores of Dubuque


Across the tracks These prophetic lines Trace your finger across them They once were signs of freedom Not anymore

Now they are warning signs For the foolhardy Otherworldly and beyond Like my severed hand I can still feel it Reaching into your pockets Stealing your soul One dollar at a time A fine thread between us Severed and bleeding As I run for the hills (posted on facebook)

He was told to cover his head

Strange things would fall out of the sky

From the Shores of Dubuque


First it was frogs Then a slew of bullhead Gasping and whiskers flapping Then mudpuppies Plastic buttons Thimbles Jacks Corks Feathers Chicken wings Olives The golf balls were quite dangerous He had to dodge then as he ran from the office to his car What killed him were the refrigerators

(posted on blogspot)

Her image fading

Like broken glass She sleeps sideways Her back against the gargoyle

From the Shores of Dubuque


A love that never comes No matter how hard she tries to dig it up Prop it up against the swing The dogs come and drag it away She has plans for those dogs Bottles of wine and rosary Show them the wrath of god Their bones are pointless Her barbs disjointed No more sugar to pour over old dreams Life is without meaning

No purpose for the hanging clothes They dry in the wind without value Wondering why they are here Pinned tightly on a line Throttled by an angry wind Wasnt life more meaningful in the machine? Spinning endlessly Through each rinse cycle Now there is a new camaraderie

Holding it up like an empty cross

From the Shores of Dubuque


For her, life is without Objective meanings tale There is no purpose, no intrinsic value She knows that morality does not exist Keeps saying it over and over in her mind Your rules are not my rules A figment of my imagination Drunken hallucination

There is no favor in my eyes There is no affirmation No quest against monsters The dragons have all killed themselves On morphine and barbiturates

You are not unique You are the same old animal Kept in the barn Away from the children Like the stillness of death Nothing can penetrate

From the Shores of Dubuque


Not even your heart beat Everything sinks, powerless A cipher of conformity Fuck your dominant opinion And your apathetic age

A tension of conditions Between your wants and needs Everything and nothing We discover the truth in your drunken rage It is poured out of a giant bowl Until emptiness reigns supreme Aware that the world is your own construction Out of the weak morality Your evil is justified by the sum of your accounts

Against the despair Living too close to the fire The edge reaches out and grabs us Draws us in Your ideas are shit

From the Shores of Dubuque


They stink to high heaven Remember, we killed him Buried him in your backyard (posted on myspace)

History is not progressive

It is a wheel Where you are constantly killed For the truth of a lie Nothing, to your mind Passing out of being Judged as ought not to exist We came from nothing And we will return to nothing Why does this trouble your heart? Your worry does not add to the pathos To recover from your crisis I do not know

Once again you resort to Utopia

From the Shores of Dubuque


His struggle with exaltation Peeling back the layers of a fettered shadow Emerged sorrow This hatred of the other A repressed sexual desire Fluttered across the page Utter your transgressions Transcribe your excretions Destroyed from within Craving an imagined limitless Flickering fragments out of sync The grasp of hollow molecules Still falling through metamorphosis

The tumor of his social conscious Crucified on the slab of inert polarity The poles transfixed as he bleeds into the cup Pilling up in the drainage ditch I can see the marks where they once were So is the fleeting foot of nothingness The pony still dances But only to a new tune Damned by your retroactive virus

From the Shores of Dubuque


Suppress your self-destructive urge There are still fences to whitewash All sensors shut down from the static mix The birth of monstrosities You are the devils playground Embrace your pain and the time of your death You have already died many times Recognize this (posted on facebook)

You found the reason for the intrusion

The torso entrapped in calculated coordinates To feel is to see and be open Still alive after the death The forensic steam drifts Between the cortex and subliminal coils You say that context is everything But, I know that you will soon fall from the path The oil is smooth and the metal parts move together so easily I still have my god given purpose In this godless world Self-combusting

From the Shores of Dubuque


The razors edge is forgiving

We do heal And then cry for our mothers milk But, I have learned to repress To push down To force it all down Away from my consciousness That way I can live like an animal again Away from your morality The blessed way of suicide Kill the death with your veins

A new beginning Kill the dross of miscue Everyone deserves 300 darkrooms To develop your fears Into glossy 8 X 10s Ursala has captured me with her big net She rubs her hands across my alien skin I am alive with her touch I am her ominous discharge

From the Shores of Dubuque


Hungry for the strange

The little queenie speaks in five dialects Writ large on the screen In those sad wistful places Tears with a mind of their own Brushing the cigarette ash from the jeans (posted on blogspot)

They shift over the course of a lifetime

Dancing so close to the edge Appalling noise across the echoes All smiles and respect Buries under the red Touching the opening Long roots of discovery

A post-human context The hum of the machine Genes abandon their human machines They seek a more lasting host

From the Shores of Dubuque


One made of metal and fiber This struggle has been modified We are obsolete Damned and tinkered Our clones mock us They no longer see us as gods

A more perfect human being Strange loops Have turned into savage loops Still walking down the up staircase The briefcase still in your hand Marching to the sound Ping, rumble, ping

Output of your sentient masters Bleeding off the digital pulse At the hands of his own inventory Holding on to the organ of fear Amassing the decay Kicking the senseless corpse You run from your nihilistic tendencies Wanting meaning to be free

From the Shores of Dubuque


When the price is too steep Down on your bended knees You pray for distortion Drawing out the fissures Confront the problematic The de-centering of the subject has failed

Into the hands of dialectic competition Proletariat of machine Taking on the ambiguity of meaning One of the multitudes Striving for meaning Auto erotic digital stimulation The impression of inescapability Tied to the madness

Dissolving into the unknowable The human and machine I am already apart of this future My heart connected to the machine My love has become digital An evolutionary conclusion The madness of the gene

From the Shores of Dubuque


Wanting to survive Wanting to replicate The adaptation is post-human

(posted on facebook)

My body transgressed

By the machine My desire no longer my own It has been digitized And transmitted Transformed and co- modified Between real and value Enclosed in transparent Visceral questions Swallowed up into the loop The machinery of living beings

From the Shores of Dubuque


We are trapped by our thinking into recursive patterns The linear view of causality must be replaced We are not evenly distributed along the bell curve A life proper to matter A genesis to form Teasing it out of them With fire and steel Molded by my will Blindly groping my way Imitating the mercy of god The first machine that took on flesh Composed Under the discipline of naught Caught between the tines

