Script Competition

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Theme: Tragedy

Ray Catcher - father
Robin Catcher – son
Wooden House – morning
*Birds chirp as the stage is slowly sets, and suddenly an aggravated move. The birds sound more
aggressive and we see two people on stage*
Robin: Pa, why do you like birds?
Ray: Because they’re pretty..
*Robin looks at him*
Ray: Of course that’s not the only reason. They’re delicate, unique and fragile, like porcelain dolls. I
love taking care of them.
*a cage of birds appear and the birds in the cage seem sad*
Wooden House – afternoon
*Robin walks out with the laundry and hangs it up as Ray cleans his bird cages*
Robin: Can you grab that cloth, Pa?
*Ray hands it over*
Robin: The suns out, it’s a perfect time to go bird hunting, don’t you think?
Ray: I’m not done cleaning this cage, in the mean time can you go grab the net, yeah?
Robin: My father loved catching birds, he liked them a lot and has been doing it ever since I
was 10. After my mother died that was a way he could cope with the loss, he said they were
as graceful as my mother. I guess that was his way of remembering her, me on the other hand.
I’ve been doing alright, so far at least.

Ray: Robin which bird do you think I should catch today?

Robin: I don’t really care, Pa. As long as we’re back before dinner.

Street – afternoon
*Ray and Robin are seen walking while carrying nets and cages, passersby greet them
as they walk by as they seem to be familiar with their routine*

Stranger: Catching birds again I see. Don’t you have enough already Mr. Catcher?
Ray: I don’t see the problem with more. I still have a full store to fill.

Stranger: Don’t seem to ever be satisfied huh? Have a swell day then.

Ray: You too

*They continue walking and they finally arrive at the hunting grounds*

The woods – afternoon

*The woods, chirp with birds flying here and there. Ray and Robin hide in the bush as they
wait quietly for the perfect moment to strike*

Robin: Pa, when are we going home? I’m hungry.

Ray: (agitated) I told you be patience, the pretty ones don’t come out for at least a few more
*The bush shakes as we hear Ray scream, and then silence*

Robin: I think we got it.

Wooden House – night

*We can see ray and Robin and ray eating together on the floor*
Ray: Did you know the bird we caught today was a Ferruginous partridge? described it
as Perdix oculea . Its specific name oculea is a reference to the Latin oculus for eyes.

Robin: Mhm yeah.

*Robin zones out as he listens to his father story*


Robin: ( depressed ) I honestly wish that he would take as much interest in me as he

does with his birds. He loves going on endless rants about them, as if I ever listen. I want
maybe one time he would give as much support to my needs. When he was with mother,
our days would be filled with joy and fun, now it’s its just dull and lifeless. “Like a bird
without wings” as he says.

Ray : Go clean out the shed will you? I’m a little busy.
*They finish eating*
Robin: (sighs) sure, Pa. Can I ask you for something in return though?
Ray: A deal?
Robin: You could say that, haha.
Ray: when did my son become so bold? My little business man.
*he thinks for a moment before answering*
Ray: Sure, I don’t see why not.
Robin: Thanks, Pa.
*Robin walks to grab the cleaning supplies*
Robin: (talking to himself) I’m so sick of him. This is the fourth time this week, I’m sure his precious
“Bird Dungeon” would fine if I don’t clean it for just one day. It’s like he cares about it more than he
cares about me.
*robin opens the door to the shed and birds chime in aggression*
Robin: (angry) can these birds ever learn to shut up?
*He looks at them for a while*
Robin: I can’t really blame them though, they’re always in that small cage. Must be tight in there little
guy. I’m sorry for yelling at you. Pa should really let these guys loose a little.
Wooden house – night
*robin comes back after cleaning*
Robin: (yelling) Pa, I’m done! Can I make that deal now?
*Ray walks to him*
Ray: Really? All the floors swept?
Robin: Yup.
Ray: All the windows cleaned?
Robin: as clean as can be, Pa.
Ray: Then I guess it’s settled, time to pay my end of the bargain. So my dear son, what is your wish?
Robin: Can I go out with my friends tomorrow?
Ray: Friends? What friends?
Robin: I met them at the market the other day, their really cool and they invited me to play a game of
soccer tomorrow. Can I go?
Ray: Soccer? Oh please son, you don’t know how to even kick a ball.
Robin: (mad) that’s not true. I thought myself!
Ray: You are not going with who knows who to who knows where to play with some ball.
Robin: (yelling) But you promised!, I did what you asked. And you said it time to pay your end of the
bargain, and by letting me go you are!
Ray: I said no, your not going.
Robin: But why? Their not dangerous, It’s only at the near by field what’s the harm in that?
Ray: You only met them for one day and now your going out with them to a secluded area? Don’t you
think that’s a bit odd?
Robin: NO, Pa. I don’t think its odd. It’s actually normal for a young boy to be active, it’s normal for
me to play outside.
Ray: Play? Don’t you have enough fun with me already?
Robin: Pa, you know I don’t mean it like that. I just want some time alone.
Ray: (yelling) I give you time! It’s just you who doesn’t appreciate it. I’m your old man, so listen to
me. You don’t know people like I do, robin. People are selfish, aggressive and spiteful. You’d be
happier if you didn’t go.
Robin: Is that what you think, Pa? is that why most of the people in town don’t even look you in the
eye? Call you the “Crazy Bird Guy”. Pa, don’t you think it’s time you and I to be open to more
people? I’m tired of people looking at you like you’ve gone off the rails. Believe it or not it’s effecting
me too. Please let me go.
Ray: (stern) enough is enough, robin. You are not going and it’s final. You’ll understand why one day.
Robin: No, Pa. Enlight me. I don’t get it. First I ask for a day in the market, you say no. Then I ask for
a 5 minute walk in town, you also say no. You can’t keep me here forever, Pa. I’m 15 and I’m brave
now. I want to play outside.
Ray: Because I love you Robin, go to your room. That’s enough from you.
*Robin walks to his room in frustration*


Wooden house – morning

*ray walks in*
Ray: Im going to the market, want anything

*Robin is quite*

Ray: Is it still about last night? It’s because I want to protect you, son. You know I love you
very much. Ill be going now.