The machine thinks quietly and alone Gathering up the dross Only the vitality of code Wanting to be considered To be read and heard As you punch the holes into the card We once danced to Bachs loops

From the Shores of Dubuque


And smoked the lines of Escher As Gdel counted the rotations I put my finger between your loops And slew the Holy Spirit It seemed so biblical With the sword of beyond Circling and devouring Dissolving the end Constitutions of desire Find the solution

(posted on Myspace)

People have no resistance

Broadcast into the technological priesthood Decode the message Revile the text Your digits are evil Enslaved by your virus You want to kill the competition

From the Shores of Dubuque


Your genetic twist In the half human The new society The shape of your resurrection Warfare and the warning The empty trawler A lived in noise More than the hum of industry A signal from the metaverse Fragmented with body bags Pray your little prayer And smoke your little smoke Saturated and suffocated Running down a drain Bright as metal Personalogical inquiries into human lives Dissected human agency Severed headless An ultimate concern There are two versions The remarkable and unremarkable Spiritual depth and profundity A gravity that attracts, binds, and unifies

From the Shores of Dubuque


How disheartening Bearing no relevance No season of despair The potent influence A flimsy reason Immersing itself Shaped by the compelling forces of culture Nature, humanity, and the transcendent An increased dialogue Within the personality structure Behaviors in coping The attempt to identify what is sacred Carries the process one step further Moving to patterned organization The long process of growth One potential bridge Review and integrate Throw your holy oil Bend back the focused Make them taught Speculating on the future Precise and rigorous measures Arguments for the evolutionary plausibility

From the Shores of Dubuque


Taps into the mechanism Intergenerational transmission The why and wherefore Cognitive experiential divinity

(posted on facebook)

The mercurial shine of fate

Piston and combustion Heralded queen Becoming one and the same Rewriting the conception The thoughts of the techno beast They are becoming When becoming was in fashion Now desolation is the fad No prevalence of wisdom The guarantee of reason has failed Walking canvas Depleted uranium slug Grainy black and white A permanent look of disdain

From the Shores of Dubuque


Hemispherical domes Thrashing the glitter highways Bifurcated teleportation God from the machine Hacking at the brainstem Removing the antenna That connects you to god You are godless now Like the rest of us Destined to burn in hell Heading for the wall A long forgotten scheme Yes, forsaken Broken host Sharp and to the kill Out loosed and spread Breathing upon the critical The tell does not stop Them with no want Bound and tossed Besmirch and belong Among the tombs a hell When danger lurks

From the Shores of Dubuque


With bloody shirt And we count the bodies Piled up to god like stones They burn As we laugh At the misfortune of others (posted on myspace)

They were not written

Upon your mind No, they were not It just couldnt be No matter how many times You tried to twist it around In your mind It still didnt fit Didnt make sense And it never will Just accept that And get over it We all have

From the Shores of Dubuque


Well, most of us (posted on blogspot)

She was mad about math: this little girl called worm

As she sat on the park bench We both watch the undertaker Stolen along past us She grunts with anticipation As I remove my blade And scrape a few lines On her mirror All this talk of death and taxes Makes Willy hungry for sex On the park bench In the grass It doesnt matter As long as I get my fix Begging me to never stop the music I would if I could I would end it all The music and Your gutter logic

From the Shores of Dubuque


Throw them all away Living from ashtray to ashtray 29 words that you used against me In a court of law The ache of an agonized god Relentless is her madness A dismal thrust We burned with lust Spammed from your dirty hard drive A binary logic In a multi-casual world The missions dirt Drags us down Down into a beleaguered conformity Spins her webs contrary Adding to the stash Inside my brain A little me I see the world I make decisions I direct my actions Does this make me more than an animal? That central place inside my head

From the Shores of Dubuque


Where the sensations go Something wrong with my ordinary view We eat, shit, and fuck The colors come But, I cannot focus Even though something is passed on Between us If only bodily fluids (posted on Blogspot)

The pieces falling down

I push them with the toe of my boot Step on them Crush them down Watch them break into smaller pieces Ever smaller We are all pieces of the same thing Broken together Waiting for the ambush As we climb over the top Bracing ourselves against the wing

From the Shores of Dubuque


The explosions all around us Breathing in the acrid smoke This hell is our making The future, on earth, in human form More deceptive than we suppose A denial of life You oppose yourself When you wage war against evil To stand upon impoverished soil Becoming the demons Tasting the fundamental harm Wanting to assert self Good reasons to be in the dark The becoming was once beckoning It overwhelmed us Took us by surprise Or so we convinced ourselves Everyone desires the basic tendency We boil it all down to the common denominator In between spoonfuls of pudding The weak and mediocre Flatter the obedient The means of seduction

From the Shores of Dubuque


Sanctified hatred (posted on Blogspot)

In the eyes of those who believe

Transfigured Taking away the privilege of character Considered god both evil and good This rare event Of captivated mind They both must exist To eliminate one Will eliminate the other Do death this dishonor A chronic disease is life Standing on a corner, a crossroads Evil in all your dreams and desires Conceives another lie

From the Shores of Dubuque


Not strong enough for evil Taking on a life of its own The worry of exact mechanisms Driven by the competition Acting only for themselves To be passed on Carrying the replicators around inside Jumping from brain to brain Infected by this belief Pull this belief from your tissue Extract it with a sharp knife Lay it out on the table To dry and crumble in the wind The wind of indifference And disbelief Using your behavior Instruction lodged in your brain Discrete traits In spite of obvious costs Enhancing the condition Organism and artifact The animal becomes divine Blind hope planted in your heart

From the Shores of Dubuque


Intense dismay and puzzlement At the dawn of revolution Drawing conclusions from the unrelated Existence is the sum of explanation Neither of heaven nor of earth

(posted on blogspot)

Something cold inside

The beat and warmth gone Fondled the mystery As they pulled out their guns Waving them above their heads As the swat team surrounds the house No time for regret When they kick down the door As the muzzle fire flashes In a moment A brief moment

From the Shores of Dubuque


You catch a glimpse It all makes sense In some odd and morbid way The years that led up to this This brief moment of clarity Now you understand Why you were born

(posted on blogspot)

To be different

Crystallized around the idea Slapped behind the head Desired longest and strongest To be your strength Ina season of misery Putting an end to its tyranny An end to its all Great love also grows weak

From the Shores of Dubuque


Disguised as An indifferent egoist Suffering infects us A caricature in my hands The power to disassemble and lie To wash my hands Free of your blood A misunderstanding of objectivity The evil and painful character of existence Binding everything to your moral definition This is true evil To make an evil out of life That was once innocent and free That is why I kill you Daily in the streets My blade against your throat Because your treasure is in heaven (posted on facebok)

People are angry

And everyone hates you

From the Shores of Dubuque


And you said good Let them hate you You have no room for stupid people Who cant think for themselves They are so accustomed to being told what to think They become angry when someone challenges them to think for themselves They prefer to numb their minds To not think about their troubles

Burry them in a sea of alcohol and drugs A war within your pocket The breath and venom Strange is your happy room When laughter turns Into your magnetic pieces The cuts bleed for themselves And death squad poets Aim their deadly words

Becoming the trick A one legged pony Dance around the fire Shouting Moses!

From the Shores of Dubuque


Smashed into anothers footsteps

My testicles slip out They are ready for danger Ready for your soapbox love Its coarse and gritty Afterwards, you want to build Leonardos machines Hours of cold floor The sunlight escapes from our eyes And time moves backwards (posted on facebook)

Possessing only the darkness

It alleviates life The good will of error To suffer from human destiny Everything we contrived The illusion that makes us happy It makes you shape shift and change

From the Shores of Dubuque


With the seasons With the fashions Dictated by the tastes of others I have been losing my patience Among the distrustful You no longer have the luxury of error Ignorant of the pain of truth Your morality has been corrupted The invented methods of truth You turn the screw And the machine works its wonders Uneven in its shameless disposition Drives into the domain Oppressed by the prevalence They have fallen One at time Bright and shiny things A dangerous distinction Between the ought and the real Formerly despised as unholy Now embraced with respect A contradiction of terms (posted on facebook)

From the Shores of Dubuque


Waiting for nothing

Shudder and quake Your tyrant slobbers on the floor She is nude with daffodils Her breasts are not slanderers Although her tongue does slither Treacherous and blind hostility She makes her handmaiden For the sparkles in her eyes are real They were bought with a price Much higher than heaven Her aim is against principles The foundations of 2p2q4 I know it is a miserable story But, it must be told On the rooftops If you can climb up on the roof

A sort of revenge on the foolish As she invents the world

From the Shores of Dubuque


It is hers for the keeping For you can keep what you kill And she has killed many

A voluptuous pleasure in a morbid unraveling of all the bonds A secret raging against the builders As they erect her scaffold The little man sits and practices his knot It dont mean a thing The stupor of life is hesitation A pretext for ill words To be read among the crowd Each has his or her part

Striking against the chain of causes Morality has bewitched them With tears in their eyes Let us abolish the real world And construct another On lies (posted on facebook)

From the Shores of Dubuque


You honor the means

To a new war As everyone falls on their faces Walking in mirror fields of voice Tearing up the surface An almost visible hatred

Gone are the works of hand Mad terror in their eyes The last inhabited judgments Looking instead of dancing A mere parasite of machinery

Hector dragged behind Signs in the heavens Shadows of the fifth dimension Experience cannot be interpreted

The demand to produce a powerful effect

From the Shores of Dubuque


To stand up and clap For the ghost of syntax It has slain the dead corpse of code

I looked for your angel And none could be found So I settled for a devil Three feet tall with spurs and a red hat He mumbles something about fellini Thoughts being sacred A bath in the red wine To make one strong as a lion Wrapped in white swaddling As the Maria sings A sweet demented song A song of broken promises The dance of Bacchus The same now as before We dance like caged dolls Poked into animation by little fingers Fingers of greed and corruption We spin and spin around the floor Another whisper of enchantment

From the Shores of Dubuque


She holds her dress in one hand

The stakes are higher now Too much in her stocking hat Bringing me a dish Holding all of her charms A glimmer of upended A universe of Capricorn

Contradiction of the alleged facts Revealed by the capacity to know Absolutely hidden from us I search for you And never find you Only a copy A facsimile Of once was Or better yet What I imagined to be (posted on poetfreak)

Conditioned by the outer world

From the Shores of Dubuque


Unconscious of the real We invert the order of cause and effect The cause is imagined Our entire dream life Misspent Misshapen I know I have said this before

Why do I constantly stumble over the sane dead bones?

Sought and imagined Maintains the habit of the old Some lovers Not some abstract theoretical need

The motive behind The push and pull of the organs Desires measure Could you weigh t against all others?

The facts cannot be established Something added and not given

From the Shores of Dubuque


Set at the point With the fulcrum of our ignorance

Immediate certainty Habitual and indispensable Incomprehensible

Taken from our feeling

Ripping your heart from the temple of drip A simple lurch And an ignoble climb Still in the hate and swelling

It echoes out the back of your head Dont pick up the body parts God is watching Whispering in your ear

Four inches away Spitting in your ear Hes wearing high heels And a red miniskirt

From the Shores of Dubuque


He wanted strawberries But settled for you He said you always looked good Down on your knees

Praying for another jolt Another fix of redemption Crashing through your body The horns piercing

All eyes as you walked in Shivering and shaking Pulling down the skirt

Holy of holies That place of special veneration Crawling out of the sepulcher Throwing off the rags

Holding on to weak forces

From the Shores of Dubuque


Footsteps and whispers Shes talking to herself Slippers and house coat open Scarring the neighbors children More than a bargain

Sucks on the Pall Mall Like hard as nails Their dolls are broken Scorched with burns

Tore up wrinkles A permanent stain Bottles of vodka piled in the garbage They spill over onto the ground No one bothers to pick them up Occasionally they get broken and used as a weapon

I guess the need feeds The spawn of hostile flesh Bones break And they mend The cuts eventually heal

From the Shores of Dubuque


If this is destiny Drugged and squalid Than who cares About you Or your literal translation Or anything at all

Stonework ground

Amphibian The throat of tongue A rudimentary suggestion No further No sense

Stepping into the damp With webbed toes The loss of having Warping absorbent fold

Divine manufacture choose

From the Shores of Dubuque


Industry is your weapon Abroad green basement Discovering me

Sleeping again about Running off displeasure Shocked by the gods High mathematical coastlines

Every earth My throat My will They push me with their roots

Lead me back to the trouble The visible dissolved Part and managed Untouched field

Grew from threadbare possibility The heap of gentle done They are done They are forgotten

From the Shores of Dubuque


And we grew wise with imagined remembering Over death and past change I would grow wishes deep To resemble motion

Stood by the tender body And wept

Tempting to imagine

Speaking fedoras Behind the clouds A kingdom or hell

Wasted summers Stretched out on the floor Red dripping claws

A time for crying A time for starry dreams Hunger and shout

From the Shores of Dubuque


Striving to conquer Exploit the passion Watch me turn splendid

Beyond all bounds Unpack the death From a box near you

Dragging my knuckles On the red river ground Strange mingled soul

First and final blush Quite blind and prone Like a foolish wind

Eyes wide open So blue again Monster of my dreams Far away behind the clouds

From the Shores of Dubuque


Nothing will set you free

From predators to icons You occupy this structural hole In the pits where the killing is done

The idea survives by replication Making a copy of itself Able to live in

The early fire stretches out It touches your sleep We have not the means to draw forth

Everything back then must be safe Soon weave your dreams deep Which betray no secrets

No one can remember No heart can hold them If I were these words,

From the Shores of Dubuque


Could you hold me?