*Ray leaves*

*Robin sits quietly in his room contemplating*

Robin: (talking to himself) Love? Is it love? It sure doesn’t feel like it.

*A sudden rock flies through his room, Robin looks outside and see his friends*

Friend: (shouting) You promised me a match, Robin. Are you coming or what?

Robin: (shouting) My father isn’t letting me out the house. I can’t come.

Friend: Aw, come on, Ro. Can’t you just sneak out?

Robin: No, are you crazy? He’d kill me if he found out.

Friend: I guess that makes me the winner of our duel then?

Robin: What- ah, No! Hey that’s not fair!

Friend: What’s not fair is you promising something you can’t keep. Haha, see you later,

Robin: I can’t just let it go. I promised, I finally get recognized for the first time in years
and now it might even be the last time I do.

Robin: (shout) Hey! Im going alright, just wait there.


Wooden House – afternoon

*Robin sneaks in only to find out Ray isn’t back yet.*

Robin: (sighs) Thank goodness.

*suddenly Ray walks through the door and Robin jumps at his arrival*

Robin: (shocked) Pa, welcome home.

Ray: Listen son, I'm sorry for bringing you up in my mess. I didn't mean to make you
feel that way. I bought your favorite fish to make it up to you. How's that?

Robin: (nervous) Oh yeah thanks, Pa. No worries Im okay now.

Ray: Let's eat yeah?


Robin: I'm sure, Pa wont notice if I just sneak out for a little while right?

*He sneaks to town*

*And many days past and he sneaks out more and more*

Bedroom- night

*Ray walks in to check on Robin with the lights off not noticing Robin is gone.*

Ray: Robin it's dinner.


Ray: Your not hungry?

Ray: suit yourself, kid.


• Robin comes back late laughing and stumbles upon his father's angry expression

Robin: Pa? Why aren't you at the market?

Ray: Why aren't you at home?

Robin: Pa listen, I went out to go check on the birds-

Ray: don't you lie to me, boy. Your shoes are dirty. And not just dirt dirty, mud dirty.

Ray: (shouts) what did I tell you about meeting up with those friends of yours?

Robin: we had fun, Pa! For the first time in years, I had fun. Why aren't you happy for

Ray: Happy? You blatantly disrespect me and you expect me to be happy? You don't
listen to me, you're not going to listen to no one. You are getting punished, give me your

Robin: (angry) No, I am not going to be punished for having fun. I'm

supposed to be feeling this. And you're suppose to be the one giving it to me.

Ray: Don't you tell me what to do.

Robin: I know you think people are bad and dangerous but they aren't, Pa. You have to
believe me. They're fun and teach me how to play soccer. I know how to shoot a goal
now! Let me show you.

Robin pulls his father by the hand, but his father stops him by pushing him Ray: You are
one confident boy to be toying with me like this. Don't

turn this around, I gave you a rule. You obey. Why are you so


Robin: They're not all that they seem, Pa! They're just like me. And

they listen to me.

Ray: That's what they always seem like, boy. Before long they'd turn

on you.

Robin: No they won't, I know they wont. They're my friends and I like being with them.
Ray: How many times do I have to drill this in your head, Robin? You can't trust them.
They'11 hurt you. And what do you know about the world. I've been on this earth longer
than you, so you listen to me. People are dangerous and evil. They only want to hurt you.
And when they do who will you run to again? Me right. You listen to me and you'll be
safe. I promise.

Robin: (angry) Pa, why do you never listen to me? I just told you how happy I am and
you still insist on keeping me locked up in this house? I want my own opinions, Pa. I
want my own ideas and discover the world on my own. It's so suffocating being with you.

Ray: (stern) How dare you, I am the only person who can keep you safe. You should be
grateful. You do not question my authority. If you keep disobeying like this 1'11 lock you
in the shed.

Robin: I'm not one of your little birds, Pa. You cant just keep me.

Birds want to fly, I want to fly. I deserve to experience it for myself.

Ray: That is it, you are going in the shed. You will not until I say so. come out

Robin: This is not fair! You can't do this to me.

*Ray drags robin to the shed and he starts to cry*

Robin: (sad) Please, Pa. You can't do this.

*ray slams the door shut*


*Ray sits and cries as he recalls back the memories of when they were happy, it gives him
the motivation to let him out*

Ray: Robin, I'm sorry. Let's talk about it-

*Ray opens the door only to find Robin gone*

Robin: Pa!

*Robin is on top of the roof*

Ray: (worried) You stupid, boy! Get down from there you'll get hurt!

Robin: I don't want to live in a cage anymore, I want to go on my own. If you're going to
keep me from that then I don't think we should live together, Pa. I want to be free, Im not
just a boy who you can keep in your collection. Im a human being who needs to grow.
And that means going outside! I am going either you like it or not!

Ray: Son, get down from there at once! You'll fall!

Robin walks off the roof but trips, causing him to fall to the

ground *The screen turns black as we see his father sulking at the lost of his child


*Ray walks to the shed and opens it somberly, as he pulls out his cage one by one. With
the birds chirping eagerly. And he opens the cage he sees they birds fly off into the sky.
Now he understand what his son meant*

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