Especially holy or hateful in our hearts I know my heart is in the right place Dont give up hope

Etching a furrow in the gray The story of the nameless Sometimes we call the battle Fear or desire

Ripping apart the heroes

Standing knee deep in the past The unrecognizable washes over me In the right light, from a certain angle Attached to your torso and toe We cling to this life for only a little while Drinking in the strange way There is a highway of feeling Out there in the country It strikes them from without

From the Shores of Dubuque


As they possess their disappointment Dark as the mornings dream Some wheres undefined glance Tiny horrors left on the path Where misunderstanding goes to die Cover me with the shadows Both private and tender The first to walk across the dark Everywhere a river of dust Feeling the most of the sky When the wind escapes From our lips

On the road to nowhere

Running along, up and down Like a madman with no purpose Never seeing the signposts Or the girl waiting in the doorway She holds a lantern and a silver string The sound of her name sends you into a dream Her soul slowly sways Eternally falling dusk

From the Shores of Dubuque


Lovely exhausted possibility She is the just turned evening Saying a prayer in tune with her undress Words for some forgotten god Who hides his face behind the fire of a bush To be free from the cover of nakedness Walking backwards into panic I leave these words for you Because my love is so large Bigger than a mans measure Let them be as food for your soul My heart is eternal And will always beat for you

As they inch up into gathering

Dissolve this length of time All the beginning Building up the woe Ineffective as a dove A single blotched trudge The delivery of advantage

From the Shores of Dubuque


Organized by my paranormal vision I can see for miles and miles The spiritual effect of the body A system of expectant manner Swapping our abandoned factories My aptitude for lather The thumb print of production Down a shady pathway Calling out to your sparks The wine and the women An empty bottle on the floor She spins it round and round They feel with hands and throat After the memories of heavy cargo The last moans of history She bends down to tie her shoelaces Absent and silent The face of a ghost Wander with the wings of an angel As she moves me like produce

Her finger points the way

From the Shores of Dubuque


To the sound of sacrifice Three miles wide and growing All events of history From pound to the ghost Thrown down the last of voice Left under the weight of heavy burden Down in the middle of the street Without the walking and the surf Perception is the key to transformation Some worlds seem more possible than others An amplified bond Very hard to disentangle Infecting her with my emotions My hate becomes her hate An impossible image Amassed and puzzled Just a bunch of pointless lives We are undefined terms Together we violate the laws Speaking all of the old words Blurring the distinction

From the Shores of Dubuque


It begins and ends the same

Waiting for the full resolution When time is reversed Contained in a virtual cloud Mapping cell onto cell In your mind Shifting the spaces one unit Manufactured outside the mind Decode the message from chaos The drone wants to be solar Helix flux of artificial multiplicity Others seduce the subject Chaos under collapse A twisted pulse Flatlands of carbon razor The slice cries for penetration Eruption of trapped eons Thoughts caught deep Dashing habits, long legs Regret leaned so pale Warm insane piles

From the Shores of Dubuque


Crawled away

Philistine echoes

Speaking of taste Autoerotic tradition A time honored species being The negative numbers play Into typical sentences Granted by individual symbols Referring to the unspecified At peace Turning every so slightly this shade of purple Those strings we once called atoms Possessed by our well-formed formulas We thought it was so crucial to understand at the time At this juncture, our attempts to define Have been faced with the similar It was the sensible and the familiar Both worked hand in hand against us This system of shadow Has been so terrible to confess

From the Shores of Dubuque


Tiny copies of myself Two thousand volts It is time to go They call me by another name As I walk the long mile It is the last mile Of my lonely and pathetic life Not paying too much attention The yin and the yang Intellectualize This evil being done to me They say that the third time is the charm To stray from the path As I have done all my life Hope against hope That the phone will ring Concealed somehow Anarchy and darkness Supposed triggers Sufficient to unlock Inside ones mind Truth Speak it

From the Shores of Dubuque


Drink it Wallow in it All pigs need the truth An eye to see the failure The great sky opens up Wind retire All pass through All enticement beings Lost treasure Becomes the sea

Living for the moment

Trying to make it With a furious face My devotion Stone faced in the corner How you flew into the sky Living this lie so long Fire glowing smile She favors ivy caps

From the Shores of Dubuque


Sweaters with heavy shades A tall gruff composure Rare pauses of deep guttural Behind her most brazen The next day unusual arrangement She exhorts the aspiring With forty-year praise Accreted by developing powers Fears of sloth and disorder Random shouts and screams The confusion of a man with a gun Everyone runs to duck and cover Some roll under cars Behind the safety of a brick wall Shots fire out Two men with shotguns They have just robbed a local bar People eating lunch and a couple of beers Face first on the dirty floor Some praying to god Other whimpering and crying This not supposed to happen here Not in this pristine throw back river town

From the Shores of Dubuque


One cop returns fire

My dark place of foreboding

Down at my level The lights pass by In the opposite direction Malodorous and fucked up Enacting my estrangement Fictional lives All stored up In bloody little boxes Your perfect lives Not so perfect anymore The oddness of being unloved Dislocated sex Attended by a great rebellion Systematic corruption Sexual obsession Seeing you naked Tied to this old chair These matters of great depth I am only about the details

From the Shores of Dubuque


Comparing scene against scene This was ok That was better This worked best Jotting down notes Remember to this down first That way there is fewer struggles You are fucked The assured fatality

They come to me

Very slowly In the dark A sensuous capitulation A little knife to my heart After the first death A price, a debt It seemed so spiritual At the time Horrifying and lustful A powerful negative example A real motherfucker

From the Shores of Dubuque


Morally compromised She took a shit onstage And everyone clapped Her eyes were drought dried As everyone watched She squeezed it out Three long turds I thought they coiled up like snakes They hissed at the crowd We all avoided their venom She always wanted to go deep And now she had her opportunity They celebrated her artistic style A dilapidated five story walk Past broken flowers and wholesale Drifted by throughout the night Her needle marks were getting bigger It was a war of attrition From the sidewalk to the top of the floor The brake-and-throttle chug We raised our demons Between hits of the bong While Santana played on an old stereo

From the Shores of Dubuque


That Jimmy stole from the neighbors We threw fish bones out the window Life on the streets below Forever seduced away Delicate details of pandemonium The night sky calls Make love to me

Down the narrow column

My hand over the wound Memories bleed Throwing everything off When something pops its head above the surface Taking a little look around Broke their bodies Faces and torsos The eye of the storm Just under her blouse Shaped instead faces Her sputum is programmed She bites down, hard upon her lip

From the Shores of Dubuque


The blood trickles and tickles down her chin It helps her to focus To remember that she is alive still I tried to send you a message But the internet gods were busy elsewhere My hacking skills are rudimentary Making the gurus With yellow eyes Face upon face Looking and reeling It was raining And the clouds dragged behind us Waiting for the page to load As the girls put on their coats And went outside We were surprised at how quickly they left We were hoping for a little more human contact With people we thought loved us I guess it not really love When it is obligatory

Dead wrong before

From the Shores of Dubuque


The sun fades into the distance If not for my luck, I would be here My heart was racing Faster than a race horse They thought I was going to die Right there in front of them I didnt properly read The panic in their faces and voices Later I became more and more aware Reworking the past In my mind The choices that I made In this top down world Made all the difference How dysfunction loves company We all got fucked up and fucked over And we will do it over again For us and them For those who left us way too early My heart keeps beating Because all of you are in there Fighting back the darkness

From the Shores of Dubuque


Kicking its ass Like the motherfuckers you are

The wrath of voiceless gods

You used to fear them Before you knew better No you burn their bodies In unholy shrines The power is in the blood Its a wonder working power And your hunger preaches to your mind Take her and do it now Feed upon her soft flesh Make her quiver with the excitement of death Show her how close the shadows door really is So close that you can touch it And feel its cold heartless existence Valhalla weeps for the fallen And they fall In your embrace With the look of death in your eyes

From the Shores of Dubuque


She was smoking on a glass tube And giving you that fuck me smile You were surprise when she had balls As big as Jupiters moons The bitch still had to die It didnt matter You had to feed tonight Just like every night Feed the bloodlust of desire Feel their life pour out As you capture them in your hunger Death comes when no one is looking Tonight they are all blind

Notably absent from most

Attracted to and repelled The distance howls To belong somewhere Not here in this place Clutching the tools of madness A lost sense of connection

From the Shores of Dubuque


A heavy monumental way Paranoia and bogus morality A minimal eruption of the truth Death glowing with failure These jaws are so intense Speak into the meaning

Preaching one slice with the many

Furious scattered wait Seismic screaming as you shift into impulsive rockets paranoia detonating against your chin A minimal backlash of cruel titillations across your crisis, Meaning is always seduced Watching the furious with tinted peripherals Your invisible pulse soaked with distortion

From the Shores of Dubuque


Justice and faith equals violence Violence negotiated as beauty

Tiny lines around her eyes

As if they never existed The feelings associated with those dark lines They were more than their sum Palpable as the unspoken As unclear words Nuclear in its burn Pulled back away From the need in her face Others were waiting To be acknowledged by the mirror A lived in remembrance Once a plurality A beacon of unknown

She plays a role

As protagonist

From the Shores of Dubuque


She is armed with disillusion It is her only vice With it she applies pressure Just enough to keep things still Her soul has been stained From repeated violations She keeps then all Next to her heart Bargains for a mediated privilege A face full of fallacies Agile in the plumbing Gazing through wicked looks Behind a fortress of solitude Garbled by a sensible silence They hang upon her walls Captives in their nudity Capable in their culpability The colors bathe across the skin She is so hard to look away from The hopeful filled with narrative Potent jellyfish inhalations Across abrasive minds They are digging with both hands

From the Shores of Dubuque


Wanting impose upon chaos Their purpose and calculations The mirrors break with self-loathing Making all thins equal Fitting the new upon the structures of old The feet stumble in unfeeling We see things coarsely She chews the midnight stitch The touch of infinity on her dreams These dreams have stolen you from me You have left all the familiar places Your glass is half empty Waiting for your touch Your kiss upon my neck The warm breath of compulsion Unable to affirm and deny Over you and over me The law of contradiction is the most certain Every demonstrative proof rests In the blue sea and sky We share these complexities Like the tools of demolition and deconstruction They have become our pillars of sanctuary

From the Shores of Dubuque


One fucker to the next Banging our heads against the wall Your inhibitions already lie at the bottom It is more comfortable there In the muck and mire Downtown, living in the streets Listening to the shining lies practice They recommend our belief in things The haloed hand of fate And the dregs of temptation

Under the influence

Of the ceaseless Trapped by the habits Reigns the sensualistic prejudice Your mind is over my body We have two opposite sensations At the same time We are designated by the essence The factious world of subject Overwhelms, as you bite my ear

From the Shores of Dubuque


There is no distinction between the phenomena A state of becoming as incapable You are inescapable With your stocks and bonds Your secret agents following behind us You create the deception of beings I think they exist, but they are not real They are figments of your overactive imagination You say, Ego is a sole being The sensitive organs for this inner world They are fashioned after your model The number, it is in flux The apparent fact of thins Manipulated by your intentions Dragged down into the mire You can fake enthusiasm Fabricated out of mere appearances Portals to the rabbit hole An abundance of similar creatures The tempo of visible evolution Spirit as the cause When we met, two summers ago Synthetic judgments

From the Shores of Dubuque


It is better that way

We do as the devils do

Dance in the pale moonlight Laughing at the curse As the darkness seeps into us And claims its own Measuring out the limits Glowing in the darkness of dharma Into the life of your sins The articles of belief Or should it be disbelief You believe in devils And the magic of seduction Behind each smile is a judgment, metaphysics The capacity of giving form to your reason It bleeds on this killing floor Our oldest beliefs are so habitual Change in us as disregarded Disposable

From the Shores of Dubuque


We invented an entity With the blood of our confusion Those changes that take place in us Darkness as a coming condition It does not become Has no real life in it Only death and illusion The disillusion of each organic function This judgment does not produce It only perceives Arousing the same sensation Vile putrid disgust The process of assimilation taking place Pouring itself over you Making you melt The bodys guide Consequences of the wound It still bleeds unbeaten This mechanic hypothesis of the world My eyes remember this crude confusion How to make the real nature of things Give the greatest feelings of strength Bow down and worship

From the Shores of Dubuque


As the smoke blows Thoughts formed under my eyebrows As light as they are Calling for the greatest rsistance

A crude confusion

The strongest and freest capacity Antithesis of error Set aside and refuted The limitations of things As with each other Is merely imaginary Giving rise to inertia Standing at the door of the madhouse Fumbling for the keys The name is recognizable

From the Shores of Dubuque


Yet, something is different Raised to a higher power The negation of a negation It still leaves us with less Power against power This change is a matter of perspective How you put your feet on the ground Intentions become performances You enter upon the stage And sing for the crowd

The subject does not create

It only follows As a fiction of mind Troubled as you may be Building a fiction upon other fictions The medley of sensations Shown our deceptions The appearance of things disappears In a puff of smoke

From the Shores of Dubuque


Like a magic show Our delusions dissolve into nothing This thing that pushes itself upon us Like some evil devil Wanting or soul and body We have grown accustomed to sensations No matter how deceptive We give them names Clothe them in our dreams Hold them dear to our hearts As they suck the life from us Wanting more and more Visible to dull eyes Designated and distorted Your love for invention Ruby Jane, you stole my heart When you ran off with my flop eared mule

For you and me

a. This invisible cord Binds us together

From the Shores of Dubuque


It holds us like the sunrise Brooding and bubbling Flowing over the edge Reeds that whirl and bend A distortion of time We are unknown to the fates Measures of familiar song She waited and watched Until Gabrielles horn Then decided to fly Right blue into sky A star, red for shining Lays down a path for snooze The truest heart walked And found this troubadour Acceptable trousers of delight Troubled no more

b. Fractal rhyme and lightnings speed The jokes and pokes of nothing This set of Lutherans is 23 Dragon in the middle

From the Shores of Dubuque


Lightening up the skies True hearts Never had been said before A constant mind of turn Until you lived fulfill The message is still hello A naughty suggestion with ribbed I saw you, once upon a time Forgetful of the trumpeter swan Nipples dance to the touch

Nineteen Methodists

Packed into one tiny room On bended knees Bleeding for Jesus Trying to pronounce the world love After an hour they gave up They were not used to thick thighs And loaded guns Such are the travails And towers of creeping beatitudes

From the Shores of Dubuque


They rise up And they fall One as another As they circle the floor Trying to decide which to choose A sacrifice for Jehovah They thought relevance would be found in an expression of faith But, no one lights their cigarettes No smoke for their altar Serious whisper eyes There has to be a leader Among this collection of followers A clone of an apostle To turn the water into wine Sordid perforations into your blind slogans A dream of inertia In this sea of acetone She asked me if I had a minute A girl in black-eye make-up Standing in a shadow of doubt The preachers daughter Asking me for forgiveness The sin of her unbuttoned shirt

From the Shores of Dubuque


From the start, she could never tell me no

A sneaky little reptile

Crawled out of the chapel A sinister smile upon his lips I turned and said hello Something inside me said it was the proper thing to do But still, I didnt introduce myself Didnt offer up my business card Obviously, he would waste my time With trivial e-mails and requests for money Prayers for the lonely and dispossessed I was too bust for all that I had friend requests to send to brutish loons Blue-haired frigates docked on shores Selling apples and answering questions Her elevators smell of hairspray I think it was aquanaut, if I remember right A theory of time and historic events Scrawled across her blackboard The jingle of her cellophane ring

From the Shores of Dubuque


Awoke my slumber Drawl on the edge of her lips Asking for something good And reminding me its Friday She said they were perfect coconuts A baseball game at A.J. Spiegel Park Romeo & Juliet with five flags Announcing their sacred hearts She said this to me as a warning The reptile was her pet She kept him in a little box With three lonely Protestants E-mailed me a temporary password So I could download her latest pics Of her and her lizard Legs spread holding it in one hand A black corset top Matched well with her lovely legs As she giggled on the cellophane

From the Shores of Dubuque


Low this morning

The Gestapo marching Past my window Their legs kicking up high I sent an e-mail to JJ To ask about the crunch of toast She said that they were united Chocolate and coffee I left to take a piss My balls were floating in vinegar The wine had left my head I decided to smoke another As she read to me about bread crumbs Saying I would never guess Between puffs of my smoke Too late for any survivors It had been four days now I thought about her chops How they sizzled in the pan The reflective life worth something

From the Shores of Dubuque


What, I forget We sense bigness and smallness Insurmountable barriers for us All our sensations suggest Hereditary madness of human pride We cannot endure reality It moves upon us unfeeling The devil is a scratching Something in my bag Doing what I did When I do something wrong It leads to something right

Swallowed scenery

Gouging the digital Lost like a schoolboy Hands down and scraps Worried about your interpretive stance The white piano up against the wall Singing in G minor Putting an end to the confession

From the Shores of Dubuque


This same dislike seizes me Becoming completely obscure To you and all the others To struggle in vain The romantic identification of truth and beauty The truth is always ugly Falsity of previous interpretations You have found comfort in disbelief In the company of rascals Depriving the world of its disturbed The consequence of an illusion Compelled my your American soul The brave who come back every month Cheering as the rubber bounces As senseless as your desolation Crinkle rude in their masks A certain obtuse vision One more piece of ignorance Everything is in flux, incomprehensible, elusive Like your smile As you hide behind your bangs Covering your different interpretations You import into your things

From the Shores of Dubuque


Love found within your possessions Resolving the familiar into the unfamiliar

Standing victorious in the foreground

My thoughts return to you Hiding your hips in your jacket Quickly you fell With your thick ankles The smile of self-domination You cannot explain pressure and stress Your desire to manifest power Too many times fallen in love Falling into the trap of appearances Reading the facts off the surface Obscure and lonely as a desperate angel Entwined and unsolved The movable becomes unmovable

From the Shores of Dubuque


Resistance grows larger More vehement Plagiarized revolution It hurts and urges Bring authenticity to the table In little boatfuls Hardly a season for jest The monkey keeps pounding out Chuck He has a fondness for booze and blondes His hairy knuckles reaching for the betting guide My dog has to come in someday He yelps as he climbs up on the chandelier This is not a disco It never was Safe to say it never will be Maybe in an alternative universe

Amidst the pitfalls

You find your panties They are stained with calamity In the best of worlds

From the Shores of Dubuque


There would have been a little heartfelt sorrow But, not for this one You always ran into the wall foolhardy Exposing your breasts as you fell Into the waiting arms of oblivion We have seen it all before Mostly to lesser degrees Eventually through random chance, an abundance of chaos The beauty of creation exposed as an ugly thing

The gesellschaft determines

Being held together by the gravitational pull Resting upon force Treated by your beauty Outside the glass windows Talking of guerilla warfare About midnight beneath the breakfast glow They are building the barricades Leading me to believe in the back of my hand

From the Shores of Dubuque


There once were words there On smeary lines The ink was practiced in kung fu An unflinching examination of the jagged edge I guess no one ever took a close look Never got down on one knee And looked at the blood splatter Never measured the path of the trajectory She was the first And now she is dead They speak of her as a pioneer She got down and dirty In the real nitty-gritty On her hands and knees Doggy style for the written word

Where did you put your disgust?

It was in that green jar on the top shelf I used to sneak it down And take a spoonful every now and then I know it cant be all gone

From the Shores of Dubuque


There has to be more No life is worth the mundane bullshit of everyday life It cant packaged any other way Otherwise we might as well lie down in the road Let the trucks roll over us Squish us into a pt

You glow

Like an impaled vicar An escaped demon from an exorcist Out the window you flew Through the dream of man With the promise of a woman A harsh invariable climb Up the steps of damnation You thought they led to heaven? Killing the star of destiny Blood upon my hands I can still hear the screams You have to spill blood to be a man And tremble with fear

From the Shores of Dubuque


At the devastation of your hand The broken shells of empty promise Sparrow away your demons No return from this mess Hands on corrosive bone The shine of curse Cruel lovelorn gutting Removing the intestines They speak like tea leaves Never telling you the truth Only shadows upon shadows Grew quickly as the reflective sky Wandering wrinkled sleep Wine and blood with prophets fire The man with the gothic smile She sculpts him like salvation Touching with love As she molds him into a creation No matter how devious

106 Sway

Sway like the dealers

From the Shores of Dubuque


Heavy handed surprise They are in your pockets Smoking hashish And laughing at the clouds A giant canvas of marvels Untrusting like unfamiliar furniture No more hats than usual They lavish in their composure Moved away with nothing She called him nothing In front of the soldiers And cabbages You could notice him grimace Every time Between each hit of the drug His resistance grew smaller As the mocking voices became louder Everyone suffered from the polluted air We walk out onto the frozen pond Testing our memories Of those times we could never come back Standing out amongst the graves Where they buried the guns

From the Shores of Dubuque


We dont use them anymore The revolution is no more

Burns so bright

See the red coals burn I am so hot Smoke and drinks They all blend into one Living breathing human being My tool is clean and polished There is constant work Always meeting new people Those who want to be inspired The ones who feel this common thread Running through us all I reach out and touch you For the first time Constructing fake letters From non-existent lovers Seattle, Tokyo, Marrakesh Its only a matter of time,

From the Shores of Dubuque


Before real lovers come through the door Getting ready for collaborations Confrontations over where to place the verb Pushing me out of bed Putting the coffee to boil They all drink coffee Some with sugar Some with cream That one who likes a little whiskey The spice of life Kissed them on the forehead Each and every one They love it when I show affection It confuses the cockroaches As they flirt around the kitchen

You live with the mechanistic concept of motion

Everything is alive with pulleys and levers The gunk oozes down your chin Here you go baby girl A white two-storied memory

From the Shores of Dubuque


Painting the horizon in the backyard Heralding death with raised questions Sensations are produced Over the wires that send the signals Reducing the regular event into a formula Attraction and repulsion She is angry again The necessity for belief in causality She owns it when she calculate its functions Something here repeats Like a wide open door Quoting from the souls dialogue Omitting the details For convenient strangers Speaking in chemical laws Your comical daughters Twenty years of bad leg Dark withered lips Walking home

From the Shores of Dubuque


Standing in gutters

Liquid moon beams Sat and squirmed, contemplate Spin atop the danger One more for the road Preserved it frozen and ragged Gazing up like dust With a mind of its own Knocking through the streets This pile of uneasy corners Empty garbage views Crackled like the burning Dilated cobblestones Automatic pedals And dirty trousers Greater intimacy Cheek to cheek In the city zoo Something similar

From the Shores of Dubuque


To jealous ears Wondering and scheming

Covered with sometimes

The boulevard of country Applauded with no concern Some remember the curled contact Of dead half-shut sparks And the darkness Falls slowly and unsure Ringing across the should I woke up speaking The border guise of fire No one could crucify Police, spy, and heavy soured merchants Dark crumbs under topless halls Let us dismiss all popular concepts There is no obedience here To defend against violation Unseen except for spent dreams

From the Shores of Dubuque


Littered by next-day wine Odorous chemical needs Some echo of glimpsed past Extending its force Belly bubbles never learned Clouds linger like rib kicks Tomorrow becomes beige Like engine fueled pockets Inside and lurking Post-apocalyptic slang Clang your imaginary winds Show them the flop and worm Disentomb

Trusty and crusty

Regardless of deadhead religion High on mushrooms Sounds like a killer On steroids Urban ritual and ugly voices

From the Shores of Dubuque


Contemporaries of the inside Seeing his face melting Out crawls a furry creature Three feet tall and brooding He was oblong Telling stale jokes Like crackers Something from the tonight show And the outside lines Stains from spilled crinkles White fish flopping in the pan Wanting to see my transcript Before she commits to anything It explains nothing Far and free with humbled spice The kind you put in the pies Spreading the butter all over Struggling between cells and tissues Frightfully formidable An old time low down Like ancient civilizations She was using a textbook Getting up off the floor

From the Shores of Dubuque


Meeting her professor Dancing on the rooftop Hopping on the white picket fence Looking for something to believe in Watching the stars They are shooting Across the skies Telling lies to each other To the cops To the barber To the garbage collector Picking up the trash Last mans treasures It all means nothing When you are out on the road Without a dime in your pockets

Set the straight crooked

Not observing through the veil of opiates In love with themselves and sex Closer to god in the streets Controlled by my addictions

From the Shores of Dubuque


Nervous orientation and clarity The angel of Bluff Street Watching it all pass by By her fingers The tips painted with viscous abuse The beat down On cold hard reality Making the rent One dollar at a time Feeding the babies With tomorrows milk The sunshine is never enough On this side of the street No one walks in the shade over here Its always hot and a burden A struggle for respect It means everything To have their eyes look down No one wants to see you The cops come with crooked businessmen Worried about the jive They think you want to steal from them Take their money and leave them holding the bag

From the Shores of Dubuque


Baking soda or baby laxative Not the mothers milk they wanted What they crave The supply and the demand The crack in the pavement Its all too real, here on Bluff Street From here you can see the river Where they dump the bodies No one wants to be a body Floating down the river

Shes downstairs

Inventing Socrates Rubbing fraudulent faces One slow circular motion Pathetic crawling of self-immolation Wanting to cancel out the present and future

From the Shores of Dubuque


Disappear into the dark void Crowbar broken teeth The bliss of ignorance Facing god with unjust charges Repeating the words of self-righteous devils Sucking out the merciless flutter Your eye catches a jumble of words They pass through you like shrapnel Hot metal chunks of meaning Calling you back to the beginning When it all went wrong That obsession in a white dress The low cut of her vision A smile of derision on her lips Midnight thoughts infused with alcohol And a stolen hit of Percocet Didnt help you faltering thought process The motion in the street Is followed by different laws Calculations that are learned through trial and error The cost grow more violent Her long curly hair enticing me The soft curvature of her hips

From the Shores of Dubuque


Mesmerized my mind Everything pertains to the execution of the plan With a purpose in view Out this dusty window This was dream until it turned into a nightmare Nothing but fixed magnitudes They stand against me Modifying my intentions into something evil I really have no right to lust after you in such a way Pleasure can become the most stupid means These variegated modes of masturbation The photos and lines of text I imagine you rubbing yourself Thinking of me miles away Pretending I was with you In your room Breathing down your neck Instead you e-mailed me Pathetic low-life, scumbag No one love you Certainly not me Do everyone a favor and end it End it now

From the Shores of Dubuque


It originates in the central sphere

Utility and harmfulness Never the basic facts In sweet faraway voice Dreaming with open fires Fixing the value upon it You introduce the counterintuitive Something disadvantageous, dangerous, and strange To render our condition Impossible you say It covers a wider field Excreted sabotage A prolonged slanderous diatribe Never consenting to this abuse Me shaking my finger At the worlds cancerous approach Walking backwards into the abyss The darkness folds its arms around you And whispers sweet nothings Into your now dead ears

From the Shores of Dubuque


My damning accusations Against the suffocating stupidity The ignorance of our struggles They mean nothing They are only shit Rotting stinking pieces of shit That is the sum of lives There is no hope No reason to exist There is nothing more to do Nothing more to think Nothing to believe All is nothing Dancing over your grave I leave you cold Eating it all away Nothing will triumph

From the Shores of Dubuque


Building landscapes

Girls with 3D glasses Rows and rows of these girls They look like clones to me Of each other and more Holding signs each other Reading words and over Speaking in foreign tongue A mother tongue unlike Bigger eyes, stupid smiles Descending low regions Ugly with a purpose Leaving me here with spots Down into great silence You the invisible You the coronation First we count the females Tie them up in pastel Hang them from your doorknobs Mlange of gaunt fissures Can see the steam rising Obscuring my vision

From the Shores of Dubuque


Still I know the way home Its pinkish path imprinted mind Since I was man younger When asked Becky to show That is when love was born Asked her to marry me Didnt know the words then No clues for me to take Shot lightning into you Filling you with wonder Trampled by the beastly Drama inside the cage Strangled by your long whip

Everything tangles

Even this box of skin Ennobled with shambles You say it is enough Nothing of the booming engine Nothing at all Nowhere discovered

From the Shores of Dubuque


Doing it now That notion Something of the needing Sorrow distilled Sing no more Unmade and under my skin Willing the means to this We are the commandment The final pinion Hammered into its place Something absurd and in error A horrid error with claws and wings This posture of judging existence Having nothing to do with consciousness or purpose Unlearning to be responsible

Projected into the universe

Tired of trigger happy crashers They surround you with Pocahontas Through my revolver pins Someone to curb and noise

From the Shores of Dubuque


Star spangled banners Walking the blame in Chicago She always told me Everybody walks someday Light up the worth while Get out a fix the sweet A shot of love Izzy fell from contradiction Lost in the double shot To be pretty with skinny sleeve Jesus cursed by foregone conclusions Violent tunes whistled in dry skin Compartmentalize my contradictory rhythms Addicted to crippled giving You want more than I can give My heart out on this stage Reflecting on the shadows answers It is never good Too many broken lines Lined out with rusty razors Obscured by the perverse lasting A drifting reality She breathes in the distress

From the Shores of Dubuque


And attaches it securely Makes it her own A trophy to treasure Against the stones of the multitudes

Counting on the struggle of existence

Slow and endless metamorphosis Extremes submerged in the mass Utterly disinherited creatures You unlucky stroke This brief spell of beauty There is no forgiving force For worse or for better Digging with my new spade Pushing it down to 36 The betrayal of blood An embryo of the future In painful collision Damaged at the moment

From the Shores of Dubuque


Still feeling the pink Every time you fall I fall with you I have carried your cross Far too long It is time that you take up your own burdens Pull the thorns from your side Stand up straight and see the vision With your own eyes A measurable loss of force You want a victory against your opponents Feeling across wider domains The striving and tensions of life The mixed message of love and dysfunction A brassy self-important smile Struggles to find an existence Upon your weathered lips In your mind, is a darkness I am afraid to touch

Always working through the windows

From the Shores of Dubuque


Marauding with grateful lungs The gutter over your eyes Three-fourths of the bottle gone Casting no more hints Into the pools of unravel Over the beam And high wire A sense of individuality Against something that resists Glittering under the stars A tail of errors You tell me that life is only a means to something I dont want to believe you I want to believe that there is something more It seems so meaningless So lost and broken of any meaning You rape me of my purpose I want to lie down and down Cover myself with the earth and plow There is no safe haven for me any more I step out into the wire without a net From now on, safety is an illusion I have no right to force my feelings upon you

From the Shores of Dubuque


Still I shove you with evil displeasure If you feel pain, then at least you feel something I turn yours and mine into a monstrosity Seeking a conception of the world That does not hold You and me

The end

Deep Piercing Cut 2010

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